Thursday, January 25, 2024

I wonder if international war correspondent Chris Hedges newsletter revenues increased after he started bashing Israel, President Biden and America and giving Hamas and Islam a free pass?


    When I lived in Key West, my friend and, lawyer and city commissioner Sam Kaufman told me that it didn’t bother him that I talk about my dreams, because Jewish people believe dreams come from God.

    In a dream around dawn yesterday, I saw Sam, and then a voice said maybe Sam didn’t understand my MRSA post. On waking, I could not imagine how anyone could read my recent post about Key West and Florida Keys waters being full of MRSA flesh-eating bacteria, and be confused.

    After breakfast, I opened my laptop and saw in my email account a new Israel-Hamas-Gaza newsletter from former international war correspondent Chris Hedges, who has rigorously blamed Israel, President Biden and America for everything going on in Gaza, while giving Hamas and Israel a free pass

    Chris has a lot of paid subscribers to his newsletter, including me. As I read his latest, I felt it I had found the MRSA in my dream, and I responded differently than I had in the past.

Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust

Chris Hedges

Text Originally Published Dec 29, 2023

Never Again and Again and Again - by Mr. Fish

Israel’s lebensraum master plan for Gaza, borrowed from the Nazi’s depopulation of Jewish ghettos, is clear. Destroy infrastructure, medical facilities and sanitation, including access to clean water. Block shipments of food and fuel. Unleash indiscriminate industrial violence to kill and wound hundreds a day. Let starvation — the U.N. estimates that more than half a million people are already starving — and epidemics of infectious diseases, along with the daily massacres and the displacement of Palestinians from their homes, turn Gaza into a mortuary. The Palestinians are being forced to choose between death from bombs, disease, exposure or starvation or being driven from their homeland.

There will soon reach a point where death will be so ubiquitous that deportation - for those who want to live - will be the only option.

Danny Danon, Israel's former Ambassador to the U.N. and a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Israel’s Kan Bet radio that he has been contacted by “countries in Latin America and Africa that are willing to absorb refugees from the Gaza Strip.” “We have to make it easier for Gazans to leave for other countries,” he said. “I'm talking about voluntary migration by Palestinians who want to leave.” 

The problem for now “is countries that are willing to absorb them, and we're working on this,” Netanyahu told Likud Knesset members.

In the Warsaw Ghetto, the Germans handed out three kilograms of bread and one kilogram of marmalade to anyone who “voluntarily” registered for deportation. “There were times when hundreds of people had to wait in line for several hours to be ‘deported,’” Marek Edelman, one of the commanders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, writes in “The Ghetto Fights.” “The number of people anxious to obtain three kilograms of bread was such that the transports, now leaving twice daily with 12,000 people, could not accommodate them all.”

The Nazis shipped their victims to death camps. The Israelis will ship their victims to squalid refugee camps in countries outside of Israel. Israeli leaders are also cynically advertising the proposed ethnic cleansing as voluntary and a humanitarian gesture to solve the catastrophe they created.

This is the plan. No one, especially the Biden administration, intends to stop it.

The most disturbing lesson I learned while covering armed conflicts for two decades is that we all have the capacity, with little prodding, to become willing executioners. The line between the victim and the victimizer is razor thin. The dark lusts of racial and ethnic supremacy, of vengeance and hate, of the eradication of those we condemn as embodying evil, are poisons that are not circumscribed by race, nationality, ethnicity or religion. We can all become Nazis. It takes very little. And if we do not stand in eternal vigilance over evil — our evil — we become, like those carrying out the mass killing in Gaza, monsters. 

The cries of those expiring under the rubble in Gaza are the cries of the boys and men executed by the Bosnian Serbs at Srebrenica, the over 1.5 million Cambodians killed by the Khmer Rouge, the thousands of Tutsi families burned alive in churches and the tens of thousands of Jews executed by the Einsatzgruppen at Babi Yar in Ukraine. The Holocaust is not an historical relic. It lives, lurking in the shadows, waiting to ignite its vicious contagion.   

We were warned. Raul HilbergPrimo LeviBruno BettelheimHannah ArendtAleksandr Solzhenitsyn. They understood the dark recesses of the human spirit. But this truth is bitter and hard to confront. We prefer the myth. We prefer to see in our own kind, our own race, our own ethnicity, our own nation, our own religion, superior virtues. We prefer to sanctify our hatred. Some of those who bore witness to this awful truth, including Levi, Bettelheim, Jean Améry, the author of “At the Mind's Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and Its Realities,” and Tadeusz Borowski, who wrote “This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen,” committed suicide. The German playwright and revolutionary Ernst Toller, unable to rouse an indifferent world to assist victims and refugees from the Spanish Civil War, hanged himself in 1939 in a room at the Mayflower Hotel in New York City. On his hotel desk were photos of dead Spanish children.

“Most people have no imagination,” Toller writes. “If they could imagine the sufferings of others, they would not make them suffer so. What separated a German mother from a French mother? Slogans which deafened us so that we could not hear the truth.”

Primo Levi railed against the false, morally uplifting narrative of the Holocaust that culminates in the creation of the state of Israel — a narrative embraced by the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. The contemporary history of the Third Reich, he writes, could be “reread as a war against memory, an Orwellian falsification of memory, falsification of reality, negation of reality.” He wonders if “we who have returned” have “been able to understand and make others understand our experience.” 

Levi saw us reflected in Chaim Rumkowski, the Nazi collaborator and tyrannical leader of the Łódź Ghetto. Rumkowski sold out his fellow Jews for privilege and power, although he was sent to Auschwitz on the final transport where Jewish Sonderkommando —  prisoners forced to help herd victims into the gas chambers and dispose of their bodies  — in an act of vengeance reportedly beat him to death outside a crematorium.

“We are all mirrored in Rumkowski,” Levi reminds us. “His ambiguity is ours, it is our second nature, we hybrids molded from clay and spirit. His fever is ours, the fever of Western civilization, that ‘descends into hell with trumpets and drums,’ and its miserable adornments are the distorting image of our symbols of social prestige.” We, like Rumkowski, “are so dazzled by power and prestige as to forget our essential fragility. Willingly or not we come to terms with power, forgetting that we are all in the ghetto, that the ghetto is walled in, that outside the ghetto reign the lords of death, and that close by the train is waiting.”

