Saturday, May 25, 2024

Uvalde school shooting massacre dimensional shift

    On the 2nd anniversary of the Uvalde, Texas school shooting massacre by a natural born domestic U.S citizen terrorist toting a high capacity magazine AR-15 designed to quickly kill as many people as possible, I watched CNN interview bereaved parents who lost their children that horrible day. I thought, in my spirit code, 2 is the number for Jesus in the Gospels, who said to let the little children come to him, for of such is the Kingdom of God. 

    The day before, a Birmingham tattoo artist juxtaposed a yellow rosebud tattoo over a Vagrant tattoo a Key West tattoo artist had put on my right shoulder in 2007, when it was vogue in Key West to call homeless people, “vagrants”.

    The yellow rosebud tattoo represents the yellow peace rosebud on my infant son’s simple oak casket, when I buried him on September 12, 1968 in the family plot at Elmwood cemetery, in Birmingham. Crib death (sudden infant death syndrome) took him. No words can explain my bewildered shock and trauma, and their later effect on me.

    In 1988, I felt moved to return to his grave for the first time. Years before I had planted a climbing yellow peace rose bush where I lived, and i drove there and snipped a rose off that bush and drove to.Elmwood Cemetery. I did remember how to get to the family burial plot, and I didn’t remember where my son was buried in the plot, and I had not had a marker put on his grave. I stopped at the business office of the cemetery and asked for directons and was told how to get to the family plot and that my son was buried at the foot of my mother’s gave stone.

    I parked my car and got out and walked toward my mother’s grave stone and as I neared it I came unhinged and fell to my knees and bawled and bawled and balled by heart and eyes out. I came back to this grave maybe half dozen times with a yellow peace rose, until no more tears came. I went to the cemetery office and selected a small flat granite grave marker and asked them to put on it, “Infant son, he opened our hearts and set us on our journey."

   Watching CNN’s Uvalde school shooting massacre coverage the morning after getting the yellow rosebud tattoo, I thought owning such guns as the Uvalde shooter used, AR-15, really is about deranged men wanting to feel better about their peckers; and if women want such guns, it’s their penis envy. 

    I thought the U.S. Supreme Court never once considered the right of the citizens to bear arms in the 2nd Amendment is predicated on the need to have a well-regulated militia to preserve the free State, and there has been no well-regulated militia in America since the American Revolution.

Amendment 2 
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    I thought the National Rifle Association and the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Congress and the state legislatures had unleashed the hounds from hell on America, which was never the Founding Fathers’ intention.

    I thought about the right wing Christian from Texas, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, who had defended the 2nd Amendment right of the Uvalde natural born domestic terrorist to have the AR-15 he used to slaughter all of those school children and two of their teachers. 

    I hoped Cruz has a chance someday in space and time to feel just like the parents of those slaughtered Uvalde school children feel today.

    I hoped every member of the NRA, and every member of the Supreme Court, and every member of Congress, and any state legislator, who shares Cruz's view, gets to know how the parents of the slaughtered Uvalde school children feel. 

    No, I do not want more school children to be slaughtered in their schools, but given how sacred owning guns designed solely to quickly kill as many people as possible is in America, I see so other way to get gun nut lovers' attention.

    Now if my saying that causes anyone to think I am a horrible person, that I should be stuck dead by God’s lightning and die and burn in hell forever, consider that when I was writing The Golden Flake Clown’s Tale in 2022, free read at the internet library came to me from out of the blue that angels known in the Bible had initiated a new school shooting massacre protocol in America, as follows:

    When there is a school shooting, children whose souls have  not signed up for such a demonic experience are carried away by those angels and new souls come in who need to have that experience. With God, anything is possible.

    If someone thinks I’m batshit crazy for saying that, in early 1994, this poem leaped out of me

Only fools rush in
where angels fear to tread,
but if there were no fools, 
who’d lead the angels?

    Right away, I started feeling something huge and wonderful trying to squeeze into me. I felt it physically and energetically. There were lots of teary and sublime moments, day after day, night after night, for two weeks. 

    I was in the habit of taking a long walk every morning. About two weeks into that experience, at the turnaround point in a morning walk, I felt the presence of angels around me.

