Saturday, January 27, 2024

The World Court tossed South Africa some animal crackers and chopped the Gaza baby in half

    I dunno if there is any connection, but on the day a federal jury in New York City awarded E. Jean Carrol $83,000,000 in damages against Donald Trump, for defaming her and, I think, causing her to receive a whole lot of death treats from his lemmings, The World Court tossed South Africa a few animal crackers and cut the Gaza baby in half.

    The World Court Opinion is the topic of today’s post, which begins with a missive from retired international war correspondent profiteer Chris Hedges (link provided), who had predicted the World Court Would come down hard on South Africa’s lawsuit against Israel.

The ruling by the International Court of Justice was a legal 

victory for South Africa and the Palestinians, but it will not 

halt the slaughter.


Sloan Bashinsky
Here is the first part of The Wall Street Journal report on The World Court’s decision. When I practiced law and a court basically left each side where the court found them, which seems to be the case with The World Court, we called such a case a “dog fall”.

Wall Street Journal
Updated January 26, 2024, 3:07 pm EST
World Court Rejects Demand for Gaza Cease-Fire

International Court of Justice orders Israel to take measures to prevent destruction of Palestinian community, avoid incitement and facilitate humanitarian aid
The International Court of Justice declined a plea to order Israel to cease military operations in Gaza following Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attacks but required the Jewish state to enable humanitarian aid to the enclave’s civilian population and take every measure to prevent destruction of its Palestinian community.
Friday’s decision, adopted by an overwhelming majority of the United Nations court, was a nuanced response to a blood-soaked conflict that began with Hamas’s massacre of more than 1,200 people in Israel, triggering an Israeli military campaign that Gaza officials say has claimed more than 25,000 lives.
“The court is acutely aware of the extent of the human tragedy that is unfolding in the region and is deeply concerned about the continuing loss of life and human suffering,” the ICJ’s American president, Joan Donoghue, said in announcing the ruling from the Peace Palace in The Hague.
The ICJ order came a month after South Africa initiated proceedings accusing Israel of violating the 1949 Genocide Convention, and two weeks after hearings where South Africa, backed by the Palestinian Authority, presented its case, portraying the Gaza operation as a continuing assault on Palestinians that began with Israel’s establishment in 1948.
Israel, in rebuttal, said that its military complies with international legal obligations and that noncombatant casualties had been exacerbated by Hamas’s practice of locating fighters and supplies in civilian areas.
To side with South Africa, the court had to find that its allegations, if true, could be in violation of the treaty; a final determination of those questions could take years of litigation.
In Friday’s provisional orders, adopted In a series of near-unanimous votes, the world court required Israel to punish incitement to genocide in the Gaza Strip, preserve evidence of potential violations of the treaty and report back to The Hague on its compliance. It also called for the immediate and unconditional release of hostages taken by Hamas during its Oct. 7 attack and held by it and other militant groups.
But the court stopped short of the fundamental objective South Africa and its allies sought: ordering an immediate end to Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.
Both sides claimed vindication.
“Our war is against Hamas terrorists, not against Palestinian civilians,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said shortly after the decision. “We will continue to facilitate humanitarian assistance, and to do our utmost to keep civilians out of harm’s way, even as Hamas uses civilians as human shields.”
South Africa’s Foreign Ministry called the decision “a decisive victory for the international rule of law and a significant milestone in the search for justice for the Palestinian people.” The ICJ, it said, “has determined that Israel’s actions in Gaza are plausibly genocidal and has indicated provisional measures on that basis.”

There is more to come.
This to me is a beginning.
IF the US and Europe continue to send weapons to Israel I perceive :
1. That the IJC will become defunct. Owned and headed by a US Judge.
2.There is still the Criminal court in the Hague.Probably headed by a US Judge> I do not know.
I still am an optimist although my brain tells me I am stupid.
MY last sentence is to all those who vote for Biden (the warmonger)
IF you people can go to bed at night knowing that YOUR President is aiding and abetting Israel good luck to you and sleep well.
Karma is coming for the USA 

Sloan Bashinsky
I mostly agree with you, Jenny. Although a lawyer, I have no international law experience, and while I imagined The World Court was sort of like, say, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the sense that the justices all get to put in their two cents worth before a decision is handed down (published), I wasn’t sure, so so I went to Wikipeida and found:


The International Court of Justice (ICJ; French: Cour internationale de justice, CIJ), also called the World Court,[1] is the only international court that adjudicates general disputes between nations, and gives advisory opinions on international legal issues. It is one of the six organs of the United Nations (UN),[2] and is located in The Hague, Netherlands.
The ICJ is the successor of the Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ), which was established in 1920 by the League of Nations. After the Second World War, the League and the PCIJ were replaced by the United Nations and ICJ, respectively. The Statute of the ICJ, which sets forth its purpose and structure, draws heavily from that of its predecessor, whose decisions remain valid. All member states of the UN are party to the ICJ Statute and may initiate contentious legal cases; however, advisory proceedings may only be submitted by certain UN organs and agencies.
The ICJ consists of a panel of 15 judges elected by the UN General Assembly and Security Council for nine-year terms. No more than one judge of each nationality may be represented on court at the same time, and judges collectively must reflect the principal civilizations and legal systems of the world. Seated in the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands, the ICJ is the only principal UN organ not located in New York City.[3] Its official working languages are English and French.
Since the entry of its first case on 22 May 1947, the ICJ has entertained 191 cases through 13 November 2023.[4] Pursuant to Article 59 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, the court’s rulings and opinions are binding on the parties with respect to the particular case ruled on by the court. 

Sloan Bashinsky
Continuing my other comment to what you wrote, Jenny.
From what I have read, The World Court’s Gaza opinion is the view of the entire court panel, as I am not aware yet of any dissents. What leaped out at me, which I think was really important to the entire panel, is that Hamas needs to release its October 7 hostages, which tells me the panel is not giving Hamas the free pass it has consistently gotten from Chris Hedges and everyone I have discussed this with at Chris's place. 
I think the panel should have gone further, by deciding Israel’s IDF was committing genocide in Gaza. I think the panel should have condemned President Biden and America for not stopping to supply Israel with arms and munitions after Biden saw what IDF was doing in Gaza, which was what Hamas hoped Israel would do in Gaza, which, as a lawyer, I bet The World Court justices also figured out. Meaning, Hamas was okay with IDF killing a whole lot of Gazans and destroying where they lived, in an attempt to destroy Hamas. And, I think the justices are acutely aware that Hamas uses the Gaza civilians as human shields for the very purpose of getting a whole lot of Gaza civilians killed by IDF.
If Chris Hedges had taken that approach, I would have been with him all the way. But he didn’t, and I think The World Court’s decision reflects the reality that Hamas is a monster, too, but what can The World Court do about Hamas? Nothing, except what it did in its ruling. 
I applaud your dragging karma into this matter, for I agree with you that President Biden and America have created awful karma by helping Israel do what it has done, and will do, in Gaza. It’s beyond just that, though. During the fracas, Donald Trump said he is Israel’s best friend, and he may or may not be that, but he said it because he wants the vote of every Jew and conservative Christian in America. I think anyone who thinks Trump will go hard on Israel is dreaming. 
A lot of people in America believe God sent Trump to them, and they will be very upset if he is not elected in 2024. They might revolt with violence, if he is not elected in 2024. The January 6, 2020 insurrection was a tea party compared to what Trump has primed his lemmings to do, if he is not elected in 2024. So, please understand that I worry plenty about that happening where my children and their families live,  but I’m an ornery old geezer, and my continued breathing is kinda unimportant compared to my children and their families' safety. 
As for Gaza, I look forward to Hamas’s reply to The World Court telling it to release its October 7 hostages, for if Hamas does that, it will put Israel in a really ugly bind, if it does not cease fire and bring IDF back to Israel.

    I have not practiced law for some time now, but I can read court opinions and understand what the judges are saying, and The World Court handed the South African claimant a few animal crackers, and cut the baby in half between Israel and Hamas, and how it will go from here is anybody’s guess, but it's crystal clear to me that The World Court sees that Oct 7 was Hamas’s bait to get Israel to destroy Gaza, and up to now Hamas got a free pass from people who have not gotten out of the shallow end of the swimming pool yet, or are still in the baby pool above the swimming pool. 

    In that regard, this happened over at Caitlin Johnstone’s cult the day before The World Court issued its opinion:  
Karen Williams
I haven't said this aloud yet, but how sick is it to murder your own citizens to prevent their future use as bargaining chips (the likely real reason), or even to prevent their possible death at the hands of Hamas.
What evidence there is (notably from the only released Israeli hostage who was allowed to speak publicly before being whisked off out of sight by the Israeli government) suggests that Hamas was trying to engineer another prisoner exchange like the one that happened in 2011 (Israel released 1,027 people from jail in exchange for the captured soldier Gilad Shalit) and was not brainlessly engaging in an orgy of violence as the Israeli government claimed.