Levi insists that the camps “could not be reduced to the two blocks of victims and persecutors.” He argues, “It is naive, absurd, and historically false to believe that an infernal system such as National Socialism sanctifies its victims; on the contrary; it degrades them, it makes them resemble itself.” He chronicles what he called the “gray zone” between corruption and collaboration. The world, he writes, is not black and white, “but a vast zone of gray consciences that stands between the great men of evil and the pure victims.” We all inhabit this gray zone. We all can be induced to become part of the apparatus of death for trivial reasons and paltry rewards. This is the terrifying truth of the Holocaust.

It is hard not to be cynical about the plethora of university courses about the Holocaust given the censorship and banning of groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace, imposed by university administrations. What is the point of studying the Holocaust if not to understand its fundamental lesson — when you have the capacity to stop genocide and you do not, you are culpable? It is hard not to be cynical about the “humanitarian interventionists” — Barack Obama, Tony Blair, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Samantha Power  — who talk in sanctimonious rhymes about the “Responsibility to Protect” but are silent about war crimes when speaking out would threaten their status and careers. None of the “humanitarian interventions” they championed, from Bosnia to Libya, come close to replicating the suffering and slaughter in Gaza. But there is a cost to defending Palestinians, a cost they do not intend to pay. There is nothing moral about denouncing slavery, the Holocaust or dictatorial regimes that oppose the United States. All it means is you champion the dominant narrative.

The moral universe has been turned upside down. Those who oppose genocide are accused of advocating it. Those who carry out genocide are said to have the right to “defend” themselves. Vetoing ceasefires and providing 2,000-pound bombs to Israel that throw out metal fragments for thousands of feet is the road to peace. Refusing to negotiate with Hamas will free the hostages. Bombing hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, ambulances and refugee camps, along with killing three former Israeli hostages, stripped to the waist, waving an improvised white flag and calling out for help in Hebrew, are routine acts of war. Killing over 21,300 people, including more than 7,700 children, injuring over 55,000 and rendering nearly all of the 2.3 million people in Gaza homeless, is a way to “deradicalize” Palestinians. None of this makes sense, as protesters around the world realize.

A new world is being born. It is a world where the old rules, more often honored in the breach than the observance, no longer matter. It is a world where vast bureaucratic structures and technologically advanced systems carry out in public view vast killing projects. The industrialized nations, weakened, fearful of global chaos, are sending an ominous message to the Global South and anyone who might think of revolt —  we will kill you without restraint. 

One day, we will all be Palestinians. 

“I fear that we live in a world in which war and racism are ubiquitous, in which the powers of government mobilization and legitimization are powerful and increasing, in which a sense of personal responsibility is increasingly attenuated by specialization and bureaucratization, and in which the peer group exerts tremendous pressures on behavior and sets moral norms,” Christopher R. Browning writes in Ordinary Men, about a German reserve police battalion in World War Two that was ultimately responsible for the murder of 83,000 Jews. “In such a world, I fear, modern governments that wish to commit mass murder will seldom fail in their efforts for being unable to induce ‘ordinary men’ to become their ‘willing executioners.’”

Evil is protean. It mutates. It finds new forms and new expressions. Germany orchestrated the murder of six million Jews, as well as over six million Gypsies, Poles, homosexuals, communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Freemasons, artists, journalists, Soviet prisoners of war, people with physical and intellectual disabilities and political opponents. It immediately set out after the war to expiate itself for its crimes. It deftly transferred its racism and demonization to Muslims, with racial supremacy remaining firmly rooted in the German psyche. At the same time, Germany and the U.S. rehabilitated thousands of former Nazis, especially from the intelligence services and the scientific community, and did little to prosecute those who directed Nazi war crimes. Germany today is Israel’s second largest arms supplier following the U.S. 

The supposed campaign against anti-Semitism, interpreted as any statement that is critical of the State of Israel or denounces the genocide, is in fact the championing of White Power. It is why the German state, which has effectively criminalized support for the Palestinians, and the most retrograde white supremists in the United States, justify the carnage. Germany’s long relationship with Israel, including paying over $90 billion since 1945 in reparations to Holocaust survivors and their heirs, is not aboutatonement, as the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé writes, but blackmail. 

“The argument for a Jewish state as compensation for the Holocaust was a powerful argument, so powerful that nobody listened to the outright rejection of the U.N. solution by the overwhelming majority of the people of Palestine,” Pappé writes. “What comes out clearly is a European wish to atone. The basic and natural rights of the Palestinians should be sidelined, dwarfed and forgotten altogether for the sake of the forgiveness that Europe was seeking from the newly formed Jewish state. It was much easier to rectify the Nazi evil vis-à -vis a Zionist movement than facing the Jews of the world in general. It was less complex and, more importantly, it did not involve facing the victims of the Holocaust themselves, but rather a state that claimed to represent them. The price for this more convenient atonement was robbing the Palestinians of every basic and natural right they had and allowing the Zionist movement to ethnically cleanse them without fear of any rebuke or condemnation.” 

The Holocaust was weaponized from almost the moment Israel was founded. It was bastardized to serve the apartheid state. If we forget the lessons of the Holocaust, we forget who we are and what we are capable of becoming. We seek our moral worth in the past, rather than the present. We condemn others, including the Palestinians, to an endless cycle of slaughter. We become the evil we abhor. We consecrate the horror. 


the suck of sorrow

Although I read this article yesterday, it is still as horrifying upon reading today.

Whatever feelings one has for Germans alive during the Third Reich, similar thoughts will exist for Israelis and the populations of Western States today in another 70 years.  


