Okay, Younguns, today is tax day in America, when Americans are supposed to pay their fair share of income taxes to their government, unless they are really rich like, say, Donald Trump 😎.
Today, Trump goes on trial before a jury in a New York City state court, where he has to attend every day, unless the judge excuses him. Trump is the first president in America’s history to be criminally prosecuted.
After graduating from the University of Alabama School of Law, I clerked for United States District Court Judge Clarence W. Allgood in Birmingham, Alabama. Judge Allgood had pioneered the federal debtors court in Birmingham, and he wrote the law that the U.S. Congress passed to make that court national. Judge Allgood obtained his law degree from the Birmingham School of Law, taught by local lawyers at night. He never practiced law. Creating the federal debtors court got him appointed to the federal bench.
Even today, I view him as my spiritual father.
You can read my memorial of Judge Allgood in the “He Used to Drink Moonshine” chapter of A Few Remarkable Alabama People I Have Known, now a free read at the internet library:
By agreement with the other two federal judges in Birmingham at that time, Seyborne Lynne and Hobart Grooms, Judge Allgood presided over every criminal prosecution in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama. I watched many federal prosecutions during my year and a half with Judge Allgood. I sat many times in his chambers, listening to him, federal prosecutors and criminal defense lawyers discuss cases. I watched former Alabama Attorney General Richmond Flowers be prosecuted for political shenanigans and convicted by a jury before Judge Allgood. I think I can fairly say, compared to Donald Trump, Richmond Flowers was Jesus Christ.
The New York state prosecution of Donald Trump arises out of hush money Donald Trump's New York lawyer Michael Cohen paid to porn star Stormy Daniels, which Cohen and Trump tried to disguise as a business expense to protect Trump’s chances during the 2016 presidential election, and, I suppose, to keep Melania Trump from learning that her husband had sex with Daniels after Melania gave birth to their son. Donald Trump’s lawyers asked the U.S. Supreme Court to throw out the New York state court case, and SCOTUS ruled against him, stating no one, including a former president, is above the law.
How the New York state court jury will decide is anyone’s guess. If the jury convicts, Trump will appeal and remain free. He will not be disqualified from the presidential ballot, because the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly prohibit someone from running for president while under indictment, or even while serving time behind bars. Eligibility requirements for presidents state only that they must be at least 35 years old, be a natural-born citizen of the United States, and have been a resident of the country for at least 14 years.
If Trump wins wins the presidential election this year and takes office, and then he loses his appeal in the New York courts, and in the U.S. Supreme Court, and is put in a New York state prison, I suppose a Secret Service detail will be allowed to protect him in the prison, but will he have access to a smartphone, tablet, computer, press secretary, internet, Truth Social, X, Facebook, Instagram, Tic Tok, etc.? Do other New York state prisoners have such access? Well?
While watching the final round of the Masters golf tournament yesterday afternoon, I recalled hearing and reading rumors that Donald Trump cheats when he plays golf, and I chanced to visit The Republicans Against Trump Facebook page and something got into me and I told them how I really feel😎 about them, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, etc.
Sloan Bashinsky
I never belonged to a political party, and I still don’t understand how any person with a moral compass was able to vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in 2016. I very reluctantly voted for Joe Biden in 2020, the first time I had voted for a major party candidate. I won’t vote for Biden this year, after watching him help the religious fanatics in Israel destroy Gaza. I give Hamas no free pass, they hoped the October 7 raid would provoke Israel to do what it has done and turn the entire world against Israel and America.I’m at the point of thinking the only way to drain the D.C. swamp is nuke it when Congress is in session and the president and vice president and their cabinet are there. I got that notion from a Tom Clancy novel, in which a Japanese Samurai airline pilot flew his fuel-ladened jumbo jet into the U.S. Capitol while all but Jack Ryan were there. If I were the new U.S. president, I would declassify all of my government's ETs files and give Americans, and the world, something entirely different to ponder.
