Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Change of venue to God's Universal Court, for Amendment 14, Section 3 action to disqualify Donald Trump from running for public office, including President of the United States of America

    I kept plugging away at the Amendment 14, Section 3 Complaint to disqualify Donald Trump from running for any public office, including President of the United States. Each time I felt I had finished drafting the complaint to file in the United States District Court in Birmingham, Alabama, where I live and am a registered voter, I had dreams, as did a friend, that the Complaint was not sufficient, or needed more work. After my friend's and my dreams last night along those same lines, I got up this morning and made a substantive change in the Complaint, to wit, where I should file it. I explain early in the revised Complaint below why it should be filed in God's Court, instead of a human court.

In the Universal Court of God

Sloan Young Bashinsky, Jr. Plaintiff


President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, Defendants

Verified Complaint 

    Comes now the Plaintiff and says he is a citizen of the United States of America, born on October 7, 1942, in Birmingham, Alabama, where he lives and is a registered voter. He wanted to bring this action in the United District Court for the Northern District Court of Alabama, under: 

28 U.S. Code § 1361 - Action to compel an officer of the United States to perform his duty

The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any action in the nature of mandamus to compel an officer or employee of the United States or any agency thereof to perform a duty owed to the plaintiff.

However, Plaintiff clerked for a United States District Judge in Birmingham, and then he practiced law in the state and federal courts in Birmingham, and he knows at 81 years old, he does not have the stamina, nor does he have the law firm infrastructure, to prosecute such an action, and after talking with other lawyers and lay people he respects, he is convinced that no United States District Court anywhere in America will allow anyone to bring a civil action of any sort against a sitting president, nor will Plaintiff be ruled to have standing to bring this particular action. So, Plaintiff brings this action in The Universal Court of God, where every person, including Plaintiff, stands trial and is required to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help them God.

Jurisdiction and Grounds for this Action

1. America’s Declaration of Independence claims to derive its authority from “Nature and Nature’s God”, and further claims that “all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness”. America’s Pledge of Allegiance claims it is “one nation, under God”. On all of America’s currency is “In God we Trust.”

2. Donald Trump and Joe Biden made an oath when they were sworn into office as President of the United States:

United States Constitution Article II, Section 1, Clause 8

Before he enters on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:–I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.


3. That oath was made to the Constitution of the United States for the benefit of the United States and every citizen thereof. 

4. On January 6, 2021, a huge mob incited by outgoing President Donald Trump tried to stop the Congress from counting the electoral votes and outgoing Vice-President Mike Pence from certifying the electoral votes, pursuant to Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, Amendment 12 of the U.S. Constitution, and 3 U.S. Code § 15 ~ Counting electoral votes in Congress 3. 

5. When President Trump violated his oath office by inciting the January 6 insurrection, he disqualified himself to run for public office again, under:

U.S. Constitution Amendment 14, Section 3

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

6. Amendment 14, Section 3 was passed after the Civil War to block people, such as Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, and Robert E. Lee, Commander of the Confederate Army,  from holding public office. Donald Trump did not try to secede from the United States of America and its Constitution (the Union). He incited insurrection to try to take them over. 

7. After former President Trump announced in 2021 that he would run for president again, President Biden, pursuant to his oath of office, to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, should have brought an Amendment 14, Section 3 action in the United States District Court, in Washington, D.C., to disqualify Trump from running for president again.

8. After private citizens in 2023 filed Amendment 14, Section 3 actions in state courts to disqualify Donald Trump from running for president, and courts ruled they did not have standing to bring those lawsuits, President Biden still did not honor his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution by filing an Amendment 14, Section 3 action to disqualify Trump from running for president again.


9. Thus Plaintiff, a natural-born American citizen and resident of and registered voter in Birmingham, Alabama, asks the Court to Order President Biden to uphold his oath of office by asking this Court to enforce  Amendment 14, Section 3 and bar Donald Trump from holding public office, including President of the United States. Alternatively, Plaintiff asks the Court to rule President Biden breached his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and private U.S. citizen and registered voter Plaintiff can bring the action by default for President Biden - Cf shareholder derivative action in United States corporate law.

Detailed allegations of fact for enforcing Amendment 14, Section 3 against Donald Trump:

10. Based on many U.S. television news media reports Plaintiff watched and U.S. news articles he read and photos he saw online, this from Wikipedia sums up some of it.

The count of the Electoral College ballots during a joint session of the 117th United States Congress, pursuant to the Electoral Count Act (3 U.S. Code § 15 - Counting electoral votes) in Congress, on January 6–7, 2021, was the final step to confirm President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election over President Donald Trump, the incumbent.