Sloan BashinskyWrites Sloan’s Newsletter

Chris, two of my Polish Jew ancestors migrated to America in the late 1800s, and the rest remained in Poland and they and their descendants were killed by the Nazis. My Polish great grandfather married a Southern Baptist lady, and although he did not convert, they raised their children in the Baptist church, and that was how their descendants went about it. So, I do not consider myself Jewish, and I do not carry the Holocaust terror in my psyche, which every Jew I have known did. The Nazis weaponized the Holocaust, and some people today weaponize the inane view that the Holocaust never happened.


What Israel is doing in Gaza is reprehensible, but it is not what Hitler and his mesmerized Nazis, condoned by the mesmerized German citizens, in the main, did to the European Jews. Hamas buried itself into Gaza, and it hides behind and underneath the people of Gaza, who cope with or condone Hamas. The only way Israel can fight Hamas is the way it is doing it now. I hate it, but I’m looking at it from a purely military standpoint. In doing that, I also say there is no way Israel can beat Hamas in Gaza, because Hamas is so dug in there, and so well prepared, and Israel is not prepared to lose a lot of its soldiers there, and if IDF goes into the Gaza neighborhoods, fighting hand to had from building to building, and in the tunnels, IDF will lose a lot of soldiers 


I think President Biden should be hanged for not cutting off money and weapons and munitions to Israel, after he saw what was happening in Gaza. But who’s going to hang President Biden for that, when half of America is fully behind Israel, and about the same number of Americans will try to overthrow the American government, if it hangs Donald Trump?  


There also is the problem that America stockpiled a huge quantify of weapons and munitions in Israel, for America’s military to use in war zones in the Middle East, and Israel has access to those weapons and munition stockpiles and is drawing on them and there is nothing America can do to stop it. There is the other problem that Israel has nuclear weapons, which everyone who isn’t totally unwoke knows Israel will use against Islamic countries and organizations, which Israel feels threatens its very existence. 


It’s a really fucked up mess, and, there is another piece to it, which I have yet to see you address in your ongoing assault of Israel. Which is, Hamas’s original charter identifies it as an Islamic entity, and that its reason for being was to destroy Israel. Hamas’s amended charter, using less direct words, calls for the same thing, all in the name of the peaceful religion of Islam, which isn’t even peaceful within itself. 


Only the unwoke cannot, or will not see, that Hamas figured out how to punch all of the buttons in Israel’s religious fanatic leaders, and that was the October 7 attack. The reaction of Israel’s political leaders and IDF was precisely what Hamas hoped would happen. Unable to beat Israel militarily, Hamas hoped to bait Israel into destroying its reputation worldwide, and in that Hamas has succeeded, except in the American right, whose leader, Donald Trump, has told Israel that he is their best friend. 


Palestine is Christendom’s so-called Holy Land, and the American right will not stand for America abandoning Israel, and every American president candidate knows that all too well. This war dates all the way back to Abraham, and that’s why there is no military solution, and probably no solution, and why America should abandon Israel, but Ameria won’t do that. It’s a shame America did not offer the WWII European Jewish refugees sanctuary in America. 


The only solution I see now is for America to offer Israel sanctuary in America. But I can’t imagine Israel going along with it, nor can imagine America offering it, because there would be a huge political backlash. And, the American Christian right wants Israel to stay where it is, doing what it is doing, protecting the so-called holy land from Islam, because that’s where Jesus was born, and that is where Jewish leaders had Jesus crucified. And because, a lot of the American right are as biased against Jews as against blacks and other people of color. They want an Ayyan nation, and if you don’t believe it, look at photos and film footage of MAGA rallies and the January 6 insurrection and the Charlottesville rally, and you will see oceans of white people .


Therefore, Chris, I hope you will devote some of your time and experience to writing about that, and the very real possibility of a second civil war in America, whose military is full of MAGAS and Aryans, etc., who won’t for a heartbeat fight against Donald Trump, who wants to be just as powerful in America as Adolph Hitler was in Germany, and Vladimir Putin is in Russia. The Nazis weaponized the Holocaust, and some people today weaponize the inane view that the Holocaust never happened. I wonder if your newsletter subscription revenues increased while you bashed Israel, President Biden and America, and gave Hamas and Islam a free pass?


Judith DyerWrites Judith’s Substack

No solution to this...the human race is a badly programmed animal. Too bad evolution didn't stop with the monkeys; then there would not be the ruination of the earth. Soon China will bring Taiwan back into the fold like they did HongKong. And, N. Korea will bomb S. Korea. Thugs taking over African countries and forget Honduras...already a hellhole. I am fortunate to be 84 and leaving this mess which I forecast many decades ago. There is no way 10 billion people can live peacefully on this poor planet.  


Sloan Bashinsky

I agree, I’m 81. Except, Darwin got it backward, humans devolved from monkeys, and invented FUBAR- apologies to monkeys.  


Judith DyerWrites Judith’s Substack

first time I ever came across the word devolved. and I am pretty educated. where is it mostly used? In science? 


Sloan Bashinsky

Darwin postulated humans evolved from apes, evolution is a scientific term, it is also a spiritual term. Its reverse is devolutionary, or devolve.

Actually, humans didn’t descend or ascend from monkeys, they were planted here, but religions really got that story twisted, too :-).

Even old shaman grinches try to have some fun on Christmas


    Been getting lots of Merry Christmas wishes, even though I don’t see much going on inside of me or in America and the world that feels Merry. 

    I’m 81. Each day is a physical struggle for me, which has been the case since I was 26 and I woke up one morning and my G.I. tract was all fouled up. Diet, exercise, medicine, Christianity, the New Age, yoga, tai chi, chi kung, prayer, meditation, spiritual, herbal, shaman, light, Reiki, naturopathic, chiropractic, homeopathic, radionics, crystal, flower remedy, Hakomi, cranio-sacral healers, Rolfers, massage and physical therapists and other kinds of bodyworkers had no answer. So, my gut and I reached a tenuous live and let live agreement.

   Sometimes I came across something that seemed to be helping my gut feel better and me be hopeful and even joyful, until something decided enough was enough, and quickly I started feeling a whole lot worse, to the point that I was terrified, and I discontinued what I was doing to try to feel better, and whatever in me had reacted backed off, and back to the tenuous arrangement we went. That’s how I discovered whatever was behind it was intelligent, which was, yeah, disturbing.

