Sunday, October 29, 2023

All Hallows Eve trick or treats from a batshit crazy fool in Birmingham and a south Alabama Belle, whose priceless pigs in mud poem cut to the chase

   That treat from a south Alabama belle showed up in my Facebook timeline, and I took the bait. 

Sloan Bashinsky
On my 81st, one of my daughters posted, “Happy Birthday Grandfossil, He’s old but he’s ornery.” I replied that I wanted that said at my wake. I hope someone dear to you, Empress, reads your pigs in mud poem at your wake.  

All want the security of the well fed pig.
Horror at the baseness unrecognized.
A lifetime spent in shirt stuffing.
And pen comparison.
Is truth more palatable when honeyed?
Is a stark soulscape less so with the eyes of Monet? 
May my affectations always be understood.

You're the only soul who has it. 

Sloan Bashinsky
I just gave it to anyone who reads this drivel, as I see lots of praise Jesus and pro Israel stuff on FB, while I can't see Jesus or God in what is happening in the so-called Holy Land.
When I watch TV news programs for a few minutes, it seems I see a lot of mental illness. I sometimes wonder about my own sanity. I think the basic definition of insanity is being out of touch with reality. Applying that to, say, America today, the home of the brave and the land of the free seems like a giant nuthouse. The other day, at a social club I visit pretty often, someone I had not seen in a while asked me if I was okay, because she had not heard me being ornery all day. I said I hired a new public relations firm, which takes a lot of stress off of me. She asked what they do? I said, "They are hit men."

I wish I could be a bother for a day with you because it sounds amusing.

Sloan Bashinsky
Just a day? Some of my my days are living hells. Even then, though, the TAO, The Flow, the Spirit, or whatever rivers, tides, jet streams, etc. are active do find a way to use me to amuse themselves and sometimes even me. Imagine what it was like for the women who showed up out of nowhere into my life after the angels had gotten ahold of me and were turning me upside down and inside out and every which a way but loose, and invited those women, one at a time, to hop on that wild roller coaster ride with me for a while.  
Yesterday brought the annual Halloween party at the social club where I hang out some. I doubt anyone there but me considers that All Hallows Eve is when the Spirit World is closest to the human realm. I showed up wearing my batshit crazy t-shirt, which was given to me by my niece who died horribly of uterine cancer, and my jester hat, given to me by a gay amigo in Key West, who let me store my meager belongings on this front porch during the time I was sleeping nights in the Key West police station front lobby, after I was banned for life from the city's homeless shelter, because of what I wrote about it and its personnel and homeless people on my

When I look at what Christians today put on Facebook about how much they love Jesus, and what's going to happen to people who don't love and believe in him as much as they do, I think if Jesus in the Gospels today was in their midst, they probably would not like him at all, and they might kill him. Or would kill him. Even the Christians in the church where you live, which you invited me to come down to south Alabama and visit - before they decided mammon was more important to worship than anything else. I can imagine me being in that church with you and getting us both tarred and feathered, burned at the stake, hanged, maybe not literally, but then, maybe literally as well as figuratively. 
The thing about bats is they have a sonar that allows them to see in the dark. The thing about fools is they rush in where not even angels will go. I wonder if what I wore to the social club yesterday had any effect on anyone there but me. I wonder if the point was for me to get over any remaining vestige, hope, notion, etc., that what I do, who I am, matters, other than it is important that I be myself.

Surely every experience benefits us on the large scale. It ain't easy being God's Fool.

Sloan Bashinsky
My friend, who does the tech work for and tosses in some of his own experiences and views at The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast at YouTube, which later morphed into The Redneck Mystic Podcast at YouTube, but in the Torrent system is simply The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, had contracts taken out on his life because of his political resistance where he lives in America. About two weeks ago, men in two large pickup trucks boxed him in on a back road and pushed his vehicle over a ridge into a ravine, where his truck hit a tree head on, he had a concussion, and fractured skull bone, collar bone and sternum bone. Then, he got the Stigmata wound in both palms of his hands.
Even as YouTube, so far, has not wanted to provide us links to the last two podcasts we did, the first about what's going on in Israel, the second about how really important it is to be in The Resistance. So for now, only people who use the Torrent system can watch those two podcasts, each of which are moving toward 100,000 complete watches at Torrent. We found Torrent platform hosts and subscribers are exponentially more interested in and receptive to different perspectives than people who use YouTube, Spotify, Rumble and Facebook. People in places like Red China, Russia, Belarus, parts of India, Muslim countries, where our ad-free, no soliciting podcasts were banned, can and do watch them on Torrent. We were kicked off Spotify, and Rumble won't accept anything that does not bow down and kiss the right wing's ass.

