Monday, November 20, 2023

HAMAS and Israel started World War C, for Cult?

    I wandered down yet another Holy Land rabbit hole yesterday and today, and I leave for others to wonder if I’ve lost all of my marbles, or the Holy Land and its ardent fans are a giant asylum for the criminally insane. 

ChazLB’s Newsletter

A thing I have noticed from people who have supported Israel are now talking in terms of "oh all those people are messed up on both sides and have been fighting for centuries" like they know Israel is doing some despicable stuff but instead of calling them out and having a spine they are taking the tactic of blaming both sides and acting like they never sided with one or the other.

Sloan Bashinsky

Well, I'm not an Israel fan, and I say both sides clearly are messed up, and it actually dates back to Abraham's two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. From Ishmael came Mohammed. From Isaac, Moses and then Jesus. In Genesis, God told Abraham that Ishmael's seed would cause Isaac's seed trouble, and it looks like Islam took that to heart, and let's not forget the Crusades, which were lovely and Islam never forgot. This entire mess is caused by religions, and it's going to keep being a mess, for so long as Israel exists in Palestine. 


Nope, it does not date back to biblical times, that is a lame excuse. The entire mess is not caused by religions, that is the other lame excuse.

It dates back to the late 19th century when the "father" of ZioNazism started to talk about a Jewish home state, and hey, why not in Palestine since it belongs to us.

Never mind that he was a European Jew with no roots there, never mind that is racist following were all European Jews with no roots there, and never mind that the original Israelites left 2 millennia ago.

Eventually the trickle of European Jews became a flood that infested the region, stealing the land from the indigenous Arab population, and illegally creating a racist sewer on the stolen land thereby ethnically cleansing and genociding that Arab population, the Palestinians, who did not agree with the UN's recommendation.

THAT is the root cause of this mess. The racist sewer has been the cause of 99% of the death and destruction in the Middle East ever since the creation of said sewer. 

Sloan Bashinsky

Maybe you should read the Bible? That's when it started that God promised Israel land.. It's been evolving, or devolving, ever since. 



Nope, I don't read the bible because it is a book written by grass smoking village elders with nothing else to do than wait for death, so they decided to write some nonsense.

And if there was such a fantastic god as you guys claim, what has he done for mankind? Just name me 1 thing that is scientifically proven that god himself did it. I am not interested in fairy tales.

BTW, the book was amended many times during history, for religious, political, convenience and many other reasons.


The “Bible”?

You mean that fictional work of horror stories and downright laughable “miracles”?

Sure, the Red Sea “parted”.

Sure , Jesus brought a dead man back to life.

Sure, asses can speak.

Sure, Jesus was raised from the dead and ascended into “heaven”.

I could go on, but I haven’t read the Bible since I was forced to as a child. Thanks be to my parents who allowed me to explore my own spirituality.  


I'll have you know ass's can speak,,have you never seen a political debate? 

Sloan Bashinsky

You may think the Bible is fictional, but Christians don't. Practicing Jews and Muslims don't think their Scriptures are fictional. So, if you ignore what motivates them, you live in the fictional. 



This “war”, if one can call such an incredibly one-sided conflict that, has naught to do with religion. 

Land grab, plan and simple, in order that Israhell be able to seize not only additional real estate, but vast natural gas reserves off Gaza’s coast, plus put into implementation of their Ben Gurion Canal project.

As a Pagan, I am fully aware that the ONLY “ higher power” is Mother Nature.

Sloan Bashinsky

Do you see any way IDF can defeat HAMAS in Gaza and exploit vast natural gas reserves off Gaza's coast? 


If people got out of their mainstream bubbles they could see that Hamas is doing some real damage to the IDF. The ground war is demonstrating how inept Israel are.

Scott Ritter has been right all along and predicts the end of Israel and the USA is going to end up a third world country for siding with them.  

