Sloan’s Newsletter
Three nights before 9/11, a familiar voice asked me in my sleep, “Will you make a prayer for a Divine Intervention for all of humanity?” I woke up, wondering what that was about, and made the prayer. On 9/11, I understood what it was about. My lady friend at the time and I hoped America would not get into another foreign war it could not win. A few days later, as I walked out of a US Post Office, the familiar voice said “America needs to get out of the Middle East altogether and let Islam and Israel work it out, or fight it out, and in that way learn which, if either, is God’s chosen people." I then watched America get into two foreign wars it could not win. And nearly into several more. And now another looms. It looks to me that the only cure is America, and the world, receive huge injections of estrogen, psychologically and spiritually. Without that, nothing will change in America, the Middle East, the world - humanity.
Jon Carver
Writes What's the Anti-Matter?
Nobody is God's Chosen People. That's Abrahamic ethnic supremacy in action. It's why Jews kill kids.
Sloan Bashinsky
You are correct, that nobody is God’s chosen people, and that was the sarcasm in what I was told leaving the post office that day.
How many kids has radical Islam killed? How many kids are killed each year in American schools, and the American right says, guns don’t kill kids, people do?
Jon Carver
Judeo-Christians kill more, by far, than any other self identified group in world history. This is a fact.
FACT: Judeo-Christians are the killingest ideological grouping in world history by many tens of millions more dead innocents precisely because the Abrahamic God is an ethnic supremacist Proud Boy type who demands death to Goys. Not defending Islam here either. I stand for the eradication of all Abrahamic being, since Abrahamic ideology is literally and factually the killingest set of ideas in human history. God can suck my dick.
Sloan Bashinsky
I dunno if that’s a fact, but Christins have in the past, and still today, kill a lot of people, which certainly tramples Jesus in the New Testament.
In the Old Testament, the Israelites killed a lot of people. In its history, Islam killed a lot of people. Today, Islam kills a lot of people. For its size, Israel kills a lot of people. Russia is killing a lot of Ukrainians. In past times, Germany and Japan, Genghis Khan, Vikings, Huns, Persians, Greeks, Romans, America, and so forth killed a lot of people.
Jesus in the Gospels offered a way of living that would end killing people, and end finger pointing, and would end lots of things that were destructive. His fabulous effort was taken to heart by a few, but in the long run, Christians, in the main, reverted to the Old Testament.
As for your dick, it sure looks to me that wars and guns and cannons and rocket launchers are, well, instruments of dick activity, used to prove mine’s bigger and better than yours.
Christianity claims is Trinity is all male, so, does that mean the Trinity is homosexual?
In Judaism, the Spirit of God is called Shekinah, feminine gender.
In the Old Testament, Wisdom is assigned the feminine gender.
In the Old Testament, it is said fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.
I don’t see many women in history starting wars.
The men have had many chances for a long time, and look at the messes they have made. If the women crossed their legs in unison, until men changed, that would be a sight to behold. But that’s not likely to happen. Nor is women running every country in the world likely to happen.
So, I retreat to a Second Coming in which God injects copious amounts of estrogen into humanity. I do not mean the hormone, I mean the Holy Spirit, Shekinah, Kali, Shakti, Kundalini, Yin, Eve, and let Yang and Adam take a vacation for a while :-)
The problems do seem to be male problems, but it is also our sons that get turned into school yard bullies, monopolizers or most discussions, know it alls who can't listen, killers who die violent deaths.........lonely middle aged men angry because no woman wants anything to do with them....and on and on and on...
And everywhere, there are good fathers and loving husbands who continue to form partnerships with women and do the real work of maintaining peaceful societies.
I for one pity men. They get to do a lot of dirty work....are policed by enforced heterosexuality....and often abandoned when they can't make everything work. We need new models...and we have to teach example and by what we expose our boys to as children.
More adult men need to explicitly join that transformation...because as children, little boys are as loveable, and little girls.
