Monday, September 4, 2023

a bit about what it's like being 81 and always being on trial in God's Courtroom and being a unicorn watching America gone mad and playing chess

   President Joe Biden, 80, Catholic, keeps reminding the people on Maui that he had a kitchen fire in his home, and he keeps saying he has full confidence in his son, Hunter. Republican Speaker of the U.S. Senate Mitch McConnell, 80, Southern Baptist, twice recently froze up speaking on camera. Ex-President Donald Trump, 77, Heathen, keeps saying he had nothing to do with the January 6, 2021 insurrection to overthrow the presidential election and make him the U.S. President again.

   I claim angels captured former Episcopalian me in early 1987 and slowly and often painfully altered my view of just about everything, and eventually the angels got me involved in politics, which I despised, and still despise. While I can't prove angels exist, much less have anything to do with me, every practicing Christian, Jew and Muslim I have know believed angels, God and Evil exist. Reading my reams of writings available online and/or watching The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast episodes proves my views are different. As does what I post at my Facebook page.

    I mostly lived in Key West and on Little Torch Keys from 2000-2018, where I spoke hundreds of times during citizen comments at city and county commission, school board and other public meetings. Starting 2003 and spanning into 2017, angels put me up to run six times for mayor of Key West, three times for county commission, and one time for school board. As an Independent. I did not seek or accept campaign contributions. I paid my candidate filing fees. I did not pollute roads and neighborhoods with "Vote for Sloan" signs. I wrote reams about what all I was up to on's hugely popular Coconut Telegraph public forum, and at my own blogs, which the owner of built for me. I participated in candidate forums and media interviews. I never expected to win and would have been shocked if I did win. I was the out of the box candidate. My perspective on every issue was different from the other candidates and the audiences' perspective. I was a... unicorn.  

    As for my personal life, I have lots of friends I visit face to face, talk with on the phone, text and chat with online. I grocery shop, go to the pharmacy, visit the Apple Store. I eat in restaurants, take walks and chat with people and pet their dogs on the street. I hang out in a coffee shop, I hang out in a public park and have a vegetable plot in a community garden. Several doctors look after me at their offices. Their specialities are: internist, gastroenterologist, urologist, neurologist, dermatologist, ENT, general dentistry. I see a physical therapist every week. I had successful, so far, prostate cancer radiation  therapy during the covid shut down. I had four Pfizer shots and caught Red China's gift over three weeks ago and still have a lingering cough and feel like I took a hit. I live with irritable bowel  syndrome, which suddenly onset in 1969 and never responded to medical treatment.

  At night, I'm home alone, preparing meals, playing chess  online, and watching movies on Netflix and Prime. On weekends, I watch professional golf tournaments and fall football games on TV. Sometimes I watch TV news, which along with all the commercials, convinces me America is in serious deep doo doo, and if I were a woman, I doubt I would want to bering a baby into this world. Two or three times a month, I take a neighbor lady friend out to dinner. Otherwise, I'm a monk.

    write good bit on my and other people's Facebook and blogs, drawing upon what the angels taught me and my experience as a Birmingham, Alabama practicing attorney who clerked for a United States District Judge who used to drink moonshine, cussed and did not attend church, but darn well feared God. Judge Clarence W. Allgood presided over every federal criminal prosecution in north Alabama. 

    The most godly man I ever knew, Judge Allgood is the first person memorialized in A FEW REMARKABLE PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN- Then come five more exceptional Alabama people, who deeply influenced me in my youth, including my mother's Episcopal minister, who told his Vestrymen, if they did not allow blacks to worship in the church he had built from scratch, he would close the church.

    I stopped attending church decades ago, because church wasn't working for me. Years later, angels showed me that I'm always in church. What human church did Jesus in the Gospels build? He didn't build one. He was in church wherever he was. He said his church was not of this world. He said to be in but not of this world. For a very long time, I have felt like I'm in God's Courtroom, where everyone, including me, is on trial.