Sloan Bashinsky

I have not seen reports of HAMAS's military doing much damage to IDF, but Israel took the bait HAMAS laid out on October, which is my birthday, and since then Israel has been destroying its reputation and soul, trying to get at HAMAS. Now, if IDF goes into the tunnels, and into the inner cities, IDF probably will suffer horrible losses, and I don't imagine that's what IDF will do. I can see IDF hosing napalm, or something like it, into the tunnels and setting them on fire and robbing the tunnels of oxygen and killing a lot of HAMAS troops in that way. I see Israel destroying the surface areas of Gaza City, so that it will be very difficult for people to live there comfortably in large numbers. I see Israel cutting off water and electricity and internet and cell pone service. I see Israel shutting down hospitals. How do people I've where there are no hospitals? I see Israel shutting supply routes. Who knows when Israel will decide enough is enough? I sure don't. 

I imagine if Israel feels too much outside pressure from Islam, say, Iran, Israel will answer with nuclear weapons. Imagine downtown Tehran inhabitable for a few hundred years. I think HAMAS has no clue what Israel is capable of doing. I think HAMAS thinks it's the baddest ass kicking thing around. But it isn't. Israel is, and who can stop Israel? Only Israel can stop Israel, for a while. 

Down the road, America might stop sending Israel money and weapons, but there will be hell to pay for Congress officials who go for that. Hell to pay form the American right, religious and not religious. What I think is right, what you think is right, really is irrelevant to Israel. it is doing what it thinks is right, and it has the weapons to obliterate its enemies' cities for a very long time.


I lot of words here - demonstrating that you are an ethno-supremacist Sloan my friend. Like Hitler was.

Sloan Bashinsky

Actually, I think Donald Trump and his legions are eerily like Adolph Hitler and his legions leadning into the Holocaust. Back when Donald and daddy owned apartments in NY City, they were prosecuted for racial discrimination against people of color. Vanity Fair published an article some time before Trump ran for president in 2015, in which his first wife, Ivana said, when she and Donald were married, he kept a book of Hitler's speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed, and sometimes he read it at night. When asked about that, I read in a news article, Trump said, if he ever had such book he didn't read it. he told the woman leader of Germany that only one person grew larger than he drew - that would be Hitler  


When former KKK head honcho David Duke endorsed Trump in 2016, Trump was very slow to deal with it, and he never said he didn't want the Klan's votes. When you look at photos and videos of the Charlottesville Confederate monument removal protests during Trump's first term, you see Confederate and Swastika flags and oceans of white people. Same when you look at photos and film footage of MAGA rallies. Same when you look at photos and film footage of the January 6, 2020 insurrection. A picture is worth a thousand words. Res Ipsa loiter, the thing speaks for itself. Trump is the religious right's dream come true, and the Aryan America dream come true. And he backs Israel, as do his mobs. When Trump said the 2020 election was stolen from him, his legions knew he mean, stolen by people of color. 


That you liken me to Hitler speaks to the core of your prejudice. Hitler killed all but two of my Jewish ancestors. The two who were not killed came to America before the end of the 19th Century. No, I am not Jewish. I was raised in Christendom. Now I belong to no religion,. I view religions as cults. I view political parties as cults. When you take a side like you have done, you cannot see clearly. You are compromised. HAMAS is a cult. The people running Israel are a cult. Perhaps Armageddon, if it comes, should be called World War C, for Cults.  


Buybull is a man made interpretation of spiritual feeling it can't explain so it made up deities..

Every single idea concept and word written down is MAN MADE,, ALL OF IT WITHOUT QUESTION IS MYTH  


God and Jesus are only myths in a very old book of fiction my friend. 

And the imaginary Christian God started all this horror in the first place. 

When one party comes armed with their Bible and a 2,000-year-old promise from THEIR IMAGINARY GOD, rational thinking goes out the window. 

The issue will only be settled on the field of battle with iron and rivers of blood. 

Thousands slaughtered in the name of imaginary GODs. 

As it has been done since man invented GOD's. 

There will be no winners. 

Every religion claim's that theirs is the only true God! 

What evidence do Israelis have that their religion is not just other false religion? 

Why is their "God" real and all the others are not? 

When they understand why they dismiss ALL the other possible "Gods", only then will they understand why the non-religious dismiss theirs. 

"Religion poisons everything" - Christopher Hitchens 


Poor God, he's used as the excuse for every fucked up thing humans do..if I was him I would smite the shit out of humans.

