Sunday, November 5, 2023

Israel and Hamas: Apocalypse Now?

    Chris Hedges is an internationally respected war journalist, who has put his life at risk many times. He writes a newsletter, to which I recently subscribed. From what I have read, Hedges is very anti-Israel. Unlike Hedges and a lot of people, I lay the blame for what is going on in Gaza on the three religions that descended from Abraham: Judaism, Christendom and Islam. After I commented under Hedges's article, a woman of Japanese-American descent had at me, and I responded, and she had at me again, and I responded, and that went on for a while.

Israel’s Final Solution for the Palestinians 
When Jewish extremists, fanatic Zionists, religious zealots, ultranationalists and crypto-fascists in the apartheid state of Israel say they want to wipe Gaza off the face of the earth, believe them. 

NOV 3, 2023
I covered the birth of Jewish fascism in Israel. I reported on the extremist Meir Kahane, who was barred from running for office and whose Kach Party was outlawed in 1994 and declared a terrorist organization by Israel and the United States. I attended political rallies held by Benjamin Netanyahu, who received lavish fundingfrom rightwing Americans, when he ran against Yitzhak Rabin, who was negotiating a peace settlement with the Palestinians. Netanyahu’s supporters chanted “Death to Rabin.” They burned an effigy of Rabin dressed in a Nazi uniform. Netanyahu marched in front of a mock funeral for Rabin. 
Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated on Nov. 4, 1995 by a Jewish fanatic. Rabin’s widow, Lehea, blamed Netanyahu and his supporters for her husband’s murder.
Netanyahu, who first became prime minister in 1996, has spent his political career nurturing Jewish extremists, including Avigdor Lieberman, Gideon Sa’ar, Naftali Bennett, and Ayelet Shaked. His father, Benzion — who worked as an assistant to the Zionist pioneer Vladimir Jabotinsky, who Benito Mussolini referred to as “a good fascist” — was a leader in the Herut Party that called on the Jewish state to seize all the land of historic Palestine. Many of those who formed the Herut Party carried out terrorist attacks during the 1948 war that established the state of Israel. Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, Sidney Hook and other Jewish intellectuals, described the Herut Party in a statement published in The New York Times as a “political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to Nazi and Fascist parties.”
There has always been a strain of Jewish fascism within the Zionist project. Now it has taken control of the Israeli state.
“The left is no longer capable of overcoming the toxic ultra-nationalism that has evolved here,” Zeev Sternhell, a Holocaust survivor and Israel’s foremost authority on fascism, warned in 2018, “the kind whose European strain almost wiped out a majority of the Jewish people.” Sternhell added, “[W]e see not just a growing Israeli fascism but racism akin to Nazism in its early stages.” 
The decision to obliterate Gaza has long been the dream of Israel’s crypto-fascists, heirs of Kahane’s movement. These Jewish extremists, which make up the ruling coaltion government, are orchestrating the genocide in Gaza, where hundreds of Palestinians are dying daily. They champion the iconography and language of their homegrown fascism. Jewish identity and Jewish nationalism are the Zionist versions of blood and soil. Jewish supremacy is sanctified by God, as is the slaughter of the Palestinians, who Netanyahu compared to the Biblical Ammonites, massacred by the Israelites. Enemies — usually Muslims — slated for extinction are subhuman who embody evil. Violence and the threat of violence are the only forms of communication those outside the magical circle of Jewish nationalism understand. Millions of Muslims and Christians, including those with Israeli citizenship, are to be purged. 
A leaked 10-page document from the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence dated Oct. 13, 2023 recommends the forcible and permanent transfer of the Gaza Strip’s 2.3 million Palestinian residents to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. 
It is a grave mistake not to take the blood curdling calls for the wholesale eradication and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians seriously. This rhetoric is not hyperbolic. It is a literal prescription. Netanyahu in a tweet, later removed, described the battle with Hamas as a “struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness, between humanity and the law of the jungle.” 
These Jewish fanatics have begun their version of the final solution to the Palestinian problem. They dropped 12,000 tons of explosives on Gaza in the first two weeks of assault to obliterate at least 45 percent of Gaza’s housing units, according to the U.N.’s humanitarian office. They have no intention of being detoured, even by Washington.
“It became evident to U.S. officials that Israeli leaders believed mass civilian casualties were an acceptable price in the military campaign,” The New York Times reported.
“In private conversations with American counterparts, Israeli officials referred to how the United States and other allied powers resorted to devastating bombings in Germany and Japan during World War II — including the dropping of the two atomic warheads in Hiroshima and Nagasaki — to try to defeat those countries,” the paper continued.
