I sometimes get stuff in my email account that I feel should be required reading for the people who are supposed to be making America great again, or at least decent, and for people who support them, regardless of how un-great and indecent they sometimes are. I like to toss in my 2 cents worth, too. So, here goes.
Civil War for Fun & Profit
🎨Cartooning the state of the border & political opportunism...🗽
In this update: New animation . . . the story behind the cartoon . . . and is the convoy really sponsored by a pizza & sub shop?
Apparently I’m better at creating a concise cartoon than at writing a concise explanation of the current immigration morass.
There is a lot to unpack in this ever-unfolding story.
As thousands of migrants fleeing misery and violence continue to head for the US-Mexico border seeking asylum and a better life, Republicans are looking to score political points.
(To be fair, some Democrats are also trying to do their own sare of point-scoring, but the two parties are definitely not equivalent.)
President Biden desperately wants the Party of Trump to lose its ability to use the border as a cudgel in the presidential campaign.
The best way to do that is to pass a bipartisan border bill, which includes some concessions that are much tougher than Democrats were previously willing to offer.
Trumpists don’t want to do anything that has the slightest possibility of making Joe Biden look good . . .
. . . which led to the situation where Republicans wanted to punt any deal on immigration as Biden was pledging to shut down the border.
Meanwhile, federal Border Patrol agents and the Texas National Guard have been engaged in a standoff over who has control of the border after Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered razor wire strung along the Rio Grande river.
Enter the U.S. Supreme Court, Abbott defiance, Trump incitement, right-wing Christian nationalists and Republican talk of civil war . . . and you have a very volatile mixture.
The right-wing stew includes a gigantic caravan of thousands of semi-trucks out to save America led by brave Christian nationalists proclaiming themselves “God’s Army,” er, scratch that — it sounds like there were only 20 or so vehicles (no semi-trucks) driven by a bunch of grumpy nutballs.
(But don’t worry, God’s Army made a few bucks and got some more followers on social media for their troubles. And, yes, “Great American Pizza & Subs” really is one of the convoy’s sponsors.)
Give me your tired, your poor . . . and we’ll be at each other’s throats fighting about what to do with them.
Keep your eyes peeled for a drawing-and-commentary post coming soon that takes a deeper dive into the people who organized this ridiculous convoy.
Thanks so much for being here and following my work!
Sloan Bashinsky
A lady friend in the 1950s vintage apartment building where I live sent me a link to your hardened bunker buster.
It’s f-ing hilarious that the Republicans are miserable over Sleepy Joe trying to trump Trump on the southern border.
I told her the other night over dinner in a real Mediterranean restaurant in Birmingham, AlaMAGMA, that if I wuz president of the land of the free and the home of the brave, I would bring home my troops prior presidents had put in harm’s way in distant lands, and put them on the southern border to stop the invasion as peacefully as possible.
And, I would stop Americans from going to Mexico with their money.
And, I would stop people in America from sending money to people in Mexico.
And, I would stop any products coming from Mexico to America.
Until Mexico stops the invasion.
My friend, who once lived several years in France and is fluent in French, said, Merde, that would really screw up the American economy and grocery stores!
Maybe she’s right.
I majored in economics at Vanderbilt 60+ years ago.
America is so dependent on cheap south of the border immigrant labor and Mexican produce and street drugs, not to mention Dos Equis and Modelo beers and various brands of tequila, and NAFTA is a treaty, that perhaps there is no way to do anything about that now.
Although the Asian market where I buy beautiful Asian greens every week during the winter - I grow my own greens in a community garden during the warm months - gets its greens and other vegetables three times a week off trucks from California.
My friend said America did plenty in Central America to cause people there to want to leave and come to America. I said not all of that is America’s fault, and I know it’s rough down there, but it’s not America’s job to save the Centrai Americans. America has more than it can say grace over taking care of Americans properly.
But then, Florida, Texas and west and even north once were Spain, which White Americans swiped, while they were swiping America from the real Americans they were killing off and the buffaloes, too, so perhaps the southern invasion is a karma situation.
As, thanks to Donald Trump, America faces its second Civil War, if he is not elected in 2004, or if he is convicted and put in prison.
I don’t know where you live, Mark, but here in Alabama, I talk with MAGAs continually, and, although I like some of them, when it comes to politics and religion, they just ain’t right in their heads. Nor are the Republicans who see the orange turd for what he is, but vote for him anyway.
The Democrats seem to be lost in space, and Sleepy Joe disgusts me, sticking with Israel after he saw what the IDF was doing in Gaza. But he don’t remind me of Adolph Hitler during his rise to power in 1930s Germany.
Look at videos and photos of the Charlotteville protest against removing Confederate monuments, and of MAGA rallies, and of the January 6, 2020 insurrection, and you see oceans of white people, Mark.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Or, if you prefer legalese (I’m a retired lawyer), res ipsa loquitur, the thing speaks for itself.
The South is rising again!
Waiting for the Cavalry to Arrive
While We Boomers hope for the Zoomers
I’m not sure where I developed a firm bias or belief that coming generations of Americans were going to grow more egalitarian. That our youth entering adulthood would grow rapidly more empathetic to the plight of those who suffer. That those assuming the mantle of leadership would be willing to take on issues like poverty, access to affordable if not free medical care, as well ans free education; and bring it to reality.
