Thursday, January 25, 2024

The war in Gaza drove a lot of people more loco than they already were


    After a brief interlude of personal reflection in Grandfossil’s tales to his grandchildren, a different sort of last will and testament at this what I suppose some people might view as a nut house, I made yet another visit to a nuthouse owned and operated by a lady in Australia. 

Westerners Have An Absolutely Psychotic View Of Airstrikes


JAN 8, 2024 



Canadian online outlet The Breach has published a letter by CBC’s senior manager of journalistic standards Nancy Waugh which highlights perfectly the bizarre psychological relationship that westerners have with bombs and airstrikes in foreign countries.

In response to multiple complaints from a retired Humber College professor about the wildly biased language that Canada’s state broadcaster has been using to describe Israel’s war on Gaza, Waugh acknowledged that the CBC routinely uses words like “murderous,” “vicious,” “brutal,” “massacre,” and “slaughter” to refer to the October 7 Hamas attack while using far less emotionally charged words like “intensive,” “unrelenting,” and “punishing” to describe Israel’s actions in Gaza over the last three months. 

Waugh defended this extreme discrepancy by saying that Israel’s attacks in Gaza differ from the Hamas attack on Israelis in that Israel’s killings are done “remotely”.

“Different words are used because although both result in death and injury, the events they describe are very different,” Waugh wrote. “The raid saw Hamas gunmen stream through the border fence and attack Israelis directly with firearms, knives and explosives. Gunmen chased down festival goers, assaulted kibbutzniks then shot them, fought hand to hand, and threw grenades. The attack was brutal, often vicious, and certainly murderous.”

“Bombs dropped from thousands of feet and artillery shells lofted into Gaza from kilometers away result in death and destruction on a massive scale, but it is carried out remotely,” Waugh continued. “The deadly results are unseen by those who caused them and the source unseen by those [who] suffer and die.”

I’ve written a number of essays trying to point at the baseless and irrational way westerners view military explosives as a far more civilized and humane way of killing human beings than bullets or blades, but I’ve never written anything that sums it up as clearly as this frank admission by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s senior manager of journalistic standards.

Military explosives rip human bodies apart. They burn people alive. They trap them under rubble where they die excruciatingly slowly in one of the most horrifying ways imaginable. They leave people without limbs. They dismember and disfigure children for life. Many of the most agonizing deaths in human history have been caused by bombs.

There are thousands of Gazans who have yet to be counted among the dead because their bodies are still buried under the rubble of fallen buildings. Many of them would not have died instantly. Some are still alive, waiting for days in a state terror and searing pain for a rescue that will never come. 

Sloan Bashinsky

Writes Sloan’s Newsletter

Hamas and Israel are equally brutal and vicious, the difference between them is, Israel has bigger and better weapons. Maybe Hamas will think twice before doing another Oct 7? As for impersonal warfare, you keep beating up on the Ukraine president, whose country’s cities are being blasted by Russian rockets. Why aren’t you beating up on Vladimir Putin? It looks to me, Caitlin, that Israel's counterattack, which Hamas hoped would happen, to get the very result you abhor, has driven you loco; and it looks to me, the more you beat up on Israel and minimize Hamas’s role in this, the more loco you get. 

Arseniy Shchukin

Sounds like you swallow propaganda pretty nicely . Big Bad Putin destroying Ukraine. Not Big Bad USA pushing NATO on Russia doorstep, when they promised they wouldn’t , provoking the conflict . Let’s not even talk about the negotiations in April , when Boris Johnson and our administration got shook at the prospect of peace, and told Zelenskyy to watch out 😅 like ur beloved Biden would say. Common man 

Sloan Bashinsky

Whatever the history, Ukraine and Russia, Irael and Hamas, I’m looking at the slaughter, and if you are defending Putin for blasting Ukraine cities with rockets, many made in Iran, then I think you are as loco as I think Caitlin is. 

Arseniy Shchukin

🤣 whatever bro , suit yourself if you wanna close your eyes. Maybe helps you sleep better at night . I for 1, am sick of swallowing mainstream propaganda based on feeling rather than objective observation. If your blaming Putin for war crimes and defending USA and Israel for defending freedom, I think you need a good look In the mirror , and a good re-learning of the truth. If that’s what you really are searching for . Good luck Sloan. Btw I used to be Pro Israeli a long time ago when I was blind, deaf, and dumb . And of course pro “ freedom “. Thank to independent media for finally waking my ass up .

Sloan Bashinsky

I’m not defending any of them: Israeli, Hamas, Biden, U.S. Congress, Putin. If they are slaughtering civilians, they should be lined up and shot. If you defend them with mumbo jumbo, then that makes you loco in my lingo, or, if you prefer, it makes you Evil.

Dennis Merwood

The truth about Putin is not welcome my man.



Sloan Bashinsky

Read my lips. Biden should be lined up and shot for helping Israel do what it’s doing in Gaza. Hamas’s leader and his soldiers should be lined up and shot. Israel’s leaders and IDF should be lined up and shot. Putin should be lined up and shot. I sure hope none of his rockets hit a Soviet Union nuclear reactor in Ukraine. 


Sick of killing but yet you demand more killing? Who shall kill the killers of killers? How are we to rise above this barbarian culture where killing is the answer to life's problems? Is the last one standing the best killer of all?

Sloan Bashinsky

The leaders of the killers should be allowed to remain alive, so they can keep killing? 

