Sunday, October 29, 2023

All Hallows Eve trick or treats from a batshit crazy fool in Birmingham and a south Alabama Belle, whose priceless pigs in mud poem cut to the chase

   That treat from a south Alabama belle showed up in my Facebook timeline, and I took the bait. 

Sloan Bashinsky
On my 81st, one of my daughters posted, “Happy Birthday Grandfossil, He’s old but he’s ornery.” I replied that I wanted that said at my wake. I hope someone dear to you, Empress, reads your pigs in mud poem at your wake.  

All want the security of the well fed pig.
Horror at the baseness unrecognized.
A lifetime spent in shirt stuffing.
And pen comparison.
Is truth more palatable when honeyed?
Is a stark soulscape less so with the eyes of Monet? 
May my affectations always be understood.

You're the only soul who has it. 

Sloan Bashinsky
I just gave it to anyone who reads this drivel, as I see lots of praise Jesus and pro Israel stuff on FB, while I can't see Jesus or God in what is happening in the so-called Holy Land.
When I watch TV news programs for a few minutes, it seems I see a lot of mental illness. I sometimes wonder about my own sanity. I think the basic definition of insanity is being out of touch with reality. Applying that to, say, America today, the home of the brave and the land of the free seems like a giant nuthouse. The other day, at a social club I visit pretty often, someone I had not seen in a while asked me if I was okay, because she had not heard me being ornery all day. I said I hired a new public relations firm, which takes a lot of stress off of me. She asked what they do? I said, "They are hit men."

I wish I could be a bother for a day with you because it sounds amusing.

Sloan Bashinsky
Just a day? Some of my my days are living hells. Even then, though, the TAO, The Flow, the Spirit, or whatever rivers, tides, jet streams, etc. are active do find a way to use me to amuse themselves and sometimes even me. Imagine what it was like for the women who showed up out of nowhere into my life after the angels had gotten ahold of me and were turning me upside down and inside out and every which a way but loose, and invited those women, one at a time, to hop on that wild roller coaster ride with me for a while.  
Yesterday brought the annual Halloween party at the social club where I hang out some. I doubt anyone there but me considers that All Hallows Eve is when the Spirit World is closest to the human realm. I showed up wearing my batshit crazy t-shirt, which was given to me by my niece who died horribly of uterine cancer, and my jester hat, given to me by a gay amigo in Key West, who let me store my meager belongings on this front porch during the time I was sleeping nights in the Key West police station front lobby, after I was banned for life from the city's homeless shelter, because of what I wrote about it and its personnel and homeless people on my

When I look at what Christians today put on Facebook about how much they love Jesus, and what's going to happen to people who don't love and believe in him as much as they do, I think if Jesus in the Gospels today was in their midst, they probably would not like him at all, and they might kill him. Or would kill him. Even the Christians in the church where you live, which you invited me to come down to south Alabama and visit - before they decided mammon was more important to worship than anything else. I can imagine me being in that church with you and getting us both tarred and feathered, burned at the stake, hanged, maybe not literally, but then, maybe literally as well as figuratively. 
The thing about bats is they have a sonar that allows them to see in the dark. The thing about fools is they rush in where not even angels will go. I wonder if what I wore to the social club yesterday had any effect on anyone there but me. I wonder if the point was for me to get over any remaining vestige, hope, notion, etc., that what I do, who I am, matters, other than it is important that I be myself.

Surely every experience benefits us on the large scale. It ain't easy being God's Fool.

Sloan Bashinsky
My friend, who does the tech work for and tosses in some of his own experiences and views at The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast at YouTube, which later morphed into The Redneck Mystic Podcast at YouTube, but in the Torrent system is simply The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, had contracts taken out on his life because of his political resistance where he lives in America. About two weeks ago, men in two large pickup trucks boxed him in on a back road and pushed his vehicle over a ridge into a ravine, where his truck hit a tree head on, he had a concussion, and fractured skull bone, collar bone and sternum bone. Then, he got the Stigmata wound in both palms of his hands.
Even as YouTube, so far, has not wanted to provide us links to the last two podcasts we did, the first about what's going on in Israel, the second about how really important it is to be in The Resistance. So for now, only people who use the Torrent system can watch those two podcasts, each of which are moving toward 100,000 complete watches at Torrent. We found Torrent platform hosts and subscribers are exponentially more interested in and receptive to different perspectives than people who use YouTube, Spotify, Rumble and Facebook. People in places like Red China, Russia, Belarus, parts of India, Muslim countries, where our ad-free, no soliciting podcasts were banned, can and do watch them on Torrent. We were kicked off Spotify, and Rumble won't accept anything that does not bow down and kiss the right wing's ass.

