I have read here and there that Jesus was born in March, evidence by his sign, the fish, Pisces, and in early Christian times, the Winter Solstice, the bringing of the light, was a very important Pagan holiday, and hoping to win Pagans over to Christianity, Christian leaders changed Jesus’ birthday to December 25.
I also have read here and there that Christmas, as it came to be practiced in America, with the buying and giving of many presents, was invented by Jewish merchants in the late 1880s.
None of which, I imagine, interests Hamas and Israel today, other than they have seen to it that it might be a cold day in hell before Christians in America and other parts of the world flock to their so-called holy land to spend their money.
In early November, an American pro-Gaza/Hamas commentator subscribed to my Substack Newsletter and invited me to subscribe to hers, which I did and I found she has a large following who blame everything bad that happens in Palestine on Israel. So, I started shooting off my mouth in reader comments, and I created a cabal of Sloan bashers featured in previous posts at this blogspot and at my Substack newsletter. Here’s the latest from that religious sect.
December 19, 2023The Atrocities In Gaza Are The Perfect Embodiment Of 'Western Values'
Caitlin Johnstone
The Atrocities In Gaza Are The Perfect Embodiment Of 'Western Values'
Caitlin Johnstone
Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): When Israeli president Isaac Herzog described the as...
Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): When Israeli president Isaac Herzog described the assault on Gaza as a war “to save Western civilization, to save the values of Western civilization,” he wasn’t really lying. He was telling the truth — just maybe not quite in the way that he meant it.
Sloan Bashinsky
Writes Sloan’s Newsletter
Dec 20
Hamas was founded to destroy Israel. Unable to do it, Hamas baited Israel to do what it is doing.
The broken record - aka funny "Sloan" - has not failed to show up. It will soon remind the forum Caitlin invited it to join.
Can you scan your library to find a track to answer this one - who founded Hamas and why its aim has been for Israel to be destroyed?
Sloan Bashinsky
I read in several places online that Hamas’s Charter, created in 1987, called for the destruction of Israel. Maybe two weeks ago at his substack, war correspondent Chris Hedges described his close friendship with Hamas’ founder, Palestinian imam and activist Ahmed Yassin. Hamas is an acronym of its official name, the Islamic Resistance Movement (حركة المقاومة الإسلامية Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah).gypsy33Dec 20
Well, shit-for-brains, you FINALLY got something right—-“resistance movement”.
Resisting the Zionazis who have been displacing them for decades.
I’m so sorry that your life is so empty and pathetic that you have to spend it on hasbara sites.Sloan Bashinsky
Hamas is a religious - Islamic - outfit, no different from Israel, in that respect. What Hamas does defines what it is, just as what Israel does defines what it is. They both are terrorist outfits.Ernesto Che
You're reading old stuff. Try reading the 2017 charter: Hamas in 2017: The document in full
Hamas explains general principles and objectives in 42-article document
Pay particular attention to articles 16 and 20. When you've done that, report back.Sloan Bashinsky
Thanks for the link. I read the entire new charter, which does not expressly revoke the original charter. In new words, the new charter calls for the destruction, or the termination, or the elimination of the State of Israel. It assigns its authority to Allah. It is a religious document, first, as for that matter is the United States Declaration of Independence, which begins:
In Congress, July 4, 1776The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
From the 2017 Hamas charter:
8. By virtue of its justly balanced middle way and moderate spirit, Islam – for Hamas - provides a comprehensive way of life and an order that is fit for purpose at all times and in all places. Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. It provides an umbrella for the followers of other creeds and religions who can practice their beliefs in security and safety. Hamas also believes that Palestine has always been and will always be a model of coexistence, tolerance and civilizational innovation.
I don’t see middle way and moderate spirit in Israel or Hamas. I see terrorists running both.Ernesto Che
Obviously you have NOT read the 2017, and have only taken parts out of context.
You have either NOT read the 2 articles I mentioned explicitly or you consciously choose to IGNORE THEM as the completely destroy your bullshit.