The goal is a “pure” Israel, cleansed of Palestinian contaminants. Gaza is to become a wasteland. The Palestinians in Gaza will be killed or forced into refugee camps over the border in Egypt. Messianic redemption will take place once the Palestinians are expelled. Jewish extremists call for the Al-Aqsa mosque - the third holiest shrine for Muslims, built on the ruins of the Jewish Second Temple, which was destroyed in 70 CE by the Roman army - to be demolished. The mosque is to be replaced by a “Third” Jewish temple, a move that would set the Muslim world alight. The West Bank, which the zealots call "Judea and Samaria," will be formally annexed by Israel. Israel, governed by the religious laws imposed by the ultra-orthodox Shas and United Torah Judaism parties, will be a Jewish version of Iran.
It is a short step to total Israeli control over Palestinian land. Israel’s illegal Jewish settlements, restricted military zones, closed highways and army compounds have seized over 60 percent of the West Bank, turning Palestinian towns and villages into ringed ghettos. There are over 65 laws which discriminate directly or indirectly against Palestinian citizens of Israel and those living in the occupied territories. The campaign of indiscriminate killing of Palestinians in the West Bank, many by rogue Jewish militias, along with house and school demolitions and the seizure of remaining Palestinian land will explode. Over 133 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank by the Israeli army and Jewish settlers since the Oct. 7 incursion by Hamas and thousands of Palestinians have been rounded up by the Israeli military, beaten, humiliated and imprisoned.
Israel, at the same time, is turning on “Jewish traitors” who refuse to embrace the demented vision of the ruling Jewish fascists and who denounce the horrific violence of the state. The familiar enemies of fascism — journalists, human rights advocates, intellectuals, artists, feminists, liberals, the left, homosexuals and pacifists — are already being targeted. The judiciary, according to plans put forward by Netanyahu, will be neutered. Public debate will wither. Civil society and the rule of law will cease to exist. Those branded as “disloyal” will be deported.
Fascists do not respect the sanctity of life. Human beings, even from their own tribe, are expendable to build their deranged utopia. The zealots in power in Israel could have exchanged the hostages held by Hamas for the thousands of Palestinian hostages held in Israeli prisons, which is why the Israeli hostages were seized. And there is evidence that in the chaotic fighting that took place once Hamas militants entered Israel, the Israeli military decided to target not only Hamas fighters, but the Israeli captives with them. 
“Several new testimonies by Israeli witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack on southern Israel adds to growing evidence that the Israeli military killed its own citizens as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen,” Max Blumenthal writes in The Grayzone.
Tuval Escapa, a member of the security team for Kibbutz Be’eri, Blumenthal notes, set up a hotline to coordinate between kibbutz residents and the Israeli army. 
Escapa told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that as desperation began to set in, “the commanders in the field made difficult decisions – including shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages.”
The newspaper reported that Israeli commanders were “compelled to request an aerial strike” against its own facility inside the Erez Crossing to Gaza “in order to repulse the terrorists” who had seized control. That base housed Israeli Civil Administration officers and soldiers.
Israel, in 1986, instituted a military policy called the Hannibal Directive, apparently named for the Carthaginian general who poisoned himself rather than be captured by the Romans, following the capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah. The directive is designed to prevent Israeli troops from falling into enemy hands through the maximum use of force, even at the cost of killing the captured soldiers and civilians. 
The directive was executed during the 2014 Israeli assault on Gaza known as Operation Protective Edge. Hamas fighters on Aug. 1, 2014 captured an Israeli officer, Lt. Hadar Goldin. In response, Israel dropped more than 2,000 bombs, missiles and shells on the area where he was being held. Goldin was killed along with over 100 Palestinian civilians. The directive was supposedly rescinded in 2016.
Gaza is the start. The West Bank is next.  
Hundreds of Palestinians have been driven from their homes, with herding communities the most vulnerable.
Israelis who cheer on the Palestinian nightmare will soon endure a nightmare of their own.
Israelis who cheer on the Palestinian nightmare will soon endure a nightmare of their own.
Sloan Bashinsky
It's a horrible mess over there. I think Hamas hoped its murderous raid and hostage taking would cause Israel to invade Gaza. Time will tell if Gaza is a trap, a kill zone, a graveyard for Israel's soldiers, as well as for lots of other people. I doubt Hamas gives a tinker's damn what Israel, America, Europe, etc. think about it. They are terrorists. The way Israel is going about it looks like terrorism to me. Who has a solution for it? I don't see anyone with a solution. I don't think there is a solution. Unless, say, Israel nukes the whole place and there is no more so-called holy land to fight over, and Armageddon has arrived, and the three religions that believe they are God's chosen people are finding out that God has nothing to do with any of it.

