Sunday, October 8, 2023

Grandfossil turned 81 yesterday: He's old, but he's ornery, and he's worn out, and his Last Will and Testament is his non-fiction, fiction and stranger than fiction books and The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast

    Before dawn 81st birthday yesterday, I had a string of dreams warning me not to file the Amendment 14, Section 3 lawsuit against Donald Trump on behalf of President Joe Biden, which is featured in the previous post at this blog:

    After I woke up yesterday morning, a friend called to report a dream in which he was shown I should not file the lawsuit.

    Whew! Happy Birthday! I knew it would be really rough on me, perhaps beyond anything I could imagine.

    My older daughter texted me while I was eating breakfast yesterday morning:

"Happy birthday, Grandfossil, He's old but he's ornery 😂 "

    I texted back, 

"😎Old, but ornery, please mention that at my wake." 

    She replied:

"Ha, ha"

   Yesterday's other highlight was my younger daughter called to wish me happy birthday while I was playing chess in a restaurant with a black pastor friend, who had beaten me badly the first two games with some help from brainless disrespectful to chess moves by me. After she and I talked, I won the next two games, and told my friend that I hoped my daughter calls me more often. After I won the next two games, he said my daughter could not call me any more. 

    My younger daughter's magic spell lifted, and my friend and I went back and forth gnawing on each other, and I kept making disrespectful to chess moves, until I wore out and was playing like I never heard of chess, and I said what I was doing wasn't chess, and I felt awful in my body. My friend said to think positive, and I said, if he felt like I felt, he would be in a hospital.

    My gut had chewed me up for over a week. It had bugged me since I was 26, when it went cranky in one day, without any warning. Medicine, diets, herbs, exercises, yoga, tai chi, chi kung, mediation and whatever else The New and The Old Age offered were no help and sometimes made it worse, which is how I figured out it was intelligent and did not care to be messed with.

    I drove home from the restaurant to watch penalties galore Alabama somehow beat Texas A & M  26-20 with an apparently lame quarterback. Apparently lame, because Jalen Milroe never called play in which he ran the ball, even though he is a duel threat runner and passer. Earlier in the week, I had seen a TV  interview of Alabama coach Nick Saban not very adroitly dodging a question about Milroe having a hamstring injury. 

    I talked a lot to God yesterday afternoon and evening, taking the blame for having done something to cause my gut to turn against me. I still don't know what I did, but it must have been grievous. I told God that I sure wish I could get some help, because I sure needed help with my gut, my work, my life, my mood and my outlook. I feel like an old car ready for the junkyard.

    I dreamed around dawn today of doing something with two young girls. Perhaps they are my daughters, or my older daughter's daughters? Perhaps they are two things headed my way, which carry feminine energy? Mystics think like that, since everything is pretty much a mystery until it happens and starts revealing itself.

   My daughters and their husbands and their children, and the rest of my family and my friends, of which I have quite a few even though I am old and ornery, may think they know me pretty well, but if they lived in my skin a week, they would know they barely know me at all, because there is no way to know anyone without living in their skin.

    I suppose my Last Will and Testament is my non-fiction, fiction and stranger than fiction books, free reads at, and The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast. What is written carries a very different vibration from what is said. One is not better than the other. What is written tends to be more deliberate, while what is said tends to be more spontaneous. Two aspects of the same person.

    There are quite a few podcast episodes at YouTube, and about as many more in the Torrent system, which tech savvy people know how to access, but I don't. I do podcasts when the Spirit or the Muse move me. I think the average is around 90,000 complete watches per episode.

    There are five redneck mystic lawyer for president podcasts. Maybe there will be more, maybe not. They are different from what a candidate would say who wants to get votes more than than anything else.

Sloan for President 2024: A Mock Culture Jamming Campaign

What America needs now a culture-jamming president

Prometheus addresses Islam, Christianity, Judaism & their wars, from the Holy Spirit's Rose Garden

Res Ipsa Loquitur: The Devil Loves White Supremacy and Its Religions

A call for peaceful Jan 6 level rochambeaux protests at homes of shutdown the government Republicans

Stay tuned ...

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