Friday, February 23, 2024

in one dystopian American ear and back out the same ear

    Yesterday morning, I had no ATT cell phone service or texting ability, and my Apple News feed was down. I drove to an ATT store and a handwritten sign on the front door said “Nationwide outage”. A maintenance worker in a parking lot said his Version cell service was okay, but his father’s ATT service was down. Later, I heard that all up and down on the America Pacific west coast, Verizon and T-Mobile also were down.

    My tech friend  Bob, who produces the Red Neck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, said Verizon and T-Mobile were down lots of other places in America. and the electric fence on top of the southern border wall was down. I said I had seen TV and online news reports of national government agencies investigating, while ATT talking heads were promoting a failure in their system, which tech idiot me found more than kinda hard to swallow.

    I named countries that could have done it: Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, elements of radical Islam. Bob said, perhaps, but it could have been done by Americans, as a demonstration of what it will be like in America if Donald Trump is convicted and put in prison, or if he does not win the 2024 election. That felt so dead on chi-ching to me that it was like the world had dropped out from under me.

    I suggested we do a podcast about that for people who have not become blind, deaf and dumb.

    Yesterday, an evangelical amiga, who keeps trying to persuade me to attend her and her husband’s Church of Christ church, so after we die, I will be with them in heaven, said it’s a shame what has happened to America, what it was is no more. I said I agreed, it is no more, and it’s not coming back.

    We don’t talk politics, but I have told her many times, if I go to her church and am myself, the people in her church will not like it that she brought me there. Her husband was a U.S. Marine. I did not serve in the American armed forces, but I live in Alabama, and I know the evangelicals are convinced God sent Donald Trump to them, to save them from the godless commie liberals.

    The evangelical and I have a mutual friend, who used to practice law in Birmingham. Since we both attended the University of Alabama School of Law, and since I also practiced law in Birmingham, he sometimes addresses me as “Counselor.”

    Sometimes he poses legal puzzles regarding legal proceedings against Donald Trump, and several times he has said I am a Democrat, and I have told him every time that I belong to no political party, which leaves me free to poke political parties and people who belong to them.

    His most recent legal puzzle was, what does it matter that Donald Trump inflated his assets to get loans in New York, if he repaid the loans and no bank was injured? I said that was a good question. 

    I did some research and learned New York has s special law known as 63(12), which allows the New York Attorney General to go after people who engage in repeated deceptive business practices. Specifically, 63(12) allows the recovery of profits the deceptor earned as a result of the deception.

    By inflating his assets in bank loan applications, Donald Trump was able to get very low interest rates to make business investments on which he made a lot of money. The judge in the New York 63(12) case fined Trump for the interest he would have had to pay if he had not inflated his assets, and for the profits he made on the investments he would not have made if he had not gotten the loans, and for the interest on his profits, and the interest runs until Trump pays the entire fine, and the New York Attorney General is preparing to seize Turmp’s assets in New York to satisfy the fine. 

    I told my ex-lawyer friend all of that, and that I didn’t know how the New York appellate courts might rule, but since 63(12) is a New York law, I didn’t see how the U.S. Supreme Court could get involved, unless on the ground that the 63(12) is unconstitutional, or the application it to Trump is unconstitutional. Like my saying I am not a Democrat, my explanation seemed to go in one of my ex-lawyer friend's ears and right back out the same ear.

       I read online this morning that, in the past, the New York Attorney General Office had successfully used 63(12) against Trump University. Meaning, Trump knew about 63(12) when he inflated the value of his assets to get low interest loans for his investments. When I told my lawyer friend that today, it seemed to get his attention.

    For further example of in and back out the same ear, a discussion I had with someone under a recent Chris Hedges’s report on the United States Government trying to extradite Julian Assange from England.

Julian Assange’s Final Appeal - Read by Eunice Wong
Chris Hedges

Julian Assange will make his final appeal this week to the British courts to avoid extradition. If he is extradited it is the death of investigations into the inner workings of power by the press.  

Soan Bashinsky
I thought the real reason Assange was prosecuted by America was what he released about Hillary Clinton, which, along with what Russian hackers came up with, looked to me gave the White House to Donald Trump.   
Paul Girard
Sure. But to be clear, Hilary Clinton gave the White House up with her horrible behaviour and actions. I’m not saying the rest are any better; as far as I can see, they generally are all the uniparty of war and oligarchy.  
Sloan Bashinsky
I think Hillary and the Dems were/are behind Assange being prosecuted by America. 