The event drew unprecedented attention because of the efforts of Trump and his allies to overturn the election results. A group of legislators from Trump's Republican Party announced they would formally object to counting Biden's votes in swing states, while Trump unsuccessfully sought to have Vice President Mike Pence use his presiding role over the count to change the outcome. The joint session adjourned twice to debate objections against the votes won by Biden in Arizona and Pennsylvania; both objections were defeated in the House and Senate, with only six Republican senators supporting the former and seven supporting the latter. Republican representatives also raised objections against votes for Biden from Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin, but these objections failed because they were not co-signed by a senator.

Amid the debate on Arizona's votes, rioters stormed the Capitol building, causing the count to be temporarily halted until officials could safely return to their chambers. The counting resumed in the evening after the Capitol was secured and concluded by the following morning.

11. To which Plaintiff adds, based on what he knows and what he saw on television and read in the U.S. news media:

The Electoral College is provided for in Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, which was somewhat amended by Amendment 12. 

When he was President, the Defendant Donald Trump incited hordes of people to travel to Washington, D.C. to "Stop the steal", by preventing the U.S. Congress and outgoing Vice-President Mike Pence from doing their Constitutional duty to count and certify the electoral votes, which they had sworn an oath to do when they assumed their offices. Trump revved up the insurrectionists near the Capitol and sent them to the Capitol, but he did not go with them. On television, he watched them storm through Capitol Police and break into the Capitol. Although Trump was urged by family and close associates and federal officials to ask the insurrectionists to stand down and leave, he did not do that. When Trump heard the insurrectionists chanting, "Hang Pence," he chanted it, too. Only later did Trump ask the insurrectionists to stand down and leave. Trump's lawyers told him the election was not stolen, as did his Attorney General Bill Barr. Trump continued to this day to claim the election was stolen, even though he never produced a shred of evidence that it was stolen. 

Trump never showed any remorse for the January 6, 2021 assault on the Capitol and the injuries and post traumatic shock suffered by Capitol police. Trump has said, if elected in 2024, he will pardon the insurrectionists and anyone prosecuted for aiding and abetting the insurrection. Trump has said, if they came for him, he would come for them. 

Before Trump ran for President in 2016, it was reported in "Vanity Fair" magazine that Ivana Trump said, when she and Donald were married, he kept a book of Adolph Hitler's speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed, and sometimes he read it at night. After Vladimir Putin was elected President for Life of Russia, I watched President Trump say on national television that he liked that idea of president for life. When former Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon and Imperial Wizard David Duke endorsed Donald Trump for president in 2015, Trump did not denounce Duke and say he did not want the Klan's votes. 

Res Ipsa loquitur is evidentiary, a picture is worth a thousand words.

MAGA rally 


January 6, 2021 

Media photos and videos of MAGA rallies in 2015 and since revealed scans of white people. Media photos and videos of the 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia protest against removing Confederate monuments revealed oceans of white people and Confederate and Swastika flags. Media photos and videos of the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol revealed oceans of white people and Confederate flags. 

When Trump kept saying before and after the 2020 election, that it was stolen, his Aryan armies knew he meant it was stolen by blacks. 

12. It is Plaintiff's personal and professional opinion that President Donald Trump violated his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution by inciting the January 6, 2021 Aryan insurrection outside and inside the national Capitol. Trump loved the Aryan insurrection. Trump is incorrigible. Trump wants to be King America. Trump is a clear and present Aryan threat to the United States Constitution and to the Nation. 

Plaintiff's professional qualifications and political background  

13. After graduating with a Juris Doctor from the University of Alabama School of Law in 1968, Plaintiff clerked for the Honorable Clarence W. Allgood in the United District Court for the Northern District of Alabama. A few months into the clerkship, Plaintiff passed the Alabama Bar Exam. Judge Allgood's caseload included presiding over every federal prosecution in the Northern District of Alabama. Behind the scenes, Judge Allgood ran the Democratic Party in Alabama, except for the George Wallace faction. 


14. After clerking for Judge Allgood, Plaintiff worked for four years at his father's company, Golden Flake Snack Foods, Inc., headquartered in Birmingham. Plaintiff then practiced law for twelve years in the state and federal courts in Birmingham. During that time, Plaintiff acquired a LLM in Taxation from the University of Alabama School of Law, which was taught at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. Today, Plaintiff is an inactive licensed attorney in Alabama.  