And on that note I declare this discussion terminated. By all means, have the last word.Sloan Bashinsky
I read those 2 and all the other parts.Mike Fish
Careful Che.
Don’t fall for Slow Bullshitsky’s false narrative.
This isn’t about Hamas vs Israel.
It’s about ethnic cleansing and genocide.
Hamas is the newest scapegoat for the Jewish state of Israel’s newest depravity.
Slow(n) is not interested in being educated/enlightened.
Just a turd in the punchbowl.
It’s like trying to teach a rotten kid who’s just here to disrupt the class.
Classless one might say.
Happy solstice.
Well, not very happy, but you get the sentiment behind the greeting.Ernesto Che
Hey Mike, thanks for the heads up. My comment was not so much for him, I tried once to have a discussion with the cat but it is like banging your head against a brick wall.
I come across comments regularly now that mention only the old Hamas charter because people are either unaware of the new version or they willfully ignore the new one that destroys the “Hamas wants to exterminate the Jews” narrative.
So, others who read my comment and were unaware of the new version can go to it. I am certainly not interested in Slow Bullshitsky — love the moniker 🤣 👍
I wish you a good solstice too, and wish us both many fruitful discussions.Mike Fish
Brothers from another.Sloan Bashinsky
Great movie, Brother From Another Planet. Great fellow, that brother, until someone messed with him ...
It is said that the winter solstice heralds the bringing of the light. I wonder how much light Israel and Hamas can tolerate? Not much, if any, based on Oct 7 and thereafter.
Thor Swayze
Dec 20
“The reason The 2023 Palestinian Holocaust is worse than the WW 2 Jewish Holocaust is The Palestinian Holocaust can be ended with one phone call by one man *Genocide Joe Biden!*
That’s right Alzheimer’s Joe could call The IDF and tell them if the genocide doesn’t stop immediately The U.S will completely shut off all financial aid, all military aid & electronically shut down all U.S. weapons systems! Leading To The End of The Gaza Genocide! No one during WW2 could do that!” - Thor Swayze (Truth Teller)!
Sloan Bashinsky
I bet if Sleepy Joe makes that phone call, Israel tells Sleepy Joe, if he abandons Israel, he and his family will never be safe in America, because Israel’s best friend Donald Trump, according to Donald, and his legions will see to it that Biden and his family are not safe in America; and Biden, or whatever Democrat runs for president in 2024, will lose to Donald or whomever the Republicans run; and if backed into a corner where it feels it has no choice, Israel will detonate its nukes where it thinks is best for Israel. Now should that deter Sleepy Joe? No. He should make the phone call and back it up if Israel doesn’t stand down and pull IDF out of Gaza. And to help Sleepy Joe do it, Hamas should offer loudly on social and news media, to return all the Oct 7 hostages, if Irasel stops attacking Gaza and brings the IDF back to Israel. That Hamas has not already made that offer tells me that Hamas wants Israel to keep pulverizing Gaza and killing its civilians.Thor Swayze
*Israel is an occupying force it has no right to self defense!*
*All they (the US) can do is to keep talking about Israel's alleged right for self-defence, which, as an occupying state, it does not have, as was confirmed by the [UN] International Court consultative ruling in 2004.”*Sloan Bashinsky
The Oct 7 attack was not self defense, but was bait to provoke Israel to respond as it has responded. Israel took the bait. Hamas was delighted. Israel is proving it is a lot more like Nazi Germany than it pretended not to be. Except for America, the world has turned against Israel. Hamas has won the war in the court of public opinion. If America flips and stops sending Israel money, weapons and ammo, then Israel stands along against Hamas, which is the ultimate strategy of the Oct 7 attack. Hamas was ok sacrificing a many civilians in Gaza as it took to provoke Israel to turn the tenure world against it. That is not something anyone can imagine is possible, who does not understand radical Islam, which views the murdered Gazans as martyrs, who went straight to Paradise.David Lewis
Hamas has now said no hostages will be returned until Israel ceases its current activities.Sloan Bashinsky
That’s a l-o-n-g way from Hamas offering to return all Oct 7 hostages if Israel will stand down and being all its troops back to Israel.Since Oct 7, Hamas has used releasing the Oct 7 hostages in piecemeal to get Israel to return in piecemeal Palestinian prisoners in Israel, which, res ipsa loquitur (the thing speaks for itself), was far more important to Hamas than Israel murdering far more civilians in Gaza than it already had murdered. Picking either side, Hamas or Israel, is siding with Evil.