    I heard, “This thing coming into you is your angel twin, all people have an angel twin, and yours will live out your life with you.”

    I thought, That’s neat.

    I heard, “By the way, this is your son.”

    My heart heaved, tears welled in my eyes, my knees buckled, I nearly fell to the ground.

    I stopped feeling something huge and wonderful trying to squeeze into me.
    I eventually came to see that my son’s death had so unhinged me, that despite how hard I tired, I was unable to fit myself into the plans my father and mother and their parents had for me, nor into any plans I had for me.

    I hope the bereaved families of the massacred Uvalde school children, and the bereaved families of children massacred in other American schools, someday, somehow, have their own yellow rosebud experience.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Unified Reich

    The gem below arrived in my Yahoo feed today and I could not help but pile on.

Mark Fiore's Cartoon Update

Yikes! 'Unified Reich?'

đŸ˜¬He keeps getting Nazi-er & Nazi-er...

MAY 22, 2024


Maybe it really was just an over-eager staffer who didn’t notice the “unified reich” part of the video shared on Trump’s Truth Social account.

But there are those other pesky words that Trump has said: warning of immigrants who are “poisoning the blood of our country” or “vermin” destroying the United States.

Never mind the slightly more coded words like “globalist,” “international bankers” and the ever-present “Soros” boogeyman.

Oh yeah, and there were Trump’s “very fine people on both sides” . . . except only one side was chanting, “Jews will not replace us.”

So for this cartoon, I figured it’s only a matter of time before Trump puts on an SS uniform and calls Joe Biden an anti-Semite.
Which will, once again, make for a busy day for Trump’s spokespeople.

The Defendant-in-Chief just can’t seem to help himself when it comes to Nazi terminology and big strong dictators.
In one of the most ingenious works of spin doctoring, campaign press secretary Caroline Leavitt pointed out that Trump couldn’t possibly have posted the “unified reich” video . . . he was too busy at his pornstar-hush-money-election-interference trial!
(This is one of those cartoons that really just write themselves. Just turn the floor over to the nutballs.)

Unfortunately, it looks like we’ll have to keep paying attention to what Donald Trump is saying or doing for at least the next several months. 
I don’t have a good feeling about this. 
In the meantime, we can share a laugh at his expense and let people know the consequences of a second Trump presidency.
Thanks so much for your support, I’ll see you back here shortly!

In case you missed it earlier, I posted a time-lapse drawing and commentary video earlier today . . .