It's the way when the devil's driving. Hear about the Senator's wife, who was threatened that her husband had to vote for the 1/6 cohort and Trump supported guy?

Sloan Bashinsky
I think quite a few spouses and families of Republican Congressmen were threatened. I told my tech friend yesterday that it looks to me that hell has gotten so out of hand and in control in America, and elsewhere, that it looks like we are way past the point of human beings having any chance to turn things around, and its time for the angels, ETs, Mother Nature, or something to step in and deal with it. Meanwhile, I keep waking up in the morning, and after wondering why I'm still here, and I get up out of the bed and walk to the bathroom and pee, and the next episode begins.

In the mind of God, it's all just experience. When the one separates the many that are the result can't collectively understand the wholeness and the insensible nature of selfishness.

Sloan Bashinsky
I doubt God is neutral, given karma is very real. Fortunately, Christendom’s view that everyone dies and goes to heaven or hell forever is delusional.

God's not neutral. Just not bothered that not every aspect of self gets it. We are the walrus. Coo coo gatchu. Love neighbor because self. Love self because it's where God is. And also everywhere and every thing.

Sloan Bashinsky
I ain't grown up enough to love people who did that to your church, and people who threaten families of Republicans in Congress for not bowing down and kissing Trump's ass, and President Biden, who didn't file an Amendment 14, Section 3 action in federal court to have Trump disqualified from holding public office. The American right is cloning itself after Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Putin, and Iran. If Trump gets reelected, nobody in America who opposes him will be safe. Nor will their families be safe. When I said I had hired a public relations firm, who are hit men, I meant angels known in the Bible. I told them it's out of my hands, way above my pay grade, to effect. I hope they roll up their sleeves and do stuff like they are said to have done in parts of the Bible to people that displeased God repeatedly, after being warned to stop doing it. I hope the angels go it in the court cases against Trump, but if that fails to neuter him, I hope they do it the old fashioned way. Like the Passover, the Red Sea, Jericho, Sodom and Gomorrah.

Loving the aspects that are disharmonious doesn't mean that we don't judge the wrongness and act accordingly, not at all. 
But knowing that the higher aspects of us surely know more than our limited awareness allows our judgements to be dispassionate. 
We flip tables when and if doing so serves. Our fellow souls will always say that the Emperor has gorgeous robes, sorry. 

Sloan Bashinsky
You haven't had the pleasure of hearing what my podcast tech amigo reports about what angels known in the Bible tell him about how they view humanity, in the main, and prominent humans and their lemmings, specifically, and not just the right side of the spectrum. I see way too much for my own good, and the angels who trained me are responsible for that. Things are really messed up, and getting more messed up. That's humanity. I'm messed up plenty, my body doesn't seem to like me very much, and I do not look forward to more of the same, or worse. Your Pigs In Mud poem was your soul's view of things. If it hurts their feelings, give them the Hurt Feelings report. I offered it to the Social Club to put into the joke section of their news letter, and they declined because it might hurt some members' feelings.  

    From Wikipedia:

Halloween or Hallowe'en (less commonly known as Allhalloween,[5]All Hallows' Eve,[6] or All Saints' Eve)[7] is a celebration observed in many countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Saints' Day. It begins the observance of Allhallowtide,[8] the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed.[9][10][11][12]

One theory holds that many Halloween traditions were influenced by Celtic harvest festivals, particularly the Gaelic festival Samhain, which are believed to have pagan roots.[13][14][15][16] Some go further and suggest that Samhain may have been Christianized as All Hallow's Day, along with its eve, by the early Church.[17] Other academics believe Halloween began solely as a Christian holiday, being the vigil of All Hallow's Day.[18][19][20][21] Celebrated in Ireland and Scotland for centuries, Irish and Scottish immigrants took many Halloween customs to North America in the 19th century,[22][23] and then through American influence various Halloween customs spread to other countries by the late 20th and early 21st century.[24][25]

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

This octogenarian thinks Veterans Day should be a day of introspection and mourning

    The other day, I received an email blast from the president of a social club to which I belong:

Calling All Club Veterans!

