Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Blacksmith says the way to make Mexico stop the southern border invasion pronto is cut off gringo dollars :-)

Vulcan atop Red Mountain in Birmingham, Alabama 

    I have a woman friend who married a Frenchman and they lived and worked a good while in France and in Birmingham, Alabama. She is bilingual and has dual citizenship. I met them around 1999, when we lived in the old apartment building where she and I now live today. He died a few years later, and one night he came to her in a dream and they talked about stuff, which he hoped would help her move on. Last night, she told me that she had dreamed about her own death to help her prepare for it. She is from Long Island and she worked in New York City and is very familiar with Donald Trump. She is appalled at what America has become.

    We have a mutual friend, whom I have known since childhood. A fabulous sculptress, she lived long stretches in Mexico, Canada and Europe, and she speaks their languages. She is not impressed with Donald Trump and is appalled with what America has become. She recently was commissioned to do a sculpture that might cause radical Islam to come after her the way it came after Salman Rushdie after this book The Satanic Verses was published. When I asked her if she was trying to get killed, she said everyone dies and she had heard that getting sliced up by a machete stops hurting after a while.

    Both amigas urged me to get a passport so that I can leave America if it goes totally off the rails. I told them that I’m glad they can do that, but I don’t have a passport and am too old and ailing physically to make such a move, and I have two doctors who keep patching me up so I can keep peeing and shooting off my mouth and painting bullseyes on my front and back. I told the gal from Long Island last night that America is the leaky ship I’m on, and in a gallows or dark humor way, the religious freaks and the politicos left and right in America provide plenty to entertain and get me into mischief. 

    Yesterday, my tech friend Bob, who is the reason The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast came into existence and quite a few of my books are free reads in the internet library,, and I will live quite a while on this world after my body gives up the ghost, texted me:

Have you seen anything from a Democrat in Washington DC that accurately deals with the US Mexico border? I know nothing has been done or even given lip service by Republicans. It is very difficult to see any solutions coming from our current groups of politicians.

    Around dawn today, I dreamed about a fellow named Pablo and Mexicans. Yesterday and last night, I read online and saw on TV that Donald Trump promised to shut down America’s southern border and deport a lot of Spanish people back to Mexico, if he is elected. I read online yesterday that Mexico has started stopping people from leaving Mexico for America. Pablo Escobar, the Columbian cocaine lord, and the Mexican drug cartels just naturally came to mind.

    I replied to Bob this morning.

I think I dreamed about this last night. I think three things got Trump elected in 2016. The Democrats ran crooked Hillary Clinton; Trump promised America’s Christian right that he would put their ilk on the US Supreme Court; and Trump promised he would build a wall between America and Mexico, and Mexico would pay for it. Trump got some of the wall built, and it had no noticeable effect on the invasion from Mexico, and Mexico paid nothing for the wall that had no noticeable effect. President Biden and most Democrats think the more Spanish people allowed in through Mexico, the better. I think they have lost their fucking minds and are making the Mexican and Columbian drug cartels feel like they died and went to heaven. All Trump had to do when he was President to make Mexico stop the invasion, which Biden could have done, was stop Mexican manufactured products and services and fruits and vegetables from coming into America, and stop Americans from going to Mexico with their money, and stop people in America from sending money to people in Mexico, until Mexico stopped the invasion. How long with no gringo dollars before Mexico stopped the invasion? A month? That the very stable  Wharton School of Finance graduate Make America Great Again geious did not do that when he was president demonstrates just how fucking dumb he really is. Or, he figured it out but didn’t want the cartels to send machetes after him. Or, his balls are so small that his dick couldn’t think about anything but the next pussy he would grab. That his adoring MAGAs didn't call him out on that speaks volumes about their grey matter and patriotism. Santa Anna is laughing his fucking ass off.

    In an entirely different blacksmith humor universe, this happened yesterday at The Periodical Compass Sutstack newsletter:

The Blacksmith’s Poem

My Poems

I—a blacksmith,

Hath forged my way o’er steel and fire,

Upon beckoned hands and molten metal

I layeth down sword and shield.

I fan the flames of the furnace.

Chiseled in the ages rests my frame,

Hammering of the efforts draweth out

the iron of my life. 

Copper, Silver, and Gold composeth 

the whole alloy of mine own spine.

