Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Donald Trump’s pecker is on trial in Manhattan- if he was a colonial America woman, he would be burned at the stake as a fornicating apostate witch

    After two brief sojourns down homeless people memory lane, my attention returns to a very different homeless arena- separation from God. 

    The Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America says it is “One nation, under God,” and on America's money is stamped, “In God we trust,” and its Declaration of Independence  claims Nature and Natures God as its authority:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...

    America's former president Donald Trump is selling his own red, white and blue Bibles for personal profit, claiming God sent him to save America from the evil Democrats.

    American evangelicals believe God sent Trump to save them from the evil Democrats, who are conducting witch hunts against him, while the cold hard truth is, if Donald Trump was a woman in Colonial America, he would be burned at the stake as a fornicating apostate witch.

    To see that hard cold truth, Trump and his mega church congregation need only to view the hard cold evidence unfolding the a New York state courtroom in Manhattan, where the great pussy grabber by his own declaration stands trial for claiming hush money he paid to a famous prostitute Stormy Daniels while he was running for president was a business expense.

     The prosecution’s first witness was the owner of the National Inquirer, who artfully helped work the Stormy and similar deals to keep American voters from knowing the great pussy grabber did a great deal more than grab, and he did it when he was married to his foreign immigrant wife Melania, who seems to be just fine with her hubby’s pussy adventures, since she is not raising bloody hell about it in a divorce court, and the good Christians who support her hubby seem just fine with him paying stormy to hush for not having sex with him, according to her hubby.

    What amazes me is the national news media and the social media have not been saying the obvious, which is that the owner of the National Inquirer is named David Pecker. That’s right, folks, his last name is pecker. And there is no way to get around picking from that very large jar ballad of cosmic pickled peckers. 

    Very simply, Donald Trump’s very own pecker is on trial in that Manhattan courtroom, and given it is said Stormy Daniels likened his pecker to a mushroom, I can imagine the jury and the courtroom sketch artist anxiously wait to see that evidence to help them decide whether Stormy told the truth about having sex with Donald after Melania gave birth to their son Barron, and then Donald paid Stormy to be quiet about it, because he was running for president and didn’t want his adoring Evangelicals to pick the Christian extremist Ted Cruz as their candidate, and he didn’t want Melania to take him to the cleaners in a divorce trial.

    Even as Ted is not having much to say these days about David Pecker testifying in the Manhattan courtroom that the National  Inquirer published a fake story, on purpose, that Cruz’s father was in on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. 

    I seriously doubt even the most loyal Christian Trump backer can't see plain as day that this here trial in Manhattan was arranged by God Almighty, because that is where Trump was born and raised with a silver spoon is in spoiled brat mouth; that is where he built Trump tower, an obvious extension of his pecker; that is where he made his mark as the great pussy grabber, because he could get away with it; and that is where all them chickens flew home to roost.

    Now how the case will be decided by a jury, this once upon a time practicing attorney who had divorce clients has no clue, but I saw and heard Trump complain on national TV yesterday about New York City being a Democrat stronghold, and the jury in the Manhattan courtroom are Democrats, and I bet the farm Trump knows people remember when he ran with the Clintons and the great female sex trafficker Jeffry Epstein, and claimed he grabbed pussies because he could.

    Text back and forth last night with a friend who calls Donald Trump “the orange turd” (OT). My friend worked on Wall Street his entire adult life.


Hey Ted Cruz. About time you really told us how you feel about OT.

And I really think this case is less about convicting Trump on questionable charges than it is showing what a true scumbag he is, in case you haven’t already figured that out. So what do the Evangelicals do now, thy pompous soul??


The Evangelicals need to read Salvation on Sand Mountain backward.


Like reading Hebrews, right? Or maybe chanting around the fire in front of Stray Adults Tent at Horse Pens 40??

[Horse Pens 40 was a lovely country mountainside place north of Birmingham where there was an annual music festival several friends and I not entirely happy with our lives and America attended a few times.]


Did you read that book? Salvation on Sand Mountain




You are in for a treat. By Dennis Covington, his personal experiences as a visitor in a snake handler church on that mountain. They kinda liked him until he started talking about women needing to have more say in their religion.

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