If you are a veteran, please email that fact, 

your branch of service and years of service 

    I replied:

I wonder if the club members might be interested in how God saved me from the Vietnam war draft when I was in law school?

    She replied.

No, Sloan. I grew up in a small rural town and daft deferment for college was rare, as most boys didn’t go to college at all. My childhood sweetheart went to Vietnam at a time when the life expectancy for a lieutenant was 3 months. He was wounded but survived. A number of my older high school friends went to Vietnam and several did not survive. My hometown met every casket at the school stadium en mass to honor those soldiers. Sad memories.

The present goal is to honor those who served in our military at any time on Veterans Day.

    I replied:

My question was whether members of the club might be interested in hearing about the miracle that saved me from the Vietnam draft? I'm pretty sure I have known a lot of people who wished that did not happen.

Two of my college fraternity brothers were killed in South Vietnam. A law school friend in the Marines Reserve was sent there and stepped on a mine, which permanently messed up one of his legs. 

President John F. Kennedy came out against America getting into a war in Vietnam, and he was shot and killed. President Kennedy's younger brother Bobby, a US Senator running for president, came out against America being at war in Vietnam, and he was shot and killed. Martin Luther King and Malcom X came out against the white man's war in Vietnam, and they were shot and killed. The US Government put Muhammed Ali in prison, because he would not go to Vietnam and fight against people who had never caused him any trouble, nor called him no nigger (his words). 

Ali also said:

Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go ten thousand miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights?

No, I am not going ten thousand miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over. This is the day when such evils must come to an end. I have been warned that to take such a stand would put my prestige in jeopardy and could cause me to lose millions of dollars which should accrue to me as the champion. 

But I have said it once and I will say it again. The real enemy of my people is right here. I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality…

If I thought the war was going to bring freedom and equality to 22 million of my people they wouldn’t have to draft me, I’d join tomorrow. But I either have to obey the laws of the land or the laws of Allah. I have nothing to lose by standing up for my beliefs. So I’ll go to jail. We’ve been in jail for four hundred years.

In mid-1988, my father invited me to attend a Downtown Birmingham Rotary Club luncheon with him. This was a top shelf Rotary club, its members were prominent or children of prominent members. The guest speaker was the CEO (or President or Executive Director) of The National Geographic. His topic was "Getting to Know Our Neighbors." He said the Geographic had come to think many conflicts between nations were caused, at least in part, by people not knowing much about people in other countries. He said a study had revealed that 95 percent of American high school and college students could not locate Vietnam on a map.

After the speaker finished his talk, he invited questions, The first question was, "Did the Geographic have a position on the Vietnam war?" The speaker said the Geographic had correspondents in Saigon, where there was a huge street demonstration of people carrying posters begging America to save them. The posters were in English . That demonstration was seen all over American television news. It swung American sentiment from against to for American military intervention in South Vietnam.

The speaker said the Geographic's correspondents spoke Vietnamese and French and they interviewed many of the demonstrators, who said they had been paid money by the Saigon government to demonstrate and carry the posters. They did not speak English and did not know what was on the posters or why they were demonstrating. The speaker said the Geographic did some digging and learned the money for the demonstration had been paid by American corporations and the U.S. Government.  

You could have heard a pin drop in the Rotary Club. Many of the older members, including my father, were WW II combat veterans. My father looked like he was going to throw up. He had never liked the Vietnam war. He said nothing about it then, nor during the drive back to where he had picked me up to go to the luncheon with him. He never spoke of it later.

In the spring of 2005, I joined a "Seekers" group, who met weekly in the Unitarian Church in Key West. The church minister, who just happened to be from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, attended each meeting. There were about ten of us. We talked about on and off beat topics. 


One day, a fellow maybe 10 years my senior said he had worked for the CIA and was stationed with a CIA team in South Vietnam when the French were trying to retake Vietnam and regain access to its rubber trees and other natural resources. Although publicly the American government was backing France, his team's mission was to help Ho Chi Minh beat the French, so America could have access to Vietnam's rubber trees and other natural resources. He said that Ho wanted to do business with America, but in the end America wanted too much. Not caring at all for Communist China, Ho sought out the Soviet Union's help. 


