I realized many years ago, that my problem, and humanity’s problem, was we killed Eve.
Consider this newsletter and my comments below it.
Israel Supporters Would Defend Literally Any Israeli AtrocityCAITLIN JOHNSTONE
DEC 10, 2023

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
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Israel supporters are like, “No no you don’t understand, the side that’s killing babies and incinerating families and assassinating journalists and starving civilians and bombing cultural heritage sites and carpet bombing entire neighborhoods and driving an indigenous people off their land are the GOOD guys.”
There is literally nothing Israel could do that its supporters wouldn’t defend. Try to fill in the blank in “Israel could _______ and people would defend it” with something that wouldn’t be true. Most of the insanely evil things you could put in that space are already actually being done. Genocide? They’re already doing that. Murdering babies? They’re already doing that. Killing thousands of children? Already doing that. Deliberately targeting and assassinating journalists, artists and scholars? Already doing that.
Israel supporters will defend any evil — literally any evil — as long as it is being perpetrated by their favorite regime. There are zero constraints of any kind, because Israel supporters are completely uninterested in morality. If they were, they wouldn’t be supporting one of the most immoral governments on this planet even after all it has done in the last two months.
Part of the problem is the widespread consensus that October 7 means Israel is justified in doing literally anything in response, no matter how heinous. Israel could exterminate the entire population of Gaza and its supporters would still be saying “WHAT ABOUT OCTOBER 7??”

A new Israelis study found that Israel is killing civilians in Gaza at a significantly higher rate than civilians were killed in the world wars of the 20th century. Military analysts have said that the destruction in northern Gaza is comparable to the most aggressive World War II bombing campaigns in places like Dresden, Hamburg and Cologne.
US officials were reportedly shocked when Israeli officials indicated they were preparing to inflict civilian casualties in Gaza that would be reminiscent of world war horrors, and then, in typical Israeli fashion, they went and did even worse.
Biden killing Ukraine peace negotiations and backing a genocide in Gaza are both worse than anything Donald Trump has ever done.
Israel apologists often cite the fact that the majority of Jews support Israel to substantiate their ridiculous position that opposition to Israel is anti-semitic, but that statistic is not actually morally relevant or logically interesting. Any population that’s sufficiently saturated with propaganda and indoctrination will wind up mostly supporting the thing they’re being propagandized and indoctrinated into supporting; that’s the purpose of propaganda and indoctrination.
The majority of westerners subscribe to the mainstream worldview which supports western imperialism for exactly the same reason — because they were propagandized and indoctrinated into that worldview. This doesn’t mean western imperialism shouldn’t be ferociously opposed; it absolutely must be. Even if that puts you standing against the indoctrinated majority.

The funny thing about the claim that anti-Zionism is anti-semitism is that most Zionists aren’t even Jewish. The majority of them are Christians who hope all Jewish people go to Israel so that Jesus will return, then Jewish people get to either repent and convert to Christianity or go to hell.
What that means is, in a very real and quantifiable way, most Zionists are actual anti-semites.
It’s so surreal to get called the worst thing in the world for opposing the worst thing in the world. You oppose children being murdered by the thousands in Gaza and you’ll get accused of harboring the same prejudices that led to the Holocaust. It makes you feel you’re going mad.
The US is sponsoring a relentless genocidal massacre that’s killing, crippling and tormenting innocents in the most horrific ways imaginable, and Americans are being persuaded to focus instead on a completely fictional epidemic of genocidal rhetoric against Jews at universities.
And I do mean completely fictional — nothing of the sort is happening. It’s like pointing to a clip of Darth Vader destroying a planet in Star Wars to distract from the actual real life atrocities in Gaza.
The fake epidemic of genocidal chants on campus reminds me of the fake epidemic of Russian propaganda, when “Russian propaganda” was defined as “any criticism of US foreign policy”. Falsely define common pro-Palestine chants as calls to genocide Jews and you can then declare an epidemic of genocidal rhetoric.

