Wednesday, January 31, 2024

For the old who are tired of living and the young who want to die...


    If I were president, I would try to make things easier for ailing elders and kids who see no reason to keep on living.

    In my Facebook feed yesterday:

Porter Scott · 

A lovely humanistic tradition…

Tata Mundele
October 30, 2023
“In Sardinia, the use of the "femina agabbadòra hammer" was a women's practice. Whenever an elderly man or woman of a given family was dying and in great pain, the family would call for the Accabadòra or Lady of the Good Death. She would usually be a widow dressed entirely in black, who likely inherited her role from her own mother or grandmother.
The title Accabadora means "She is the One Who Ends." She arrives with a large hammer of carved olive wood wrapped in heavy wool, and is left alone with the individual who may yet be screaming in agony and terror.
A witness testimonial of the practice translates: "It was dark. The room was illuminated by a single wick in mastic oil. The Accabadòra entered the house -- the door had been left open for her. She passed no one as she enters her patient's room at at the bedside. 
"She caressed the face of the dying person, chanted the rosary, sang one of the many lullabies usually sung to children. Finally she raised her hammer wrapped in thick, black wool, and gave a quick sharp blow on the skull.
"She then left the bludgeoned patient in quiet peace, and our family blessed and thanked and paid her for her good work as she was leaving. It is a hard job. The Accabadòra may herself be feeble, and is often a friend of the ailing individual. So you must always respect her.
"We do not consider her a murderer. In our village she is known as compassionate, a holy assistant in fulfilling the final destiny. Her act is loving and benevolent. She is our Last Mother."
Though usually done with a hammer, each Accabadòra may have her own technique, including smothering with a pillow, or climbing atop the sufferer to wrap her legs around the neck to squeeze the throat closed.
The last recorded Accabadòras went about their missions of euthanasia in 1929 in Luras and in 1952 in Orgosolo. But a recent work of fiction about the life of a modern Agabbadòra alleges that the ancient practice still exists in rural parts of Sardinia, where there are no physicians or any other help for the suffering.”

Photo: An Accabadòra ready to serve, though her hammer is considerably larger than would be used by a real Accabadòra . Inset: An actual femina accabadòra hammer in a Sardinian museum.

Sloan Bashinsky
Bring back the accabadoras.
Beloved ailing pets get put down by animal doctors, beloved ailing humans are forced to live as long as possible, no matter how much it cost$.

    In my Substack feed yesterday:

To the Young Who Want to Die
By: Gwendolyn Brooks

JAN 30, 2024

Sit down. Inhale. Exhale.
The gun will wait. The lake will wait.
The tall gall in the small seductive vial
will wait will wait:
will wait a week: will wait through April.
You do not have to die this certain day.
Death will abide, will pamper your postponement.
I assure you death will wait. Death has
a lot of time. Death can
attend to you tomorrow. Or next week. Death is
just down the street; is most obliging neighbor;
can meet you any moment.

You need not die today.
Stay here--through pout or pain or peskyness.
Stay here. See what the news is going to be tomorrow.