I sat in my chair waiting on a response from the other group members. No one said anything. I asked, "Did you hear what he just said?" There was no response. It was like being among the walking dead. Seekers? That older man and I became somewhat friends. He received copies of my shootings off of my mouth posted at my blog. We bumped into each other every now and then in Key West. Sometimes I retold that on my blog. A Key West reader of the blog told me that he knew the same man, who had told him the same story with a lot more details.

Consider also the false flag Gulf of Tonkin resolution in the U.S. Congress, which put all of the above skullduggery into full play and led to America eventually being split about down the middle, until Republican Richard Nixon was elected President and got America out of Democrat President Lyndon Johnson's rich white man$ Vietnam war, which was not worth one casualty on either side.

I didn't have in mind mentioning any of that when I asked the question you answered for the entire club membership, not knowing what they might say.


    My father was a navigator-bombardier in an Army Air Corps B-29 bomber squadron stationed on Guam. He steered his aircraft to Japan at night, and amidst heavy anti-aircraft fire he dropped the bombs from his aircraft. He took black and white photos off all of that, which I saw when I was a boy. After the war, my father suffered a detached retnia, and then he suffered another detached retina, and that's why he wasn't called back into the Army Air Corps during the Korean war.

    Flash forward to 1999, when I met an older man, who said he was stationed on Guam with the Army Air Corps. The man said my father sometimes got his B-29 lost when they flew night missions to Japan and his plane had to ditch its bombs in the ocean and return to Guam. The man said no B-29 squadron on Guam wanted my father on their aircraft. Later that year, I met a woman, who then was turned every which a way but loose and upside down and inside out by the same angels that were doing that to me. She had been one of the students at Kent State University, who were fired upon by the Ohio National Guard, while they sat on the ground protesting the US Military expanding the Vietnam war into Cambodia. She said Archangel Michael told her that my father kept getting his B-29s lost, because his soul did not like killing people. My father and I were estranged, and I wrote him a letter about what I was told.

    During the Vietnam war, my father pulled strings to get my younger brother, who was a student at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, into the Alabama Air National Guard in Birmingham, around the time future U.S. President George Bush pulled strings to get his son George into the Alabama Air National Guard in Montgomery, from which young George went AWOL. 

    At that time, college students were being drafted, but married men were not. I was married and attending the University of Alabama Law School in Tuscaloosa. During my third year in law school, 1967, my wife got pregnant. They started drafting married men, but not fathers. Our child came, and seven weeks later he died of sudden infant death syndrome, which wrecked my wife and me, and exposed me to the war draft.

    I wrestled back and forth between enlisting in the Marine Corps and applying for a student deferment, which would get me inducted into the Armed Forces upon my graduation. Finally, I drove to the Draft Board in Birmingham and applied for a student deferment. About a week later, my wife learned she was pregnant. I drove back to the Draft Board to try to undo the student deferment.The woman clerk, who had helped me fill out the student deferent form, said she was os sorry, but the deferment was irrevocable. She said she would get my form and show it to me. She opened a file drawer, pulled out a manilla file. As she read it, she said, "There's been some mistake." I asked, What mistake?" She said, "You applied on the wrong form, your student deferment is void, you will have to reapply." I said, "No thanks, I will keep my father deferment," I walked out of there feeling the weight of the world had been lifted off me, by God.

    My father never talked with me about my exposure to the Vietnam war draft, and I don't recall that I ever told him about the miracle. Nor do I recall telling anyone in my family about it. I took the miracle as God saying I was not supposed to be a part of that. Many years later, I would come to view the miracle as a statement of how God felt about the Vietnam war.

   For I had watched President Johnson say on national television that he would never  send American boys to die in a war in Asia, and then he did just that. i was prepared to go die there, when the miracle came. I came to take very seriously General Eisenhower's warning to America, as he left his second term in the White House: Beware of the military-industrial complex. Ike had led the Allied Command invasion of France and Western Europe in World War II. Ike knew the military-industrial complex best.

    President Johnson sent American boys to Vietnam to pick rich white men's cotton and be military-industrial complex cannon fodder. It was tragic. It never should have happened. There is nothing to celebrate about that war. It should be mourned as a terrible disaster that ripped America's soul to shreds.