15. Between 2003 and 2018, Plaintiff ran ten times for local office in Key West and the Florida Keys (Monroe County) as an Independent and was not elected. During that time frame, Plaintiff learned more about American politics than he ever cared to know, The only time he voted for a Republican or Democrat presidential candidate was in 2020, when he reluctantly voted for Joe Biden, because Biden did not remind Plaintiff of Adolph Hitler. Plaintiff is running a mock campaign for president on the Unicorn ticket, in which he addresses serious national issues and says what he would do if he were president, as is seen at The Redneck Mystic Lawyer for President on the Unicorn Ticket blog,, 

and several episodes of The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast. If requested by the Court and/or the parties, Plaintiff will provide YouTube links to the campaign podcasts. 


Prayer for Relief

16. Plaintiff asks the Clerk of the Court to serve Defendant President Joe Biden at the White House,1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, and Defendant Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago residence, 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480, Palm Beach, Florida.

17. Plaintiff asks the Court to hear and consider all the evidence, and enter an Order in favor of Amendment 14, Section 3, barring Donald Trump from holding public office, including President of the United States.

Respectfully submitted,


Sloan Young Bashinsky, Jr. 

State of Alabama 

Jefferson County

Before me personally appeared Sloan Young Bashinsky, Jr., who after being sworn in by me, stated that he is the Plaintiff in the Verified Complaint, and the facts alleged therein about himself and President Joe Biden are true, and the facts alleged for disqualifying former President Donald J. Trump from holding public office, including President of the United States of America, are true to the best of his information, knowledge and belief.


      Notary Public

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Stigmata and bad men in America and Armageddon trap or peace in Palestine?

    About a month ago, my friend Bob, who does the tech work for and participates with me in The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, told me that he had been warned by several people, who are involved in things most people might never imagine, that several contracts had been taken out on his life because of his citizen's resistance work in his local political arenas.

    About a week ago, Bob reported being ganged up on by two large pickup trucks, which forced him off the road into a ravine, where his vehicle struck a tree. Bob said X-Rays and an MRI revealed a concussion and fractured collar bone, sternum and occipital bone. He said he has a lot of muscle, tendon and nerve pain all over his body.

    A few days later, Bob reported open sores in the palms of both hands, which got worse when he applied antibacterial cream to them. He sent me a photo of one of his palms. 

    I told Bob that he is experiencing the Stigmata, the open wounds of Christ on his palms, which St. Francis of Assisi experienced. I told Bob to find and watch the movie, "Stigmata," if he had not already seen it. He said he had not, and after he watched it, he said it really shook him up. That film shook up a lot of people.

    I would not care to be in the shoes of the pickup guys who ran Bob into the ravine, if the angels that speak to Bob pay them a visit. 

    After Bob told me that he had dreamed the Israeli army invaded Gaza and it turned out to be a kill box when a lot of explosives were detonated by Hamas, I emailed him this article in THE ATLANTIC magazine.


Storming into Gaza will fulfill Hamas’s wish.

OCTOBER 13, 2023 


It’s a trap. Hamas’s ruthless and spectacular attack on southern Israel last Saturday was many things: an atrocity, a display of militant ingenuity, and a demonstration of the weakness of Israeli intelligence and defenses. Israel and the Palestinians have a long history of brutality against each other, but the Hamas killing spree outdoes anything since Israeli-controlled Christian militias massacred unarmed Palestinian refugees in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps outside of Beirut in 1982. It may even have been the single most brutal act by either side in the 100-year-old conflict. But above all, it was intended as a trap—one that Israel appears about to fall into.

Hamas’s leaders and their Iranian backers have a conscious strategy. Like almost all other acts of spectacularly bloodthirsty terrorism, Hamas’s assault on southern Israel was designed to provoke an emotional and equally or even more outrageous response by the targeted society. Hamas and Iran are attempting to goad the Israelis into Gaza for a prolonged confrontation—which is to say that the intended effect is precisely the ground assault Israel is now preparing in order to root out and destroy Hamas as an organization, kill its cadres and leadership, and destroy as much of its infrastructure and equipment as possible.

Hamas surely would not have meticulously planned its audacious assault without also extensively planning a response to the hoped-for Israeli counterattack on the ground. The Israeli military will likely encounter a determined insurgency in Gaza. After all, Israel has had control of the land strip from the outside, but not on the inside. Israeli dominion over Gaza’s coastal waters, airspace, electromagnetic spectrum, and all but one of its crossings, including the only one capable of handling goods, has made Gaza a virtual open-air prison—run by particularly vicious inmates but surrounded and contained on all sides by the guards.