The Lord hath quenched my flame, 

and again I am aflame anew,

Casting aside all doubt, 

tempering each shaping 

of mine own life.

I—a blacksmith,

Hath forged my way.

Sloan Bashinsky | Substack

In the spring of 1995, this poem fell out of me in my home in Boulder, Colorado:

the sacred prism
through which souls are refracted
into their elemental parts,
purified in Holy Fire,
then one-forged
and sent on their way
to not even God knows where,
simply because they are all
unique emanations of God,

A few months passed and I dreamed of a huge, black, ominous storm headed toward me. On waking, I went into a trance and was lying on my back on a huge black anvil under a huge black blacksmith pounding me with his huge black hammer in his red hot forge. I came out of the trance and this poem leaped out of me.

I am the blacksmith

This storm is my forge

You are my carbon gemsteel 

I hammer into my black diamond lasersword

to cut lightning and thunder into stars and gold

and slice hail and snow into diamonds and rainbows

A few months later, my marriage suddenly ended. 

I went to Nepal, after the travel agent said good luck getting a flight on such short notice, and I asked her to look anyway, and she was astonished to find a flight out in a few days. 

I took a bus from Kathmandu to Pokhara, to trek up to Annapurna Base camp. I was really out of shape, and I was traveling alone and moving very slowly. 

Exhausted, wet from rain, cold from altitude, emotionally wrecked, flooded with dreams, visions and revelations that could not have come from anything Carl Jung would have recognized, I went to sleep in a lodge where I had stopped and had a hot shower, a 1-gallon metal bucket of hot water for 50 cents, to use to soap down head to foot and put the bucket above my head and rinse my hair and body. I ate dinner, decided to give up and head back to Pokhara, and went to sleep. 

I dreamed of riding my bicycle where I had lived before flying to Nepal up the road from Homewood past the statue of Vulcan the Blacksmith on Red Mountain overlooking Birmingham, my hometown. Half way up the grade, I gave up and turned the bicycle back down toward Homewood and lost control of the bicycle and was headed into a wreck off the road when I woke up. 

I decided to keep trekking up to Annapurna Base Camp, which is where mountain climbers staged before climbing huge peaks that dwarfed the Colorado Rockies. The next morning, the rain was gone, the sun warmed me up and I felt reborn and resumed the trek upward. 

On my right side was Fishtail Mountain, its peak looked like a whale’s tail. It was said the gods lived there and people not from Nepal were not allowed on it. 

I spent some time beside a beautiful whitewater river, which my canoe, kayak, C-1 and C-2 river rat friends and I would have loved to paddle back when I was a river rat. I was exhausted and I said out loud that I never wanted to climb another mountain. 

When I reached Annapurna Base Camp and checked into the lodge, the sky was clear. I took my 50-cent shower and had my 1 dollar meal, dal bhat, which all the sherpas, porters and trek guides took at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. every day. I went to bed with the other trekkers, looking forward to getting up to see the sun come up over Fishtail and light up the towering peaks across from it. 

The next day was foggy, and trekkers from all over the world and I hung out in the lodge drinking tea, sharing stories, playing cards, and eating meals. Same the next day. The next morning was clear, and we walked up a hill behind the lodge to watch the sunrise. 

As the sun cleared Fishtail and lit up the towering peaks, I saw the blacksmith in front of the peaks, as tall as they were. I went down onto one knee, thinking I would hear, “The father and I are one.” Instead, I heard, “The son and I are one. The son and I are one.” I was trembling, holding back tears, wondering what that meant? 

I walked down to the lodge, paid my bill, and headed back down, having no clue how many more mountains I would climb, how many more whitewater rivers I would paddle, how many more furnaces I would be in- not imagining the hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis I would be in- nor how many cobras and black widows would bite me, nor how many lions, tigers, bears, great white sharks, orcas, crocodiles and T-Rexes would eat me. And, I would somehow survive. 

It would be years before my addled mind realized the blacksmith was the Christ, who would be joined by Melchizedek, and later by Kali, and they all had at me in their forges over and over and over again. I take no credit for any of it, except I didn’t kill myself, and for all know, something stayed my hand. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Hey America religious right, what would you do to Jesus if he walked among you today?

Hey American Christians, did you ever read in the Gospels that Jesus said many are called but few are chosen?

    I read the April 27 post at Radio Free Rulo and saw my letter to the editor from “Star Man”, all of which you can read by clicking on this link, . 