Sloan Bashinsky

Religious people, in the main, are going to be really surprised when they leave this life and see how little they understood.


Come to think of it he just might be smiting the shit out of us right now.. Better go massage my bible.  

Sloan Bashinsky

Heh, I belong to no religion, and I bet if you lived in my skin a while, you would wish God, angels known in the Bible, Jesus, the Devil and demons, did not exist. Meanwhile, let's go forward assuming the Bible and God are a myth. That changes nothing, when the people on both sides, Islam over there, Israel over yonder, Christendom over another way. They  believe what their scriptures say, and nothing you say or do will persuade them otherwise. Their scriptures are like AI programs in them, and you will not change them with your words. It is not possible to understand what is going on in Palestine, if you don't factor in their religions. 


People of all those religions lived in relative peace in Palestine till The Zionists stole the keys off the British and began the ethnic cleansing day two.

You can waffle on about abriham and hessus and all those fairy book stories but the real trouble all started as soon as those fucking Zionists showed up.

You might want to peep your little peepers on the film 1948 movie creation and catastrophe how Israel was formed in violence, a documentary. 

Sloan Bashinsky

I am convinced making Israel was a mistake, and the Bible convinced me, for starts. Maybe it would not have happened if America had taken in the WWII European Jewish refugees. Looks to me the only solution now is for Israel to move to America. Otherwise, not much will change, unless Israel uses its nuclear weapons, is how I see it.


Israel has a Sampson insane as that is..I put nothing past those psychopaths

Sloan Bashinsky

I think it's insane to think Israel will not use its nukes, if it feels it has to use them. When you have religious fanatics running a country, anything can happen. Look at the jihadists, who are convinced, if they die, they will be with 70 virgins in Paradise, because their Koran tells them so. They aren't afraid to die, because of that. Fanatics on both sides make it impossible to expect peace in Palestine, as long as Israel exists there. the Bible thumpers in America will do all they can to see to it that Israel has all the money and weapons it needs to protect where Jewish leaders, according to the New Testament, persuaded Pilate to crucify Jesus. 


There is nothing in the Quran about 70 virgins, nor about 72 virgins, which at least has esoteric correspondence with e.g. number of cards in a tarot deck. The error derives from mistranslation: Does the Quran really promise Islamic martyrs 72 virgins? | JustIslam

Sloan Bashinsky

Thanks for correcting my 70 virgins misimpression. So, if it's not in the Quran about 70 virgins, where did the Islamic jihadists, suicide bombers, etc. get the notion they were going to die and be with 70 virgins? If they believe it, which apparently many of them do, what does it matter where it came from? They act on that belief, just as almost half of America believes the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, who, along with his believers, remind me of Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany leading up to the Holocaust, which quite a few people today, apparently, claim did not happen.


I seem to recall the buybull does an awful lot of that kingdoms of heaven smoke they blow up their followers ass too... how they will be anointed with heavenly Angeles bouncing around on clouds...hmm are angels virgins? Is it in the rule book Angel manual?

Christian's still pissed about their savoir got the crusafix..?

Sloan Bashinsky

Never discount the effect religions have on their members. Ditto, members of political parties. Or any herd. 

Feral Finster

I met a rabbi who said that America and not Israel was The Promised Land, the country that never had a pogrom.  


Sloan Bashinsky

Not entirely. The McCarthy commie hunter cult was a program, but it got snuffed out, fortunately. How about the Trump cult, which is a program and will become mores if he gets elected. He and his legions remind me of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis leading up to the Holocaust. 
Feral Finster
Detestable as they were, neither McCarthy nor Trumpism are pogorms.


Sloan is confused about a lot of things my friend.


Sloan Bashinsky

What confuses me is how so many people lay100 percent of the blame on Israel, which I have never backed. What confuses me is that so many people back Hamas, when Israel is doing in Gaza exactly what HAMAS hoped Israel would do in response to the October 7 attack, proving HAMAS doesn't give a shit about the people of Gaza. Perhaps it might help to compare the people running Israel to Donald Trump and his MAGAs. Perhaps it might help to compare the people running HAMAs to Donald Trump and his MAGAs. They are convinced they are a resistance movement, and God is on their side. :-)

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