Hamas evidently decided to destroy that status quo, which was no longer serving its interests. The Islamist group also hopes to seize control of the Palestinian national movement from its secular Fatah rivals, who dominate the Palestinian Authority and, more important, the Palestine Liberation Organization, which is the internationally recognized representative of the Palestinian people. Hamas has never been a part of the PLO, in large measure because it is unwilling to accept the PLO’s treaty agreements with Israel. The most notable among these is the Oslo Accords, which included recognition of Israel by Palestinians but no Israeli recognition of a Palestinian state or a Palestinian right to statehood.

Hamas is attempting to seal the fate of Fatah, and maneuver to eventually take over the PLO and its international diplomatic presence, including United Nations observer-state status and embassies around the world. By taking the battle directly into Israel, claiming to be defending Muslim holy places in Jerusalem by branding the attack the “Al-Aqsa Deluge,” and hopefully breaking the Israeli siege of Gaza, Hamas seeks to belittle Fatah and demonstrate the primacy of its policy of unrestrained armed struggle over the PLO’s careful diplomacy.

Moreover, Hamas and its Iranian patrons want to block the diplomatic-normalization agreement that the United States has been brokering between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Such a deal poses a danger to Hamas because the benefits of its “significant Palestinian component” would have accrued to Fatah in the West Bank, at Hamas’s expense. For Iran, the agreement would be a major strategic setback. Should Israel, the most potent U.S. military partner in the region, and Saudi Arabia, Washington’s most financially powerful and religiously influential one, normalize and build cooperation, Tehran would face an integrated pro-American camp. American partners, including the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, and Jordan, would effectively ring the Arabian Peninsula, securing control of the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf through their three crucial maritime choke points: the Suez Canal, the Bab el-Mandab Strait, and the Straits of Hormuz. Saudi-Israeli normalization would largely block Iran’s regional aspirations in the short run and Chinese ambitions in the more distant future.

So Hamas for domestic Palestinian reasons and Iran for regional strategic ones decided to set off an earthquake that would at least postpone such a reckoning. Iran and Hamas are counting on Israel to attack Gaza with such ferocity that the international sympathy of the past week toward Israel, even in the Arab world, evaporates quickly and is replaced by outrage at the suffering inflicted on the 2 million residents of Gaza. Those civilians have already been cut off from electricity, water, food, and medicine, all of which are controlled by Israel. Existing supplies will quickly dwindle as Gaza and its inhabitants are pounded from the air. Israel appears prepared to inflict many thousands of civilian casualties, if not more. It has adhered to a doctrine of disproportionality for deterrence predating the founding of the state: Jewish militias embraced it when dealing with the Arabs in Mandatory Palestine, and at no stage since have more Jewish civilians been killed than Palestinian ones, with the ratio usually closer to 10 to 1 than 2 to 1. 

Israel appears poised to fulfill Hamas’s intentions. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed retaliation that will “reverberate for generations” among Israel’s adversaries. The Israeli general Ghassan Aliyan warned, “You wanted hell—you will get hell.” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant declared, “We are fighting human animals, and we act accordingly.” None of these speakers made any effort to distinguish between Hamas militants and the 2 million Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The “human animals” comment is telling. For decades, and especially in recent years, the people of Gaza have indeed been treated like animals. Perhaps not surprisingly, guerrillas emerging from their ranks indeed acted like animals when they attacked southern Israel. So now Israel will triple down on the dehumanization and collective punishment of all of these “human animals.” Tehran couldn’t ask for more.

Hamas and Iran hope that Israel will refuse to return to the status quo ante and will instead institute a prolonged ground occupation of Gaza, declaring that Hamas can no longer be allowed to pose such a threat. But Gaza, they trust, will be a slaughterhouse for Israeli soldiers, both during the immediate incursion and over time as the anticipated insurgency gains its footing.

Israel’s apparent eagerness to fall into this trap is understandable, and indeed predictable, which is why Hamas was confident in laying it. Outrageous overreach by terrorists typically aims to provoke overreach. Washington and other friends of Israel who are now seized with sympathy should immediately caution Israel not to make this blunder. If Israel instead exercises restraint, however difficult doing so might be both politically and emotionally, it can thwart the goals of Hamas and its Iranian sponsors. Restraint would go a long way toward ensuring that the diplomatic opening with Saudi Arabia continues to move forward, dealing a major blow to local revisionist powers, such as Iran, and global ones, such as China and Russia, that wish to supplant a rules-based order with one based on “Might makes right.”

Unfortunately, in the efforts to eliminate Hamas, which cannot be done by force, and to ensure that such a threat can never be allowed to reemerge, which is equally impossible so long as the occupation continues, Israel seems ready to jump right into the briar patch. 