nosey parker
Hamas is a resistance movement, not terrorists. You cannot be terrorists if you are being illegally occupied and you resist. Hamas is legal; Israel is not.

Sloan Bashinsky
What people do determines what they are. The Hamas murderous attack and hostage taking in Israel was a terrorist attack. It was no different from 9/11. It was bait, to get Israel to do just what it is doing now. Hamas doesn't give a shit about Palestinians who simply want to live a decent life. I am no fan of Israel. I think the worst possible thing that could have happened over there was the creation of Israel. Western Europe and America blew it, showed their true colors, when they did not offer WWII Jewish refugees safe harbor in their countries. The entire mess over there is rooted in the three Abrahamic religions claiming they are God's chosen people, thus whatever they do over there, God is on their side. The Devil loves it, God has nothing to do with it.

dorothy slater
I am not a conspiracy person, but there is something off about the ease with which Hamas got into israel. Israel is one of the most secure countries in the world in terms of safety and yet no one was at the secure fence even though Hamas supposedly had been planning this incursion for a year no one was there to stop them the entire Fiasco sounds an awful lot like the Epstein suicide when all the cameras were off and the guards were either asleep or gone away. I wouldn't put it past Netanyahu from wanting this as a good excuse to get rid of Gaza as he has always wanted to do. Otherwise how is it that guards are all over the place all the time and yet missed this. It just doesn't make sense to me

Sloan Bashinsky
I can't imagine Israel's generals being on board with something like that, if they knew a great deal of Gaza was underground Hamas tunnels buffered by heavily populated civilian shields. Look at how it went for America in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. 
nosey parke
I agree with several of your points, Sloan. Religion, for example. I hate to tell you (well, that's actually a lie: I am DELIGHTED to inform you) that 9/11 was an inside job, as I said when it was happening. It was obviously an inside job and only many decades of anti-Arab/anti-Muslim propaganda in your news and entertainment industries prepared you to believe the official story of terrorists, blahblahblah. And Israel was clearly involved. You aren't a terrorist if you are resisting an illegal occupation, which is what Hamas is doing. And the U.S. and quite a few other countries including Australia offered land for a Jewish homeland during WWII. In fact roughly one million Jews were murdered in the death camps who needn't have been--the U.S. offered them asylum but the friggin' Zionists in Palestine said NO, they have to come to Palestine because they wanted more land. You could not make this shit up. 