Arseniy Shchukin

Putin's rockets won’t hit any nuclear reactors, if any do it’ll be from Ukraines side fully backed by loco, Mumbo jumbo USA support. Any unbiased real following of the events would teach you that . Let’s not mention the similarities of Donetsk and Gaza for the past 8 years and how they have been shelled indiscriminately, solely based on hate and racial discrimination, AKA genocide. Seems like u have part of the truth, basically an inverted RFK, as he will defend Putin but never condemn Israel , but you are the opposite, even though u know claim, out of nowhere, to condemn Israel and Biden . Just like RFK, switching sides rapidly when convenient. Either that or you are just confused. No mumbo jumbo here, unless you gotta clean the wools from your eyes. 

Sloan Bashinsky

Putin’s rockets are blasting Ukraine cities, but that's ok by you, apparently, but it ain’t okay for Israel’s bombs to be blasting Gaza cities. Loco.

Starry Gordon

They think they have to do it. But I don't think it's correct to say that "Westerners" are unconscious of the horrific results of the bombings. On the contrary, I don't know anyone who is indifferent to what's going on. We just haven't figured out a way to stop it. Meanwhile, people like Putin (or any other of the bigdeals) are playing the game of Realpolitik as it is played.


"Maybe Hamas will think twice before doing another Oct 7?" this stinks of apologia

Starry Gordon

Well, it's stupid, because it's a proven fact that violence begets violence. Yes, Hamas will think twice -- about improving their performance next time around.


Sloan Bashinsky

Hamas got the exact result they wanted, Oct 7 was bait, Hamas would have been really disappointed if Israel had used restraint, because Hamas could not beat Israel militarily, so it provoked Israel to behave kinda like Putin, Iran, Hitler, Putin.


"Hamas got the exact result they wanted" that wasn't the answer implied behind your question, but ok. You're still doing the 'but do you condemn hamas' bit, which is becoming a meme tbh (check out Dershowitz's weird-ass deflection over Epstein stuff). Keep in mind there's no Hamas in the West Bank, just dead Palestinians.

Sloan Bashinsky

What Hamas wanted is what Israel did in Gaza, and that’s so drop dead obvious that nobody here today, or any day prior, can see it. Or, they don’t want to see it. Or, they see it, but they won’t admit they see it, because then they have to see what the guy running Hamas,  Yahya Sinwar, really is up to, which should be no surprise, since Hamas's initial charter called for the destruction of Israel, and Hamas’s amended charter, using different words, called for the same result. Unable to beat Israel militarily, Sinwar set out to defeat Israel in the court of public opinion, and it was a truly brilliant strategy, which Caitlin and her many admires prove every time she posts something new bashing Israel and giving Hamas a free pass.


I certainly don't approve of what Hamas did, but spare me by trying to equate what Hamas did and a genocide which Israel is implementing with thousands and thousands and thousands now dead, and it goes on and on and on, and maybe until they are all dead. Remember Israel even needed to lie about the total number of fatalities, lie about the babies killed, lie about the woman raped and had to up the number that Hamas killed. 

Sloan Bashinsky

If you grow out of diapers, you might see Hamas meant to provoke Israel to do the very thing it did in Gaza, to turn the entire world against Israel, except for about half of America, which hopes Israel kills every Muslim in the Middle East. 


Tit for tat, look you old fart you're probably in diapers, yes blame Hamas for making Israel implement a genocide, but don't forget they were Netanyahu's favorites and he empowered them with lots of money through the years. Look it up. You are an Israeli apologist and that is all you are. No the whole world is not against Israel just think how America is pouring weapons into her genocidal killing spree, but should the world turn against her, I can understand. You act like Israel had no other choice, but she did. However, she used what Hamas did to do what she always wanted to do. After all didn't Gallant say they were just animals? Didn't Israel have them in an outdoor concentration camp. Does that mentality sound familiar? 


"used what Hamas did to do what she always wanted to do" that should be bold underlined

Sloan Bashinsky

All true, and Hamas grew up. If you take either side, you go blind, 


I am going to take a side, and I am not going to support a genocide. Lets not forget that Israel was forewarned of an impending attack by Hamas. A year or more before the assault Israel had the detailed plans of the attack, but dismissed them, and claimed they were too complex for Hamas to carry out. They were warned by those who monitored Gaza's borders that  suspicious behavior was going on. Ignored. Egypt warned them on an impending attack, 3 days before, but it was also ignored. The fence they claimed would protect the people from such an assault was flimsy, not strong like they said it was. I don't even think the monitoring system was working at the time. Hamas hit 20 towns before any response. Everyone complained that the response time for those who could protect them was very slow, so maybe it was Netanyahu and his right wing party that wanted all this to happen so they could implement a genocide. The final solution. Who knows. Only 10 years before they were building, and building Jewish settlements all over the West Bank which continues to this day, but more aggressively, and they continue to steal Palestinian land, and I hear they are killing people there, and they are hungry. Oh, perhaps you should go back and read about the NAKBA, or perhaps you would like to view it on Youtube. It will allow you to see how willing they were to kill and displace so many. I have 20/20 vision.

Sloan Bashinsky

You need better vision than that to see that the guy running Hamas has Israel, Caitlin and you doing his bidding.


You're the one who wears glasses, not me. I can see. 

Sloan Bashinsky

I once had a wife, who was a licensed clinical social worker, who told new acquaintances that I was the mail man, I delivered the message; she didn’t know how I did it, but I could see around corners and through buildings. I told the new acquaintances that I took no credit for it, one day, like a light switch was thrown, I saw everything differently. What had been hidden in plain view, was no longer hidden. It came to pass that she didn’t care for some things I saw that were important in her life, and that was the end of our relationship. 