As for Trump’s performance before the January 6, 2020 coup attempt, he knew from the beginning that the Covid-19 virus was very bad and he lied to the American people about that. In March of 2020, he had a cheap 5-day early stage Covid-19 cure in his hands. The Jewish family practitioner doctor who came up with it was interviewed by Sean Hannity on his FOX show. Trump told America on TV it might be a miracle. The medical-industrial complex, Fauci, CDC, NIH, WHO, Lancet, Joe Biden and the Democrats went haywire. Trump’s FDA director withdrew his emergency permission for physicians to use the cure. Instead of firing his FDA director and replacing him with a doctor who would allow the cure to be used, so that America would not have to shut down, Trump caved and launched operation WarpSpeed, which pleased Biden, the Democrats and the medical industrial complex, which couldn’t make money off the Jewish doctor’s cure. That doctor was God’s doctor in that moment, and Trump and America told that doctor and God to take a hike. If people have not even yet figured it out, Covid-19 was developed in a Red Chinese lab. Trump knew this early on.I’m a retired lawyer, who clerked for a United States Judge, who presided over every criminal prosecution in his court’s jurisdiction. My criminal law professor in law school had prosecuted Nazis at Nuremberg. If he were alive today, he would be pleased to prosecute Donald Trump for the January 6 coup attempt, and Trump and Joe Biden for mishandling classified documents.All of my law professors would be pleased to say the current U.S. Supreme Court majority has rewritten Amendment 1’s prohibition against Congress, and via Amendment 14, states establishing a religion in America. My law professors also would be pleased to say SCOTUS giving corporations civil rights was insane.Trump promised the Republicans and MAGAs that Mexico would pay for a wall along the USA southern border, and I haven’t heard one Republican or MAGA talk about that. The way to stop the invasion from Mexico is for the President and the Congress to stop Americans and U.S. dollars from going to Mexico, and Mexican farm produce and manufactured goods from coming to America, until Mexico stops the invasion.The way to help protect public school children from being massacred by guns in their schools is station armed to the teeth U.S. soldiers or well regulated militia at the entrances and exits of each school.
I majored in economics in college. The way to run a government is to not spend, or borrow, more money than the government has assets to repay. Any person or corporation who does that ends up in bankruptcy court, which Donald Trump used to stiff his creditors. In reducing spending, nothing can be spared, not even the U.S. military. It would go much easier, if the rich and corporations paid their fair share of federal income, gift and estate taxes. I have a tax law degree, too, and am from a wealthy family, which never paid its fair share in taxes, compared to what rank and file American workers pay.The very last thing America needs is to be involved in is another foreign war. The winner in such wars is the American military industrial complex, aka, rich white men. JFK, RFK, MLK and Malcom X were shot and killed after they said they didn’t want America to be at war in Vietnam. Trump should have gotten America all the way out Afghanistan and Iraq, instead of saying those countries' natural resources should be monetized to repay America for the cost of those wars caused by the first President Bush’s needless rescue of Kuwait from Iraq.
Other than greed, there is no reason why Americans pay more for doctors, medicine and hospital services than people pay anywhere else in the world. I’m 81 years old. I paid for my Social Security, and but for Medicare reducing their fees, my doctors and pharmacy and hospitals would make a great deal of money off of me. When I traveled in Costa Rica in 2000 and needed emergency medical treatment, I was treated for free. How could that be? Costa Rica had no national military to pay. People in Cuba pay far less for medical treatment and medicine than people in America. How can that be, when Cuba has a military to pay?If you really want to see what is going on in the Kingdom of Trump, look at the oceans of white people in photos of Trump rallies and the January 6 coup attempt.

The reason the unanimous US Supreme Court decided Amendment 14, Section 3 did not apply to the presidency was they feared for their lives if they decided otherwise.
If you were paying attention, you learned that when Trump was married to Ivana, he kept a book of Hitler’s speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed, and he sometimes read it at night.
And you learned, after Trump was sworn in in 2017, he said he liked the idea of Vladimir Putin being elected president of Russia for life, and, you learned how chummy Trump was with the Clintons and Jeffery Epstein.

President Trump bowed to the Saudi Prince who had a Saudi journalist sawed up into little pieces after he wrote stuff about the prince, which he didn’t like, and Trump was financially bailed out twice by another Saudi, and after January 6, he was bailed out by Saudis and does a lot of business with them, who collect golfers like they collect race horses and harems, although none of their golfers are in contention at the Masters this afternoon, and how many Saudis were involved in 9/11?
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