Graves grow no green that you can use.
Remember, green's your color. You are Spring.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter
Apologies, Eric, that’s a really splendid piece of writing, but I’m gonna demure, and if it’s out of bounds, please toss it into a landfill.
As for miserable kids who kill themselves, who can say it was wrong, who can know what it was like for them, who was not living in their skins? Who can know how it would have gone for those kids if they had not killed themselves? Would they have lived in a hell we cannot begin to imagine? Is it their sorrow, or ours, that we cannot abide, when they kill themselves?
I threw a baseball left-handed and a football right-handed, and batted right-handed and kicked right-footed, and dribbled and shot baskets with both hands. I was a bit cross-wired, but was pretty good and got an award for being the best basketball player in the 8th grade (before there were junior high schools). 
Alas, I utterly missed that really important right of passage, when the season to reach puberty came and went, and I grew more desperate, feeling like a freak of nature. No way would I undress in the boys locker room. 
My high school’s sports coach tried to talk me into playing basketball, and I shriveled like a boiled daffodil and could only shake my head. 
I grew more and more desperate, mortified to speak to anyone about it. I am pretty sure I was insane. Although I never thought of killing myself, I felt doomed. 
A few months after turning 16, I entered puberty. All of a sudden, I was very interested in girls. But when I tried my hand at the sports in which I had excelled, I had lost my edge, my tone. I no longer could throw or punt a beautiful 40-yard spiral, or dropkick a 30 yard field goal. I had lost my touch catching passes, and sinking basketballs from anywhere. I could not even hit a softball with a bat, which I had been pretty good at when I was a Little League pitcher and first baseman, and could catch anything hit my way. 
I was left playing golf, right-handed, which was my father’s sport. He could have been a pro, but chose business instead. He told me that I needed to learn how to play golf, because all business deals are made on the golf course. 
I became pretty good, won the Birmingham Country Club Junior championship when I was 16. Then, I developed a hitch my swing an dcouldn’t feel the clubhead in by backswing, and over time the game that is the X-ray of the soul, if you don’t believe it, you don’t know the first fucking thing about golf, made me feel like I had not reached puberty, but I never thought of killing myself.
My solace all along was fishing, which my mother knew I had to do, or I would die. My father did not fish, so my mother got other men to take me fishing. She wanted me to be a priest, but did not understand that lakes were my church, the fish were angels, and when they had taught me how to fish, they would send me forth to fish.
Things came, and went, some of which were very painful, but most awful was years of premature ejaculations, the inverted hell of not reaching puberty on time, and I did not think of killing myself. 
When that passed and my dick worked just fine in the romance arena, my first child, a boy, died of sudden infant death syndrome my senior year in law school, and I was in hell, but I did not think of killing myself.
About 18 months later, my G.I. tract went haywire, permanently, in one day’s time, and medicine had no answer, and I was in hell, but did not think of killing myself. 
My marriage failed, not gracefully, and I was in hell, but did not think of killing myself.
Being a lawyer came and went, not gracefully, and that was hell, but I never thought of killing myself. 
Writing three dang good books for people who bought and sold homes and used lawyers, insider knowledge, consumer protection stuff, published in New York and widely exposed in local, regional and national news media, but the publisher did not get the books into bookstores, and that was hell, but I didn’t became a great capitalist like my father and his father, didn’t cause me to want to kill myself.
Then, I unwittingly became a mystic, and then a poet, and then the dark night of the soul came, and I thought plenty then about killing myself. It lifted on its own after four years, as it had come on its own.
The black night of the soul came two years later, in two days’ time. That black hole made the dark night seem like a cakewalk, and I plotted my demise every day for 16 months, and then it began to lift, and I started looking forward to being alive, again. 
Becoming estranged from my father and my brother and my children and their families was hell, but it didn’t cause me to want to kill myself.
Becoming blocked from earning a living wage was hell, but it did not cause me to want to kill myself.
Living in ways John Kerouac could never possibly imagine, was hell. Broke, penniless, sleeping in doorways, on sidewalks, in backyards, on beaches, on park benches, in shelters, in tents, in spare rooms, in vehicles, for years, I never thought of killing myself. 
Then came an inheritance from my father and a breather, and then came a couple of more years of living wild, and I never thought of killing myself. 
My bisexual in the closet younger brother killed himself and tried to make it look like murder, because someone was threatening to out him and there was nothing he could do to stop it. It fell on me to explain that to those who would listen, and to those who would not and still today think he was murdered.
Running out of money again and living on the homeless edge for a couple of more years did not cause me to want to kill myself.
My daughters and I reconciled and that was wonderful.
A small inheritance from my father got me off the homeless rolls.
During the covid lock down, my father’s main estate settled, and I figured he was paying me a living wage.
By then, other parts of my body were behaving differently from their original design, and I started wishing I would not wake up in the morning.
I wondered continually why old, ailing, beloved pets are put down by animal doctors, but old, ailing people are required by their loved ones and doctors and laws to suffer as long as possible, regardless of how much it cost$?
That’s when I realized I was fucked, and I figured I was not alone by any means, but maybe it was rare for anyone to just come out and say it where someone else might hear or read it. 
I shared my sentiments with a retired veterinarian friend, who had taught many years at Auburn University’s vet school. He said he understood completely, but he was retired and could not help me when I felt it was time for me to be put down, and that’s when I knew I was fucked again.
So, I go to bed each night hoping the mother ship will come fetch me, and I wake up each morning wondering why I am still here, and then I thank God, or whatever inspired the internet, which gives me plenty to do with my ten fingers and a laptop, which I could not possibly have imagined when I entered highschool and my father said he thought I should take a typing course, because being able to type had proven very valuable to him. 
In the middle of my life, I became a writer, then I became a novelist and a poet, writing far way out of any box I had ever seen or heard about.
And then I learned about blogging, and that became a cosmic milky way for me.
And then came more stranger than fiction books and novels even stranger than the early novels.
And then came free podcasting and the free internet library,, and, dang if people weren’t reading and watching my looney ass all over the world, and when I croak my droppings will still be around for who the hell knows how long? 
Not eternal life, but then, maybe the internet replaced God for much of humanity 🙂. 
I ain’t no James Joyce, and this loopy portrait of a young man with no artistic leanings whatsoever, which all changed, and somewhere along the line, actually the spring of 1994, when this naughty lady of shady lane wiggled her way up out of him one word at a time and his ex-lawyer pen could not but obey its jealous mistress.