The guy running Hamas spent a long time in an Israel prison. He learned Hebrew. He studied Israel and came to know it better than it knew itself. He figured out the best way to beat Israel, and the bait was the Oct. 7 attack, which punched every last button in Israel’s president and high government and the IDF, provoking them to do what they have done in Gaza. The guy leading Hamas could care less about all the Gazans IDF killed. He views them all as martyrs, for his cause, and they went straight to paradise. That’s how that segment of Islam thinks. They are as convinced of it as the American religious right as sure it is the only representative of God and Jesus in America.

If you think I am defending Israel, you are blind, deaf and dumb. Israel’s leaders and IDF are working for the Devil, literally. As are the guy running Hamas and his military. As are Joe Biden and the American Congress and the American people, who support what Israel did in Gaza. 

Whether or not you, Caitlin, Chris Hedges, or Mickey Mouse, can take that in is irrelevant. What’s going on between Israel and Hamas and other Islamic factions is a religious war, which has been going on for a very long time, and it is rooted in their scriptures, dating back to Abraham. That war will not end for so long as the state of Israel exists in Palestine. What’s going on now is just another phase of that very old war.  



I've been keeping up with what has been going on in Gaza and the West Bank and this article in excellent in providing the reason for Oct 7. It provides a perspective which is just about no where.  


Spark That Lit the Fire: Untold Story of Oct 7 Attacks

Israel is reeling under collective shock because of its tendency to pay close attention to analyses of Israel an'

Sloan Bashinsky

After reading that article, I still say the Oct 7 raid was hoped by Sinwar to provoke what it provoked for the purpose or hope of the entire world turning against Israel. I hope Sinwar is pleased with the result. If not, he is an idiot? He thought Israel would simply play tit for tat, after his jihadists killed unarmed men, women and children, and raped women, and defiled the raped women’s bodies, and took men, women and children hostages, even foreign hostages, including Americans, back to Gaza? Just to get Israel to release its Palestinian prisoners, whose numbers were drawfed by the number of Gazans IDF already has killed, and destroyed their homes and cities and infrastructure and economy, and turned the Gaza people into nomads. That some really lousy arithmetic. If I lived in Gaza, I would be really pissed off at Sinwar, who I doubt gives a shit what the people of Gaza think of him, now that the world, except for about half of America, has turned against Israel. Yet, facing those facts, Caitlin and many people I have engaged at this forum, give Sinwar and Hamas a pass, or even admire him. Looks plain loco to me.


Well, not turning against Israel for no reason, but to make the world aware of their plight and the horrors imposed on them by Israel, like stealing their land, killing them, brutalizing them, providing them with no sense of a future, not to mention the poverty, and unemployment, and the outdoor concentration camp Palestinians were forced to reside in knowing they lived under the threat that Israel wanted them gone. Oh, and the West bank,  and stealing their land, using it for Israeli settlements. By the way there is no proof women were raped and babies killed. Kind of like America, Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, and Gaddafi is carrying on a genocide in Lybia, etc, etc The death rate came down by hundreds when they got things straight. So in your  response no balancing act, no mention of 23 thousand dead Palestinains, and the destruction of Gaza, or the hospitals blown up. What about that little 9 year old whose whole family was killed in this genocide. She had her leg blown off. Still she had hope, wanted to be a doctor, take care of people, that is until Israel dropped a bomb on the hospital that was caring for her, and blew her head off. Yep, you mention all you claim Hamas did, but no mention what Israel continues to do,  and how many they have killed in their response to the Hamas attack, well that's what Sinwar was pissed off at.

Sloan Bashinsky

You keep dodging the obvious, which is your privilege, or you simply are unable to see it. Sinwar got the precise response from Israel he hoped to get. it was a brilliant strategy that Caitlin, Chris Hedges, and nobody who keeps bashing Israel can see. I’m not defending Israel. I’m simply explaining what the Oct 7 attack was really about. 


Jim Jackson

Your attempt to excuse Israeli terrorism by pointing at Russia is Zionist propaganda. Some facts: 3,000 ethnic Russian civilians were killed in 2014-15 by Ukrainian artillery shelling of the Donbas. 9,500 Ukrainians and ethnic Russians were killed in 2022-23 by Russian artillery and missiles. In only three months, Israel has killed more than 30,000 Palestinians. Israeli savagery is clearly the greater. Russia is reclaiming ethnic Russian territories. Israel is annexing Palestinian land that it did not manage to seize during the Zionist colonization of 1948,

Sloan Bashinsky

Caitlin keeps beating up on Ukraine’s leader, so she is who uses Zionist propaganda? Russia is destroying Ukraine cities and infrastructure that are no where close to the Russian border. The entire area around Israel is Palestine, and Hamas is burrowed into the Gaza part. I think Israel should cease to exist, and Islam should control Palestine, if it allows people of other beliefs to live there peacefully, which I have read is how it was before Israel was created. Israel and America will never agree to that, so here we are, in yet another phase of a very old religious war between descendants of Abraham.  

Mike Fish

All who kill civilians are not the same.

A drunk, or dumbass, distracted, cell phone, driver kill civilians.

While certainly worthy of scorn, they’re certainly not in the same league as 

Nazi Israel.

Intent has a roll in assessing criminal responsibility.

And, Israel has articulated its intent quite clearly.