Sloan Bashinsky 
Sloan’s Newsletter
Yikes!, is dead f-ing on the mark, Mark :-).
The guy who wants to be Commander-In-Chief again allows underlings to post stuff on his Truth Social account? For real? Shucks, every post at my Facebook page was put there by me, because I'm the only person who knows the top secret password. 
All in the same day context of The Great Pussy Grabber resting his case in New York City, without testifying, after saying he would testify, and daily shooting off his mouth to the media and on Truth Social about the trial, the judge, the witnesses, the jury, the prosecutors, and claiming President Biden sent the FBI to his Mar-a-Lago home to kill him and his wife and their son if necessary, to steal HIS classified documents from him, and Nikki Haley saying she will vote for Donald Trump, although when she was running for the Republican nominee against Trump, she said he was “unstable and unhinged”, which caused me to wonder if Trump had grabbed her pussy, or she had grabbed his pecker?
Recall when Trump and his father got busted by the State of New York for ethnic discrimination in their New York City apartment buildings.
Gander photos and film footage of the Charlottesville Confederate Monument removal protest and see the ocean of angry white people. Gander photos and film footage of Trump rallies and see the oceans of white people. Gander photos and film footage of the January 6, 2020 goose step riot and see that ocean ot white people.
Recall back when former Klu Klux Klan Imperial Wizard and Grand Dragon David Duke endorsed Trump in 2016, and when asked what he thought about that, Trump pretended he’d never heard of Duke and was quite a while saying, well maybe he didn’t want Duke’s endorsement.
Recall before Herr Donald Trump got it into this apprentice noggin’ to run for president, Vanity Fair published an article quoting Trump’s ex-wive Ivana, she said when she and Donald were married, he kept a book of Hitler’s speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed and sometimes he read it at night.
Recall American news media asking 2016 president Donald Trump about that and he said, where did they hear that? But if he ever had such a book, he didn’t read it.
Recall telling American news media the book was given to him by a friend. 
I have a photo of the book, but I don’t see a way to post it here. The title is MY NEW ORDER. It’s easy to find using Google images.
Recall Trump bragging the German Chancellor Merkel told him that only one other political leader drew bigger crowds.
Recall, after learning that Vladimir seemed to have gotten himself elected president of Russia for life, President Trump said on national TV, I saw the news clip, that he liked that idea, president for life, but maybe he shouldn’t say it.
Earlier this week, Trump floated the idea of having three terms in the White House, then he said, well, he would not challenge the 22nd Amendment, but only wanted 4 more years in the White House. 
Don’t know where you live, Mark, but I live in Birmingham, Alabama, where I was born and raised. Birmingham is a blue city surrounded by MAGA counties.
I have regular dealings with MAGAs. They attend church. They worship Jesus. They remind me of Islamic jihadists. They view Democrats like right wing Mulsims view America.
I think Joe Biden and the Democrats are manifestations of the mythical Fukawy tribe, which was forever getting lost and gathering in a circle and sitting down and holding hands and closing their eyes and chanting, “Where in the fuck are we? Where in the fuck are we?”
I after graduating from the Alabama School of Law in Tuscaloosa, in 1968, clerked for a United States District Judge in Birmingham, who presided over ever federal criminal prosecution in north Alabama. 
I think Joe Biden and his son Hunter should be criminally prosecuted over how Hunter got rich off Ukraine while his father was Barack Obama’s vice president.
I think President Joe Biden should be prosecuted for war crimes for helping Israel obliterate Gaza.
However, Joe Biden and the Democrats do not remind me of Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany, which Donald Trump and his MAGAs do.
America and the world should be so lucky as to have Donald Trump and Joe Biden debate and be struck dead by the same bolt of lighting?

    When Pigs fly?

    Don't American Blacks know that Stop the steal is code for Stolen by Blacks?

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words Art Gallery

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Not even Daniel Webster could help Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Hamas and Israel’s leaders in God's Courtroom

American lawyer Daniel Webster

     The prosecution rested its case in Donald Trump’s hometown New York City state court hush money case. The case soon will go to the jury, unless Trump takes the witness stand.

    Before the trial began, Trump was emphatic that he would testify, but this old lawyer, who clerked for a United States District Judge who presided over every federal prosecution in north Alabama, can’t imagine Trump's lawyers will let him take the witness stand, and once again, just because Trump said something was so, didn’t mean it was. 

    While I think Michael Cohen was a credible witness, because he admitted during his testimony and cross examination many things he had done wrong, there here is no way to know how the jury will decide the case, and it won’t surprise me if one or more of the jurors are Trump ringers who vote to acquit Trump, which will hang the jury and Trump walks.

    Nor will it surprise me if the jury votes unanimously to acquit Trump, because they fear for their lives and the lives of their families, if they find Trump guilty. 

    Banana republic comes to mind. 

    As does Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Iran, Communist China and Iran.

    I saw in my email newsfeed yesterday that Trump had floated serving three terms in the White House, then had said, no, he doesn’t want to challenge the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which limits U.S. presidents to serving two full terms. 

    After watching Trump on TV leading up to the January 6, 2020 coup attempt, I can’t imagine what would hold him back from challenging the 22nd Amendment. 

Twenty-Second Amendment 

Section 1

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.
    Congress approved the Twenty-second Amendment on March 21, 1947, and submitted it to the state legislatures for ratification. That process was completed on February 27, 1951, when the requisite 36 of the 48 states had ratified the amendment (neither Alaska nor Hawaii had yet been admitted as states), and its provisions came into force on that date.

    As I sit at my laptop wondering what I can find on “The Devil and Daniel Webster”, I see on CCN right now that President Biden is furious that the International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim A. Khan said today that he was filing war crimes arrest warrant applications at the ICC for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, in addition to three senior Hamas leaders.