Sloan Bashinsky
I have no doubt the American government somehow was involved in 9/11, but the hijackers were Saudis, and they were under Osama bin Laden's command. I read in an American news media article, a letter from Osama to America, maybe in 2003?, in which Osama told Americans their president was easy to bait and they needed to replace him. America had no way to stop the killings in the Nazi death camps, before Hitler and his military were defeated. America indeed declined to accept the European Jewish refugees. I wonder if the wonderful pro-Israel patriotic Americans today ever will offer the people in Israel safe harbor in their red, white and blue cities, counties an states? I wonder if the people in Israel would accept that offer? You remind me of the fanatics in the American right and left. You are so sure you are right. Anyone who takes a side in this mess is missing the whole picture, for which we have the three Abrahamic religions to thank.
nosey parker
You sound pretty self-assured yourself. A lot of Israelis have dual American citizenship. In fact a lot of Israelis were born in NYC. And I grew up in the M.E. so know a bit more than your average American. But 9/11 most definitely was an inside job. Don't be so naive. Do some research. There are new reports that have been published recently. Didn't they just pass a bill whereby Israelis don't even need visas to come here? Maybe it's not true. I heard it on--you guessed it!--NPR!
Most recent report I watched indicated Cheney and Rumsfeld were behind the 9/11 caper. Bush Jr. obviously knew about it, as did the Secret Service. He just carried on reading a children's book about goats. Yup. American citizens killed by their own government just as Israeli citizens were recently killed by the Israeli government. Nothing new. And then, ooh, let's go decimate Iraq and maybe Afghanistan while we're at it. But first we need to destroy Iraq. That makes a lot of sense, don't you think? Now they want to use Hamas taking POWs as an excuse to destroy Iran. Our aircraft carriers are in the PERSIAN Gulf. Did you notice I called it the PERSIAN Gulf??? Believe what you want, Sloan. 
he Israeli/Palestinian thing is not about religion. Give it a rest.

Sloan Bashinsky 
Unfortunately, the I/P thing is completely about religion. If I were President Biden, or the Speaker of the U.S. House or Senate, I would propose that America cut off all money and military aid to Israel pronto, with an offer for all people in Israel to come live in America and end the religious war in the so-called holy land, which began in Old Testament times. Make no mistake, Hamas started this recent conflagration. Make no mistake, if Israel feels sufficiently threatened, It will unleash is nuclear arsenal on Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and Iran. 

nosey parker
And they will all die. Nuclear weapons are useless in this situation. FYI, you are talking to a Japanese-American. So don't fucking tell me about dropping nuclear bombs on anyone. Israelis or Jews aren't the only ones who have suffered in this world. You do NOT know what has been happening in Gaza for the past 16 years. Hamas did not do this out the blue. This has been a very long time coming. Israel has been killing Palestinians every day, including shooting little kids in the head for no reason except they are Palestinian and are more fertile than Jewish kids, for a long, long time. God help us if they all come here. We have our own psychopaths.

Sloan Bashinsky
I think Vladimir Putin is a monster, but he seems to understand Israel better than Islam and America. He knows Israel will use its nukes, if it feels it has to. Japan had its kamikaze pilots and banzai soldiers. Islam has its suicide bombers. Israel will do whatever it thinks is necessary to survive. I'm not defending Israel, which you seem to keep implying. I'm trying to explain where Israel is coming from, because there is no reasoning with religious fanatics, there, in America, anywhere.
nosey parker
You don't need to explain Israel's point of view. I've heard it ALL before. So many times it puts me to sleep. You are defending Israel, whether you admit it or not. You are not the first person to yammer on in a racist manner to me either. It's not shocking. It's just a bore. 
It's not about religion. It's about land. (Oh, and oil.)
Sloan Bashinsky
There's oil in Gaza? In Israel? I have felt America should have abandoned Israel since 9/11. Instead, America fought two winless wars against Islam, and kept supporting Israel, which Islam radical hates as much as it hates America. Meanwhile, if Hamas had not done what it did in Israel, Israel's army would not be in Gaza. I think Hamas hoped Israel's army would invade Gaza, and suffer horrible losses. I think Israel didn't want that to happen, and it was willing to kill a lot of Palestinians, who were not Hamas, to kill Hamas.

nosey parker
GAS and OIL: The real reasons of the Israel-Gaza War, page 1   

You do not understand this conflict. Many Israelis will die and the military will be stuck in this fight for a long time, just as the Russians were stuck in Afghanistan for a long time and the Americans were stuck in Vietnam for a long time. Russia and the U.S. lost those wars and Israel will lose this one. They have never done hand-to-hand urban fighting with a guerilla force who knows the land the way the Palestinians do.
Sloan Bashinsky
Thanks for the link, I did not know about the oil and gas reserves there. Good luck, Israel getting at them under Gaza :-)
What you describe is precisely what I see happening, if Israel tries to fight in the cities and in the tunnels, and that's precisely the trap Hamas has laid for Israel, and I can't imagine Israel cannot see that, and that's a hell of a Catch-22 for Israel. I don't see a solution, other than America offers all of Israel's people safe harbor in America. You can beat up Israel until hell freezes over, it won't change anything. They are long suffering. They actually believe they are God's chosen people, and they are supposed to be where they are. Islam actually believes they are God's chosen people, and they are supposed to rule that region, and the world, too. Christendom views Israel as entitled to be where it is, based on the Christian Old Testament. I cannot understand why people do not see this is entirely about religion, which makes it impossible to resolve.