It goes like this:
Step 1: Arbitrarily declare that common innocuous pro-Palestine chants are actually calls for genocide.
Step 2: Pretend there’s an emergency epidemic of university students calling for genocide on campus because they use those chants.
Step 3: Kill pro-Palestine speech on campus.
Just spitballing here but maybe the most efficient way to prevent western youth from becoming radicalized against Israel is not to censor the internet and kill free speech at universities but to make Israel stop murdering thousands of innocent people.
Sloan BashinskyI think, Caitlin, that you should steer away from the war in Ukraine, which Russia started and did and continues doing in Ukraine what Israel is doing in Gaza.
I started reading your newsletters about three weeks ago, after you subscribed to my Substack and invited me to subscribe to yours. I already was reading Chris Hedges’s newsletters.
You and Chris, and nearly all of your combined readers who commented, gave Hamas a pass. I am the only reader who kept pointing out that Hamas has a hand in it, too, and I kept getting slammed for doing it.
A couple of days ago, Chris published a newsletter entitled, "The Evil Israel Does is the Evil Israel Gets," Chris said Hamas’ Evils are small compared to Israel’s Evils, and back to bashing Israel Chris went.
I commented,
"Perhaps this explains why Jesus said in the Gospels to resist not one who does evil, and to pray for and do good to your enemies? It still looks to me that Hamas figured out what would cause the people running Israel to go insane and have their military do in Gaza what it has done in Gaza, and that is what Hamas wanted to happen, otherwise, Hamas would have offered to return the October 7 hostages in exchange for Israel stop attacking Gaza and pull its troops out of Gaza. I think Hamas views all the dead and wounded Gazans as martyrs, necessary sacrifices to turn the entire world against Israel, and to turn every Gazan allegiant to Hamas. I think President Biden and the U.S. Congress also should be tried for war crimes, for not cutting off all money, weapons and ammo to Israel after its military attacked Gaza. I wonder if the only cure for what is going on in Palestine is Israel detonates its nukes, becoming a suicide national jihad, to make Judaism and Christendom’s so-called 'holy land' unlivable and nothing to fight over.”
A dream last night nudged me to say finger-pointing and war are pure testosterone and zero estrogen, all yang and no yin, all Adam and no Eve.
In Judaism, the Spirit of God is called Shekinah, feminine gender. In the Old Testament, Wisdom is assigned the feminine gender. According to Christianity, its Trinity is all male, and good luck convincing Christians that the Holy Spirit is the female side of God- Shekinah.
Shekinah favors compassion, restraint, and looking in the mirror and taking fearless and searching inventories of the beams in our own eyes.
I hope Shekinah gains sway over the people leading Israel and Hamas, and over President Biden and the U.S. Congress, and over anyone who takes either side in that horrific war.
russian_bot"I started reading your newsletters about three weeks ago, after you subscribed to my Substack and invited me to subscribe to yours" - attaboy Sloan!
I started wondering whether you white clothes got caught up in the ladder somewhere as you failed to come down to us plebes here for a couple of posts.Do you pinch your nose when you continue to sprinkle your diarrhea all over the forum? The stink is unbearable.
Sloan BashinskyYou are Caitlin’s “free speech” press secretary? :-)Perhaps a south Alabama liberal white chick’s poem better represents Shekinah?
“Pigs in mud”All want the security of the well fed pig.
Horror at the baseness unrecognized.
A lifetime spent in shirt stuffing.
And pen comparison.
Is truth more palatable when honeyed?
Is a stark soulscape less so with the eyes of Monet?
May my affectations always be understood.Or a poem that up and leaped out of me a few years ago, to remind me to keep taking my own fearless and searching inventories?"Bi Polar"
the world's favorite
mood disorder
the cause of all
human ails,
including wars,
if the demons aren't counted
bi polar disorder,
the destruction of the
south pole,
the feminine,
the north pole,
he ain't been
right in the head
since she's been goneSome time passed, and this arrived:"Eve's Answer”Vexing Truth
Life is Poetry,
Poetry is Life,
There's no more to say,
but that would
make God
a really dull boy,
now wouldn't it,
So, Eve,
What say you?
After all,
You have been,
still are, blamed,
for everything that went wrong withhu - MAN - i - ty.Well, do you really want to hear
what I gotta say?
Is this one of those
be careful what you ask for
Well, is it?
Probably, but say
what you wish -
I s'pect you need
to be heard.
Funny you mention ears.
Yes, ears.
Such important receptacles.
Yet filled with concrete,
shit, propaganda, beliefs,
certainties, well,
let's not leave out
should we?
By the way,
where do ya
God came from?
Or, out of?
why do ya s'pose
I made Eve
in my own
'Cause Adam was
so bored and dull -
so ... predictable
He was BORING!!!
the shit outta me!!!
That's why.
Shusssssh -
Don't go round quoting me on
any of that -
I've had quite enough of
the religious right
ta last me
the rest of forever
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