Hussein Ibish is a Senior Resident Scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.

    Bob texted:
We're in crazy good company. And yes, Israel is walking into a trap.
I just woke up from a dream, in which Michael (the angel) said the hostage situation would be worse than Munich and it would not be a 7 day war, it would be a 7000 day Armageddon.

Israel could avoid that version of Armageddon by detonating its nuclear arsenal and obliterating Israel.

That may happen soon. I know someone who was in Mossad and he and his family made all personnel stay who served with their version of the "football". He carried part of the football for Ariel Sharon.

I was thinking if Israel nukes itself, that will dampen radical Islam's dying to be with 70 virgins zeal and it will mind fuck Christendom and the American right and maybe wake up the rest of humanity?

Well aren't you the silver lining bloodhound today?

There is no greater love than to lay down your life for another?

Yet again. Home run.
I'm not being critical. I'm just sitting here grinning like a mad man because the logic is impeccable and appeals to my sense of gallows humor. 

Very dangerous man, Jesus. Look at all the cultural jamming Israel has at its fingertips, at how Israel could rewrite Revelation. 

    Later, I emailed Bob: 

Back in this dimension, it's my understanding that the reason Israel became a nation is because in-God-we trust and Jesus loves all the people of the world America did not offer a home to European Jewish refugees after World War II. What if self-proclaimed one nation, under God America today, that is, President Biden and the entire U.S. Congress, offer the people of Israel a home in America, and if the offer is not accepted, President Biden and Congress bid Israel adieu, vaya con Dios, or with whatever?
I will never forget Michael asking me in my sleep three nights before 9/11, "Will you make a prayer for a Divine Intervention for all of humanity?" I woke up and made the prayer. Walking out of a U.S. Post Office a few days later, I heard Michael say, "America needs to get out of the Middle East altogether and let Israel and Islam work it out or fight it out, and in that way find out which, if either, is God's chosen people."

    Bob replied:

This is the bottom line. The opponents been doing this for 2000+ years. It is their version of baseball.

I have often wondered if we wouldn't be worse off if we had accepted "the boats of the damned" because Because Netanyahus brother (died at the Entebbe raid), Yitzak Rabin, and Golda Meir all said that if they had been let in they would have used the USA to stage the launch of the state. 

It is very difficult to say either Palestine or Israel has a right to land that has not had a historical state since the destruction of the first temple. Palestine was always Bedouin Libya or Bedouin Syria.

Theoretical states aren't necessarily REAL STATE ENTITIES  

    I replied:

Sometimes you're the Louisville slugger, sometimes you're the ball? I suppose, per Genesis, eternal war between the descendants of Abraham, via Sarah and Isaac (Judaism and Jesus/Christendom) and Abraham, via Hagar and Ishmael (Mohammed/Islam), is in their genes. Too bad that isn't taught in history courses in lower, middle and high school, and college, and churches, temples, mosques. If Israel's military goes into Gaza and lays to waste and kills civilians, Israel will be a terrorist state, regardless of what the American right and left think.

If I were president, I would ask you to be my national security adviser, because you are the only person I know, who takes the risks required to truly serve God on this world, and you are the only person I know being explicitly advised by Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Melchizedek about what is going on in America and on this world.

Maybe President Biden or Israel should hire you? 

When pigs fly?

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

A plea for help filing a citizen's derivative mandamus lawsuit to make President Joe Biden use Amendment 14, Section 3 to block Donald Trump from running for president and creating an Aryan Reich in America

    The recent 

President Biden didn't honor his oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution by filing an Amendment 14, Section 3 federal lawsuit to prevent Donald Trump from holding public office, so it falls on me to do it for him?

post at this blogspot contained a draft of a lawsuit Complaint, which I drew up over several days' time to file pro se in The United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama, in Birmingham. The post included a preamble of what inspired me to draw up the lawsuit, which went through many drafts, and an appendix describing the personal and internal struggle I had with taking on such a colossal litigation all by myself, to force President Biden, pursuant to his oath of office, "to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States," to prosecute a federal civil lawsuit to block Donald Trump from holding office under Amendment 14, Section 4, United States Constitution, as follows:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

    The next post

Grandfossil turned 81 yesterday: He's old, but he's ornery, and he's worn out, and his Last Will and Testament is his non-fiction, fiction and stranger than fiction books and The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast

reported that, on my 81st birthday, my pre-dawn dreams and a pre-dawn dream of my friend, who does the tech work for The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast and put many of my books into the free internet library,, told me not to file the lawsuit. Subsequent dreams nagged me to do something, but I could not figure out what. Dreams last night targeted what I inexplicably had not included in the Complaint, the core of the the lawsuit, which is Donald Trump and his white hordes are America's version of the Fourth Reich, a reincarnation of the Confederacy. 