  When I'm not shooting off my mouth online, I play chess several days a week with a black pastor, who serves several rural churches south of Birmingham. He, several other old farts and I play chess one day a week at a senior citizen center. I play a lot of chess online, Chess seriously challenges my mind, wits and ego.

    For most of my life, chess terrified me, because I was so bad at it. In early 2005, in Key West, a familiar voice told me in my sleep, "Sloan, you need to learn how to play chess." I woke up, terrified. Since I was a boy, I knew how the pieces moved, but I had no clue beyond that. I didn't recall ever winning a game of chess. I once had a girlfriend, who was very good at chess, and she beat me so badly that I felt like a fucking idiot. For several years, I had been hanging out in two places in Key West where a lot of chess was played, so I went there to do the dream's bidding. I got mangled and my feelings got hurt and my ego got shredded, but I was not about to tuck and run after having that dream.

    In August 2005, my father died and I was in Birmingham for about 6 months. There was a soul food restaurant I liked in downtown Birmingham, run by a black fellow, who was Muslim. The restaurant was across the street from the 16th Street Baptist Church, which Atlanta Klansmen had bombed in the 1960s, I think, killing quite a few black adults and children worshipping God. A couple of storefronts down from the restaurant, I saw on the glass window, Birmingham Chess Club. Inside, I saw an old black man, and I went in and talked with him. He said they played after work every week day, and I was welcome to join them. I was there at 5 that afternoon. White me and about 20 black men. They made me play touch rules, which was terrifying. Up to then, I was picking up a chess piece and moving it, and if I didn't like what I saw, I put it back and picked up another piece and moved it, and maybe I did that again. They broke me of that. Even if I barely touched a piece, they said I had to move it. The white guys in Key West had never made me play real chess. I played touch rules after that. When I moved from Key West back to Alabama and played chess and someone played the way I used to play, I said, I play touch rules. That didn't go over well sometimes, but I stuck with it and they came around. In life, I do something badly, I get a mulligan?

    My tech friend Bob and I did the redneck mystic lawyer podcasts at night on Zoom from our homes in different states. You heard Bob. You saw and heard me. I used no scripts. I went into a podcast with two or three ideas for topics, and it went from there. When I went to candidate forums in Key West and the Florida Keys, what I would say to the audience in my opening statement allowed to all candidates came to me as I was en route to the forum.

    But for Bob, there never would have been a redneck mystic lawyer podcast, because I am a tech idiot and there is no cure for it. Thanks to Bob, YouTube and Torrent, people all over the world can amuse or abuse themselves watching the add-free podcasts for free. Thanks to Bob, Torrent and, people all over the world can read many of my books for free. The books reflect the thinking of someone who was captured by angels known in the Bible and then was turned upside down and inside out and every which-a-way but loose, and stood before endless mirrors, for a long time, to the point that he lives in ongoing fear of crossing God and/or screwing up something he is given to do.

    I don't think my pastor chess friend has reached that stage, but he seems to have loosened up a bit about my cussing when I fuck up a chess game, because sometimes he cusses when he fucks up a chess game, but he never says fuck, so he's still got a ways to go.

   Tonight, Bob and I plan to do a second campaign podcast, during which I will mention a few other things I would do as president, the first of which is declassify and make available to the public all US Government files on ETs, which star wars outburst would turn every religion and political party upside down and inside out. I also want to mention that I'm running on the Unicorn ticket, and there is a campaign blog, which I started after the first campaign podcast.

    Some of is kinda funny, some of it is kinda not funny. It can be read anonymously by anyone. It is not recommended for young children. Redneck men and women cuss, however, I'm no more a redneck than are Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump. The podcast's title is a spoof, but it got lots of laughs and attaboys from people I knew before and after it was launched. In hindsight, perhaps that title wasn't a good idea, but the angels on my case have seemed okay with it.

    Here are different links to the first redneck mystic lawyer for president campaign podcast. 

    Stay tuned.

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