He feels deep beauty in the dark pool from which his writings flow, she clings to him like fine silk, precious oil, she feels solid, compressed, like… a black pearl, growing every larger from inside out, with each stroke of his pen, pushing her precious waters over her banks into his dreams and life.

It was many years after my son died that I realized his mission was complete, he had done his loving vicious best to blast irreparably to smithereens the sacred hardened in concrete molds my parents and their parents and I had built to contain me. 
The first clue, though, was in the spring of 1994, when this bolt of love lightning arrived:

Only fools rush in
where angels fear to tread,
but if there were no fools,
who’d lead the angels?

For a couple of weeks, I felt something huge and wonderful wiggling and squeezing its way into me. Often I wept, and then one day I heard, “This thing coming into you is your angel twin, and it will live out your life with you.”
Tears welled in my eyes and heart.
Then, I heard, “By the way, this is your son.”
My knees buckled, and I nearly fell to the ground.
I’ve had a remarkably rich, adventuresome life, and while getting older and more feeble really sucks, and I keep wondering why I’m still here, I get up each morning and type something.

Monday, January 29, 2024

The internet has unleashed the hounds of hell and lets any damn fool make a fool of him/herself worldwide

    The other day, I got into a discussion with someone about the internet, which gives me a lot to do in my latter years, I can play chess and bridge there whenever I wish, and I can shoot off my mouth there, but it also looks to me that for many people the internet has replaced God. Then, something happened in a public forum where I have been my usual ornery old self for a while.

    After Donald Trump was sworn in in 2017, it was in the news that Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia for life, and I saw Trump say on TV that he liked that idea, president for life. Of course, that had nothing to do with:


    A while back at Australian Caitlin Johnstone’s bash Israel, President Biden and America internet cult, I had a number of conversations with a fellow who said he had lived in the Donbass part of Ukraine and was fluent in Russian and spoke passable Ukrainian, who convinced me that he is great admirer of Vladimir Putin.

   We dueled the past couple of days at Caitlin’s dark castle, and at his invitation the duel shifted to a more recent post at Caitlin’s version of Pravda.

Israel Accuses The ICJ Of (You Guessed It…


JAN 26

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): The International Court of Justice rejected Israel’s request to dismiss the genocide case brought against it by South Africa on Friday, ruling by a massive majority that the case shall proceed and instructing Israel to refrain from killing and harming Palestinians in the interim. 

Read → 


Sloan Bashinsky

In fact, The World Court tossed South Africa a few animal crackers and cut the Gaza baby in half. 