    After thinking awhile, I submitted Star Man’s second submission to Free Radio Rulo:

Ahoy delightful Wonder Bread Truck!
We up here on the Mother Ship read your April 27 cosmic howler with tickled pink interest. However, we do have some curiosity about The Church of Dudo hangs out with The Road Warrior, who got religion, or maybe it got him, and he passionately hung himself on a cross for quite a while in Hollywood, after getting his braveheart self yanked apart by an English king’s horses in Hollywood. We watched those movies back home and we wondered how much of them were made up, and how much of them were for real?
One of our ancestors walked on your planet a couple of thousand of your Earth years ago, and he tried to help people in what is now called Palestine learn to live in a different way, and he got hung on a cross and hidden in a cave by friends of his, and our ancestral physicians patched him up with technology unfamiliar even now to people of Earth. After he wandered around India for a while, he was beamed back up, and he lived several hundred more Earth years watching how his efforts on Earth were turning out. 
As you can imagine, our ancestors were reluctant to set foot again on Earth, but they kept coming around in their spacecraft, which travel much faster than the speed of light, because they felt some responsibility for how it was going with their distant cousins. Our ancestors tried to influence Earth people with what you might liken to radio frequencies designed to affect neural pathways and bring about new ways of thinking and behaving. However, another space faring race came to Earth from a different star system, who were kinda like the Klingons in your Star Trek tales. They learned what our ancestors were up to and fired a few pulse cannon shots across our ancestors’ bows, and our ancestors made their ships shift dimensions so the other race could not detect them.
The other race took to tinkering with the people of Earth in ways somewhat reported by your author Whitley Strieber, and further mutations from the Pleiadean DNA occurred. What in your eastern traditions is called the yin was damaged with unfortunate consequences. Based on what you report from your Wonder Bread Truck, we feel we can say with some degree of certainty that the local politicians in Rulo seem determined to prove your Charles Darwin got it backwards: monkeys were intelligent and some of them devolved into humans.
But let us set that aside and look forward. Our scientists think what you are doing in that Wonder Bread Truck and the Church of Dudo creates vibrations your Nicholas Tesla might have appreciated. The vibrations can repair some of the damage done to your ancestral Pleiadean DNA, and we encourage you to keep on doing what you are doing. 
However, we hope your wife in Dubai will try to persuade America’s President Biden to allow the auto industry to use a device in the U.S. Patent Office, which can be installed in old and new cars and trucks. The device uses electrolysis to convert water into hydrogen fuel. A sedan equipped with that device  can go several hundred miles on a gallon of water. The oil industry will lose its glow, and your planet Earth will live a lot longer, and our distant cousins will live a lot longer, if a nuclear war can be avoided. Our ancestors discovered nuclear fusion eons ago and decided it was too dangerous to use.
As for us, for now, we are beaming frequencies to Earth, which we hope will help our distant cousins develop different perspectives that help them live differently. However, the other spacefaring race might counter our efforts, as they counted our ancestors’ efforts, but our technology has evolved. We cannot be seen or affected by the other space faring race, but we can see them, and maybe someday we might deal with them. if will help if you wife can persuade  President Biden to release to the general public all of America’s classified ET files. That  will change our distant cousins’ perspectives of just about everything :-).
We offer the poem below as an entry in your upcoming poetry slam.
Star Man over and out

Vexing Truth
Life is Poetry,
Poetry is Life,
There's no more to say,
but that would make God
a really dull boy,
now wouldn't it, Eve?

So, Eve, What say you?
After all,You have been,
still are,
blamed,for everything that went wrong
with hu - MAN - i - ty.
Well, do you really want to hear
what I gotta say?

Is this one of those
be careful what you ask for pregnancies?
Well, is it?
Probably, but say what you wish -
I s'pect you need to be heard.

Funny you mention ears.
Yes, ears.
Such important receptacles.
Yet filled with concrete,
shit, propaganda, beliefs,certainties,
well, let's not leave out
now should we?
By the way,
where do ya suppose
God came from?
Or, out of?

And, why do ya s'pose
I made Eve
in my own IMAGE?’
'Cause Adam was
so bored and dull -
so ... predictable
He was BORING!!!
the shit outta me!!!
That's why.