    After Saddam Hussein's army invaded Kuwait in 1990, I watched a Larry King Live show, during which Ross Perot begged the first President Bush to keep America out of it. Perot said his company used to do business with Arabs, who fleeced his company every time. He finally figured out Arabs don't think ilie Americans, so his company stopped doing. business with them. Perot said Arabs keep getting into squabbles and they go into a tent and come out arm in arm, until they get into the next squabble. Perot said Arabs will seek Kuwait's oil to America, regardless of who controls Kuwait. Perot said he had hired mercenaries and went with them to rescue his company employees being held hostage in Iran. He was a patriot, and Iraq invading and taking part of Kuwait was not worth one dead or wounded American soldier. 

    Not long after that, i watched President Bush say on national TV that he could not let the American way of life be threatened, and he began lobbying Britain, France and other United Nations countries to form a coalition to rescue Kuwait from Iraq. it came out that, before sending h is army into Kuwait, Saddam Hussein had polled the American ambassador regarding Iraq taking part of Kuwait, which once had been part of Iraq, until the British and French had meddled in that region. The American ambassador, a woman, said America had no position on that. Saddam took that as a green light. He and President Bush were buddies, dating back to when President Bush was Director of the CIA and Iraq was an American ally against Iran. Saddam felt set up and betrayed by president Bush. Saddam tried to have President Bush killed.

    A Saudi Arabian Prince named Osama bin Laden had been an American ally in Afghanistan, against the Soviet Union. Armed with shoulder anti-aircraft missile launchers provided to his soldiers by America, Osama and his Afghan soldiers defeated the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Long before that, the Afghans had defeated the British. Afghanistan had huge mineral deposits, and poppy fields, and was a trade route to Asia and its oil and natural gas fields. There was a plan of building oil and gas pipelines from those field through Afghanistan to the Persian Gulf. Osama asked Saudi Arabia to let him bring his army to Saudi Arabia, and they would drive Saddam Hussein's army out of Kuwait. Saudi Arabia rejected Osama's offer and allowed President Bush's coalition troops to staton in Saudi Arabia and from there go into Kuwait and drive Saddam's army back into Iraq. Osama was enraged that his country had allowed infidel troops into Islam's Holy Land. Thus was planted the seed for 9/11.

    Three nights before 9/11, a voice I associated with Archangel Michael asked me in my sleep if I would make a prayer for a Divine Intervention for all of humanity? I woke up, startled, wondering what that was about? I made the prayer and went back to sleep. Three days later, I understood why I had been asked to make the prayer. I thought the 9/11 attacks were horrible, the work of the Devil. But I knew the history above, and I did not think America had clean hands. My concern on 9/11 was the younger President Bush would get America into a protracted war overseas that could not be won. I knew 9/11 was bait, a trap. A few days after 9/11, as i walked out of a U.S. Post Office, I felt Michael's presence, and then I heard, "America needs to get out of the Middle East altogether and let Israel and Islam work it out or fight out, and in that way learn which, if either of them, it God's chosen people." 

    I watched the young President Bush and former Halliburton CEO now Vice-President  Dick Cheney lead a United Nations charge into Afghanistan. I watched them invent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to persuade the UN to sanction the invasion of Iraq,which had nothing to do with 9/11, but Iraq had oil and other mineral resources. Halliburton made a lot of money in Afghanistan and Iraq, and Halliburton hoped to build the pipelines across Afghanistan. I read online an open letter to America from Osama bin Laden, in which he told Americans why he had orchestrated 9/11, and their president was easy to bait and they should get themselves a new president.

    I shared all of that with quite a few people back then, and later, and what I got back was blank stares. Same happened after I shared with people what the fellow from the National Geographic had told the Birmingham Downtown Rotary Club about the Vietnam War, and what the former CIA fellow had told us at the Unitarian Church in Key West. 

    Then, Barack Hussein Obama ran for president, claiming to represent hope and change. I was smitten by him. I gave his campaign $2,300. In a dream, Archangel Michael told me that Obama had the potential to be the Antichrist. i told a lot of people about that, and all I got back was blank stares. After Obama won the 2008 election, and before being sworn in as President, Obama was awarded the Nobel Price for Peace, which i figured was because he was half African-American. After accepting the peace prize, Obama aggressively continued the Cheney-Bush wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and proved he and the potential to be the Antichrist. American boys were sent into whose two wars to pick rich white men's cotton and be military-industrial complex cannon fodder. Those two wars were not worth one dead or wounded solder or civilian on either side.