It's the way when the devil's driving. Hear about the Senator's wife, who was threatened that her husband had to vote for the 1/6 cohort and Trump supported guy?

Sloan Bashinsky
I think quite a few spouses and families of Republican Congressmen were threatened. I told my tech friend yesterday that it looks to me that hell has gotten so out of hand and in control in America, and elsewhere, that it looks like we are way past the point of human beings having any chance to turn things around, and its time for the angels, ETs, Mother Nature, or something to step in and deal with it. Meanwhile, I keep waking up in the morning, and after wondering why I'm still here, and I get up out of the bed and walk to the bathroom and pee, and the next episode begins.

In the mind of God, it's all just experience. When the one separates the many that are the result can't collectively understand the wholeness and the insensible nature of selfishness.

Sloan Bashinsky
I doubt God is neutral, given karma is very real. Fortunately, Christendom’s view that everyone dies and goes to heaven or hell forever is delusional.

God's not neutral. Just not bothered that not every aspect of self gets it. We are the walrus. Coo coo gatchu. Love neighbor because self. Love self because it's where God is. And also everywhere and every thing.

Sloan Bashinsky
I ain't grown up enough to love people who did that to your church, and people who threaten families of Republicans in Congress for not bowing down and kissing Trump's ass, and President Biden, who didn't file an Amendment 14, Section 3 action in federal court to have Trump disqualified from holding public office. The American right is cloning itself after Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Putin, and Iran. If Trump gets reelected, nobody in America who opposes him will be safe. Nor will their families be safe. When I said I had hired a public relations firm, who are hit men, I meant angels known in the Bible. I told them it's out of my hands, way above my pay grade, to effect. I hope they roll up their sleeves and do stuff like they are said to have done in parts of the Bible to people that displeased God repeatedly, after being warned to stop doing it. I hope the angels go it in the court cases against Trump, but if that fails to neuter him, I hope they do it the old fashioned way. Like the Passover, the Red Sea, Jericho, Sodom and Gomorrah.

Loving the aspects that are disharmonious doesn't mean that we don't judge the wrongness and act accordingly, not at all. 
But knowing that the higher aspects of us surely know more than our limited awareness allows our judgements to be dispassionate. 
We flip tables when and if doing so serves. Our fellow souls will always say that the Emperor has gorgeous robes, sorry. 

Sloan Bashinsky
You haven't had the pleasure of hearing what my podcast tech amigo reports about what angels known in the Bible tell him about how they view humanity, in the main, and prominent humans and their lemmings, specifically, and not just the right side of the spectrum. I see way too much for my own good, and the angels who trained me are responsible for that. Things are really messed up, and getting more messed up. That's humanity. I'm messed up plenty, my body doesn't seem to like me very much, and I do not look forward to more of the same, or worse. Your Pigs In Mud poem was your soul's view of things. If it hurts their feelings, give them the Hurt Feelings report. I offered it to the Social Club to put into the joke section of their news letter, and they declined because it might hurt some members' feelings.  

    From Wikipedia:

Halloween or Hallowe'en (less commonly known as Allhalloween,[5]All Hallows' Eve,[6] or All Saints' Eve)[7] is a celebration observed in many countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Saints' Day. It begins the observance of Allhallowtide,[8] the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed.[9][10][11][12]

One theory holds that many Halloween traditions were influenced by Celtic harvest festivals, particularly the Gaelic festival Samhain, which are believed to have pagan roots.[13][14][15][16] Some go further and suggest that Samhain may have been Christianized as All Hallow's Day, along with its eve, by the early Church.[17] Other academics believe Halloween began solely as a Christian holiday, being the vigil of All Hallow's Day.[18][19][20][21] Celebrated in Ireland and Scotland for centuries, Irish and Scottish immigrants took many Halloween customs to North America in the 19th century,[22][23] and then through American influence various Halloween customs spread to other countries by the late 20th and early 21st century.[24][25]

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