My friend “Bob" does the tech work for The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast and publishes my fiction and stranger than fiction books at the free internet library,
Recent email correspondence with two Americans about The Redneck Mystic Lawyer for President campaign:
How is Sloan wrapping up his campaign? Is it just forgotten or discarded ?
Bob to Milo:
Dear Milo:Thanks for writing. There are a number of new posts now at Sloan's campaign blog. Fear not, Sloan isn't wrapping that up.Deandra to southernlawyerwhobecameamystic@gmail.comHi Sloan ! Hi Bob !If RFK Jr runs on a third party ticket, would Sloan be interested in being his Vice President ? What do you think they'd call their third party ?I'm no gold digger but Sloan, even for a 32 year old woman like me, he looks pretty cute.Stay sexy Sloan !Bob to DeandraDear Deandra thank you for writing.Sloan finds your idea very intriguing except neither he nor myself know how to get in touch with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. If you know a way please let us know ! Thanks for your great question(subliminal suggestion) !
As for what I would call their party, I would name it the RFK Jr/SYB Jr Rush to Restore Sanity Party !Uh no comment on Sloan's Attractiveness. That kinda talk got Trump in a LOT of trouble. LOLSloan to Milo last night:Hi, Milo-Bob receives emails related to our podcast and reads them to me, and, when I ask, he forwards them to me. We receive very few emails.During a new podcast last night, Bob read the longer thing you posted somewhere, which platform I had not heard of before.I appreciate your inquiry, and we actually went into that in a podcast last night, which we hope to have in the Torrent system soon, and then up on YouTube, if it clears YT's moderation. It's title is, "Thank you Donald Trump for making America dangerous for disagreeing with you".During the past few weeks, Bob had three intense medical situations, which kept us off the air. I explained that during last night’s recording of the podcast.And that for some stupid reason, perhaps, I started posting new material at the Tiny Kingdom Black Sheep blogspot, instead of at The Redneck Mystic Lawyer for President blogspot. Two days ago, I reposted those posts at the campaign blogspot.As we did the podcast last night, Bob received an email asking if I might be interested in being Robert Kennedy's vice-president running mate? I wondered if Kennedy would be interested in having me as his running mate? This morning, Kennedy was interviewed on CNN re whether he and the Libertarian Party will strike a deal for him to be their candidate.I did not think the timing was a coincidence, but how to get from here to there, or to wherever, it's beyond my crystal ball :-)The other email was from a woman in America, who has quite a wit about her. I have not responded yet to her, and maybe I need to sleep on it to help me not make a mess of it :-).I am thinking of including the text of your and my and her and my correspondence in a post at the campaign blog. If I do, I will only use first names.If you have more thoughts, or suggestions, I'd like to hear them.Thanks,SloanSloan to Deandra this morning:Hi, Deandra -Bob receives all of our podcast's emails and forwards them to me. We get very few emails.Your email came in while Bob and I were doing a new podcast episode, and after we were done, Bob saw your email and told me about it. We named that podcast episode, "Thank you Donald Trump for making America dangerous to anyone who disagrees with you." It should be in the Torrent universe shortly, and maybe on YouTube, depending on its moderator.Your email cracked me and Bob up, and his email back to you cracked me up.I twice saw on CNN yesterday, Robert Kennedy being interviewed and asked if he would seek the Libertarian Party's nomination, and the Libertarian Party's leadership saying they like some of Kennedy's positions, and they are keeping friendly with him.This morning in my Apple newsfeed was a FOX News article about Trump's campaign team actively trying to get Robert Kennedy to be Trump's 2024 V.P. running mate, because Kennedy represents a lot of votes. I hope Kenndey don't want to join the oldest profession :-)Now I take all of that and your email to us as not in any way a coincidence, but I lack a Tarot deck or crystal ball or psychic friend who can read the future. But to answer your question, yes, I would be flattered for Kennedy to ask me to be his V.P. running mate, yet I wonder if he would care for my positions on America's issues? And, I wonder if he would appreciate me expressing my views in the public arena, if they differ from his views? For there ain't much hope that I would do for Kennedy what Trump wants all his lemmings to do - blind loyalty, whatever you say, Sir.So, if you know or can figure out a way to get me an audience with Robert Kennedy, or get selected episodes of The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast and select posts at the campaign blog to him, please do that. If not, perhaps the angels conspiring behind the scenes will come up with something?As for the personal parts of your email, I have given that much thought.If you lived near me, I would invite you over for a home-cooked meal, or we could dine at a nearby popular restaurant, and then head back to my apartment, where you are welcome to try to raise my prostate cancer radiated yang from the dead. I provide a generic Viagra prescribed by my urologist, but never used for lack of opportunity, and you provide digitalis, in the event you succeed in raising the dead and I go into cardiac arrest :-)I may include your and Bob's and my emails in a post at The Redneck Mystic Lawyer for President blogspot, using only first names, and an email the day before yours, from an American man inquiring if I was winding up the campaign? Hell, no!That was no coincidence, either.I feel tag-teamed, and contrite for appearing to have flaked out.God don't have much use for pussies. Not the kind Trump bragged about grabbing, which I imagine the E. Jean Carrol jury heard all about!:-)Sloan
When I told my mother in 1960 that that I thought John Fitzgerald Kennedy would make a good president, she looked like she had been stung by a wasp and said we could not let the Catholics take over America! Later, she told me that what I had told her had really upset my father.