nosey parker
This is my last response to you. Christianity follows the New Testament. You don't know shit about Islam or Christianity either.
Sloan Bashinsky
Christians I know quote the Old Testament a lot. I grew up in Christianity, I got worn out listening to sermons in Baptist churches about Moses and so forth. I attended a Presbyterian prep school, 2 required courses were Old and New Testament. Hamas views the Palestinians being killed by Israel as Martyrs, assured of Paradise. Sometimes I wonder if humanity would be a lot better off if there were no religions.
Parallel, Nosey Parker had posted her own comment thread. 

nosey parker
American Jews need to tell Congress to take a fucking stand and stop giving Israel the freedom to do anything they want. Enough already.
Sloan Bashinsky
Congress, President Biden, and President Trump before that have had no control over what Israel does. Where America keeps screwing up is giving Israel lots of money and weapons. Israel would not exist, but for what's in the Bible's Old Testament. This is all about three religions that descended from Abraham. Judaism and Christendom from Isaac, Islam from Ishmael. Each of those religions claim they alone are God's chosen people. Good luck resolving that with reason, common sense, prayer, hope, beliefs, mediation, etc. The closest anyone came to it was Jimmy Carter, and look at how the American Christian war hawks, who never heard of turn the other cheek and do good to and pray for your enemies, thanked him.

nosey parker
Christianity comes from Christ, not Isaac. And Islam comes from Mohammad, not Ishmael. Don't try to teach me theology. I apparently know more about THAT than you do.. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Jesus was a Jew, who descended from Moses, who descended from Abraham's son, Issac. Muhammed descended from Abraham's other son, Ishmael This is in the Jewish scriptures, the Bible's Old Testament, and the Koran - except Islam believes Ishmael was the son God promised Abraham, and, if you read Genesis, you see God told Abraham that Ishmael's seed would become a great nation and would cause Isaac's seed trouble. Islam apparently took that to heart. There is no way to understand what is going on here, if you ignore the Scriptures of Judaism, Christendom and Islam. 

nosey parker
Sloan--I'm the daughter of theologians. Enough.

Sloan Bashinsky
Then, you know this history, if your parents taught it to you. 
I wonder what your parents would do with this?
Three nights before 9/11, Archangel Michael asked me in my sleep, "Will you make a prayer for a Divine Intervention for all of humanity?" I woke up, wondered what that was about, made the prayer. On 9/11, my concern was America would get into an another Vietnam-like war it could not win. It didn't occur to me that America would get into two such wars. But I get ahead of myself. A few days after 9/11, as I walked out of U.S. Post Office, Michael told me, "America should get out of the Middle East altogether and let Islam and Israel work it out, or fight it out, and in that way learn which, if either, are God's chosen people.
I do not attend church. I belong to no religion, nor to any political party. If Americans and/or Christians heard what angels tell me and a friend of mine about America, religion, etc. they just might convince themselves it was the Devil talking to them :-).

nosey parker
They would be politely noncommittal.
It's not a religious war.

Julio Santos
Sloan, what did you drink the night before you talked to the Archangel Michael? I'm an agnostic and agree that the biggest mistake that man made was to create God (religion) and the biggest mistake that God made was to create man, like Nietzsche said.
Sloan Bashinsky
I didn't drink anything but water, actually. Michael has told me many things over the years, since he and another angel showed up in early 1987, in my 45th year, and then they started turning me every which a way up loose and upside down and inside out, and stood me before endless mirrors, and it wasn't a whole lot of fun, and then it got a lot worse at times. You are in good company, Christians wonder what I've been drinking, or smoking, too. I don't do either. 
Sloan Bashinsky the next day
This morning, I saw in my Apple news feed:

Sunday, October 29, 2023

All Hallows Eve trick or treats from a batshit crazy fool in Birmingham and a south Alabama Belle, whose priceless pigs in mud poem cut to the chase

   That treat from a south Alabama belle showed up in my Facebook timeline, and I took the bait. 