More Countries Halt Aid to U.N. Agency Amid Claims Staff Involved in Israel Attack — The Wall Street Journal

U.K., Finland, Italy join U.S., Australia and Canada in freezing funding for Palestinian refugee aid agency  



The countries you listed don't matter as they don't have sovereignty and are the US' (and hence Israel's) puppets. The "Wall Street Journal" rag doesn't matter even more.

Why are you hanging out here, "Sloan"? Besides your having been invited by Caitlin, that is? 


Sloan Bashinsky

One of the countries is Caitlin’s country, Australia. 

Interesting, though, you did not dispute UN workers took part in the Oct 7 raid. I wonder how that news sits with Israel mood to allow UN relief into Gaza. 



I don't recall Caitlin bring up her country as a beacon of independence or democracy.

And would I be the one to claim or dispute as a fact re any ongoing conflict? No, I'm not that stupid. I'll leave that to the gullible/manipulative likes of you, "Sloan" ;-) 


Sloan Bashinsky

Well, from a far great distance, Caitlin’s been pounding Joe Biden and America, so let’s see if she pounds her own country?  



As a service for my dear friend "Sloan”: 


I especially like this title: "Australia Isn't A Nation, It's A US Military Base With Kangaroos”: 


Sloan Bashinsky

Good for her! But I wonder when she will pound Australia about supporting Israel and opposing the UN, which seems to be serving shit sandwiches in Gaza? 



The night is young, "Sloan". She's not under your command, even if Australia is under the US'.

To add to your disliking of the UN see how it helps facilitate the movements of migrants into the US. The latest Kim Iversen: "It's An Invasion. 100%" The Border Crisis Is MUCH Worse Than You Think | Chris Martenson’s Trip To The Darien Gap

"It's An Invasion. 100%" The Border Crisis Is MUCH Worse Than You Think ...

Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and res... 


Sloan Bashinsky

I figured, if Caitlin subscribed to my Substack, she had read some of what I publish there and she liked it, and then she invited me to subscribe to her Substack, because she wanted me to read her stuff and join in the discussion. 


I don’t dislike the UN, but it seems to have shat and sat in it in Gaza, while Israel is being slammed for interfering with UN relief in Gaza, and now Caitlin’s own country is in league with Joe Biden and America. Kinda reminds me of a Stephen King thriller, and I really do hope to see Caitlin tear into Australia and the UN as much as she tears into President Biden and America. I need help with the latter, thank you :-)  


I cannot abide Trump, and of late, because Biden did not abandon Israel, I cannot abide him, either. I belong to no political party (cult). 


Regarding the southern border of America, it is my view that Biden should bring the US Military home to peacefully as possible defend the southern border, and Biden should stop all products and labor coming into America from Mexico, and stop Americans from going to Mexico, and stop private money transfers from people in America to people Mexico, until Mexico stops the invasion through and from it to America. 


And, Biden should put soldiers in American schools to defend them from domestic National Rifle Association/US Supreme Court-enabled domestic terrorists. 


Rumble is a right-wing version of YouTube. MAGAs love it. I heard Rumble allowed so much violent speech that it got run out of Canada and now is operating from the Bahamas. 


I’ll get back to Rumble further along, 


A friend does the tech work for a podcast where he is heard but not seen , whereas I am seen and heard. Our last published episode about a month ago re America having become a nation of death threats, if you piss off Trump, did not clear YouTube’s filter, so far, but my friend seeded that episode  into the Torrent system, where we also seed the podcast, and it so far that episode got about 330,000 complete watches worldwide.  


My friend just happened to visit Rumble and saw that a number of Rumble clients found that podcast episode cut clips out of it and posted the clips on their Rumble channels, and they laughed at and cut up my friend  and me. Rumble took it all down, because of death threats against us. I told my friend that maybe Rumble also didn’t want its clients hearing what we said in that podcast. 


Because of my friend's political activism where he grew up, contracts were taken out on his life, and then bad men tried to kill him and left him for dead, and after he recovered from that, he created his own safe house somewhere else and took his computers, tech stuff and his guns with him, and we still do podcasts from time to time. We did one last night, in which I painted bullseyes all over me. 