    Down here in The Heart of Dixie MAGA stronghold, The Alabama Supreme Court ruled regarding in vitro fertilization (IFR) embryos:

“[T]he Wrongful Death of a Minor Act is sweeping and unqualified. It applies to all children, born and unborn, without limitation. It is not the role of this Court to craft a new limitation based on our own view of what is or is not wise public policy. That is especially true where, as here, the People of this State have adopted a Constitutional amendment directly aimed at stopping courts from excluding ‘unborn life’ from legal protection.”

    In the wake of that decision, Alabama’s U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville was all for people making a whole not more babies, but he had no response to the University of Alabama Medical Center in Birmingham and other Alabama medical providers ceased providing IVF services to avoid getting the shit sued out of them, if by chance or happenstance something bad happened to frozen embryos in their possession.

‘It’s really scary’: Hear Tommy Tuberville’s stunning response to question on Alabama IVF ruling
Mini Timmaraju, President and CEO of Reproductive Freedom for All and Molly Jong Fast, Special Correspondent for Vanity Fair joins Alicia Menendez in for Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House with reaction to Republicans trying to backtrack their extreme views on reproductive health in the wake of the Alabama Supreme Court ruling on IVF, treats embryos as human life.

Read in MSNBC:

     A fast-track bill was introduced by Democrats in the Alabama Legislature to exempt IFV from the Alabama Supreme Court ruling.

    Meanwhile, it still seems nobody but Senator Tuberville knows where he actually lives, but there is no proof he lives in Alabama, and there is much evidence he lives in the Florida Panhandle. 

    When Tuberville campaigned for the U.S. Senate, he said he would do whatever Donald Trump told him to do. 

    After being elected, Tuberville ran a months-long one-man blockade in the U.S. Senate of U.S. Military promotions, because the U.S. Military was helping its pregnant personnel get to states that allowed abortions. Tuberville finally relented after Trump figured out Tuberville was costing Trump votes.

       The other day, I posted this below into an online discussion that the world has become dystopian and most people are brainwashed. I wondered if anyone in the discussion wondered if my comment might be addressed to them? There were no replies.

Sloan Bashinsky 
In the.main, humanity indeed is brainwashed, programmed like computers, behaves like lemmings. lives in herds, which actually are cults. People in cults cannot be reasoned with, reached. They, and their leaders, are incapable of introspection, looking at themselves in the mirror and taking fearless and searching inventories of themselves. The many beams in their own eyes. 
Convinced they are right, pointing their finger everywhere but at themselves, they are l-o-s-t, un-woke, asleep- thinking they are woke, all-seeing, all-knowing. 
The cold truth is, humanity, America, Israel, Russia, China, Iran, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, for examples, moved through SNAFU deep into FUBAR. Trying to fix that may be noble, or it might be projection, or it might be dangerous, but it is futile. They will not change because someone tells them to change.
According to Acts of the Apostles, the Jewish pharisee Saul of Tarsus had no intention of stopping his getting Christians crucified by the Roman government if they did not renounce Jesus, until a bolt of lighting blinded him and knocked him off ihs horse on the road to Damascus, and Jesus asked him, “Saul, why do you persecute, me?”
I bring that up, not to say it actually happened, but to say what might change herds and their leaders. Might.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

A black journalist every American should read even if I disagree with him about Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis

Roy S. Johnson, The Barbershop

"Right is of no sex, truth is of no color, God is the father of us all, and we are all brethren."

--The North Star

    Today’s post features African-American columnist Roy S. Johnson every American should read. With heavy heart, though, I had to disagree today with his perspective of Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis.

Very nice column today.

"If you watched with glee Fani Willis' painfully personal, defiant (and potentially life-threatening) testimony, know this: They could come after you, too. Or someone you date."

I clerked for a U.S. District Judge in Birmingham, who presided over every federal criminal prosecution in north Alabama, and then I practiced law in Birmingham.

I hoped Fani would get Donald Trump locked up for a long time. I felt God gave Fani that case. She had to know better than to get romantic with a prosecutor she had hired, and now that's the main issue in the case. Although the affair has nothing to do with Trump's deeds, she should have resigned and let someone else try to get Trump locked up. That she didn't resign says to me there is something fundamentally awry in her. 

    His today:

Alabama crumples overdue bill, threatens DEI

Roy. S. Johnson