But, the invention of Israel was a crime in the first place.

Sloan Bashinsky

And the intention of Hamas on Oct 7 was not a crime? Are you 100 percent loco?

Grandfossil’s tales to his grandchildren, a different sort of last will and testament


    Okay, baby fossils, once upon a time, the first of you was born and your father called me in Colorado, where I then lived, and asked me what I wanted my grandchildren to call me, and out of my mouth popped, “Grandfossil”, and that’s how your having a dinosaur for a grandfather began.

    A while before, I had escaped from the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C., which really liked having an actual live dinosaur in residence, because it attracted a lot of people and helped the Smithsonian raise lots of money to fund their search for others of my kind. I didn’t mind being stared, gawked and pointed at day after day, but I did mind being cooped up all the time in such a small place, after having roamed with others of my kind all over America for a very long time.

    So, I started getting grouchy, and I started growling and roaring at the spectators, and finally the zookeepers at the Smithsonian asked me what it would take for me to be nice to the parents and children who came to gawk at me, and I said I needed to be allowed to go outside and roam around a little each day, and not to worry, I would be nice and would not eat any humans, and I would evolve and become a vegetarian and nibble grass and leaves off bushes and trees.

    The zookeepers said okay to that, if I would wear a tracker on my right hind ankle, in case something happened to me and I  couldn’t get back to the Smithsonian, and they would know where to bring a crane and a flatbed truck to haul me home to safety. I agreed to that, and they put a tracker on my hind right ankle, and I was allowed to leave out the back door after the sun went down and there was much less chance of my being seen. I moseyed down a dark ally and came to a large what I later learned humans called a dumpster, and I gnawed off my right hind foot and the tracker, and started growing a new right hind foot, and I’ve been on the lam every since.

    While I have not yet eaten even one human, there were plenty of times when I wanted to eat quite a few of them, especially some lawyers I got to know pretty well. But I had made a promise, and keeping my word was really important to me, and I didn’t eat even one human, but I did nibble on them sometimes, and I liked doing that, and I nibbled on more of them, and I liked doing that, and so I became accustomed to nibbling on humans, and even though some of them didn’t like being nibbled, I couldn’t help myself, because I still had those ancient meat-eating genes stored deep inside of me, and nibbling humans was how I kept those genes happy enough that they did not eat me alive for trying to be something I was not.

    So, that’s how it began, before you were born, and that’s how it went after you were born, and that’s how it will go for a while longer, until I leave for the Great Beyond, but I won’t be gone entirely, because of all the tales I will leave behind of how I nibbled on humans, and even became very close to some of them, including your mothers and their husbands and you baby fossils, but also quite a few other humans who became very dear to me. And, yes, there was your mothers' older brother, who died in infancy of what then was called crib death, which later became known as sudden infant death syndrome, aka SIDS. 

    I was leveled by his death, but I knew he had not died but had only left his body and gone in the Great Beyond and was doing very well. Even so, it took me a very long time to understand that he had done what he came to do, which was to so disturb me, that I would never, regardless of how much I tried, be able to fit myself into the plans my parents and grandparents and even I had for me. Thus began my evolution into a grandfossil, which took a very long time, and it was not easy, and often it was awful, but my star's course was set and there was nothing I could do but go with it, even as many people I knew became convinced I had lost my mind, and sometimes when it got really rough, I felt that maybe I had, but something seemed there that kept poking and prodding me, and sometimes encouraging me, and I kept lumbering along and nibbling.

    As time passed, I got where I no longer could physically romp around and play various sports like I once did, and I returned to playing the card game known as bridge, which my parents had taught me, and I found bridge clubs where I lived and played there, and I made lots of friends doing that, and some not good friends. I later took up playing chess, which had terrified me all of my life, because of how stupid it made me feel. But after a voice I knew well told me in my sleep in early 2005, that I needed to learn how to play chess, I knew where people played chess, as I had been watching them, and I started playing chess with them, and I must have lost a thousand games before I won one. Today, I play chess with several old farts, whom I really like.

    Bridge and chess were something I could take with me wherever I lived, and exercised my brain and maybe helped it stave off feeble mindless. Bridge and chess became the major aspect of my social life, after I got too old and feeble to dance with and date women, if any were around who wanted to have dealings with a dinosaur. I had met a few women along the way, who did want to do that, and they woke up something new in me, which I did not know existed, as the women I loved before them, dating back to my first wife, your grandmother. They enriched my life. The last of them passed away in 2022, and then I did a podcast about her called, “Homeless cowgirl shaman with the blues saved Key West from Hurricane Irma obliteration.” A whole lot of people around the world watched that podcast. Here’s a link for it:

    Hurricane Irma is what led to my deciding to move from Key West back to Alabama, and how that came about, you two older baby fossils’ mother can tell you all about.

    Meanwhile, a few days ago, I ordered online two Poetic Outlaws T-shirts, one to wear, the other to hang on a hammered nail somewhere in my apartment, which has a variety of artistic impressions hanging on walls and anywhere else they can find purchase. The t-shirts arrived yesterday and I hung one of them beside the front door to my apartment.

    The Sloan’s Place sign was made by an interesting fellow living on Big Pine Key, who did some work for me in and around my trailer on Little Torch Key from 2010-2103. He also made a wooden sign on which was purloined from the “Gladiator” movie: “What we do here today echoes in Eternity”. That sign was much larger and I don’t recall what became it, but if anyone down Florida Keys way has seen it lately, I would love to pay for its transportation to Birmingham.