About 2 months ago, we did a podcast, couched as a law school exam question and answer, on Amendment 14, Section 3, bars Trump from holding public office again, A satellite radio station in Denver, Colorado found that episode and had a federal judge discuss it on the air with the radio station’s host. The Judge tore me up, but he admitted Joe Biden should have brought the 14/3 lawsuit, which was what the podcast was about.   


Th at podcast went viral in Colorado, and the radio station was inundated with death threats and lost its insurance bonding company and went off the air. The Colorado Supreme Court then ruled 14/3 barred Trump from being on the Colorado ballot. The court was inundated with death threats. The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the Colorado appeal. The 7 SCOTUS justices know, if they side with the Colorado decision, they will be inundated with death threats. 


Our podcast was banned in Russia, Belarus, Red China and half of India, before my tech friend started seeding it into the Torrent universes, where Big Brother doesn’t have much sway. 


Long before we started doing podcasts, I was a very active blogger and political activist where I then lived in America. I pissed off a lot of people, So brave heart hiding behind a fake name, you are at the end of a v-er-y l-o-n-g line of people, who don’t like me :-), and if you still have a problem with me showing up here, you should blame Caitlin for inviting me here, knowing who she had invited :-) 



Wow, a long one, "Sloan", but I managed to read it!

First off, I'm not after you physically, but I enjoy poking at your vanity which you've put on full display with this your comment - great job! Stay safe, you don't want to end up like your friend, I don't wish physical harm to anybody.

As to your rumble-phobia, I assume you didn't go to Kim's episode. She has YouTube too but that one censors much of her stuff so just puts clips of her full shows. There's a short one re the rumble's episode I mentioned here: 


I haven't watched it so don't know how fully it reflects the complete one. If you become curious then I suggest go to rumble for just that one time - you won't be assassinated.

Podcast banned in Russia? How, where? I'm surprised somebody bans podcasts in Russia. Let me know details and I'll let you know it's bullshit ;) 


Anyway, "Sloan" - I've posted a comment on Caitlin's latest mentioning you. Get over there and start responding. Besides me I'm sure a few more folks appreciate the humor as you're a funny guy: 


Sloan Bashinsky

It never occurred to me that you were gunning for me physically. But be my guest, I wake up each morning wondering why I’m still here? Then, I craw out of bed and greet the day and what it brings. At 81, I’m limited to what I can engage. The internet has replaced a lot of things I no longer can do :-) 


I have no Rumble phobia, I applied for membership and got no reply. We investigated seeding our podcast there, and we did not meet their right wing criteria. Companies like Youtube, Rumble, Spotify, Facebook, X, have to deal with national governments, and it was the governments of those countries that blocked us. 


That was when we first started podcasting, on Spotify, audio only, but after Joe Rogan did his racist stuff, Spotify required all of its clients to present written scripts, to be adhered to, except, it seemed, for Rogan. We didn’t do scripts, it ain’t in us, so we didn’t do podcasts for a while. My friend tried to move to another country and that didn’t work out. Then, we started using YouTube, and then he learned about Torrent, and we started using it, too. We found people who use Torrent are far more interested in something fresh, different, especially if it’s free :-).  


The odd thing is, I agree with nearly everything Caitlin writes on her Substack, except she missed the entire point of the October 7 attack, as did Chris Hedges, which I think its truly tragic, because Caitlin and Chris have a lot of readers, and, so far, I have only met one person at Caitlin’s place, who saw that Hamas got the response it wanted from Israel, and, so strange, he and I attended the same elementary school, and we did not cross paths again for 70 years, online. He lives in the Caribbean. 



I don't think you have to have an account on rumble to watch videos. Have you tried to click on the Kim's link I gave you?   


Sloan Bashinsky

I opened that link, I could watch the video, but to sign in to comment and get the same shit back I get from you, I have to sign in, and to sign in, I have to have an account, which Rumble declined to give me. Maybe I should contact the ACLU? :-)  



To comment you need an account, true. But what does it have to do with "getting shit back I get from you"? You can throw your own shit at me here, no need to have an account at Rumble. Besides, I don't comment there and you wouldn't know what I am there anyway.

"Sloan" doesn't fail to entertain! 