Sloan Bashinsky
How about the orgy of rape used by Hamas’s soldiers on 0ctober 7. And the orgy of Hamas soldiers killing unarmed men, women and children on Oct 7. And the orgy of Hamas taking children hostages back to Gaza on October 7. I swan, if this forum mostly doesn’t seem like another brainwashed cult. Certainly, Israel’s response to Oct 7, where it happened in Israel, and then in Gaza, has been atrocious. But you folks that don’t give Hamas credit for provoking Israel to do precisely what it did in Gaza seems to me as brainwashed as the lemmings who worship Joe Biden and the lemmings who worship Donald Trump.

Karen Williams
It is not in dispute that Israeli troops were being trained to execute the "Hannibal protocol." It is very much in dispute that Hamas raped even one woman or mutilated even one woman or child. Some of the evidence was proven to be fabricated, and the rest is not available for examination.
Did you read any of the material about Oct 7 on The Grayzone, mintpressnews, etc.? It certainly doesn't seem like you did.

Sloan Bashinsky
Well, do you suppose Hamas also knew that Israel’s soldiers were being trained to execute the “Hannibal protocol”, and that is precisely what Hamas hoped would be executed in Gaza after the Oct 7 attack? I swan, why cannot YOU SEE THAT HAMAS WANTED ISRAEL TO OBLtIERATE GAZA? What has happened to you that you cannot see what is in plain view? Please take a few days to ponder that, before you weigh in again like you are a programmed member of a cult.

Karen Williams
Hamas members are in Gaza. Hamas members' families live in Gaza. Hamas members' friends live in Gaza. Or did, before they were killed. You are deranged.

Sloan Bashinsky
Hamas is deranged, or doesn’t care for its member’s families and its friends, and if you don’t see that, then if the shoe fits :-)

    A few days later postscript:  

jim harper
Sure Sloan, your jurisprudence is a little off. Israel was built with terror, founded with terror, maintained with terror, expanded with terror, ruled with increased terror, now Genocidal TERROR in Gaza! The mask is off, if Oct 7 tore it off, it is only because people have been fooled with sophisticated hasbara, along with money and power in Washington and the US Media! I have said it more than once before. Israel has been a fascist government from the outset! When or if a fascist government comes to America, it will be with the help of Zionists and Zionism! Genocide Joe is going to keel over any time now. Waiting in the wings is the Orange Jesus and Niki Haley, backed with AIPAC Zionist and Christian Billionaires and Tea Party Koch Big Donor Money! PNAC Neo Con John Birchers will end it all in a Nuclear Armageddon! What a pathetic choice! P.S The Palestinian's are starving to death, while Israel tortures UNRAW workers to smear the only ones getting food in and murdered doing so, even if true 12 out of a hundred thousand makes it an outrageous excuse! Although 30,000 murdered Palestinian's and 60,000 wounded and maimed gets the short end of the stick! While Israel gets IRON CLAD Guarantees of $billions and $billions of more more more more! War humph, What is it Good For ABSOLUTELY NOTHIN !

Sloan Bashinsky
It’s a horrible mess, Gaza.
The UN fired some of its workers because they participated in the October 7 raid, which led to the genocide.
I say the leaders of Israel, Hamas and President Biden should be hanged together. 
It’s not my jurisprudence, but the World Court’s which I simply explained.
You are right, America will back Israel, regardless of who’s in the White House, which disgusts me.
I dunno, maybe if Caitlin and Chris Hedges, and all of their readers, including you, Jim, start beating up on Hamas for inviting hell-squared into Gaza, Hamas might feel some pressure and maybe something will come from that?
Up to now, it has looked to me that Hedges, Caitlin, and their readers are on Hamas’s payroll. 

jim harper
Palestinian Hell On Earth is Israeli Designed. LONG BEFORE HAMAS. Maybe you should start beating up AIPAC, Bnai Brith, ADL and Genocide Joes Zionist MIC Cabal destroying the world. Hamas is a Guerilla organization, like Ho Chi Mien in Vietnam. They are resisting their tormenters and jailers! The US is the ONLY one who can put a stop to it by cutting off aid and bombs and demand a ceasefire! The Genocide is Israel's choice and fault! Full STOP! Instead of reading the Wall St. Journal etc. propaganda, why not read Haaretz and watch Al Jazeera!

Sloan Bashinsky
The past has come and gone. The October 7 raid provoked a massive criminally insane counterattack from Israel, which Hamas hoped would happen.
I agree, America should cut off money, weapons and munitions to Israel, but that will not stop Israel from raiding the huge stockpile of American war materials and munitions stored in Israel for the U.S. Military's use in that region.
Israel has a large stockpile of nuclear weapons, which it will use if it feels sufficiently threatened by Islamic groups and Iran.
America is very close to being in another war against Islam.
Thank you, Hamas, for your clever October 7 raid and its fallout. 

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