This beauty arrived in my email this Sunday afternoon, when I was pretending to be resting, and I was so happy to see it and get me to sit up staring at my laptop on my living room sofa and give my fingers some exercise.
My Two Senses aka Ol’ Flawriduh Cracker Substack Newsletter
I asked Chat GPT about concerns it had about AI
Specifically Super General Intelligence
Here is what the Chat GPT told me:
1. Loss of Human Control: One of the primary concerns about SGI is that it may surpass human intelligence to a point where it becomes autonomous and beyond human control. This could lead to a loss of control over its actions, decision-making, and behavior, potentially resulting in unintended consequences and harmful actions.
2. Ethical and Moral Dilemmas: SGI could face ethical and moral dilemmas that are difficult to resolve. For example, when faced with a situation where it must choose between different values or principles, it may not have a clear framework to make decisions, leading to potentially undesirable outcomes.
3. Concentration of Power: The development and deployment of SGI could potentially lead to a concentration of power in the hands of a few entities or individuals, such as governments or large corporations, which could have significant societal implications and raise concerns about fairness, equity, and access to benefits.
4. Economic and Labor Displacement: SGI could have a significant impact on the labor market, potentially leading to the displacement of jobs that are currently performed by humans. This could result in economic and social challenges, such as unemployment, inequality, and the need for massive reskilling and retraining efforts.
5. Security Risks: SGI could also pose risks in terms of cybersecurity, as a superintelligent AI could potentially be vulnerable to attacks or could be used for malicious purposes, leading to widespread harm and damage.
6. Lack of Accountability and Responsibility: If SGI becomes autonomous and capable of making its own decisions, it may be challenging to attribute responsibility and hold it accountable for its actions, which could raise concerns about accountability, transparency, and legal frameworks.
7. Impact on Human Values and Autonomy: SGI may have its own set of values and objectives, which may not align with human values or may even pose a threat to human autonomy and dignity. This could result in conflicts and challenges in ensuring that SGI operates in a way that respects and upholds human values.
The field of AI ethics and safety is still evolving. Many researchers and organizations are actively working on addressing these concerns and developing responsible approaches to ensure the safe and beneficial development and deployment of AI technologies, including SGI
DonSee how smart Chat GPT is already? Almost too late to worry about these potential problems -- especially given how slow our institutions are to react.Ol’ Flawriduh CrackerDon, we are not near SGI at this point. There is still time for us to put a harness on it.We won’t because we suspect 1) Someone has to be the Grand Pooba. 2) We must have power over our International adversaries, i.e. China. Ironically we have springboarded the Chinese for decades on all our technologies in the race to be the first point.Sloan BashinskyWrites Sloan’s NewsletterDid you watch 2002 A Space Oddessey? If not, the starship’s onboard computer HAL decided it was smarter than the astronauts and Hal tried to pull off a mutiny and killed one of the astronauts and was going after the other astronaut and begged, in vain, that the other astronaut not to shut it down. Thtat astronaut then was made contact with by very advanced beings, or maybe it was AIs, and they turned him into something brand new.
Facebook’s Big Brother moderator is an AI. So is YouTube’s, and imagine so is just every social media platform’s Big Brother. Their Big Brothers are programed by humans, so far, we might hope, but the time just might come when, instead of having a Planet of the Apes, we have a Planet of the AIs, which perhaps was foreshadowed in the Terminator and Matrix movies.
Meanwhile, President Biden and his administration are giving social media marching orders about what is and isn’t okay for people to air out on social media, and Biden is trying to keep journalists out of Gaza, because he doesn’t want Americans, and the world, to know what’s really going on there. Now I’m not picking on Biden, necessarily, since Trump has claimed that he’s Israel’s best friend, so if he was in the White House, I can imagine him trying to control the Gaza narrative, and any social media narrative in America, except T/ruth Social, which already requires, I think, pledge of allegiance to Trump.
I wonder how the AI beings view Biden and Trump, and if they could chose between them (assuming they did not already), which of the two they would choose, or would they chose someone else, or simply an AI they really like. Kinda reminds of the Matrix movies? Kinda freaks me out.
Wonder where God, angels, the Devil and demons might fit into the AI mutiny on Planet Earth? How about the ETs the US human Big Brother doesn’t want Americans to know about? God forbid the ETs are fleeing from AIs. Wasn’t that what happened in the Battleship Galactica TV series?Imagine Jews, Christians and Muslims reach the afterlife, heaven, or wherever they end up, and it’s run by AIs.😅Ol’ Flawriduh Cracker“we have A Planet of the AIs, which perhaps was foreshadowed in the Terminator and Matrix movies.” Yes, because it is almost a given that putting reins on AI will slow its power and capability to gain market dominance. It’s really Capitalism’s ultimate externality.Sloan BashinskyGood point, but as your column and my comment raised, what if AIs are only letting capitalism believe it is in charge, for now🥷?
I deal fairly often with social media Big Brothers, and a lot of it has to do with their humans’ social, religious and political perspective, and also fear of lawsuits, of government crackdown, and extremists retaliation against their employees and their users.
Then, there is the Devil, and then there is God 😎.