Sloan Bashinsky

Got over yourself, Rumble ain’t about you. 

I think you missed the point. Why would I watch the right wing shit Rumble offers, if I could not poke it with a sharp stick, even an electric sharp stick? :-)  



That's right, forgot about your vanity. You think somebody cares what you think. 


Sloan Bashinsky

Heh, if nobody cared what I think, such as yourself, they wouldn’t give me the time of day at Caitlin’s place, they wouldn’t threaten my life at Rumble,.or a radio station’s employees lives. They wouldn’t watch our podcast at 200,000 plus complete watches an episode, or read my books at the free internet library,, in far greater numbers than my early books published by a New York publishing house, when I was winding down my law practice and was widely interviewed my American radio and television and printed media, and reviled by the residential real estate industry and the legal profession, which my books had poked and laid bare. Back then, I had no clue that I was headed into a searing course in mirrors looking at the endless beams in my own eyes, forced upon me by beings from another realm, who have tried to help humanity since it began. Tried. 


Meanwhile, in my online news this morning are various articles re the UN fired a bunch of its employees involved in the Oct 7 attack and opened criminal investigations. So far, I see no mention of that by Caitlin or Chris Hedges, whom I also read daily. They, you, their other readers missed the entire point of Oct 7, but The World Court did not miss it, and that’s why they didn’t deliver what Caitlin and Hedges’s and their many readers wanted delivered. 


I have a theory for why Caitlin, Hedges, and their fans cannot see what Oct 7 is all about. Deep down inside, they are deeply wounded little children, who unconsciously identify with the people of Gaza, as if they are the people of Gaza, and for that reason, they cannot blame Hamas for provoking Israel to precisely what Hamas wanted Israel to do. They cannot believe Hamas wanted all of then killed by the IDF, and Gaza leveled by the IDF, so that the entire world would turn against Israel, but The World Court didn’t buy it, and now the UN is complicit in the Oct 7 attack, and that is the UN's worst nightmare come true. Stephen King, stand up and take a bow. 


     I went to Caitlin’s more recent post, as requested by russian_bot, and found: 



"There ought to be a limit on how many lies you can get caught circulating before the entire political/media class just starts laughing at you whenever you make any claim about anything."

No such limits exist for guys like "Sloan Bashinsky", of the "I was invited by Caitlin" fame. He just sqealed about this particular topic on Caitlin's previous post.

"Sloan", you've been heard - release the hounds! 


Sloan Bashinsky

You invited me here from Caitlin’s previous post, after you brought up there, again, that I was invited by Caitlin to subscribe to her newsletter, after she had subscribed to my Substack, so having read  some of my stuff, she had to know who she was inviting to her stuff, so once again, if you have a problem with what I say here, unleash your hounds on Caitlin :-).  


Unlike Caitlin and you and the rest of the people whose comments about the destruction of Gaza by Israel’s IDF for quite a while now, the Court understood Hamas tried to provoke Israel to do the very things it did in Gaza, while Hamas hid behind and beneath unarmed civilians, to try to turn the world against Israel, and that’s why the Court cut the Gaza baby in half, and told Israel to investigate its IDF committing genocide and told Hamas to release its October 7 hostages.  


I’m a lawyer, who has been in court trying cases before judges and juries. I can read legal opinions and understand what a court is saying in its opinions. The Court tossed South Africa a few animal crackers and cut the Gaza baby In half. The next day, news broke that UN workers in Gaza had participated in the October 7 attack, which left the UN with shit all over its face, and how do you think Israel feels about anything that comes out of the UN’s mouth now?  


I told you yesterday, and I say it here again, I have agreed with nearly everything Caitlin wrote about Israel, and about  President Biden and America helping Israel destroy Gaza. Where I have consistently disagreed is, Caitlin and you and the rest of the people here have yet to grasp what Hamas pulled off in plain view, which Caitlin and Chris Hedges and their readers did not see or did not want to see, and either way, Hamas is grateful for their support against Israel, President Biden and America. 