    So, I crawled out of bed this morning and put that into the draft of the Complaint, which I still do not feel I have the physical and professional stamina and ability to prosecute all by myself. Perhaps the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, Ralph Nader's Raiders, or some other patriotic legal outfit or heavy weight lawyer or law firm will file the lawsuit, or help me file it.

    I am not attached to being the plaintiff, but the plaintiff needs to be a U.S. citizen, who is qualified to vote. In which case, my personal information in the Complaint should be switched out for the plaintiff's.

In the United States District Court 
for the Northern District of Alabama

Sloan Young Bashinsky, Jr. Plaintiff


President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, Defendants

Verified Complaint 

    Comes now the Plaintiff and says he is a citizen of the United States, born on October 7, 1942, in Birmingham, Alabama, where he lives and is a registered voter. He brings this action under: 

28 U.S. Code § 1361 - Action to compel an officer of the United States to perform his duty

The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any action in the nature of mandamus to compel an officer or employee of the United States or any agency thereof to perform a duty owed to the plaintiff.

Plaintiff's standing to bring this action


1. Donald Trump and Joe Biden made an oath when they were sworn into office as President of the United States:

United States Constitution Article II, Section 1, Clause 8

Before he enters on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:–I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.


That oath was made to the Constitution of the United States for the benefit of the United States and every citizen thereof. 


2. On January 6, 2021, a huge mob incited by outgoing President Donald Trump tried to stop the Congress from counting the electoral votes and outgoing Vice-President Mike Pence from certifying the electoral votes, pursuant to Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, Amendment 12 of the U.S. Constitution, and 3 U.S. Code § 15 ~ Counting electoral votes in Congress 3. 

3. When President Trump violated his oath office by inciting the January 6 insurrection, he disqualified himself to run for public office again, under:

U.S. Constitution Amendment 14, Section 3

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

4. Amendment 14, Section 3 was passed after the Civil War to block people, such as Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, and Robert E. Lee, Commander of the Confederate Army, from holding public office. Donald Trump did not try to secede from the United States of America and its Constitution (the Union). He incited insurrection to try to take them over. 

5. After former President Trump announced in 2021 that he would run for president again, President Biden, pursuant to his oath of office, to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, should have brought an Amendment 14, Section 3 action in the United States District Court, in Washington, D.C., to disqualify Trump from running for president again.  


6. After private citizens in 2023 filed Amendment 14, Section 3 actions in state courts to disqualify Donald Trump from running for president, President Biden still did not honor his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution by filing an Amendment 14, Section 3 action to disqualify Trump from running for president again.


7. Thus Plaintiff, a natural-born American citizen and resident of and registered voter in Birmingham, Alabama, asks the Court to Order President Biden to uphold his oath of office by asking this Court to enforce  Amendment 14, Section 3 and bar Donald Trump from holding public office, including President of the United States. Alternatively, Plaintiff asks the Court to rule President Biden breached his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and private U.S. citizen and registered voter Plaintiff can bring the action by default for President Biden - Cf shareholder derivative action in corporate law.


Detailed allegations of fact for enforcing Amendment 14, Section 3 against Donald Trump:

8. Based on many television news media reports Plaintiff watched and news articles he read and photos he saw online, this from Wikipedia sums up some of it.

The count of the Electoral College ballots during a joint session of the 117th United States Congress, pursuant to the Electoral Count Act (3 U.S. Code § 15 - Counting electoral votes) in Congress, on January 6–7, 2021, was the final step to confirm President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election over President Donald Trump, the incumbent.

The event drew unprecedented attention because of the efforts of Trump and his allies to overturn the election results. A group of legislators from Trump's Republican Party announced they would formally object to counting Biden's votes in swing states, while Trump unsuccessfully sought to have Vice President Mike Pence use his presiding role over the count to change the outcome. The joint session adjourned twice to debate objections against the votes won by Biden in Arizona and Pennsylvania; both objections were defeated in the House and Senate, with only six Republican senators supporting the former and seven supporting the latter. Republican representatives also raised objections against votes for Biden from Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin, but these objections failed because they were not co-signed by a senator.

Amid the debate on Arizona's votes, rioters stormed the Capitol building, causing the count to be temporarily halted until officials could safely return to their chambers. The counting resumed in the evening after the Capitol was secured and concluded by the following morning.

