Sunday, July 7, 2024

karma and other inconveniences in American politics and religion

    I posted the Was President Biden’s poor performance during the presidential debate a Divine Intervention?post into and got quite a few responses. 

    There seemed to be no interest in the notion that President Biden’s dismal performance during the recent presidential debate might have been a Divine Intervention, which puzzled me, because I figured religious people would  give that notion at least a pause to reflect.

   Three comments and my responses.

I think you will have to provide a definition of "war criminal," and then demonstrate how Biden fits that description.

In the law his what’s is called aiding and abetting, aka, being an accomplice. Someone who helps someone else commit a crime is guilty of the crime committed, no matter what it is. Biden kept giving money and weapons and ammo to Israel after he saw Israel killing, maiming, starving and uprooting and displacing a whole loft of unarmed Gaza men, women and children  civilians. Biden is as guilty as Israel. As are the US Congress members who did the same. 

I'm a retired lawyer who clerked for a US District Judge that presided over every federal criminal prosecution in north Alabama.

Another law is the principal is liable for the acts of the principal’s agents, thus Donald Trump is guilty of what the mob he incited did in the nation’s capitol on January 6, 2021, which was an attempt to overthrow the election, thus the national government, and, since he was still the president, and he waited a while so he would watch them do his bidding and marvel over it, before he got on TV and told them to stand down and leave, he proved he was in control of the mob all along.

If you think I give Hamas and its leaders a free pass, I don’t. The October 7 raid, which was my 80th birthday, was bait, designed to provoke Israel to do what it did in Gaza, and to provoke America to give Israel whatever It needed to do what it did, in Gaza. From Hamas’s perspective, the civilians Israel and America killed in Gaza, the better.

In olden times, the penalty for such crimes was being hanged by the neck until dead. I say Biden, the members of Congress who sided with him helping Israel, the Hamas leaders, the leaders of Israel, Trump, and his January 6 mob all should be hanged by the neck until dead in a Nuremberg like proceeding. 

If you think that’s out of line, I have a very good friend who voted twice for Trump, and may w4ell vote for him this year. My friend a US Army Special Forces combat veteran. After the January 6 insurrection, he said all of the people who did it should have been shod dead. He did not say Trump should have been shot dead.

Try to imagine the karma Hamas, Israel, Biden, Congress and Amerians who backed Israel  in Gaza. Try to imagine the karma Hamas racked up starting with its October 7 raid. Try to imagine the karma Trump and his mob and people who still back them racked up on January 6.

Try to imagine a demon infiltrating every one of them, for that is what happened. 

What sort of god would do such a thing?

Do you mean demonic? 


Karma is not part of western religion, although Jesus did say in the Gospels, as you sow, so shall you reap, which is how karma, plus or minus, works. America has gotten itself into a predicament it cannot fix, and there is plenty of lame to go around. There are reports in the Bible of people being stuck dead by something not of this world. How about the Red Sea being parted, to allow Moses and his followers to escape the Pharaoh's army, and then the sea returned and drowned the army. How about before that, the Angel of Death taking every first born male in Egypt after the Pharaoh declined Moses’s plea for the Pharaoh to let him and his people leave Egypt? 

Myth? Fact? 

I have ongoing dealings with angels and demons, and they do not operate anything like human beings operate. They can do things human beings cannot begin to imagine, and so I knew from that that anything is possible. I have no crystal ball, and I have no clue what will happen in the next 5 minutes, nor does any other human being. 

Biden was affected by an angel during the debate, because America doss not need a president who is a war crimes criminal in the White House. Whether the Democrats will ditch Biden for someone sees, who can say? America does not need Trump in the White House, either. The same or a similar demon that got into Hitler and his top people and more of the German population, is doing something similar in Trump and the MAGAs and the Republicans who have abandoned their Party for expediency.

What will happen? I don’t know.

A lawyer who believes in angels and demons? Color me skeptical.

From when I was a child, because of my family being Southern Baptists and my mother switched to the Episcopal sect and took her children with her, I believed God, angels and demons exists. In my 45th year, something happened that proved to me God by some name and angels bosom name exist, I could never prove it to anyone else, much less in a court of taw. After that, I was having direct experiences pretty much everyday. Mostly, it was subtle but not ordinary physical sensations, I came to recognize, and dreams that cleary were choreographed, and some visions, and some direct communications in plain English when i was asleep, and telepathically when I was so-called awake, and lots of prodding, nagging, spanking, rebuking, carrying me, redirecting me,, etc, and being stood before endless mirrors looking at me, still in progress. A few years after the good guys showed up, I started meeting the bad guys, the demonic section, inchoate, in me, in other people, and that was a whole lot of fun, and it’s still going on today. Again, I can’t prove any of it, and if I thought I could, I would be nuts. But I will say, if you lived in my skin for a little while, you would not need any persuading :-)

Will you please just answer my question?

I did answer your question. You are free to be skeptical and have a great deal of company.

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