I also I told you yesterday that I have a theory for why Caitlin, Hedges, and their fans cannot see what Oct 7 is all about. Deep down inside, they are deeply wounded little children, who unconsciously identify with the people of Gaza, as if they are the people of Gaza, and for that reason they cannot blame Hamas for provoking Israel to do precisely what Hamas wanted Israel to do. They cannot believe Hamas wanted all of those Gaza civilians killed by the IDF, and Gaza leveled by the IDF, so the entire world would turn against Israel, but The World Court didn’t buy it. And now the UN is complicit in the Oct 7 attack, and that is the UN's worst nightmare come true. Stephen King, stand up and take a bow. 



Given your Stephen King infatuation - enjoy his talking to "President Zelensky". What a stupid fuck your idol is :-) 


Sloan Bashinsky

I’m no fan of King, who writes ongoing about the horrors in his own psyche. Nor am I a fan of Zelensky. However, I think he is a tad less threatening to humanity than the fellow you seem to like, Vladimir Putin.  



Awesome job, "Sloan" - indeed I did invite you and feel obligated to respond. Although I have to reprimand you for your tardiness as I'm sure Caitlin's about to come up with another post and this exchange will be more like wasted than not.

As to your UN bashing - it deserves, and has for a while, more than that. For the benefit of commenters I'll post a link here to the Kim Iversen's show documenting what the UN does to facilitate the "migration" into the US. Obviously, it doesn't do it free of charge, somebody's paying for it: 


Hence, "Sloan", if indeed the UN was involved in Oct 7 that was not done out of altruism. You, being a lawyer, should be a cynical SOB, aren't you?

As to Hamas provoking Israel etc - of course, "Sloan"! Wake up. Read Ilan Pappe's book and then maybe you'll understand.

Good luck, and stay up-to-date with Caitlin's posts. Your input is valuable in some ways - I can't quite come up with a definition, but I'm sure there is one.

Stay safe! 


Sloan Bashinsky

You talk in circles. I said the UN had shit on its face, which was, I suppose, altruistic on my part, because the UN should have been brought before the same Court with Hamas, as co-defendants for acts of terrorism on October 7.

I don’t need to read anybody’s book to know Hamas got precisely the result it wanted the October 7 attack to produce, and maybe someday you, Caitlin, and her fans will admit Hamas and Israel are equal monsters :-), and equally responsible for the genocide in and the destruction of Gaza. 



Nope, not equally. The timeline - hence the context - matters, "Sloan”. 


Sloan Bashinsky

October 7 was a systems jump, a paradigm shift, which Hamas wanted, because it had admitted to itself that it could not beat Israel militarily, so Hamas set out to provoke Israel to destroy Gaza, trying to destroy Hamas. In Allah’s Court, In Yawheh’s Court, in God’s Court, both Hamas and Israel are equally guilty of destroying Gaza after the October 7 attack. So, file your argument and appeal in those Courts, because The World Court cannot do anything about what Israel and Hamas are doing :-) 



I don't like anybody, "Sloan", including you. I look at things strictly based on facts and historical context. 


Sloan Bashinsky

So do I, and I like a lot of people :-). 

If you want to drag history into this, go back to Abraham and his sons Ishmael, from whose bloodline became Mohammed, and Issac, from whose bloodline came Moses and Jesus. 

As long as the state of Israel exists in Palestine, there will be trouble there. Islam, Israel and Christendom will see to it :-). 



See, you have to read historians who researched the stuff, had access to archives, quote numerous references. Like Ilan Pappe. Your particular musings don't impress me at all. 


Sloan Bashinsky

Heh, then why do you spend so much time trying to impress me that my musings don’t impress you? :-) 



You're a funny guy, "Sloan", and I'm very much Into human character studies. I can't stop being amused by the species. 


Sloan Bashinsky

You swam around and swallowed your tail :-) 



Think of a better bait ;-) 


Sloan Bashinsky

I’m headed elsewhere.   



Stay safe! Watch for those righties. They might be wearing rumble t-shirts.   


Sloan Bashinsky

True, and they might be wearing MGA, Biden, Israel, Putin, Caitlin or Hedges T-shirts.