9. To which Plaintiff adds, based on what he knows and what he saw on television and read in the news media:

The Electoral College is provided for in Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, which was somewhat amended by Amendment 12. 

When he was President, the Defendant Donald Trump incited hordes of people to travel to Washington, D.C. to "Stop the steal", by preventing the U.S. Congress and outgoing Vice-President Mike Pence from doing their Constitutional duty to count and certify the electoral votes, which they had sworn an oath to do when they assumed their offices. Trump revved up the insurrectionists near the Capitol and sent them to the Capitol, but he did not go with them. On television, he watched them storm through Capitol Police and break into the Capitol. Although Trump was urged by family and close associates and federal officials to ask the insurrectionists to stand down and leave, he did not do that. When Trump heard the insurrectionists chanting, "Hang Pence," he chanted it, too. Only later did Trump ask the insurrectionists to stand down and leave. Trump's lawyers told him the election was not stolen, as did his Attorney General Bill Barr. Trump continued to this day to claim the election was stolen, even though he never produced a shred of evidence that it was stolen. 

Trump never showed any remorse for the January 6, 2021 assault on the Capitol and the injuries and post traumatic shock suffered by Capitol police. Trump has said, if elected in 2024, he will pardon the insurrectionists and anyone prosecuted for aiding and abetting the insurrection. Trump has said, if they came for him, he would come for them. 

Before Trump ran for President in 2016, it was reported in "Vanity Fair" magazine that Ivana Trump said, when she and Donald were married, he kept a book of Adolph Hitler's speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed, and sometimes he read it at night. After Vladimir Putin was elected President for Life of Russia, I watched President Trump say on national television that he liked that idea of president for life. When former Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon and Imperial Wizard David Duke endorsed Donald Trump for president in 2015, Trump did not denounce Duke and say he did not want the Klan's votes. 

Res Ipsa loquitur is evidentiary, a picture is worth a thousand words.

MAGA rally 


January 6, 2021 

Media photos and videos of MAGA rallies in 2015 and since revealed scans of white people. Media photos and videos of the 2017 Charlottesville protest against removing Confederate monuments revealed oceans of white people and Confederate and Swastika flags. Media photos and videos of the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the Capitol revealed oceans of white people and Confederate flags. 

When Trump kept saying before and after the 2020 election, that it was stolen, his Aryan armies knew he meant it was stolen by blacks. 


10, It is Plaintiff's personal and professional opinion that President Donald Trump violated his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution by inciting the January 6, 2021 Aryan insurrection outside and inside the national Capitol. Trump loved the Aryan insurrection. Trump is incorrigible. Trump wants to be King America. Trump is a clear and present Aryan threat to the United States Constitution and to the Nation. 

Plaintiff's professional qualifications and political background  


11. After graduating with a Juris Doctor from the University of Alabama School of Law in 1968, Plaintiff clerked for the Honorable Clarence W. Allgood in the United District Court for the Northern District of Alabama. A few months into the clerkship, Plaintiff passed the Alabama Bar Exam. Judge Allgood's caseload included presiding over every federal prosecution in the Northern District of Alabama. Behind the scenes, Judge Allgood ran the Democratic Party in Alabama, except for the George Wallace faction. 


12. After clerking for Judge Allgood, Plaintiff worked for four years at his father's company, Golden Flake Snack Foods, Inc., headquartered in Birmingham. Plaintiff then practiced law for twelve years in the state and federal courts in Birmingham. During that time, Plaintiff acquired a LLM in Taxation from the University of Alabama School of Law, which was taught at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. Today, Plaintiff is an inactive licensed attorney in Alabama.  


13. Between 2003 and 2018, Plaintiff ran ten times for local office in Key West and the Florida Keys (Monroe County) as an Independent and was not elected. The only time he voted for a Republican or Democrat presidential candidate was in 2020, when he reluctantly voted for Joe Biden, because he did not remind Plaintiff of Adolph Hitler. Plaintiff is running a mock campaign for president on the Unicorn ticket, in which he addresses serious national issues and says what he would do if he were president, as is seen at The Redneck Mystic Lawyer for President on the Unicorn Ticket blog,, 

and several episodes of The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast. If requested by the Court and/or the parties, Plaintiff will provide YouTube links to the campaign podcasts. 


Prayer for Relief

14. Plaintiff asks the Clerk of the Court to serve Defendant President Joe Biden at the White House,1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, and Defendant Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago residence, 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480, Palm Beach, Florida.

15. Plaintiff asks the Court to hear and consider all the evidence, and enter an Order in favor of Amendment 14, Section 3, barring Donald Trump from holding public office, including President of the United States.