Sloan Bashinsky
Carl Jung devoted his life to revealing the problem with the damaged feminine in women as well as in men. He called the feminine the anima, and he called the masculine the animus. Before I got dragooned into politics in 2000, I spent a lot of time in the arena Dr. Jung roamed, and I concluded, in the main, humanity needs a great deal more estrogen, so to speak, and a great deal less yang, so to speak. Wars, basically, are my dick is bigger and better than yours. Finger pointing is pure yang. Looking in the mirror at beams in own eye is yin. There needs to be a whole lot less finger pointing, and a whole lot more introspection. I'm heterosexual, and it was not enforced, it is me. I had a number of very important relationships with remarkable women, with each of them, something woke up in me, which I did not know was there. St Paul’s thorn in the flesh, which he never explained was, he was gay. Well. perhaps I should hush.
Yes, I've been a student of Jung as well. A good man who taught me that projection was the defence mechanism most likely to destroy the future......seeing in the other things you haven't dealt with in yourself, is too common.
And yes....more of the virtues attributed to women could help...what's more, realizing that women have the capacity to be brave, cold, pig headed just as men do, but that those behaviors aren't always desireable. The sexes are different....but so are we all combinations of yin and yang in a variety of ways.
It is unfortunate however, that the yang qualities have been over emphasised and are threatening to end life on the planet....good for you to acknowledge what you've received from women...
And yes. We still need to acknowledge that the yang energies aren't by themselves anything to brag about. We're all stronger together.....and none of us has all the answers.
Never thought of your explanation for Paul's obnoxiousness, but you could very well be right. Not being able to be who we really are is a poison that destroys too many potentially good people.
Jon Carver
Women aren't superior or inferior to anyone else. Estrogen isn't better than testosterone. What a buncha crap. Stop being a sexist chauvinist piglet. And your religious beliefs are bigoted. Read the Torah, it celebrates multiple Jewish enacted Genocides, doesn't it?
Good lord you're a nasty debater Jon. Had you been in my classroom, you'd have constantly had to turn to that page of rules for civil discourse that I handed out on the first day of class.
Try to restrain your contempt for other people expressing their viewpoints....your vitriol does no good.
Sloan Bashinsky
He’s a wee bit stuck in yang, whose yin ain’t been around for a while?
We forget the children, dying swiftly every day, or slowly under the rubble of the carpet bombing...when we imagine we have the answer to what is an atrocity the world doesn't seem to know how to stop.
Sloan Bashinsky
Hamas forgot the children of Gaza when it launched the Oct 7 attack, hoping very much to provoke Israel to do what it ended up doing in Gaza. Now, how does it stop? I don’t know. It feeds on itself. There is no feminine in it. I had poem come out of me about this a few years ago. I’ll go fetch it.
"Bi Polar”
the world's favorite mood disorder
the cause of all human ails,
including wars,
if the demons aren't counted
bi polar disorder,
the destruction of the
south pole,
the feminine,
the north pole,
he ain't been
right in the head
since she’s been gone
Boys die in warfare calling for their mother. When will we wise up and acknowledge original love?
Sloan Bashinsky
When will we wise up and stop making wars?
When we've created more jobs in the care and service areas than in the weapons manufacturing business'. I read somewhere recently that a good part of why America supports Israel....and the continued war in Ukraine, is because there are weapon manufacturing jobs in almost every jurisdiction in your country.
Imagine if, instead of guns, we grew roses....made bread....believed that everyone would benefit from a certain amount of physical labour??? We're denuding our planet creating junk for the people to buy and high tech weapons for the military men (most of them also from the working class) to kill each other with.
War is the Ultimate Waste Industry......... we have to stop preparing for war, since its our preparations that make using up those surplus weapons so enticing.
Sloan Bashinsky
War has been big business in corporate America for a long time. When he was leaving the White House after his second term, General Eisenhower warned Americans to beware of. he military-industrial complex. There really is no way to unravel it at the point in time, logic has no place at that corporate board table. Nor does Mother Nature.
I am a mystic, made so by angels known in the Bible, who have ridden rough shod on me for a decades. They changed how I viewed myself and everything else. it wasn’t a lot of fun, They give me no clues about that lies ahead of me, or for America, or for anything regarding humanity. However, I concluded humanity has dug itself into such a deep hole, in the main, that it will not dig its way out of it, and that leaves something beyond human to intervene, or not.It is said a giant asteroid extinct the dinosaurs. I know ETs exist, will they finally intervene? I know angels exist, but they do not seem inclined to interfere in a large way - not yet, anyway. The planet is sentient, perhaps she will finally cough or sneeze and shake the fleas off her? Or the sun, which is sentient, decides to send a giant solar flare to relieve the planet and her fleas of their misery. What do I know? I’m just an ignorant ornery old white man in Alabama.