After being elected, President Kennedy came to Nashville, Tennessee and spoke to the school in Vanderbilt's football stadium, and asked we students what we could do for our country and the world?
President Kennedy appointed his younger brother Robert to be his Attorney General, and by and by Robert saw two different meanings in communications from the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis. President Kennedy gambled on Robert being right, and they responded to the communication in a way to make it known they understood, and nuclear holocaust was averted, and the Soviet Union took its nuclear intercontinental missiles back to the Soviet Union.
President Kennedy then got cold feet about America getting into a land war in Vietnam.
I recall hearing on the radio one morning at Vanderbilt that President Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas, and when I attended a cost accounting course class later that day, I told my professor what I had heardand he looked shocked and said he guessed he needed to call his stockbroker.
Vice-President Lyndon Johnson, from Texas, became President, and by and by he promised on national television, I saw it, that he would never send American boys to die in a war in Asia, and then he broke that promise.
Robert Kennedy had become a US Senator, and during his own campaign to be the Democrat Party nominee for president, he said he would not support a war in Vietnam, and then he was shot and killed.
Dr. Martin Luther King came out against President Johnson's white man’s land war in Vietnam, and Dr. King was shot and killed.
Malcom X came out against President Johnson's white man’s land war in Vietnam, and Malcom X was shot and killed.
Muhammed Ali refused to be inducted and fight against brown people who never caused him no trouble, nor called him no nigger, and he got put in prison.
The Catholics never took over America.
Yet today America has a devout Catholic president who enabled Israel to commit genocide in Gaza, and, as a result, has America on the verge of being in a very large shooting war against Islam in the Middle East.
What would do if I were president?
I would stop sending Israel arms and munitions and money, and I would bring the US Military home to peacefully as possible defend America's southern border with Mexico.
I would stop all products and labor coming into America from Mexico, and I would stop Americans from going to Mexico, and I would stop private money transfers from people in America to people Mexico- until Mexico stops the invasion through and from it into America.
I also would put my soldiers in American schools to defend children and teachers and school staff from domestic National Rifle Association/US Supreme Court-enabled domestic terrorists.
I wonder how Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, might feel about any or all of what’s in this blog post?
I wonder if Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, who quit the Democratic Party last year and became an Independent presidential candidate, feels the ghosts of his father and uncle calling him to do more for America and the world than they did?
Based on what I read in Wikipedia, Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr., who in his early manhood, got busted for heroin and fell from grace, came back and did many things to help America, humanity, and Mother Nature.
That cannot be said of President Biden’s addict son, Hunter.
Based on what I read in Wikipedia, RFK, Jr. is nothing like Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
RFK, Jr. may be a genuine decent alternative for the American people to choose as their next president.
Having weird me as his running mate, or rooting for him at Bob’s and my podcast, might be the worst possible rat poison for RRK, Jr.
But then, what do I know? I’m just an ornery 81-year-old white man, who was born with a silver spoon and a gold spoon in his mouth, which he barfed away and went off and did stuff his parents and grandparents and he never could have imagined.
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