Shusssssh -
Don't go round quoting me
on any of that -
I've had quite enough of the religious right 
ta last me
the rest of forever!

    Back down on Planet Earth, someone liked something I had commented at Poetic Outlaws Substack newsletter and followed my Substack newsletter, so I subscribed to his Substack newsletter, The Periodical Compass. I read some of his posts.which covered a wide range of esoteric spiritual traditions, but it seemed he was rooted in esoteric Hindu tradition, and I wondered if he viewed this art of the Hindu Goddess Kali standing on Shiva to mean Kali doesn’t care for how men think?
    In the fall of 2002, a woman I was sweet on came to me in a dream and said, “Sloan, you married Kali!” I then was put through yet another season of looking hard at me in the mirror, I came to view the Hindu Goddess of destruction and rebirth sort of like a female version of Jesus in the Gospels.

    This morning, I noticed The Periodical Compass has a chat feature, and I opened it and read this below and thought the host is rooted in the esoteric Christian tradition, so told him a little about myself. 

Nicholas Morrissey 
What Deity did Jesus pray to?
Apr 18

Korey Fool 
Strike His Father. Who was his Mother?

His Daddy!

Nicholas Morrissey
Was his father an entity? or Formless?

Nicholas Morrissey
His mother was Mary :-)

Nicholas Morrissey 
Christ did not pray to a female God.


As far as I know, it was his father, for his father is God.

Nicholas Morrissey 
Another way of asking would be: Since so many, including myself pray to both God the Father, and Christ Jesus, His son - did Jesus also have a form to pray to? as we have him in form, and Formlessly.

Jim Ritchie
He left a prayer, but if God is his father and he is part of God, then he would have an interior dialogue, rather than a prayer. What do you think?

Help Everyone 
Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Updates From earth

He understood the god hidden within us all, the most well-hidden truth to those who are not enlightened, he had masses of clues to the real nature of the Godhead, not the fearful man made nonsense used as a political truncheon.

Help Everyone 
The message was to help everyone. Everything after that - death, resurrection, whatever. The message was help. That's what he died for.

Definitely Venus

Nicholas Morrissey 
Great answers!

Jesus doesn't pray. Jesus saves

Help Everyone 
And takes half damage.

Nicholas Morrissey 
Jesus prayed constantly.

Nicholas Morrissey
 “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”.

Nicholas Morrissey 
He also taught his disciples and therefore the rest of the world, ‘The Lord’s Prayer’.

Help Everyone
I was told “never stop learning.” I was told "never give up." I was told "share and be kind." I am only followin...   
Although sometimes the priests prey.

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit of God are one. Yeshua prayed to His Father. He, Yeshua, was born into the world a human, not with the power of God, but lived as a human. That was the point. Once He ascended into heaven He joined with His Father and will be the arbiter of judgment, an intercessor for His followers, and not for those who rejected Him. Those who have not seen the light will not be judged by it however no one is without sin which cannot enter into the presence of the Father. It is for this reason that while on the cross, He cried out “ my God, why have you forsaken me”. Once He bore the weight of the sins of man, His Father had had to withdraw from Him. It’s possible that man, unredeemed, would not survive being in the presence of God. When God passed before Moses, He covered Moses with his “hand” so that Moses would not die. Mary, the mother of Yeshua, is not an intercessor. She was surely blessed but also bore great sorrow. While she was a simple human, I’m sure the Father, the Son and the Spirit would take offense to crude or vulgar references to her. In fact crude and vulgar language is a sin. One I am guilty of and sometimes try to rein in with occasional success.

Help Everyone 
Good way to get everyone to block you.