    I also came to see that whenever I took on a new spiritual assignment, my gut got grumpier, and it stayed that way until I had worked a bit on the new spiritual assignment, and then my gut relaxed and we went back to our tenuous arrangement. That was further proof that whatever was behind it was intelligent, which added to the rather disturbing, as did my realization that I processed other people’s psychic shit, and my own psychic shit, through my gut.

    I spent a lot of time pondering and guessing what might be the root cause of if my disagreeable gut. Was it something I did that I ought not to have done? Something I didn’t do that I ought to have done? In this life, in a prior life? Many times I asked the angels, who had taken me on as an experiment, to show me what was behind my disagreeable gut, and I got no answer, which left me pondering and guessing.

   Prostate cancer radiation therapy in early 2020 didn’t agree with my disagreeable gut, and we worked a different even more tenuous arrangement.

    That, and feeling like I ran out of new things to write, and dreading getting older and more feeble and hurting, and worrying about ending up in a facility for people medicine has to keep alive at all costs, caused me to hope my Christmas present this year would be the Lord would take me. But since I’m still here this Christmas morning, I figure that means the Lord has other plans for me today. 

    A dream around dawn, and a dream during a nap after breakfast, left me feeing I had shat and sat in something I should have left alone, or maybe I had shat and sat in two somethings I should have left alone. I sit in lots of shitty stuff, as part of working for God, I hope, as opposed to working for my ego, or worse, the Devil. I came to accept that. But sitting in shitty stuff I should leave alone makes me feel like an idiot. It also creates a sense of dread, bordering on terror.

    I noticed in the latter 1990s, that special days, including Christmas, tended to be really rough for me in just about all ways, and I came to dread special days coming. So, yeah, I dreaded this day coming, and now that I didn’t get taken by the Lord yet, and I don’t feel up to driving two hours today, to visit one of my daughters and her husband and their children home for Christmas, also helps explain why I don’t exactly cheer up when I hear “Merry Christmas.”

    There are impersonal reasons, too, and I will provide some examples. 

    The first happened after I posted a link to the Mary Poppins, I ain’t, but sometimes wish I was post at this blog onto my Facebook timeline, and this happened.


Sloan Bashinsky
Thanks, Doug, but not much Merry going on in America, Palestine, Ukraine, to name a few places that cause Jesus to weep ongoing. 
Sloan Bashinsky wish as happy of a Merry Christmas as you can deal with in this fractured world

Sloan Bashinsky
Hard to be happy looking at many millions of American Christians backing Israel murdering Gaza civilians, and as many Americans giving Hamas a free pass. Just as hard to be happy seeing many millions of American Christians believing everything their pagan leader in Mar-a-Lago tells them. They all really should study Jesus a bit more, especially the parts where he spoke of demonic possession.

    And this:

December 19, 2023 
The Atrocities In Gaza Are The Perfect Embodiment Of 'Western Values'
Caitlin Johnstone

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): When Israeli president Isaac Herzog described the assault on Gaza as a war “to save Western civilization, to save the values of Western civilization,” he wasn’t really lying. He was telling the truth — just maybe not quite in the way that he meant it. 

Sloan Bashinsky
Writes Sloan’s Newsletter

Hamas was founded to destroy Israel. Unable to do it, Hamas baited Israel to do what it is doing.

Chang ChokaskiWrites Chang’s Substack
I would recommend that you read the following book "Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance" by Tareq Baconi.
It explains Hamas (and its ideologies, goals, and evolution) better than what can be gotten from media sources or second hand information.
To clarify - Israel purports to represent Judaism (or Jews). But it doesn't do either. Israel (and Israeli Zionists) are a subset of Jews - they are trying to tie the religion of Judaism to their Zionistic beliefs. One reason for this strategy is so that if one insults Israel, they are insulting Judaism or Jews. They then use this to attack and silence anyone that criticizes Israel.
Similarly, Hamas uses Islam for its own purposes of resistance and increasing the ranks of its members. I doubt its values are religious, even though they claim to be based on religious values.
Ordinarily, I would agree with you that both are terrorist outfits. But that is painting with a very wide brush. Yes, both have committed terrorist acts. But distinctions need to be made here. Hamas grew out of a need for resisting the occupation. If there were no occupation, there would be no need for a Hamas. It would be more accurate to say that Hamas is a resistance outfit that has often used strategies of terror to resist.
Similarly, Israel and its Zionist ideology is not a terrorist organization. Their goal is to completely occupy Palestine. Ideally, they would like to achieve this with "ethnic cleansing". If that fails, they would move on to "genocide". What is deplorable and unforgivable is that they use strategies of terror to achieve their objectives - in my opinion to a greater extent than Hamas.

Sloan Bashinsky 
Whatever the history of Israel and Hamas, beginning October 7 of this year, both behaved like terrorists, so that’s what they are. The broken record I keep playing in this forum is, unable to defeat Israel militarily, Hamas figured out how to punch every button of the people running Israel and its military, to provoke them to do what they are doing in Gaza and thereby turn the entire world against Israel. In that context, Hamas and Israel are joined at the hip in destroying Gaza and its people, culture, buildings, infrastructure and economy. The only solution is for Israel and Hamas to stop fighting, exchange their hostages, and leave each other alone henceforth, and Israel stops taking more land. Is that wishful thinking? Yes. But it is the solution.

    And this from an old friend about yesterday’s post: A Hurt Feelings Report for Christmas stockings, Hamas lovers, Israel lovers, and Gaza, Israel and West Bank tourism industries 


Re your not very timid post

I hope you're well ensconced with loving friends and family this Christmas Eve--  it's very quiet over here, which is how I like it, and in a bit I'll leave for the Church and hope I can get in for the 4:00 Lessons and Carols without having to stand in a long line.  Although not anything like what happens to you when you think or know too much about IPC, I'm having such negative thoughts about what's happened over the last year or so that the Spirit should probably bar the door when I presume to cross the threshold.  I'll report on it, but only to the extent that it doesn't hurt you.

I've read your long message and am now going back in search of your blogpost.