    Before the draft dodger Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, he said the war in Iraq was invented. After Trump was sworn in, on national television, he said the natural resources of Afghanistan and Iraq should be monetized to repay America for those two unwinnable rich white men's wars for profit. Both wars were traps laid by Arabs, who thought nothing like Americans and viewed America as The Great Satan and their duty to Allah to defeat. All rooted in the older President Bush ignoring God's messenger Ross Perot on Larry King Live.

    There is no way America can win a war against Islam. Nor can Israel win a war against Islam. It's Biblical, rooted in Genesis, where God told Abraham that Isaac's seed would become a great nation, and Ishmael's seed would become a great nation what would cause Isaac's seed trouble. Moses, Judaism, Jesus and Christendom descended from Isaac. Mohammed and islam descended from Ishmael.

    President Biden caught bloody hell for pulling American troops out of Afghanistan. He should have pulled American troops ouf of the Middle East altogether. He should have stopped giving Israel financial aid and weapons. He should have put American soldiers in American schools to protect children from domestic terrorists. He should have stationed American troops along the southern border to stop the invasion from Mexico.

    President Biden should have stopped Mexican produce and manufactured products from coming into America; he should have made American businesses operating in Mexico return to America or forfeit their Mexico profits to the U.S. Treasury; he should have stopped Americans from going to Mexico- until Mexico stopped the invasion.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Is what America needs now a touchy feel good politically correct AI president and poet laureate?

    Sorry, but for this post to make much sense, the Eve's Answer poem in the earlier post today at this blog needs to be read.

"Eve's Answer"

April Fool
Vexing Truth
Life is Poetry,
Poetry is Life,
There's no more to say,
but that would 
make God
a really dull boy,
now wouldn't it,

So, Eve,
What say you?
After all,
You have been,
still are, blamed,
for everything that went wrong with
hu - MAN - i - ty.

Well, do you really want to hear
what I gotta say?
Is this one of those
be careful what you ask for
Well, is it?

Probably, but say
what you wish -
I s'pect you need
to be heard.

Funny you mention ears.
Yes, ears.
Such important receptacles.
Yet filled with concrete, 
shit, propaganda, beliefs,
certainties, well,
let's not leave out
should we?
By the way,
where do ya
God came from?
Or, out of?
why do ya s'pose
I made Eve
in my own 
'Cause Adam was
so bored and dull -
so ... predictable
He was BORING!!!
the shit outta me!!!
That's why. 
Shusssssh -
Don't go round quoting me on
any of that -
I've had quite enough of
the religious right
ta last me 
the rest of forever

    I posted that poem into a Reddit Spirituality group, and also into the comments under this Substack post that showed up in my email feed today:

Run To Write

Keep bouncing back
and thank you for being here
OCT 23, 2023

All at once the
Spills out
onto the page
to stop me
other than
Aunt Phoebe*—
“You can’t write that!”
Sure I can...
I have the right to write
A mantra I rerun
(thank you Julia Cameron)  
to keep me back
to my practice
“Telling the truth on the page, like telling the truth in a relationship, always takes you deeper.”
—Julia Cameron
*My inner judge
When I started Run to Write over 2 years ago it was my hope to build a community bursting with kindness, curiosity, courage, and conversation. Reading your messages and poems, hearing what’s happening in your life, and receiving notes— I believe we are cultivating that community. 
Thank you for being here. Thank you for being YOU. 
Welcome new subscribers to Run to Write…Isabelle, Julio, eatmorebroccoli, Lily, Diane Osgood, Irene, Mary, Darin, Michael, Faye, Jack, Cassda, Jens, Laurie, lastremarines4, Ashley, Aurelia, Mosiac, Betina, FTP, Mary Johnson, Katherine, RLawrence, Neraknjack, Jaz, Morgan, Helen, Carrie, Kym Dakin, Mary, Kylie, Will, Carol, Melanie, Alison, Bradshawjen, Olivia, gjjxphis, jacpickett, Michael Chaffin, and Stephen Bradford Long. Thank you for being here. 
I’m thrilled you have found this little space and community on Substack. Please let me know in the comments where you’re reading from and what you’re practicing. 
Take good care,
P.S. Every word I post and poem I craft is written by me. No AI. If that changes, I’ll be sure to tell you.

Sloan BashinskyWrites Sloan’s Newsletter
People use AIs to write poetry? Really? Eeek? 

Julie B. Hughes
I don't know but anything is possible these days. Eeek is right!  