Sloan Bashinsky
In Gethsemane, knowing what lay ahead, Jesus prayed, Luke 22:42, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.” In that prayer, Jesus did not view himself as God. Nor in the Lord’s prayer, “Our Father who art in Heaven, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,” did Jesus view himself as God. So, how did the early church make Jesus God? How did the early church make the Holy Spirit male, when in Jesus's tradition, the spirit of God was called Shekinah, gender female? In the Old Testament, Wisdom is assigned the female gender. How does an all male God reproduce, except by cloning itself? Is the all male Christian Trinity homosexual?
In March 2004, I was asked by the angel Michael in my sleep, “What do you think of the species?" I was having a really rough go at that time. Every day for some time, I was receiving caustic energy shocks in my body and soul, because I was not getting right what I was being asked to do, because I was operating from my male energy, when I needed to be operating from my female energy, my yin, my anima. I felt like I was being taken over by Lucifer. I woke up and said I did not like being asked that question,  but since I was asked, my answer is, the species has lost its creativity and is cloning itself spiritually and is devolving. Look at the mess I am, after all the help angels have given me. If what angels did for me is done for humanity, perhaps 500,000 individuals will survive it. Perhaps more kind to remove humanity from this planet and put it somewhere it has a better chance of moving forward, instead of backward. Later I reduced the number to 50,000 survivors. Later I reduced the number to 5,000. Later I reduced it to 500.
I subscribed to this platform recently and read several of your posts, Nicholas. This morning, I saw the chat option, and that’s how I got here. I wonder what your everyday life is like? I wonder how you engage the grist mill each day serves up? As I read Jesus in the Gospels, that was his way, and the way he taught in the Gospels. For him,  actions spoke louder, yet how many times have I heard Christians say, works cannot get anyone into heaven? Yet Jesus’s brother James said in his letter, not to ask him about his faith, but look to his works and see his faith there.
I’m a mystic. I never had a human spiritual teacher, although I have known many people who did have a human teacher. Once, a Sufi teacher tried to convince me that God had sent me to him to learn the way of the heart, and I asked the Sufi who was St. Francis of Assisi’s teacher? The Sufi said he did not know. I said St. Francis had no human teacher, he was captured by Jesus. In that moment, something not of this world came between the Sufi and me. I got gooseflesh, the hairs on my arms stood up, tears came to my eyes. The Sufi was was aware of what had joined us. I said, “You see?” I had been alerted beforehand that something interesting was going to happen and to stay on my toes.
In the Gospels Jesus told the men disciples that a student could not be greater than his teacher, but they could become like him, and even greater works than he did, they would do. He also told them that he taught the masses in parables, but in secret he taught them what wise  men and kings would give all they had to possess. What did he teach them in secret, which is not told in the Gospels? 
The disciples were still children when Jesus left them. After they received the Holy Spirit at :Pentecost, the seeds Jesus had planted in them were sprouted and the Holy Spirit grew them into men God could use. Now they were born again. And then their walk with God really began.
As Jesus had to do in the wilderness, and later, they had to deal with their demonic twin, which every person has. There was no quick salvation. It was a work in progress. To the extent they lived as Jesue lived and taught them to live, they were saved by him. His baptism was not in water, but was in fire and spirit, which is at the core of every spiritual tradition.

    In the Islam mystic Sufi tradition is a saying, “Let God kill him who himself does not know and yet presumes to show others the way to the door of His Kingdom."

    In Proverbs is a saying, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

    In Matthew, Jesus says, “For many are called, but few are chosen.” 

    So, how did the early church get the notion that all someone had to do to be saved by Jesus was to believe he was the Son of God and he died on the cross for their sins?

    And, how did early church come up with the notion that only people saved by Jesus in that way died and went to heaven, and every one else died and went to hell forever?

    Could it be that such cheap salvation was a bit more attractive than the steep and narrow Jesus in Gospels lived and taught?

    Could it be that the easier it was to be saved by Jesus, the more saved people there were, and the more money they gave to the early church?

    I dunno, maybe In God’s eyes we are all homeless?

    One Sunday afternoon in 2001, I stood back toward the end of a long line waiting to be served a meal by Glad Tidings Tabernacle Church in Key West. One of the church members told us, if we were saved by Jesus, we would not be homeless. I said pretty loud, “What’s wrong with being homeless, Jesus was homeless!” I paused, said, “Every person in this line, except a Jewish man, has been saved several times by Jesus, and we are homeless.

    After being served my lunch, I went off alone under a tree and began eating. A young pastor named Mark walked over and asked me why had said Jesus was homeless? I asked Mark if he had read his Bible? He asked what did I mean? I said, in the Gospels, Jesus aid he was homeless. Mark asked where in the Gospels? I said, when a man told Jesus he wanted to follow him and Jesus said the foxes have their dens and the birds have their nests and he Son of Man has no place to lay his head. Mark said that didn’t mean Jesus was homeless. I said it certainly did mean that. Mark said Jesus could have stayed in his mother’s home. I asked Mark, where in the Gospels does it say Jesus ever stayed in his mother’s home?