So much to talk about--  we'll make a firm dinner date after tomorrow.


Home alone all day, but it’s been pretty peaceful, for a change. I don’t want to get re-involved in your church. It’s not part of my life, it’s not important to me. But if God insists ...  Meanwhile, Dietrich Bonhoeffer summed it up: "Silence in the face of Evil itself is Evil, God will not hold us guiltless." Only people in your church have standing to deal with it. Or consent by silence. Or leave. That you have not left, nor been barred by the Spirit from entering, could mean you are being called to make a rumpus, which is where we disagreed the other time :-).


Merry peaceful Christmas!  Thanks for the note--  we can take up our weighty matters later, but at the moment, after a really depressing ministerial intrusion on Lessons and Carols yesterday, I and a number of my friends are truly bummed out, and some of us have decided to talk about what to do about it.  You and Herr Bonhoeffer are right, it's up to us.  It's not that our minister is evil, but his personal difficulties seem to be flooding the church.  

I totally agree with you about Palestine.  

More this coming week.


Heh, I’ll send you a link to my Christmas Day blog post.

Am looking forward to dinner with you, but not to hearing about what’s happening in your church, other than I might like to hear of any rumpus you made there.

    Now something that did cheer me up yesterday was a meme posted on Facebook by a south Alabama amiga, under which I commented, “Amensky”.

    I ain’t neva gonna fergit her “Pigs in mud” pome:

All want the security of the well fed pig.
Horror at the baseness unrecognized.
A lifetime spent in shirt stuffing.
And pen comparison.
Is truth more palatable when honeyed?
Is a stark soulscape less so with the eyes of Monet? 
May my affectations always be understood.    

Sunday, December 24, 2023

A Hurt Feelings Report for Christmas stockings, Hamas lovers, Israel lovers, and Gaza, Israel and West Bank tourism industries

    Many years ago, I read somewhere that Christmas, as it is known today in America, the giving of many presents, was invented by northern Jewish merchants in the latter 1880s. Certainly, Christmas in America today has no resemblance to the man Jesus in the Gospels. Nor does America continuing to give Israel money, weapons and munitions, so it can continue leveling Gaza and murdering who knows now many more Gaza civilians. The Jesus in the Gospels surely would weep over that. Even as the merchants in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank are weeping over the death of their tourist industry, perhaps for a very long time.

    That Christmas Eve cheer out of the way, I’m reminded of the title of one of Gloria Steinem’s books, “The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off,” and I’m also reminded of this hilarious Hurt Feelings Report, which I wish could be posted in online forums, where feelings get hurt plenty, but the forums do not have tech for uploading images.

    Those Christmas stocking stuffers out of the way, let’s move to the deep end of the swimming pool with this from a  battle-hardened war correspondent, who just doesn’t seem able to crawl into the light of day. I leave for you to open the link below and see that for yourself.

Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize–winning author and journalist who was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years for The New York Times.

The Cost of Bearing Witness
There are scores of Palestinian writers and photographers, many of whom have been killed, who are determined to make us see the horror of this genocide. They will vanquish the lies of the killers.

    But sometimes a grinch or two show up: 

Sloan Bashinsky
Writes Sloan’s Newsletter

Heart, gut and soul-wrenching. 
Hey Hamas and Israel, God has nothing to do with any of it. You have made a mockery out of your religions.

Jon Carver
Writes What's the Anti-Matter?
Judeo-Christian Supremacist Settler Capitalist Wealth Accumulators have been genociding non-stop for the past 600 years. Today they genocide under the Star of David while continuing their generational genocide of the Original Americans through federal law loopholes in the US and Central and South America and fossil fuel " sacrifice zones ". Having accumulated more wealth than any group in history, they still can't feed or house all the people since theirs is a Supremacist Ideology. This ideology is the living engine at the heart of US -Euro Imperialism and must be exposed, Abrahamic roots and all, and be shamed out of plausibility, especially in relation to Palestine today. 

PITA Contrarian
May I propose that a mandatory inset photo of Netanyahu appear in the lower-right hand corner of all all video footage of the carnage in Gaza ... even better, inset video footage of Bibi smiling, shaking hands and kissing babies ... I also propose that his name appear in the credits as the producer.

"Evil has not changed down the millennia. Neither has goodness." 
Humans have not changed over the millennia. What has changed are institutions and the means of mitigating the violence and oppression. 
"Western Civilization has been writing its own obituary for decades."
That has been said for centuries and still has not come to pass. If anything, Western Civilization is stronger now than it has ever been. That is not strength through oppression or war. It is strength through the creation of the EU, a common market, and a tolerant and liberal civilization. 
Evil still exists. That evil is the "zero-sum-game". That evil exists in every civilization and in the corridors of power. 
As human and moving as this essay is, it changes nothing. It gives recognition of the human tragedy but that will not stop the killing. This is largely because it does not change the rules of the "zero-sum-game". Some view a "zero-sum-game" as short-term only. It is not, it can be very long term in its application. Hedges has described this through his interviews with HAMAS leadership. The goal of HAMAS is clear, the destruction of the Jewish state with all of its attendant violence and genocide. 
Chris Hedges does no service to this tragedy in Gaza by ignoring or being dismissive of the cynical behavior of HAMAS. The 10/7/2023 assault on Israel was methodical and very long in the planning. It was aided and probably abetted by Iran (for its own cynical objectives). It is highly unlikely that Iranian Intelligence was unaware of HAMAS' intentions. The result of this campaign: 1) more civilian martyrs; 2) more oppression; 3) a continuation of the "zero-sum-game". 
The "obituary of Western Civilization" is a common theme and desire for some these days. Some take comfort in this thought. So what replaces Western Civilization? A more just world? I don't think so. Under the excuse of Nazis and a threat to Russia, a war continues to wage in the Ukraine with 10s of thousands of dead Ukrainians and Russian conscripts. Hedges' position: What would you expect with the expansion of NATO. This thinking always places the blame on the West and ignores Russia's imperialist past. Former Warsaw Pact countries are not interested in Russian suzerainty. 
One can proclaim ad infinitum, the Nakba and its injustice. Perhaps repeating this will build support for the Palestinian cause. There are seven million Jews in Israel. Many are descendants of Holocaust survivors. There are many Jews from Arab lands as well. How probable is it that these people will engage willingly in a second diaspora? 
War is evil, but where in all of Chris Hedges' writings is there a solution?

