The gem below arrived in my Yahoo feed today and I could not help but pile on.

In one of the most ingenious works of spin doctoring, campaign press secretary Caroline Leavitt pointed out that Trump couldn’t possibly have posted the “unified reich” video . . . he was too busy at his pornstar-hush-money-election-interference trial!
(This is one of those cartoons that really just write themselves. Just turn the floor over to the nutballs.)Unfortunately, it looks like we’ll have to keep paying attention to what Donald Trump is saying or doing for at least the next several months.
I don’t have a good feeling about this.
In the meantime, we can share a laugh at his expense and let people know the consequences of a second Trump presidency.
Thanks so much for your support, I’ll see you back here shortly!
In case you missed it earlier, I posted a time-lapse drawing and commentary video earlier today . . .
Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s NewsletterYikes!, is dead f-ing on the mark, Mark :-).
The guy who wants to be Commander-In-Chief again allows underlings to post stuff on his Truth Social account? For real? Shucks, every post at my Facebook page was put there by me, because I'm the only person who knows the top secret password.
All in the same day context of The Great Pussy Grabber resting his case in New York City, without testifying, after saying he would testify, and daily shooting off his mouth to the media and on Truth Social about the trial, the judge, the witnesses, the jury, the prosecutors, and claiming President Biden sent the FBI to his Mar-a-Lago home to kill him and his wife and their son if necessary, to steal HIS classified documents from him, and Nikki Haley saying she will vote for Donald Trump, although when she was running for the Republican nominee against Trump, she said he was “unstable and unhinged”, which caused me to wonder if Trump had grabbed her pussy, or she had grabbed his pecker?
Recall when Trump and his father got busted by the State of New York for ethnic discrimination in their New York City apartment buildings.
Gander photos and film footage of the Charlottesville Confederate Monument removal protest and see the ocean of angry white people. Gander photos and film footage of Trump rallies and see the oceans of white people. Gander photos and film footage of the January 6, 2020 goose step riot and see that ocean ot white people.
Recall back when former Klu Klux Klan Imperial Wizard and Grand Dragon David Duke endorsed Trump in 2016, and when asked what he thought about that, Trump pretended he’d never heard of Duke and was quite a while saying, well maybe he didn’t want Duke’s endorsement.
Recall before Herr Donald Trump got it into this apprentice noggin’ to run for president, Vanity Fair published an article quoting Trump’s ex-wive Ivana, she said when she and Donald were married, he kept a book of Hitler’s speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed and sometimes he read it at night.
Recall American news media asking 2016 president Donald Trump about that and he said, where did they hear that? But if he ever had such a book, he didn’t read it.
Recall telling American news media the book was given to him by a friend.
I have a photo of the book, but I don’t see a way to post it here. The title is MY NEW ORDER. It’s easy to find using Google images.
Recall Trump bragging the German Chancellor Merkel told him that only one other political leader drew bigger crowds.
Recall, after learning that Vladimir seemed to have gotten himself elected president of Russia for life, President Trump said on national TV, I saw the news clip, that he liked that idea, president for life, but maybe he shouldn’t say it.
Earlier this week, Trump floated the idea of having three terms in the White House, then he said, well, he would not challenge the 22nd Amendment, but only wanted 4 more years in the White House.
Don’t know where you live, Mark, but I live in Birmingham, Alabama, where I was born and raised. Birmingham is a blue city surrounded by MAGA counties.
I have regular dealings with MAGAs. They attend church. They worship Jesus. They remind me of Islamic jihadists. They view Democrats like right wing Mulsims view America.
I think Joe Biden and the Democrats are manifestations of the mythical Fukawy tribe, which was forever getting lost and gathering in a circle and sitting down and holding hands and closing their eyes and chanting, “Where in the fuck are we? Where in the fuck are we?”
I after graduating from the Alabama School of Law in Tuscaloosa, in 1968, clerked for a United States District Judge in Birmingham, who presided over ever federal criminal prosecution in north Alabama.
I think Joe Biden and his son Hunter should be criminally prosecuted over how Hunter got rich off Ukraine while his father was Barack Obama’s vice president.
I think President Joe Biden should be prosecuted for war crimes for helping Israel obliterate Gaza.
However, Joe Biden and the Democrats do not remind me of Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany, which Donald Trump and his MAGAs do.
America and the world should be so lucky as to have Donald Trump and Joe Biden debate and be struck dead by the same bolt of lighting?
When Pigs fly?
Don't American Blacks know that “Stop the steal” is code for “Stolen by Blacks”?
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words Art Gallery
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