    I wonder why Khan didnt file a war crime arrest warrant application for President Biden, for giving Netanyahu and Gallant the money and weapons they used to cause Khan to file arrest warrants against them. In American law, accomplices to crimes, sometimes called aiders and abettors, are as guilty as the people who committed the crimes. For example, the driver of a get away car in a bank robbery is as guilty as the people who went into the bank and robbed it, and if they killed someone in the bank, the getaway driver is guilty of murder, too.

    If Donald Trump ever gets tried in the Georgia court for tampering the Georgia 2020 presidential election, anyone who helped him do it can be criminally prosecuted under the same same Georgia law, which happens to be the Georgia RICO statute, racketeering influenced corrupt organizations, which historically was used to prosecute Mafia dons. The Georgia special prosecutor, Fani Willis, flipped a number of acomplices by giving them immunity in return for their testimony against Trump. 

    I thought that was the most dangerous criminal prosecution for Trump, because the evidence against him seemed compelling: he called a Georgia election official and asked the election official to find enough private citizen votes for Trump to win the Georgia election and Georgia’s electoral college votes. 

    If Trump is convicted by a Georgia jury, he can’t appeal to his friendly United States Supreme Court. He has to use the Georgia  appellate court system. If the Georgia appellate courts affirm Trump’s conviction, he then could try to get the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene, based on a violation of his rights under the United States Constitution and Amendments thereto. But for the life of me, I cannot imagine what rights Trump had under the United States Constitution to meddle in the Georgia election.

    If Fani Willis had kept her vagina in her panties, instead of frolicking with her lead prosecutor, I think Trump would be sweating bullets by now. Trump’s lawyers are trying to get Willis removed from the case for prosecutorial misconduct, of which she certainly is guilty, which is kinda amusing, given the well known history of Trump's penis. 

    The Georgia appellate courts might not agree with me on that, but in God’s Courtroom, it doesn’t matter what Fani Willis did with her lead prosecutor. What matters in God’s Court is what Trump did, and in that Courtroom Trump can’t refuse to take the witness stand or claim 5th Amendment protection against self-incrimination. Ditto for Joe Biden and the leaders of Hamas and Israel. Ditto for you and me, and everyone else.


Summary and Study Guide

Summary: “The Devil and Daniel Webster”

Written by American author Stephen Vincent BenĂ©t, “The Devil and Daniel Webster” is a variation on the Faust myth. BenĂ©t’s story tackles themes such as The Devil in AmericaPatriotism and the Limits of Loyalty, and The Nature of Justice. The story first appeared in The Saturday Evening Post in 1936, though it was later republished in BenĂ©t’s collection of stories titled Thirteen O’Clock in 1937. The story subsequently received the O. Henry Award, earning recognition as the best short story published that year. “The Devil and Daniel Webster” was directly influenced by Washington Irving’s “The Devil and Tom Walker,” another tale in the Faustian bargain canon.

This guide refers to the version of “The Devil and Daniel Webster” published by Fountainhead Press, which is a direct republishing of BenĂ©t’s original 1936 short story. A PDF of the story, with page numbers, can be found here.
Content Warning: The story and guide reference enslavement.

The story opens with an unnamed first-person narrator describing what follows as a local legend in parts of New England. The narrator introduces Daniel Webster, a renowned lawyer described in godlike terms: “He never got to be President, but he was the biggest man. There were thousands that trusted in him right next to God Almighty, and they told stories about him […] that were like the stories of patriarchs and such” (1). 
The story then shifts focus to a chronically unlucky farmer named Jabez Stone. Stone lives in Cross Corners, New Hampshire, and all of his ventures seem to go astray. Eventually, Stone gets sick of his lot in life and expresses a desire to sell his soul to the Devil in exchange for better luck. While Stone immediately regrets his wish, it comes to fruition the following day, when a genteel man dressed entirely in black arrives at his door. This man is the Devil—he later introduces himself by the name of Scratch—and he comes to offer Jabez Stone seven years of good luck in exchange for his eternal soul. Despite his reservations, Stone agrees to the terms, using a pin to prick his finger and signing the contract in his own blood.
Thereafter, Stone’s luck dramatically changes; his farming endeavors are suddenly all prosperous, and Stone and his family become some of the most successful and influential people in Cross Corners. Stone is even asked to stand for selectman, a position of local government, and is considered as a potential candidate for state senate.