Sloan Bashinsky
Well said. This is a religious war, it’s been going on a long time, it is rooted the scriptures of the Jews, Christianity and Islam, gong back to Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac. As long as the State of Israel exists, there will be trouble in Palestine. If Israel were to cease to exist, the different Islamic factions would war with themselves, as they have done and do elsewhere. I say the Oct 7 attack was clever bait to get Israel to do what it is doing in Gaza, and Israel swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker. Unable to defeat Israel head-on, Hamas figured out what it would take to provoke Israel to turn the entire world against it, except for America, whose Bible thumpers will not stand for a president or Congress abandoning Israel, which they want to remain and defend their so-called holy land, where Jewish leaders once had Jesus crucified. Taking sides with Hamas or with Israel is taking sides with Evil.

Sloan Bashinsky
(I wrote this below last night and decided to sleep on it and dreams prompted me to make the leap.)

As you pointed out, Rick, Islamic Hamas views the murdered Gaza civilians as martyrs, meaning, they went straight to Paradise, and were necessary sacrifices in Hamas’s scheme to provoke Israel to turn the entire world against it. 
The German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote The Cost of Discipleship, in which he compared cheap grace to the real thing. He said, silence in the face of Evil itself is Evil, God will not hold us guiltless. He and others tried to assassinate Hitler and were caught and executed.
A demon has taken up residence in the people running Hamas and Israel, and in their respective military. The demon has won. The only way forward is both sides recognize what has happened to them and they own it and they stop fighting and they leave each other alone indefinitely. The odds of that happening might be less than zero. 
People who line up in support of either side open themselves to being infiltrated unawares by the demon.
Do I post that as a comment? If I do, will that convince the people here that I am insane? If I don’t post it, I betray the truth, I betray God by any name.
What a mess has been made by religious people, who have no clue where they stand with God.

What you are advocating is a non-zero-sum-game as opposed to the one being played out in universities, alternative media, many of the postings on this site and certainly within the core strategy of the Likud Party and HAMAS. 
"He said, silence in the face of Evil itself is Evil" 
There are reasons for the fear within the heart of the Israelis. This fear has led to the Likud Party dominance and the ever encroaching settlers on the West Bank. This fear has been stoked by the behavior of HAMAS. One cannot blithely dismiss the true genocide in Europe which occurred less that 100 years ago and its impact on a people. 
The Palestinians have suffered. Their land was taken through fiat and they have gradually lost more and more sovereignty. They also have a failed leadership that has over promised and only delivered failure and death. They are not prosperous, they are not safe, and they have very little opportunity. Not all of this immiseration is Israel's fault. 
This choosing sides in the game of "who is most evil" is also evil since it ignores or excuses evil. It tolerates and accepts this evil as a justified strategy for liberation. Dead people cannot be liberated. 
Both extremes are consumed by an ancient evil and both are at fault for this tragedy. 

Sloan Bashinsky
We seem to be in agreement. I have suggested America offer Israel’s people sanctuary in America, which should have happened after World War II, if Israel will pack up and leave Palestine. I can’t imagine, though, either side going for it. It’s a horrible mess there, and I see no happy ending for so long as Israel, Islam, Judaism and Christianity exist in their present mindsets. 

I would certainly support America offering sanctuary in the US. However, were I Jewish and an Israeli would I want it? Following the Jewish diaspora this ethnic group lived in many different nation states. No less a personage than Otto von Bismark saw merit in marriage between prominent Jewish families and German gentiles. However, they were subject to pogroms and near eradication in Europe. Would I trust the United States? More, perhaps than other countries, however, who is to say that Christian fascism in the US will always be supportive of the Jewish people? 
Additionally, who is to say what a Palestinian state would do in the Middle East. HAMAS owes Iran for the aid. Hezbollah is a proxy of Iran as is Palestinian Jihad. Religion is simply being employed as it often has been as a rationalization for supporting objectives and all too frequently inhumanity. I doubt seriously that a Palestinian state would bring peace to the Middle East.

Sloan Bashinsk
Every point you raised is valid. 

I recall when Roos Perot  begged the first President Bush on Larry King Live not to get involved in Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Perot said his company had tried to do business with Arabs and each time he thought they got a good deal, it turned out they had gotten out-witted, and he decided Arabs think differently form Americans he his company stopped doing business with them. He said Arabs are always getting into squabbles and going into tents and coming out arm in arm, until the next squabble. Arabs will sell Kuwait’s oil to America, regardless of which Arabs control Kuwait, and going to war over Kuwait was not one American casualty.

I thought Perot was spot on. A week or two later, I watched that President Bush say on national TV that he could not let the American way of life be threatened. Turned out, Bush’s ambassador had given Saddam Hussein the green light to take part of Kuwait, it wouldn’t matter to America. Turned out, Saudi Arabia letting the free Kuwait American-led coalition statoin in Saudi Arabia really pissed off an American ally, Osama bin Laden, whose offer to bring his army from Afghanistan to liberate Kuwait, the Saudis had rejected.

Islam has been at war among its own selves for quite a while, so if Israel ceased to exist, I doubt that would bring peace to Palestine. But Israel would not be there with its nuclear weapons, which I don’t for a heartbeat doubt it will use, if it feels it has no other option. Religious fanatics, who got really embarrassed by the Oct 7 attack, which punched every last one of their buttons, as Hamas had hoped, are liable to do anything, as we are seeing quite clearly in the Christian American right, which you call racists, but I think Nazis better suits them, given who is their leader, Donald Trump.