    The walking stick was given to me by a retired animal doctor, who graduated from Auburn University's veterinarian school, and I think he might have taught there a while. A crusty one, wry wit, really smart, calls them as he sees them, I never was tempted to nibble on him, but I did have some conversations with him about the puzzling habit of humans having vets put down their ailing pets, but humans requiring humans to live as long and painfully as possible, regardless of how much money that cost, and he said that puzzled him, too, but he was retired and, so sorry, he was not going to get involved with that puzzle.

    The wall tapestry hanging on my front door is one of several made by a lady neighbor in my apartment building, who once was the legal secretary for an eccentric Birmingham lawyer for whom I held great affection, perhaps because he also was a writer of sorts. His old legal secretary is a bit touched in the head, and I knew she means well, but finally I had to tell her I was not interested, and if she kept nosing around, I would have to call a lawyer I would have preferred to eat, to help her stay in her own lane.

    The colorful rug is from Home Depot, and the clock is from Target. The fake flowers in the urn are from Walmart, and the urn I found in a local thrift store. I found the dining room table and chairs and couch and the sitting chairs, and a lot of lovely impressionist art pieces, and some funky crafts and sculptures, and fake plants in that and another thrift store In Birmingham. 

    Obviously, I don’t take meals at the dining room table, which means I don’t have people over for dinner, either. Sometimes I take a couple of women I have known for a while out to dinner, one at a time. But nothing romantic, as they don’t speak dinosaur very well, and maybe it wouldn’t matter if they did, after the prostate cancer radiation during the covid shutdown maybe killed my rutting urges, finally.

     I also have real plants, and nestled with them, more fake flowers form Walmart, and a fake bamboo plant to the right from a thrift store. No, I don’t nibble on the real plants:-).

   The original parque wood floor dates the building back to the early 1950s. 

    The couch, aka the crime scene, is where I eat meals that I prepare in the kitchen or bring home from take out restaurants, and where I watch a lot of TV sports and Netflix and Prime movies, and play chess online against people I don’t know, and duplicate bridge online with a shut-in fellow, and that couch is where I sit and write on my laptop and record redneck mystic podcasts and say and write a lot of weird shit that some people seem to like, and other people don’t like.The red hat has Alabama on it. Part of the redneck costume.

    This apartment building is located in a lovely area of Birmingham’s “Southside”. I’ve lived here three times. It’s where I come back to after I quit running away from home. The first time, 1995, only white people lived here. The second time, 1998, I was coming out of the black night of the soul and nearly all of the tenants were white. Now, people of all colors and nationalities live here. This large one-bedroom apartment, with stove and refrigerator, heat, hot water and garbage pick up provided by the landlord, rents for $965 a month, and in Key West would rent for $3,000 a month.

    Since moving into this apartment in June 2019, I wrote six books, which began as blogs and now are free reads at the internet library, Five of the books are non-fiction, but perhaps could be classified as stranger than fiction :-): 

A Southern Lawyer Who Became a Mystic, a trilogy, which contains A Few Remarkable Alabama People I Have Known (2004); Diary of a Redneck Mystic God Grabbed Once Upon a Time; Spontaneous Ramblings of a Bat Shaman; The Golden Flake Clown’s Tale; Alabama’s Tiny Kingdom Black Sheep.

     The 6th book, Return of the Strange (2023), is the beyond stranger than fiction sequel to the beyond stranger than fiction novel, HEAVY WAIT; A Strange Tale (2001).

    Also beyond stranger than fiction at is my 1st novel, Kundalina, Alabama (1992), which kinda fell out of me when I lived in Colorado. It was written under a pen name, Jake Carruthers, initials, J.C. :-), and in the Invocation, Jake tells the reader: 

This tale - for it really is that and not a novel - is about Alabama, the “Heart of Dixie, as it is called by people from those parts. None of this book is true except the parts you believe are true. A real person didn’t write this book because no real person would be that crazy. So if you think you know a rea person who wrote it, then forget that nonsense right away. Or at the ver least, keep your opinion to yourself to protect the family of the real person you think wrote it.

   The wear and tear of life and time nudged Jake to stop using a fake name.

    Centered around somewhat but not entirely restrained to Birmingham, the not entirely made up characters in KundalinaHeavy Wait and Return of the Strange take the reader on wild rides, which were not entirely made up.

   Also at is Prisons & Freedom (1991), which really pissed of Bo Lozoff, who was viewed as the prison inmate guru back in that time until he confessed during some scandalous revelations that he was a fake, yet I still think his various books about the spiritual path, no matter what personal circumstances someone faces, are well worth reading.

    My tech wizard amigo, known as “Bob” in The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast episodes, figured out how to convert those books so that they could be read at He also figured out how to do the no-soliciting, ad-free podcast and run it up onto You Tube, and into the Torrent system, where people and platform moderators and their clients actually like something different, which also is the case at

    Bob is why the podcast and my books mentioned above are being watched and read all over the world, in far greater numbers than my first three consumer protection books, which were published by the Prentice-Hall Division of Simon & Schuster: HOME BUYERS: Lambs to the Slaughter?(1983)Selling Your Home $weet Home(1984), and KILL ALL THE LAWYERS? A Client’s Guide to Hiring, Firing, Using and Suing Lawyers (1986).

    I was widely interviewed by local, regional and national media about those books, which made me kinda famous for a while, but did not line my pockets with the desperately hoped for lucre I thought I needed to prove myself to my father and his by then deceased father, very successful capitalists.