Thor Swayze
*On Wednesday, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) published a report alleging that Israeli forces carried out a mass execution of civilians in northern Gaza Tuesday, separating 11 men from their families and summarily shooting them.
This report and a similar allegation by the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor imply that Israel has moved from murdering civilians through bombing to mass executions.
In its report, the OHCHR in the Occupied Palestinian Territories reports that it “has received disturbing information alleging that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) summarily killed at least 11 unarmed Palestinian men in front of their family members in Al Remal neighbourhood, Gaza City, which raises alarm about the possible commission of a war crime.”*
United Nations reports Israeli forces are carrying out mass summary executions in Gaza
https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/12/21/akcl-d21.htmSloan Bashinsky
And still Hamas does not offer to release the remaining Oct 7 hostages, if Israel stops attacking Gaza and brings IDF back to Israel. Ergo, Hamas likes what Israel is doing in Gaza, because it is turning the entire world against Israel - except for America, where it is political suicide to abandon Israel.Thor Swayze
Israel can’t be trustedSloan BashinskyAgreed. Nor can Hamas.**********************neill_hereDec 20Daily struggle sessions with caitlin and crew. Yawn.Your team went in and killed 1,000 or so people and kidnapped a bunch more and you're crying that you are getting the shit beaten out of you? You claim that 100s of millions of westerners are barbarians for defending their people? You do have a point, when you punch we punch back, 10x harder - but only when you punch.Your team will issue a fatwa because someone drew a cartoon. Your team will behead a teacher because it didn't like an image presented to class. Your team will heave humans from buildings because of whom they choose to love. Your team oppresses its women. Fuck your team.Where are your teams leaders? Are they out in the field fighting with their people? Nope they are in cushy hotels in Qatar with their harems.These struggle sessions are the entire reason you assholes did 10/7. Your team knew israel would retaliate and your team figured they would start a propaganda intifada in the hopes of shaming israel for defending its people, while your team lets its people get destroyed...for a PR stunt.Whatever, caitlin. That chicom or fringe US marxist techie money must be sweet, but I'm not buying this crap. I'm not buying the 'indigenous' trope either, we're all from somewhere else and you have no historical claim on my house any more than I have claim to my ancestors' lands. Grow up.Your team is sacrificing all its pawns in gaza in an attempt to convince other pawns to empathize with them. Guess what your team will do with its new useful idiot pawns next time, while the rest of the team sits in Qatari hotels...pretzelattackyou admit the Israelis lied about the 1000. which side killed more Israelis on Oct 7, the IDF or Hamas. your daily lie sessions are not convincing anybody because the lies are so blatant, as blatant as that cartoon bomb Bibi used to try to convince the UN that the Israelis were just "defending themselves".neill_hereI admit nothing in this bullshit propaganda war. It doesn't matter anyway. The entire point of the exercise is to claim martyrdom - could be 10, could be 10,000 - hamas sacrificed suckers in gaza and will do the same to anyone else they deem useful idiots, like you perhaps.hierochloe"your team" some people always have to frame things like it's some kind of fucking simpleton's football game - your cable news is showingneill_herecaitlin sent the B team for this post.As long as you can only see this conflict through the lens of israel vs. hamas, you are a team player. Only when you can see it through the lens of pawns and pimps will you start to see what is really happening.hierochloeDec 21"As long as you can only see this conflict through the lens of israel vs. hamas, you are a team player." Congrats on working that out. Peak irony.Sloan BashinskyEach team here, actually almost one team, look like religions to me, and so very difficult to change.