In Christianity’s scriptures, Jesus was born to Jews in Palestine, and Jews had him crucified in Palestine, and many American Christians want their so-called holy land protected against Islam at all costs, and since they aren’t interested in moving over there and doing it, they want Israel to do it. It’s a perfect storm in the darkest sense of humor, and given religious fanatics are running Hamas and Israel, and a demon is egging them on, whether they believe that or not, who knows what lies ahead? I sure as hell don’t know, and I get told things by angels known in the Bible, as does a really good friend of mine, and neither of us belong to a religion anymore.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Anyone willing to bet a large sum that the Winter Solstice brings light into Palestine and America?


   I have read here and there that Jesus was born in March, evidence by his sign, the fish, Pisces, and in early Christian times, the Winter Solstice, the bringing of the light, was a very important Pagan holiday, and hoping to win Pagans over to Christianity, Christian leaders changed Jesus’ birthday to December 25. 

    I also have read here and there that Christmas, as it came to be practiced in America, with the buying and giving of many presents, was invented by Jewish merchants in the late 1880s.

    None of which, I imagine, interests Hamas and Israel today, other than they have seen to it that it might be a cold day in hell before Christians in America and other parts of the world flock to their so-called holy land to spend their money.

    In early November, an American pro-Gaza/Hamas commentator subscribed to my Substack Newsletter and invited me to subscribe to hers, which I did and I found she has a large following who blame everything bad that happens in Palestine on Israel. So, I started shooting off my mouth in reader comments, and I created a cabal of Sloan bashers featured in previous posts at this blogspot and at my Substack newsletter. Here’s the latest from that religious sect.

December 19, 2023 

The Atrocities In Gaza Are The Perfect Embodiment Of 'Western Values'
Caitlin Johnstone

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): When Israeli president Isaac Herzog described the assault on Gaza as a war “to save Western civilization, to save the values of Western civilization,” he wasn’t really lying. He was telling the truth — just maybe not quite in the way that he meant it. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Writes Sloan’s Newsletter
Dec 20
Hamas was founded to destroy Israel. Unable to do it, Hamas baited Israel to do what it is doing.

The broken record - aka funny "Sloan" - has not failed to show up. It will soon remind the forum Caitlin invited it to join.
Can you scan your library to find a track to answer this one - who founded Hamas and why its aim has been for Israel to be destroyed?

Sloan Bashinsky
I read in several places online that Hamas’s Charter, created in 1987, called for the destruction of Israel. Maybe two weeks ago at his substack, war correspondent Chris Hedges described his close friendship with Hamas’ founder, Palestinian imam and activist Ahmed Yassin. Hamas is an acronym of its official name, the Islamic Resistance Movement (حركة المقاومة الإسلامية Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah).

gypsy33Dec 20
Well, shit-for-brains, you FINALLY got something right—-“resistance movement”.
Resisting the Zionazis who have been displacing them for decades.
I’m so sorry that your life is so empty and pathetic that you have to spend it on hasbara sites.

Sloan Bashinsky
Hamas is a religious - Islamic - outfit, no different from Israel, in that respect. What Hamas does defines what it is, just as what Israel does defines what it is. They both are terrorist outfits.

Ernesto Che
You're reading old stuff. Try reading the 2017 charter: Hamas in 2017: The document in full
Hamas explains general principles and objectives in 42-article document  
Pay particular attention to articles 16 and 20. When you've done that, report back.

Sloan Bashinsky
Thanks for the link. I read the entire new charter, which does not expressly revoke the original charter. In new words, the new charter calls for the destruction, or the termination, or the elimination of the State of Israel. It assigns its authority to Allah. It is a religious document, first, as for that matter is the United States Declaration of Independence, which begins:

In Congress, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 
From the 2017 Hamas charter:

8. By virtue of its justly balanced middle way and moderate spirit, Islam – for Hamas - provides a comprehensive way of life and an order that is fit for purpose at all times and in all places. Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. It provides an umbrella for the followers of other creeds and religions who can practice their beliefs in security and safety. Hamas also believes that Palestine has always been and will always be a model of coexistence, tolerance and civilizational innovation.

I don’t see middle way and moderate spirit in Israel or Hamas. I see terrorists running both.

Ernesto Che
Obviously you have NOT read the 2017, and have only taken parts out of context.
You have either NOT read the 2 articles I mentioned explicitly or you consciously choose to IGNORE THEM as the completely destroy your bullshit.
And on that note I declare this discussion terminated. By all means, have the last word. 

Sloan Bashinsky
I read those 2 and all the other parts. 

Mike Fish
Careful Che.
Don’t fall for Slow Bullshitsky’s false narrative.
This isn’t about Hamas vs Israel.
It’s about ethnic cleansing and genocide.
Hamas is the newest scapegoat for the Jewish state of Israel’s newest depravity.
Slow(n) is not interested in being educated/enlightened.
Just a turd in the punchbowl.
It’s like trying to teach a rotten kid who’s just here to disrupt the class.
Classless one might say.
Happy solstice.
Well, not very happy, but you get the sentiment behind the greeting. 

Ernesto Che
Hey Mike, thanks for the heads up. My comment was not so much for him, I tried once to have a discussion with the cat but it is like banging your head against a brick wall.
I come across comments regularly now that mention only the old Hamas charter because people are either unaware of the new version or they willfully ignore the new one that destroys the “Hamas wants to exterminate the Jews” narrative.
So, others who read my comment and were unaware of the new version can go to it. I am certainly not interested in Slow Bullshitsky — love the moniker 🤣 👍
I wish you a good solstice too, and wish us both many fruitful discussions.

Mike Fish
Brothers from another.