Respectfully submitted,


Sloan Young Bashinsky, Jr. 

State of Alabama 

Jefferson County

Before me personally appeared Sloan Young Bashinsky, Jr., who after being sworn in by me, stated that he is the Plaintiff in the Verified Complaint, and the facts alleged therein about himself and President Joe Biden are true, and the facts alleged for disqualifying former President Donald J. Trump from holding public office, including President of the United States of America, are true to the best of his information, knowledge and belief.


Notary Public

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Grandfossil turned 81 yesterday: He's old, but he's ornery, and he's worn out, and his Last Will and Testament is his non-fiction, fiction and stranger than fiction books and The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast

    Before dawn 81st birthday yesterday, I had a string of dreams warning me not to file the Amendment 14, Section 3 lawsuit against Donald Trump on behalf of President Joe Biden, which is featured in the previous post at this blog:

    After I woke up yesterday morning, a friend called to report a dream in which he was shown I should not file the lawsuit.

    Whew! Happy Birthday! I knew it would be really rough on me, perhaps beyond anything I could imagine.

    My older daughter texted me while I was eating breakfast yesterday morning:

"Happy birthday, Grandfossil, He's old but he's ornery 😂 "

    I texted back, 

"😎Old, but ornery, please mention that at my wake." 

    She replied:

"Ha, ha"

   Yesterday's other highlight was my younger daughter called to wish me happy birthday while I was playing chess in a restaurant with a black pastor friend, who had beaten me badly the first two games with some help from brainless disrespectful to chess moves by me. After she and I talked, I won the next two games, and told my friend that I hoped my daughter calls me more often. After I won the next two games, he said my daughter could not call me any more. 

    My younger daughter's magic spell lifted, and my friend and I went back and forth gnawing on each other, and I kept making disrespectful to chess moves, until I wore out and was playing like I never heard of chess, and I said what I was doing wasn't chess, and I felt awful in my body. My friend said to think positive, and I said, if he felt like I felt, he would be in a hospital.

    My gut had chewed me up for over a week. It had bugged me since I was 26, when it went cranky in one day, without any warning. Medicine, diets, herbs, exercises, yoga, tai chi, chi kung, mediation and whatever else The New and The Old Age offered were no help and sometimes made it worse, which is how I figured out it was intelligent and did not care to be messed with.

    I drove home from the restaurant to watch penalties galore Alabama somehow beat Texas A & M  26-20 with an apparently lame quarterback. Apparently lame, because Jalen Milroe never called play in which he ran the ball, even though he is a duel threat runner and passer. Earlier in the week, I had seen a TV  interview of Alabama coach Nick Saban not very adroitly dodging a question about Milroe having a hamstring injury. 

    I talked a lot to God yesterday afternoon and evening, taking the blame for having done something to cause my gut to turn against me. I still don't know what I did, but it must have been grievous. I told God that I sure wish I could get some help, because I sure needed help with my gut, my work, my life, my mood and my outlook. I feel like an old car ready for the junkyard.

    I dreamed around dawn today of doing something with two young girls. Perhaps they are my daughters, or my older daughter's daughters? Perhaps they are two things headed my way, which carry feminine energy? Mystics think like that, since everything is pretty much a mystery until it happens and starts revealing itself.

   My daughters and their husbands and their children, and the rest of my family and my friends, of which I have quite a few even though I am old and ornery, may think they know me pretty well, but if they lived in my skin a week, they would know they barely know me at all, because there is no way to know anyone without living in their skin.

    I suppose my Last Will and Testament is my non-fiction, fiction and stranger than fiction books, free reads at, and The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast. What is written carries a very different vibration from what is said. One is not better than the other. What is written tends to be more deliberate, while what is said tends to be more spontaneous. Two aspects of the same person.

    There are quite a few podcast episodes at YouTube, and about as many more in the Torrent system, which tech savvy people know how to access, but I don't. I do podcasts when the Spirit or the Muse move me. I think the average is around 90,000 complete watches per episode.

    There are five redneck mystic lawyer for president podcasts. Maybe there will be more, maybe not. They are different from what a candidate would say who wants to get votes more than than anything else.

Sloan for President 2024: A Mock Culture Jamming Campaign

What America needs now a culture-jamming president

Prometheus addresses Islam, Christianity, Judaism & their wars, from the Holy Spirit's Rose Garden

Res Ipsa Loquitur: The Devil Loves White Supremacy and Its Religions

A call for peaceful Jan 6 level rochambeaux protests at homes of shutdown the government Republicans

Stay tuned ...