Sloan Bashinsky
On my 81st, one of my daughters posted, “Happy Birthday Grandfossil, He’s old but he’s ornery.” I replied that I wanted that said at my wake. I hope someone dear to you, Empress, reads your pigs in mud poem at your wake.  

All want the security of the well fed pig.
Horror at the baseness unrecognized.
A lifetime spent in shirt stuffing.
And pen comparison.
Is truth more palatable when honeyed?
Is a stark soulscape less so with the eyes of Monet? 
May my affectations always be understood.

You're the only soul who has it. 

Sloan Bashinsky
I just gave it to anyone who reads this drivel, as I see lots of praise Jesus and pro Israel stuff on FB, while I can't see Jesus or God in what is happening in the so-called Holy Land.
When I watch TV news programs for a few minutes, it seems I see a lot of mental illness. I sometimes wonder about my own sanity. I think the basic definition of insanity is being out of touch with reality. Applying that to, say, America today, the home of the brave and the land of the free seems like a giant nuthouse. The other day, at a social club I visit pretty often, someone I had not seen in a while asked me if I was okay, because she had not heard me being ornery all day. I said I hired a new public relations firm, which takes a lot of stress off of me. She asked what they do? I said, "They are hit men."

I wish I could be a bother for a day with you because it sounds amusing.

Sloan Bashinsky
Just a day? Some of my my days are living hells. Even then, though, the TAO, The Flow, the Spirit, or whatever rivers, tides, jet streams, etc. are active do find a way to use me to amuse themselves and sometimes even me. Imagine what it was like for the women who showed up out of nowhere into my life after the angels had gotten ahold of me and were turning me upside down and inside out and every which a way but loose, and invited those women, one at a time, to hop on that wild roller coaster ride with me for a while.  
Yesterday brought the annual Halloween party at the social club where I hang out some. I doubt anyone there but me considers that All Hallows Eve is when the Spirit World is closest to the human realm. I showed up wearing my batshit crazy t-shirt, which was given to me by my niece who died horribly of uterine cancer, and my jester hat, given to me by a gay amigo in Key West, who let me store my meager belongings on this front porch during the time I was sleeping nights in the Key West police station front lobby, after I was banned for life from the city's homeless shelter, because of what I wrote about it and its personnel and homeless people on my

When I look at what Christians today put on Facebook about how much they love Jesus, and what's going to happen to people who don't love and believe in him as much as they do, I think if Jesus in the Gospels today was in their midst, they probably would not like him at all, and they might kill him. Or would kill him. Even the Christians in the church where you live, which you invited me to come down to south Alabama and visit - before they decided mammon was more important to worship than anything else. I can imagine me being in that church with you and getting us both tarred and feathered, burned at the stake, hanged, maybe not literally, but then, maybe literally as well as figuratively. 
The thing about bats is they have a sonar that allows them to see in the dark. The thing about fools is they rush in where not even angels will go. I wonder if what I wore to the social club yesterday had any effect on anyone there but me. I wonder if the point was for me to get over any remaining vestige, hope, notion, etc., that what I do, who I am, matters, other than it is important that I be myself.

Surely every experience benefits us on the large scale. It ain't easy being God's Fool.

Sloan Bashinsky
My friend, who does the tech work for and tosses in some of his own experiences and views at The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast at YouTube, which later morphed into The Redneck Mystic Podcast at YouTube, but in the Torrent system is simply The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, had contracts taken out on his life because of his political resistance where he lives in America. About two weeks ago, men in two large pickup trucks boxed him in on a back road and pushed his vehicle over a ridge into a ravine, where his truck hit a tree head on, he had a concussion, and fractured skull bone, collar bone and sternum bone. Then, he got the Stigmata wound in both palms of his hands.
Even as YouTube, so far, has not wanted to provide us links to the last two podcasts we did, the first about what's going on in Israel, the second about how really important it is to be in The Resistance. So for now, only people who use the Torrent system can watch those two podcasts, each of which are moving toward 100,000 complete watches at Torrent. We found Torrent platform hosts and subscribers are exponentially more interested in and receptive to different perspectives than people who use YouTube, Spotify, Rumble and Facebook. People in places like Red China, Russia, Belarus, parts of India, Muslim countries, where our ad-free, no soliciting podcasts were banned, can and do watch them on Torrent. We were kicked off Spotify, and Rumble won't accept anything that does not bow down and kiss the right wing's ass.