    At, I am well into writing posts that will be chapters in yet another book, which I have been calling “Late Life Reflections of a Tiny Kingdom Birmingham County Club Heretic”, but perhaps a different title is incubating? Bob will load the finished product into the 

    Beside many tales, the books contain some visions and a lot of poetry that up and jumped out of me, and a few of many soul drawings that leaped out of me. This soul drawing below of the homeless cowgirl shaman with the blues arrived 10 years before I met her. She was taught by a Native American shaman, and some of her rituals required wild bird feathers, which just showed up when she needed a feather to show up. All of my soul drawings were prophetic in some way.

    I view my books and the podcast like my children and legacy, a last will and testament quite unlike anything my parents and their parents and I could have imagined when my father strongly recommended that I take a typing class during my first year at Ramsay High School in Birmingham.

    For fifteen years, I had no contact with your mothers and fathers, thus with you baby fossils, which was not my choice. During that time, I had a lot of experiences, quite a few of which are recounted in my books and in the podcast episodes. I met new people and made some very good friends. Two of them, much younger than me, became like younger siblings. Bob is one of them. The other is a woman named Brenda, who was my closest friend since 2005, until Bob showed up in 2017, when I was in a rough situation only he could help me with. They know me far better than anyone else in this world knows me.

    I pay Bob for the work he does for me, and he will look after the podcasts and my books after I leave this life. His association with me cost him good paying work because his employers thought he was nuts for having anything to do with me. Last fall, contracts were taken out on his life because of community service interventions he was doing where he lived. Then, some bad men nearly killed Bob and left him for dead. Now he is in a secret hideout,  being attacked by demons that had sent the bad men to kill him. I have special affection for Bob and Brenda.

    Now, in case you might be thinking Bob and I are a bit paranoid. the podcast he and I did on Donald Trump being barred by U.S. Constitution Amendment 14, Section 3, from holding public office, because he had engaged in insurrection against the Constitution, was picked up by a Colorado satellite radio station, which interviewed a federal judge about the podcast and an Article 14, Section 3 article I had written, which Bob published at the free internet library,, and the podcast went viral in Colorado and the radio station was inundated with death threats, and the station’s insurance carrier cancelled its insurance policy with the station, and the station went off the air. The Colorado Supreme Court then ruled 14/3 barred Trump from being on the Colorado ballot, and the Court was inundated with death threats. Here’s a link for that podcast:

    So, younguns, America ain’t nothing today like it was when I was a boy and could get on a Birmingham city transit bus in Crestline, the “poor” side of Mt. Brook, aka The Tiny Kingdom, on Saturday afternoon, and ride the bus downtown with a friend to see a movie, and by a coke and popcorn, and ride the bus back to Crestline, all for 25 cents, and our parents never considered we might be at risk. If I were your ages, I might not want to bring a new child into this world, and I might give serious consideration to moving to another country.

    In closing, for now, a how to live life in earlier America essay from Poetic Outlaws was in my email this Sunday morning, which for a very long time hasn’t been a day of rest for me. I commented below the essay, and then I shared a poem which pretty well explains your Grandfossil's journey since he gnawed off his hind foot and the tracker, not realizing a second tracker had been imbedded deep in his tail.

Sloan Bashinsky 

In the second half of my life, which had begun in 1942, I made quite a few sudden up and leave where I was departures, with almost no planning, or, rather, with zero planning, and off I went into the next adventure into the unknown, and some of it was rather nice, interesting, exciting, and some of it was not rather nice, but was interesting and exciting.  

We plan, God laughs!” ruled, and so I chuckled when I got to the end of the priceless Steinbeck piece:

"Only when this is recognized can the blown-in-the-glass bum relax and go along with it. Only then do the frustrations fall away. In this, a journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it."

For example:

A calling to serve carries its own wisdom,
which legitimates both the calling and the serving
so that the two are one:
Only the one called to serve
can know this wisdom,
and for some who are called
the knowing comes easily,
while for others the knowing is a fiery baptism.
Each calling is different,
and while some callings can be declined,
others cannot,
and those whose calling is without repentance
know they are in it for the duration of the calling,
and while others may try to persuade them out of it,
the calling for ones such as these always prevails;
thus is it advised to all called for keeps
that they view their calling as a blessing
even when it seems at times to be a curse,
and that they try to reconcile the loss of their captain status
and allow the Spirit of God to man the helm of their ship
and be glad and willing crew members thereon,
knowing that all sailing ships of souls
need a crew as well as a captain
to maintain and navigate the ship through
seas of many tones, depths and flavors;
so consider each league sailed
as part of the overall journey
going to where the captain deigns to go
by using whatever winds and sea currents available
to navigate the ship to the experiences
this ship and crew need to have
in order to fulfill their calling and its wisdom
revealed by the journey of many leagues,
many known only to the ship and its crew,
all of whom come to know,
some sooner than others,
that once conscripted
there is no safe jumping ship. 

As Palestine and Ukraine burn, the South rises again in America and Donald Trump is the white suprematicsts's Führer


MAGA rally
January 6

    This very true title below showed up in my email account this morning, but the accompanying text did some weaving and winding that reminded me of how Donald Trump and MAGAs, and even Joe Biden, weave and wind ...

It's Insane That Anyone Is Still Supporting Israel

Caitlin Johnstone

JAN 5, 2024 

It honestly blows my mind that there are still people adamantly supporting Israel after all this. After all the people they’ve killed. After all the lies they’ve been caught in. After all their comments endorsing genocide and ethnic cleansing, and all their actions showing they mean it. 

