Friday, September 1, 2023

Vote for No One - Maui wildfire and the burnt kitchen stove strike Sleepy Joe again, and it's all those darned Republicans' fault!

    The previous post at this blog reported my discussion on Facebook with a man I figured was a Republican after I had posted:

Sloan Bashinsky
Beyond bizarre, President Biden.
A Republican friend told me about this last night.
Business Insider
August 22, 2023
When President Joe Biden met with survivors of the Maui wildfires on Monday, he told them that he could relate to them because he and First Lady Jill Biden knew what it was like to lose a home to a fire.
But the fire in question was described by the Associated Press at the time as "a small fire that was contained to the kitchen," with the Delaware fire chief indicating that it was under control in 20 minutes.
During Biden's visit to Maui, where the devastating wildfires have killed at least 114 people, he made a 13-minute speech to a group of survivors in Lahaina —the city destroyed by flames, with nearly every building to ash and rubble.
"I don't want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, what it's like to lose a home," he said, according to remarks published by The White House.

    An entirely different discussion was initiated by a northern Democrat gal I had met at the fabulous Harpoon Harry's Diner in Key West, in perhaps 2015.

At least the guy has compassion. He tried his best to relate in the moment. Failed? Your own opinion. Better integrity then the X President, twice impeached, four time indicted, ninety one charged , Mara Lardo, spoon fed preppy,going to jail…..first time President in history. Stand Back and Stand By.

Sloan Bashinsky
Jacqueline you know I think Trump is awful. How do you think the voters on Maui now feel about Biden?

I blame that on the Republicans currently in office that refuse to allow President Biden to increase the budget for natural disasters. Looks like there will be many more in our future. Biden works desperately to have professional relationships, however the other side seems to constantly go against anything he tries to put into place. I hope the residents of Maui can understand that.

Sloan Bashinsky
The Republicans caused Biden to compare his kitchen stove fire to the Maui fire?

Sloan Bashinsky The Republicans cause so many conflicts that it confuses Biden.😂 So yes, I blame Trump and his puppets for Biden making such a pathetic analogy.😂 

Sloan Bashinsky
Jackie, that makes no sense to me.

I’m sorry Sloan. Of course I make no sense. Feel like we are living in the twilight zone. We truly have become a political mess. I jokingly blame Trump and his pathetic party for everything, but in the truest reality our entire political system has gone in the complete wrong direction. Sometimes my humor is hard to understand. I was born in Hawaii. Navy brat. I hope every resident understands that Biden made a horrible analogy and sadly can’t take that moment back. I know he was trying his best to comfort and sympathize with all of them.
Sloan Bashinsky
You're dead on about the political mess gone in the wrong direction, way past SNAFU into FUBAR.
The first night I lived on the street, slept on the ground, was in Lahaina, Maui, in 2000. And the 2nd night. And the 3d night, and quite a few nights, before I tried other places on that side of the island and over on the dry side.
An amiga in north Georgia told me today, that when Biden got there and was being driven from the Lahaina airport, I guess, people lined the streets, shooting him a bird, for not doing more for that devastated community. She said she remembered back when I ran the first time for county commission in the Florida Keys, 2006, that I passed out REELECT NO ONE decals to put on cars and trucks, which an amigo in Georgia had made up years before and gave to me. My amiga said she would change it to VOTE FOR NO ONE.
I don't know who advises Biden, but it it had been me, I would have told him to tell the people in Lahaina that he feels horrible for them, he can never come close to imagining their trauma, and he is doing all he can to help them, but he isn't getting much cooperation from the Republicans and the MAGAs in Congress.
Lahaina's on the wet side of Maui (gets a lot more rain than the other side), and when I saw news film footage of Lahaina streets I remembered walking down, I was blown away. It will be a very long time before Lahaina crawls out of that. Kinda reminds me of photos I saw of Dresden after the firebombing. About, I imagine, a lot of Oahu might have looked like if the Japanese had followed through and bombed all the fuel storage tanks after the attack on the American Navy's ships.
About like what Key West might look like, except not from fire, if it was T-boned by a Cat 5 hurricane. Except people in Key West and the Florida Keys assume that risk by living there. Nobody ever imagined what happened in Lahaina could happen. I wonder what happened to the homeless people living there? I can imagine they fled into the ocean.

   Jackie came to Key West as part of a larger effort with other people to persuade a homeless man she had met previously in Key West to return home, where he would have a reunion with his childhood friends, who would provide him a place to live and get him a job that would support him. I told them that I knew the man well and, while I admired their effort, they perhaps should be prepared for him to turn them down. He did go home and had a wonderful reunion, from all I heard, and they made their offer and he turned them down and returned to Key West.

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