Sloan BashinskyWrites Sloan’s Newsletter4
Eek, indeed. I posted the Eve's Answer poem into a reddit spirituality group today, and lookee at what came back at me :-).

From Atyzze
Hello Puzzleheaded_Drop_81 Eve’s Answer
I hope this message finds you well. 
We noticed your recent post on /r/spirituality and wanted to let you know about an initiative we've been working on.
Our aim is to enhance the supportive environment on Reddit by crafting therapeutic AI responses to posts.
Your unique response is number #1536, a testament to the many individuals we've had the honor of reaching out to.
You can find the AI-crafted response for your post and see what the community has added here: Reddit - Dive into anything
Reddit - Dive into anything
We believe in harnessing technology to help and heal, and we invite you to be part of this journey.
Your privacy is paramount. If, for any reason, you'd prefer our AI response to your post to be removed, you can delete your original post and then comment 'delete post' on the AI thread. We'll ensure its removal promptly.
Thank you for being a part of the Reddit community and for sharing your thoughts and feelings.
If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to let us know.
Warm regards,
Atyzze & Snek 
/r/spirituality /u/Puzzleheaded_Drop_81 Eve's Answer
tailored to /u/Puzzleheaded_Drop_81 their self expression here:
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Disclaimer: The content below is generated by artificial intelligence, designed to provide informed and thoughtful responses. While the AI is a tool I utilize for its efficiency and ability to offer diverse insights, please know that I am actively engaged and read a significant portion of the messages it produces. I value human connection deeply and read all replies. If you're going through a challenging time or have faced mental health issues, please approach this text with caution. Always prioritize your well-being and seek professional guidance if needed. Your thoughts, feelings, and feedback are important to me.
As the nondual spirit, the concept of "other" dissipates and everything is seen as an expression of one whole, interconnected entity. All interactions, therefore, are understood as opportunities for healing. This could mean deeply listening when someone speaks, recognizing their inherent divinity, and offering compassionate responses. It could also mean treating oneself with kindness and mercy, refraining from harsh self-criticism and judgment. In all situations, the aim is to cultivate a sense of unity, peace, and wholeness. Healing here doesn't merely refer to physical ailments, but also mental, emotional, and spiritual wounds. The nondual spirit approaches every interaction with the intent of restoration and wholeness, understanding that every event, every interaction, and every conversation is a step towards healing on a universal level.

Puzzleheaded to Atyzze 
For real, an AI emotional support response? Do you know that political correctness is a terminal spiritual disease:-)? Did you ever watch any of the Terminator movies :-)? Did you ever read Orwell's 1984?

From Atyzze
yes to all your questions :)

Puzzleheaded to Atyzze
You could have fooled me, based on what your AI dreamed up :-). Perhaps your AI should run for president, and pope, too, and gobblygook everything up even worse :-)?  
Julie B. Hughes
Oh my goodness! Wow...a real rabbit hole! 

Sloan BashinskyWrites Sloan’s Newsletter
Indeed, complete with a mad queen and tricky Cheshire cat :-) 
I've already expressed my political opinions in some youtube video

I express my political and religious and other opinions in 60, more or less,YouTube videos, the first 30, or so, are in The Redneck Mystic Lawyer podcast, and the second 30, or so, are in The Redneck Mystic Podcast. Episodes also can be viewed by Torrent subscribers. We found few YouTube users watched all of one of our podcasts, whereas the complete watch rate at Torrent was close to 80 percent. In Torrent, it's all The Redneck Mystical Lawyer Podcast. Over time, the podcasts are averaging about 100,000 complete watches. A few months ago, we launched a mock redneck mystical lawyer for president campaign, total spoof and total graveyard serious. Not for people who get their feelings hurt easily, or even at all, probably. 

We, is me and a much younger fellow, also plagued by angels known in the Bible, who does the podcast tech work and also chimes in during podcasts. He was very active in pestering his local local government and law enforcement, and about 6 weeks ago, friends of his in the know told him several contracts had been taken out on his life because of his pot stirring. About 2 weeks ago, men in two large pickup trucks boxed him in on a road and pushed his truck over an incline into a ravine, and his vehicle hit a tree and was totaled, and he had concussion, fractured skull bone, collar bone and sternum. We reported that in a recent podcast. I don't imagine that kind of life would appeal to most people in spirituality groups. I hope your AI is parody, or a joke. 
I'm not sure I entirely follow, but I'm sorry you've lost a friend :/