If you’re still supporting Israel at this point, you’re just telling everyone you don’t care about truth or morality. You’re announcing to the world that you care only about your weird ideological agendas and geopolitical control. 

You are publicly proclaiming that you are a dogshit human being. That you have lived on this earth all these years without arriving at any level of emotional or psychological maturity. That you have wasted your life on this planet.

You guys it’s really really really important that Trump doesn’t get re-elected, because if he does then the US will have a president who supports mass murder and genocide and ethnic cleansing and he’ll probably let a ton of people get killed by racist tyrants.

In all seriousness it’s extremely ridiculous that Biden sabotaged peace in Ukraine and is sponsoring a genocide in Gaza and we’re all sitting here praying that he doesn’t start a new war in the middle east, yet we’re still meant to be super duper worried if Trump gets back into the White House. Biden is everything people were worried Trump would be.

     Click this link to read the rest of Caitlin’s rant: 

    My comment to Cailin, who has yet to reply to any of my many comments under her bash Israel, defend Hamas newsletters.

Sloan Bashinsky

Donald Trump has said he is Israel’s best friend. 


I agree that anyone who supports Israel now is insane. I also think anyone who supports Hamas now is insane. Yet, I think it’s worse than insane. It’s demonic. 


I am 81 years old, and have been around the globe twice, including spending time in Australia. 


Caitlin lives in Melbourne.  


I don’t see how Caitlin, or anyone, who does not live in Ukraine, can be an expert on what’s going on in Ukraine. 


Nor do I see how anyone, who does not live in America, can appreciate the threat Trump poses to America, first, and to the entire world, second. 


When Trump was married to Ivana, he kept a book of Hitler’s speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed and sometimes he read it at night. When later asked about that, Trump said, if he ever had such a book, he didn’t read it. 


Photos and videos of the Charlottesville Confederate monument removal protest showed oceans of white people and some Confederate and Swastika flags. Photos and videos of MAGA rallies showed oceans of white people.  Photos and videos of the January 6 insurrection showed oceans of white people and some Confederate flags.  


A picture is worth a thousand words. Res ipsa loquitur, the thing speaks for itself. 


After Trump was elected in 2016, he made it very plain that he admired Vladimir Purtin being elected President for life. Now he talks about being a dictator, if he wins the 2024 electron. 


About a month ago, a tech buddy and I did a podcast about Amendment 14, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution. 14/3 bars anyone, who engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the US Constitution, after making an oath to defend the Constitution, from holding public office.


Several private citizens had filed 14/3 legal actions to have Trump disqualified, and the actions were dismissed for lack of standing. Finally, a 14/3 action was filed in a Colorado state court, and the judge ruled Trump had engaged in insurrection, but there was no evidence 14/3 applied to the presidency. The plaintiff appealed to the Colorado Supreme Court. 


My tech friend and I did a podcast about 14/3 and the Colorado case:

Amendment 14 Section 3 Law School Exam Question Not for Faint of Heart. 

I wrote article, couched as a law school exam question and answer about bringing a 14/3 action in federal court, which was a free read at the internet library: 

The podcast and the article were picked up by a satellite radio station in Denver, Colorado, and the radio show host had a federal judge, who was a Republican, on the show to discuss our 14/3 podcast and article.

The host and the judge were not on the same page at all. He was dismissive of me and the host kept after him, and finally he conceded that President Biden should have brought the 14/3 action after it was known T/rump would run again. 


And that was the point I made the podcast and the 14/3 article.  


Biden and Trump both swore oaths to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, so it was Biden’s duty to bring the 14/3 action, and if he failed in that duty, a private U.S. citizen could bring the action for him. 


The judge kept insisting Trump was not leading a white supremacist movement, he had blacks in his administration. The radio show host kept pointing the judge to photos and videos and res ipsa loquitur, which every lawyer and judge knows is evidentiary in a legal action.  


After that interview, watches of the podcast and reads of the article blew up. The radio station was inundated with death threats. The station’s insurance carrier canceled the station’s insurance. The station went off the air. 


Then, the Colorado Supreme Court, in a 4/3 decision, reversed the state court judge, amd ruled Trump could not be on the Colorado ballot, but the Court stayed implementation of the order, to give Trump a chance to appeal to the US Supreme Court. The Colorado Supreme Court was inundated with death threats. 


Already, the New York state judge presiding over the civil action against Trump’s businesses, and the judge’s law clerk, and their families, were inundated with death threats.

As were election officials and courts in other states inundated with death threats over 14/3. 


The Georgia state prosecutor and her legal team producing Trump under Georgia’s RICO statute were inundated with death threats. 


Yesterday, bomb threats were made against many state governments, which were perceived to oppose Trump. 


I think anyone who backs Trump is insane. I think anyone who backs Biden is insane.  


And there’s the rub. Insane people are not legally responsible for their actions. 


The further rub is, because they are insane, insane people cannot be reasoned with. 


The further rub is, it’s worse than insane. It’s demonic..

So, what’s the solution?  


If I were the U.S. President, I would declassify everything the U.S. Government has about ETs, UFOs, etc.. I would give all of it to the news media and social media. 


That would fuck up everything and perhaps would made a difference.


Or perhaps not.

    This morning, January 6, I added to my comment above. 

Sloan Bashinsky
Today is January 6.