Sloan Bashinsky
Great movie, Brother From Another Planet. Great fellow, that brother, until someone messed with him ... 
It is said that the winter solstice heralds the bringing of the light. I wonder how much light Israel and Hamas can tolerate? Not much, if any, based on Oct 7 and thereafter. 
Thor Swayze
Dec 20
“The reason The 2023 Palestinian Holocaust is worse than the WW 2 Jewish Holocaust is The Palestinian Holocaust can be ended with one phone call by one man *Genocide Joe Biden!*
That’s right Alzheimer’s Joe could call The IDF and tell them if the genocide doesn’t stop immediately The U.S will completely shut off all financial aid, all military aid & electronically shut down all U.S. weapons systems! Leading To The End of The Gaza Genocide! No one during WW2 could do that!” - Thor Swayze (Truth Teller)!
Sloan Bashinsky
I bet if Sleepy Joe makes that phone call, Israel tells Sleepy Joe, if he abandons Israel, he and his family will never be safe in America, because Israel’s best friend Donald Trump, according to Donald, and his legions will see to it that Biden and his family are not safe in America; and Biden, or whatever Democrat runs for president in 2024, will lose to Donald or whomever the Republicans run; and if backed into a corner where it feels it has no choice, Israel will detonate its nukes where it thinks is best for Israel. Now should that deter Sleepy Joe? No. He should make the phone call and back it up if Israel doesn’t stand down and pull IDF out of Gaza. And to help Sleepy Joe do it, Hamas should offer loudly on social and news media, to return all the Oct 7 hostages, if Irasel stops attacking Gaza and brings the IDF back to Israel. That Hamas has not already made that offer tells me that Hamas wants Israel to keep pulverizing Gaza and killing its civilians.

Thor Swayze
*Israel is an occupying force it has no right to self defense!*
*All they (the US) can do is to keep talking about Israel's alleged right for self-defence, which, as an occupying state, it does not have, as was confirmed by the [UN] International Court consultative ruling in 2004.”* 

Sloan Bashinsky
The Oct 7 attack was not self defense, but was bait to provoke Israel to respond as it has responded. Israel took the bait. Hamas was delighted. Israel is proving it is a lot more like Nazi Germany than it pretended not to be. Except for America, the world has turned against Israel. Hamas has won the war in the court of public opinion. If America flips and stops sending Israel money, weapons and ammo, then Israel stands along against Hamas, which is the ultimate strategy of the Oct 7 attack. Hamas was ok sacrificing a many civilians in Gaza as it took to provoke Israel to turn the tenure world against it. That is not something anyone can imagine is possible, who does not understand radical Islam, which views the murdered Gazans as martyrs, who went straight to Paradise.

David Lewis
Hamas has now said no hostages will be returned until Israel ceases its current activities.  

Sloan Bashinsky
That’s a l-o-n-g way from Hamas offering to return all Oct 7 hostages if Israel will stand down and being all its troops back to Israel.
Since Oct 7, Hamas has used releasing the Oct 7 hostages in piecemeal to get Israel to return in piecemeal Palestinian prisoners in Israel, which, res ipsa loquitur (the thing speaks for itself), was far more important to Hamas than Israel murdering far more civilians in Gaza than it already had murdered. Picking either side, Hamas or Israel, is siding with Evil. 

Thor Swayze
*On Wednesday, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) published a report alleging that Israeli forces carried out a mass execution of civilians in northern Gaza Tuesday, separating 11 men from their families and summarily shooting them. 
This report and a similar allegation by the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor imply that Israel has moved from murdering civilians through bombing to mass executions.
In its report, the OHCHR in the Occupied Palestinian Territories reports that it “has received disturbing information alleging that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) summarily killed at least 11 unarmed Palestinian men in front of their family members in Al Remal neighbourhood, Gaza City, which raises alarm about the possible commission of a war crime.”*
United Nations reports Israeli forces are carrying out mass summary executions in Gaza 

Sloan Bashinsky
And still Hamas does not offer to release the remaining Oct 7 hostages, if Israel stops attacking Gaza and brings IDF back to Israel. Ergo, Hamas likes what Israel is doing in Gaza, because it is turning the entire world against Israel - except for America, where it is political suicide to abandon Israel. 

Thor Swayze
Israel can’t be trusted 

Sloan Bashinsky
Agreed. Nor can Hamas. 


Dec 20
Daily struggle sessions with caitlin and crew. Yawn.
Your team went in and killed 1,000 or so people and kidnapped a bunch more and you're crying that you are getting the shit beaten out of you? You claim that 100s of millions of westerners are barbarians for defending their people? You do have a point, when you punch we punch back, 10x harder - but only when you punch.
Your team will issue a fatwa because someone drew a cartoon. Your team will behead a teacher because it didn't like an image presented to class. Your team will heave humans from buildings because of whom they choose to love. Your team oppresses its women. Fuck your team. 
Where are your teams leaders? Are they out in the field fighting with their people? Nope they are in cushy hotels in Qatar with their harems. 
These struggle sessions are the entire reason you assholes did 10/7. Your team knew israel would retaliate and your team figured they would start a propaganda intifada in the hopes of shaming israel for defending its people, while your team lets its people get destroyed...for a PR stunt.
Whatever, caitlin. That chicom or fringe US marxist techie money must be sweet, but I'm not buying this crap. I'm not buying the 'indigenous' trope either, we're all from somewhere else and you have no historical claim on my house any more than I have claim to my ancestors' lands. Grow up.
Your team is sacrificing all its pawns in gaza in an attempt to convince other pawns to empathize with them. Guess what your team will do with its new useful idiot pawns next time, while the rest of the team sits in Qatari hotels...

you admit the Israelis lied about the 1000. which side killed more Israelis on Oct 7, the IDF or Hamas. your daily lie sessions are not convincing anybody because the lies are so blatant, as blatant as that cartoon bomb Bibi used to try to convince the UN that the Israelis were just "defending themselves". 

I admit nothing in this bullshit propaganda war. It doesn't matter anyway. The entire point of the exercise is to claim martyrdom - could be 10, could be 10,000 - hamas sacrificed suckers in gaza and will do the same to anyone else they deem useful idiots, like you perhaps. 

"your team" some people always have to frame things like it's some kind of fucking simpleton's football game - your cable news is showing

caitlin sent the B team for this post. 
As long as you can only see this conflict through the lens of israel vs. hamas, you are a team player. Only when you can see it through the lens of pawns and pimps will you start to see what is really happening.

Dec 21
"As long as you can only see this conflict through the lens of israel vs. hamas, you are a team player." Congrats on working that out. Peak irony.

Sloan Bashinsky
Each team here, actually almost one team, look like religions to me, and so very difficult to change.