Tuesday, November 21, 2023

How the Spirit World might view what’s going on between Israel and HAMAS

    After a regular reader danced with me bit about yesterday’s HAMAS and Israel started World War C, for Cult? post, a raven of sorts showed up and I took the bait.

What a dance here tonight. Sloan you have a great capacity for tolerating the ignorant. 

Sloan Bashinsky
It’s been years since I danced to music with a woman. I suppose I dance in other ways online. Don’t know if ignorant, or brainwashed, applies- perhaps its one sometimes, the other sometimes, and both sometimes :-)

In any case your patience is remarkable. Respect.

Sloan Bashinsky
Perhaps it’s easier to be patient online, than face to face? Also in play, I was trained the old-fashioned way by angels to speak to/about stuff in ways not comfy for the status quo, while trying my best to stay level and detached. 

Mr. Raven
Not comfy for the stautus quo? Give me a fucking break, you are just another Zionist piece of shit making excuses for genocide and mass murder of trapped children, and circling the wagons around your tribe like everyone in the media and the politicians are owned by your tribe. 

Mr. Raven
Yes you "chosen people" sure are patient with us untermensch. applause! 

Sloan Bashinsky
In olden times, the raven was viewed as a messenger from the spirit world, and I totally agree with you that the creation of the state of Israel was a terrible mistake, and that Israel then did plenty to create more resentment, even hatred, of itself in that region. Alas, HAMAS carried out the October genocide to provoke Israel to do what it now is doing in Gaza, and in that way, Israel proves it is like Nazi Germany. Hamas cares not one iota about the Gazan civilians killed by the IDF. HAMAS thinks it did something wonderful for Allah on October 7. In fact, Allah had nothing to do with it. The Zionists, and the American Christian right, are convinced God is on Israel’s side, in its invasion of Gaza. God has nothing to do with it. The Devil is running both sides, and if you join and support either side, you join and support the Devil.

What you, myself, and everyone should hope, and pray, is a cease fire happens, and out of it Gaza becomes a nation, which is recognized by Israel and every other nation, and Islam leaves both Gaza and Israel alone. Given the historical religious emnity between Islam and Christendom/Israel, I doubt such a peace can even begin, but if it does begin, it won’t last. The worst scenario is there is no cease fire, the war in Gaza keeps escalating, Israel feels backed into a corner and desperate, and it unleashes its nuclear weapons, and HAMAS pretends it is Snow White and had nothing to do with it. 

As for me, my Polish Jew great grandfather immigrant married a Southern Baptist woman, and they raised their children in a Baptist church, and their grandchildren and great grandchildren, including me, were raised in that church. My mother left that church for the Episcopal variation, and took me and my younger brother and sister with her. I eventually left that church and Christendom, and went searching for something that worked for me, and then I was met by angels known in the Bible, who stood me before endless mirrors, and turned me upside down and inside out and every which a way but loose, and they changed my thinking on just about everything.

Along the way, I met a Jewish man, who had left Judaism and was deep into the New Age and Yoga and Tao spiritual practices. R was very reactive to anything he viewed as anti-semitic, and I had to be very careful when I discussed Judaism and Israel with him. By and by, I was captured by the aforesaid angels, and much later, R was captured by them, and they started doing to him what they were doing to me, and his views about everything were being challenged. 

We lived in different areas of the country, and we talked a lot on the telephone. While we were talking one day, he said he was hearing that the cause of the Jewish diaspora was the Jews had rejected the Christ. R was disheveled. We knew what Christendom, in the main, viewed as the Christ was very different from the actual Christ. We were not Christians. We belonged to no religion. We were being pushed to our limits by angels, to be something entirely different from what we were raised to be and grew up hoping to be. 

Eventually, R was put with a woman, and while there was a great attraction between them, there was something in her that caused her to want to bolt and run, which distressed him greatly. So, one day, I asked him if he wanted me to try to see if I could learn what was going on with her? He said, yes. All of that was on the telephone. As soon as I got off the phone with him, I was stunned to hear that his lady had been Adolph Hitler in a prior life. I emailed him what I had heard, and he emailed back what a horrible person I was and then he tore into me. That was the end of our relationship on this world. 

That was in early 2001. Three nights before 9/11, Archangel Michael asked me in my sleep, “Will you make a prayer for a Divine Intervention for all of humanity?” I woke up, wondering what that was about, and made the prayer and went back to sleep. On 9/11, my concern was America would get into a foreign war, like Vietnam, which it could not win. .A few days later, as I walked out of a US Post Office, Michael told me that America needed to get out of the Middle East altogether, and let Israel and Islam work it out, or fight it out, and in that way learn which, if either, were God’s chosen people. I published all of that about 9/11 many times online, and with the exception of a handful of people, it was a waste of breath.  

So, when you call me a Zionist, Mr. Raven, you prove in spades that you do not know me. And, when you lay all the blame for what is going on today in Gaza on Israel, you prove you are about as tunnel-visioned as my old Jewish friend R. The fact is, Hamas went into Israel and carried out what, in America, would be called a massive school or nightclub shooting, and HAMAS took a lot of civilian hostages back into Gaza, and boasted about it, as if HAMAS had done something wonderful, which they will learn in the afterlife, if not before, was an atrocity, and their karma for it not to their liking, The Zionists in Israel and America, and the American right and left, who support Israel, will have similar rude awakenings when they reach the afterlife. 

You are wrong, Mr. Raven.
Sloan, Every one of us will have a rude awakening - or perhaps oblivion and assumption into a state of nonbeing that would be a gift.

Sloan Bashinsky

Just who do you suspect I am?

Sloan Bashinsky
No clue, but am curious.
Your output at your Substack newsletter ain’t no friend of conventional thinking, often thought to be wisdom.

Just a human being.

Sloan Bashinsky

Indeed, and then some 

    Along somewhat similar lines raised by Patris, two days ago, this was posted into the Reddit r/spirituality group, which I joined during the Covid shutdown. I was the first person to respond, and there were a couple of hundred other comments, and no response to my comment. Imagine what this world might be like if national leaders were steered and corrected by angels known in the Bible.


What is a job you have as a spiritual person and enjoy?

Share below:)

In early 1987, my 45th year, I made a desperate prayer, "Dear God, please help me, I do not wish to die like this, failed." Pause. "I offer my life to human service."
About ten days passed. I woke out of my sleep in the wee hours, maybe 2 am, and saw two beings hovering above me in the darkness, shaped like shifts, white with tint of blue, which I thought were angels. I heard, "This will push you to your limits, but you asked for it and we are going to give it to you." I remember the prayer I had made, and saw a white flash and was physically jolted by something electrical, which happened two more times very quickly. The beings dissolved. I lay shaking and sweating, and awed, and feeling a bit more important about myself than was smart.
The changes began slowly, and picked up pace. I was stood before many mirrors and turned every which a way but loose and upside down and inside out. There were long stretches when I wanted to kill myself. I came to understand that I was shanghaied, by God. If that word bothers you, substitute your word for God.
That was my job, trying to keep up, stay in sync with my training and guidance, which came in my dreams, in visions, in poetry that leaped out of me, in body sensations, in dreams other people had about me.
That's still my job.
It's like being from another planet, waiting and hoping for the mother shin to return, as I get up each day and deal with what is in front of me, as best as I can. That's the entire program. Sometimes it is fun. Most of the time is is taxing. I worry ongoing about getting out of sync with God, and am reminded when I am out of sync. Some reminders are rough. Some reminders are terrifying.

It looks to me that humanity, in the main, is still in diapers, clueless. 


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