It seemed logical that “Wokeness,” especially among generation Z adults and Millennials, would grow exponentially, generating a Zeitgeist of positive societal and economic change. Change, both revolutionary and exciting. Change that would become a reality in the final days of the Boomer Generation. At least we could exit, proud of our children and the world they would inherit.
What else can explain why Neo Fascist Republicans live in such dread of “Woke?” Fascist Republicans are so paranoid about replacement that they are absolutely apoplectic over Taylor Swift. A CIA operative who as some sort of Liberal Joan of Arc will lead hordes of LGBTQ+ Zoomers to destroy their last redoubt of White male dominance.
A 10% Change is Simply Not Enough to Meet the Existential Crises We Face.
The Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) provides some of the best insight on the political and religious views of this nation. They have long researched and compiled data on Christian Nationalism. In short, they are honest and reliable seekers of truth.
While I endorse their polling research and findings, it might be worth considering the reality of the bar graph below: Do you see really significant and sweeping change in any category over five generations?
Consider that Boomers are 34% Democrat. Now consider that Zoomers are about 36% in identifying with Democrats. Hardly a significant difference from Boomers.
Using Census data on Florida voters aged 18 to 44, that cohort (Zoomers and Millennials combined) comprises 33% of the eligible voters.
Consider now the 18 to 44 cohort as Democrat leaning being only 1/3 of the total eligible voters and you begin to see that the hope for real change is pretty much meh.
Yes, they may comprise the numbers needed to hold back the Fascist Republicans in 2024, but I would caution against such a victory signifying a new day and a new dawn. It will be more of Fascists claiming stolen elections and maybe expanding on the insurrection of 1/6 across the nation.
Sloan BashinskyInteresting analysis, OL’ FLAWRIDUH CRACKER :-).I have wondered if the reds are so anti-woke because being woke is their worst nightmare come true? Didn’t the guy they claim saved them from their sins over 2000 years before they were born keep telling people to stop sleeping and to wake up! God forbid the reds wake up and actually start living like that guy, instead of living like they never heard of him :-).The blues keep reminding me of the mythical Fukawi tribe, which kept getting lost and gathering in a circle and sitting down and holding hands and closing their eyes and chantings, “Where the fuck are we? Where the fuck are we?”I voted, very reluctantly, for Biden in 2000, the first time I ever voted for a major party candidate. No way I can vote for him again, after he out trumped Trump by proving in spades he is Israel’s best friend in the Gaza genocide Hamas baited Israel and Biden, via mucho money and weapons to Israel, to carry out and turn the entire world against Israel and America.Gotta hand it to the folks running Hamas, and maybe its benefactor Iran. Unable to beat Israel militarily, Hamas figured out how to beat Israel in the popularity contest.Thank you, Hamas, for your brilliant strategy and its fallout, which has Genocide Joe very close to dragging America into World War III, all because, I think, Jesus was born and died in Palestine, and no way good American Christians and Catholics can let Islam get full control of Christendom’s Holy Land again. Let Israel defend it for them, since Jewish leaders back in the day had Jesus crucified.No way I vote for what a childhood friend of mine calls “The Orange Turd.” I can’t vote for nobody who reminds me of Adolph Hitler, and whose armies of God and Jesus lemmings worship him like he is Jesus returned, even though I never heard of him attending church or behaving or talking anything like Jesus.Photos of MAGA rallies reveal oceans of white people- the South is rising again!I dunno, maybe RFK, Jr. is the best hope for America in 2004? Except, from what I read online, he’s Israel’s best friend, too.Looks to me America has moved past SNAFU to FUBAR.If I were president, I would declassify all of my government’s UFO files, hoping that would so disturb the peace of every American and the rest of the world’s people, that they all gather in a circle and try to figure out how they are going to save themselves from the sum of all their fears?Wonder how Trump, Biden and RFK, Jr. would deal with a fleet of UFOs setting down on the White House Lawn? Would they call in a kamikaze ICBM nuclear missile strike on their own selves? That sho’ would drain the swamp!Ol’ Flawriduh CrackerAs always Sloan, you bring a lot to the table for consideration.Please indulge my taking a bit of time to provide a more detailed response.If you haven’t taken a look at “ AREA 51 An Uncensored History of America'sTop Secret Military Base” ANNIE JACOBSEN - This book dating back to 2011 is still one of the best on UFO’s, Nazi tech, Russian use of Nazi tech and the CIA use of UFO “myths” to cover up U2 Spy plane antics.Out of curiosity do you use Tribel at all? Might be a better way for us to carry on a one to one.Sloan BashinskyWas not aware of Tribel. See several references online, so which Tribel? Can you send me a link?I saw an alien space craft do interesting impossible human-design aircraft tricks in the sky and stretch a cloud across the horizon as I tried several times to get the liberals I was with to look up and see what I was seeing, and they did not look up, so I know for a fact such things exist :-).Imagine the pandemonium in earth religions, governments, politics, and the internet, if what the America government actually has about UFOs is released to the general public. :-)