Jon Carver
You don't have vitriolic contempt for Genocidal Maniac War Criminals? What's wrong with you?
Vitriol is appropriate. Jews are killing thousands of children. Most Jewish identifying people want the genocide to continue. They want more dead kids. Just the facts. Vitriol against genocidal assholes is utterly appropriate.
Judaism kill kids. See Gaza. Are you able to grasp this basic fact? Is it indecent to tell the truth?
Judaism is deeply bigoted shit thinking. Study the Torah!
Ingamarie your own retorts.
Jon Carver
Masculine or feminine or intersex or trans, the Judaic God wants more dead Goy children today in Gaza and most Jews, male, female, intersex or trans, want more dead Goy children today, too. Check the polls. Do facts for a change.
So , based on what you're writing here, Sloan, it would seem you believe Jews are right to kill kids because the "feminine spirit" of the homophobic, anti- sex, Anti-Nature Jewish Bigot God wants more dead kids to secure the Jewish homeland? There are more than two genders, and having a penis or vagina doesn't make you superior to anyone else. Enough with the misandry, thanks. That's bigotry, too. Most Jewish women support the Genocide in Gaza today, for example. Jewish women in Israel are demanding, along with their bigoted God that more Palestinian Goy gotta die for the Jewish God and the Covenant with Abraham. Stop killing the messenger, just because you can't handle the truth. Judaism is inherently bigotry. See Gaza this morning.
Sloan Bashinsky
I’m trying to explain why the killing you abhor, as do I, is happening. God, by any name, has nothing do with that killing.
Just because someone or someones say they are following God, or something they do is for God, or is God/s will, doesn’t mean it’s true.
Action always speaks louder than words.
Jon Carver
Oh. The only good Christians are good Christians fallacy. I'm sorry, but if you self identify as Jewish like Tony Blinken, who could stop the genocide today, but instead opposed a Ceasefire, and most Jews do believe in the Covenant with Abraham and see the genocide as their right because of their religious beliefs. This is self evident if you've ever attended a Passover Seder. Next year in Israel ( we'll slaughter more children) L’chaim!Sloan Bashinsky
Good grief, you twist my words like Washington politicians Democrats, Republicans, MAGAs and Christians twist words. Biden should have abandoned Israel after it became obvious what Israel was going to do in Gaza. The people running Israel and IDF are criminally insane, as are, I think, anyone who sides with them. I say the same about Hamas and people who side with it. Those fuckers took kids as hostages on Oct. 7, which was my birthday. Looks to me you would benefit from a large injection of the feminine. Not Picking on you. Humanity, women and men alike, needs a large injection of the feminine.
What's even funnier, is, we don't need that injection. Those hormones, those feelings, run through us all...male and female.
It's just that men learn they have to play the tough game not to be seen as a loser or sissy..........
And over time, if you have no opportunity to express your softer, more empathic side.......Many men lose the ability.
Look at some of the comments. Guys stuck with one idea that they defend as if their erections depended on and goddess forgive me!!
Sloan Bashinsky
Heh, be careful you don’t get burned at a stake :-)A south Alabama belle graced me with this of hers a few years ago:
“Pigs in mud”All want the security of the well fed pig.Horror at the baseness unrecognized.A lifetime spent in shirt stuffing.And pen comparison.Is truth more palatable when honeyed?Is a stark soulscape less so with the eyes of Monet?May my affectations always be understood.
Jon Carver
Since all the polls show that the vast majority of world Jews side with Israel and support Netanyahu's Amalek War,-genocide, according to what you've written here, the vast majority of Jews are "criminally insane". That's a strong, but accurate statement given the poll numbers. Jews are mostly criminally insane, as you put it. Vagina -Womb bearers are in no way superior to Penis and Testes People. That's called Sexist Bullshit. Stop with the Male Hating and misandry please. It a form of bigotry. People are people. Stop obsessing about gender and genitals. It's creepy and sexist.
Sloan Bashinsky
You continue to twist what I write. Good thing I wrote it, which left a record simply speaking would not. :-) Didn’t you tell God to suck your dick?