Nevertheless, Stone is haunted by his deal and reminded of his impending doom by Scratch’s yearly visits. In the sixth year of his contract, Stone challenges the terms of their agreement, bargaining for an additional three years of life before Scratch can claim his soul. Scratch agrees, and these years pass in turn. When Stone asks for additional extensions, Scratch refuses, and as his time dwindles, Stone seeks alternative ways to extricate himself from his deal, eventually seeking the help of Daniel Webster. 
After Stone tells Webster the terms of his deal, Webster agrees to represent him in a court battle against Scratch. Webster and Stone return to Cross Corners on the last night of Stone’s contract and are greeted by Scratch at midnight. While Webster is more than willing to go toe-to-toe with the Devil, Scratch insists that Mr. Stone’s contract is very clear and implores Webster to obey the law that he has dedicated his life to enforcing. Webster questions Scratch’s citizenship, insisting that “no American citizen may be forced into the service of a foreign prince!” (5). Scratch insists that he is not foreign, as Webster suggests, but an American citizen himself, citing his presence at various terrible events in American history as proof.

Granting Scratch’s American citizenship, Webster claims that Stone has the right to a trial by jury. Scratch agrees, so long as he is allowed to select the jury, promising that every juror will be an American citizen. Scratch’s jury of the damned then enters, revealing significant deceased figures from American history: Walter Butler and Simon Girty, both Loyalists during the American Revolution; King Philip, a Wampanoag chief who led a failed battle against New England colonials; Governor Thomas Dale, a dictatorial administrator of then-colonial Virginia; Morton of Merry Mount, a rival of the Plymouth Pilgrims; Edward Teach, more popularly known as the pirate Blackbeard; and Reverend John Smeet, assumedly an invented character by BenĂ©t. John Hathorne, who presided over the executions during the Salem Witch Trials, serves as judge.

Webster quickly realizes that Scratch has stacked the jury against him and Stone and begins to grow angry. Just as he is about to erupt, he realizes that this was Scratch’s intention: He hopes to capture Webster’s soul as well. Webster therefore calms himself and begins to speak of life’s simple pleasures: “​​the freshness of a fine morning when you’re young, and the taste of food when you’re hungry, and the new day that’s every day when you’re a child” (7). Webster suggests that all of these things are rendered meaningless in the absence of freedom. While Webster admits that America and her people have made many mistakes throughout their history, he argues that each of these mistakes has led to something bigger and better for the country. He concludes by suggesting that Scratch, or any devil, cannot possibly know what it is like to be an American or a human.

After a short deliberation, the jury announces that they have decided in favor of Stone and Webster even though the terms of the contract are clear. They admit that it was Webster’s eloquent testimony that swayed them in Stone’s favor. As the sun starts to rise, the jury disappears.  

Scratch congratulates Webster on his victory and tears up Stone’s contract. Before Scratch can escape, however, Webster grabs him by the arm, demanding that he never return to New Hampshire to bother Jabez Stone, his family, his heirs, or anyone else in the state. Scratch agrees to these terms, though Webster continues to threaten him for some time afterward. Before leaving, Scratch offers to read Webster’s future from the palm of his hand. Webster allows this, and Scratch predicts that Webster will fail to attain his main ambition: to become president. He also says that Webster will experience a backlash after his final speech (a reference to Webster’s “Seventh of March Speech,” during which Webster announced his support for the Compromise of 1850).

Webster resigns himself to these eventual realities, trusting that his legacy will prevail. He goes on to ask Scratch if the Union, for which he has fought his entire life, will survive. Scratch says that Webster will not live to see the outcome of the struggle but that the supporters of the Union will prevail. Webster laughs at Scratch’s response before kicking him out the door. According to legend, Scratch keeps true to his word and never returns to New Hampshire.

    Not even Daniel Wester could get Donald Trump off in God’s Court, nor Trump's many accomplices. Ditto for Joe Biden and Hamas and Israel's leaders. As for the Union surviving Donald Trump and Joe Biden, I suppose there will be a lot of head scratching before that is known.