Yesterday, the US Supreme Court, containing 3 justices appointed by Donald Trump, agreed to hear the Colorado Supreme Court Amendment 14, Section 3 appeal. There are 9 justices, 6 are conservatives, 3 are liberals. it will be interesting to his former law clerk to a United States District Court Judge to see how the 9 justices deal with 14/3, see below, knowing if they rule against Trump, their and their families’ lives will be at grave risk.  

14/3 was passed to prevent leaders of the Confederacy from holding public office. 

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

    While all of that was going on:

Feral Finster

If you insist on making that silly argument, I lived much of my adult life in Ukraine. I speak Russian and a passable version of Ukrainian, although I am in no part Russian or Ukrainian, nor am I related by blood or marriage to a Russian or Ukrainian.  


Sloan Bashinsky

If you lived in Ukraine during the current Russian invasion, I’m interested in your assessment of Ukraine and Russia today.

A fellow living in Ukraine watched a podcast we did about the most recent Russian invasion of Ukraine and Vladimir Putin (we were banned from Russia and Belarus), and emailed my tech buddy, who makes the podcasts possible. Without telling me, my tech buddy used his money and his contacts from prior work he had done to get the man in Ukraine and his girlfriend and his grandmother and 13 more Jews and 6 Christians into a UN refugee camp on the Polish border, and the Jews were accepted by Israel and flown there for free by either the UN or Israel, and the Christians were accepted by the Czech Republic and were flown there for free. I learned of that via email from the Ukrainian man, who said a Russian rocket had killed his mother in Ukraine, and all of them, the 21, were friends and stayed in Kiev sewers at night, which were safer from Russian rockets than the Kiev bomb shelters.

When I see Caitlin sometimes blame President Biden and the Ukraine President for what Russia is dong in Ukraine, I wonder if she needs a brain transplant.

Back in October, Australian voters decisively rejected a proposal to recognize Indigenous people in the constitution, in a major setback to the country's efforts for reconciliation with its First Peoples. That’s Caitlin’s country. I did not follow her back then, and I wonder if she tore into that? 


Feral Finster

How many red herrings and irrelevant assertions and arguments by association can you pack in one paragraph? 


Sloan Bashinsky

How many angels can dance on the head of a needle? :-)

For weeks now I have watched Caitlin and her fans and Chris Hedges and his fans give Hamas and Islam unlimited free passes while blaming everything going on in Gaza on Israel, when it’s crystal clear to anyone with half a brain that what’s going on in Gaza is what Hamas hoped would go on in Gaza after the October 7 attack. Hamas would have been really disappointed if Israel had not taken the October 7 bait. 

So, if you and others here and Caitlin wish to continue thinking like half-brain people, that’s what Hamas is doing, and Israel is doing, and President Biden is doing, and a lot of people in America are doing with respect to Palestine, and with respect to Ukraine, and with respect to something far bigger and potentially terrible looming in America, centered around Donald Trump, whose base wants Israel to turn Gaza and Islam into a giant wasteland. 


Feral Finster

Pretty rich that you insist that only those who live in Ukraine are entitled to judge it, but you blame Australia in general the way you think they should, and blame Caity in particular, without knowing how she came down.

Basically,.your beef boils down to the fact that we're not knee-jerk Team D tribalists. 


Sloan Bashinsky

I said only people living in Ukraine can be experts on Ukraine. So, if you wish to learn about Ukraine, talk with someone living there, like I did. :-). I have been to Australia, and I saw up close and personal the effect white Australians and their brand of Christianity had on aborigines. Much the same happened to the real Americans after the sailing ships arrived. I have followed Caitlin’s occasional peeps about Ukraine. I think she should go live there a while and experience a year of Russian rocket attacks and see for herself what’s going on in Ukraine. 

Feral Finster

So you visited Australia and that makes you qualified to pass judgment on Australia in general and Caity in particular. (I won't judge you based in Alabama, don't worry.) And I suppose you also are an expert on Donbass because you talked to a Ukrainian and got sucked into their ethnic beef because Team D. 
I lived there and I don't have an ethnic dog in the fight. But you wouldn't like what I have to say. Because I don't argue for Team D.

Sloan Bashinsky
I never talked with anyone about Donbass, but I think I recall you, or someone at Caitlin’s forum, said a little about it a while back. I suppose that’s good enough reason for Russia to be sending Iranian rockets into Kiev and other Ukraine cities. The way you and Caitlin think reminds me of the way Donald Trump and MAGAs think.
Last fall, Australia passed judgment on itself when it rejected an amendment to its constitution to recognize its indigenous people. I’d love to hear Caitlin’s thoughts about that, because she is an expert on Australia, which I admit I am not, but I did spend some time there, and did see plenty to remind me of the way the early colonists and their descendants treated the aborigines in America, and the African slaves they brought to America. 
I see plenty of that in Alabama, which is a Trump and MAGA stronghold. The South is rising again in America, and Donald Trump is the white supremacists’s Führer.
Feral Finster
No, you passed judgment on Caity because Australia voted the way it did.
And Ukraine has been shelling Donbass since 2014. 
You squirm like a cornered rodent, but you corner yourself because you are a partisan hack, and not even a very clever one.

Sloan Bashinsky
Australia passed judgment on itself, and since Caitlin is Australian, I would like to know what she said about that. Meanwhile, this from Aljazeer looks like ethnic cleansing to me, after perhaps a wee bit of genocide like what happened to the real Americans.
Australia rejects constitutional reform to recognise Indigenous people