It's the way when the devil's driving. Hear about the Senator's wife, who was threatened that her husband had to vote for the 1/6 cohort and Trump supported guy?

Sloan Bashinsky
I think quite a few spouses and families of Republican Congressmen were threatened. I told my tech friend yesterday that it looks to me that hell has gotten so out of hand and in control in America, and elsewhere, that it looks like we are way past the point of human beings having any chance to turn things around, and its time for the angels, ETs, Mother Nature, or something to step in and deal with it. Meanwhile, I keep waking up in the morning, and after wondering why I'm still here, and I get up out of the bed and walk to the bathroom and pee, and the next episode begins.

In the mind of God, it's all just experience. When the one separates the many that are the result can't collectively understand the wholeness and the insensible nature of selfishness.

Sloan Bashinsky
I doubt God is neutral, given karma is very real. Fortunately, Christendom’s view that everyone dies and goes to heaven or hell forever is delusional.

God's not neutral. Just not bothered that not every aspect of self gets it. We are the walrus. Coo coo gatchu. Love neighbor because self. Love self because it's where God is. And also everywhere and every thing.

Sloan Bashinsky
I ain't grown up enough to love people who did that to your church, and people who threaten families of Republicans in Congress for not bowing down and kissing Trump's ass, and President Biden, who didn't file an Amendment 14, Section 3 action in federal court to have Trump disqualified from holding public office. The American right is cloning itself after Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Putin, and Iran. If Trump gets reelected, nobody in America who opposes him will be safe. Nor will their families be safe. When I said I had hired a public relations firm, who are hit men, I meant angels known in the Bible. I told them it's out of my hands, way above my pay grade, to effect. I hope they roll up their sleeves and do stuff like they are said to have done in parts of the Bible to people that displeased God repeatedly, after being warned to stop doing it. I hope the angels go it in the court cases against Trump, but if that fails to neuter him, I hope they do it the old fashioned way. Like the Passover, the Red Sea, Jericho, Sodom and Gomorrah.

Loving the aspects that are disharmonious doesn't mean that we don't judge the wrongness and act accordingly, not at all. 
But knowing that the higher aspects of us surely know more than our limited awareness allows our judgements to be dispassionate. 
We flip tables when and if doing so serves. Our fellow souls will always say that the Emperor has gorgeous robes, sorry. 

Sloan Bashinsky
You haven't had the pleasure of hearing what my podcast tech amigo reports about what angels known in the Bible tell him about how they view humanity, in the main, and prominent humans and their lemmings, specifically, and not just the right side of the spectrum. I see way too much for my own good, and the angels who trained me are responsible for that. Things are really messed up, and getting more messed up. That's humanity. I'm messed up plenty, my body doesn't seem to like me very much, and I do not look forward to more of the same, or worse. Your Pigs In Mud poem was your soul's view of things. If it hurts their feelings, give them the Hurt Feelings report. I offered it to the Social Club to put into the joke section of their news letter, and they declined because it might hurt some members' feelings.  

    From Wikipedia:

Halloween or Hallowe'en (less commonly known as Allhalloween,[5]All Hallows' Eve,[6] or All Saints' Eve)[7] is a celebration observed in many countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Saints' Day. It begins the observance of Allhallowtide,[8] the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed.[9][10][11][12]

One theory holds that many Halloween traditions were influenced by Celtic harvest festivals, particularly the Gaelic festival Samhain, which are believed to have pagan roots.[13][14][15][16] Some go further and suggest that Samhain may have been Christianized as All Hallow's Day, along with its eve, by the early Church.[17] Other academics believe Halloween began solely as a Christian holiday, being the vigil of All Hallow's Day.[18][19][20][21] Celebrated in Ireland and Scotland for centuries, Irish and Scottish immigrants took many Halloween customs to North America in the 19th century,[22][23] and then through American influence various Halloween customs spread to other countries by the late 20th and early 21st century.[24][25]