Saturday, May 18, 2024

some inconvenient truths about religious fanatics in Palestine and America

    While the world’s most famous Bible salesman, who told Israel he is their best friend, is prosecuted in his hometown for paying a porno star hush money to help him get elected president, this very interesting analysis of where the Jews in Israel originated showed up in my email account yesterday, and I could not help myself.

My Two Senses

Hopefully, Some Small Insight on the Hamas-Israel War
In this conflict everyone loses, again and again.

MAY 15, 2024

Arc of a Covenant, authored by Walter Russell Meade* was published in 2022. Though it received highly positive and glowing reviews, it never landed on my list of must reads. No, I’m not going to cry over not having read this in two years ago. However, I’m ecstatic over finding it recently.

Among the numerous food for thought insights he provides are:

The demographics of Israel

For most of my life I believed that the vast majority of Jews in Israel (I would have thought 80% conservatively) migrated to Israel from Europe in three waves. The first and far smaller was post WWI as the result of the Balfour Declaration, where Great Britain carved out a homeland for Jews in Palestine. This wave was supported largely by the Zionist movement 

The second and far larger would be of course survivors of the Holocaust, what might be called “The Exodus” wave made popular by Otto Preminger’s blockbuster film with Paul Newman in the lead protagonist role.

The third wave embedded in my mind was resultant from the crumbling of the USSR, where Russian Jews, exited to move to Israel.

Occasionally I would read about Jews from Ethiopia and North Africa migrating, but it barely made my radar scope.

Here is the reality

The largest sect of Jews in Israel today are not from or descendent from the WWII Holocaust European or Ashkenazi Jews ( 32%). The largest Jewish ethnic group in Israel, about 40% to 45% of Israel’s population, are called Mizrahi; Jews’ whose ancestors hailed from Jewish communities in the Middle East, including Israel itself.

Map from Wikipedia indicating geographic origins of Mizrahi Jews whose diaspora came almost exclusively from being driven from Muslim/Arab nations.

The second-largest ethnic Jewish group in Israel, about 32% of the population, is Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi Jews trace their ancestry to central Europe, most often via Eastern Europe. By 1945 when WWII ended, about two thirds of these Jews had been murdered by the Nazis.

Why this shows has connection to the current Hamas-Israel War?

This is largely the conclusion I draw from the fact that in the 1948 war about 750,000 Palestinians were forced to flee Palestine and within the year:

entire communities of Jews in Middle Eastern countries (primarily Iraq and Yemen) were relocated to Israel with the active help of the State. Jews from North African countries followed in the late 1950s in a wave of migration that continued until the late 1960s. While they were all Jews, they were a rather diverse population in terms of their socioeconomic resources 

(Cohen 2002; Semyonov and Lerenthal 1991),

Effectively the fledging state of Israel embittered three-quarters of million Palestinians by taking the land they lived on and then back filled it with equally embittered Mizrahi Jews who had been driven from their land by Muslim ruled nations.

There is no “The Reason” for the renewed and devastating war that now rages, but the situation that drove it was virtually cemented in by 1948.

* Meade is a professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities at Bard College and Editor-at-Large of The American Interest. From 1997 to 2010, Mr. Mead was a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

Dang interesting demographics. 
Too bad the good American Bible people didn’t clamor for America to receive the European WWII Jewish refugees, instead of later clamoring for the state of Israel to come to be, because their Bible gave that land to the Israelites, even though they had told God to take a hike many times since being made that promise? Now the good American Bible people, and their Bible salesman, Donald the Great, want Israel to atone for some of their ancestors having Jesus crucified by defending where he was born, roamed and died to save them, whom he never knew, from whatever they did wrong without any remorse, even to the extent of killing every Muslim nearby, if that’s what it takes?

Ol’ Flawriduh Cracker
I’ll use Meade’s research to lend some insight on American support for Palestine as a land where Jews could go to live.
It is a combination of views and ideals that morph over time. American support for “nationalist” causes, where people of all ethnic and nationalists beliefs would have a place to call homeland is a big part of it. Why? Because it mirrors concepts of self determination, and Democracy for the downtrodden. 
Another ties in with Biblical philosophy among Evangelicals and Puritans who felt America was a surrogate for the “shining city on a hill” and all kinds of Moses like promised land is America thinking.
Finally, after the “Big Wave” of immigration it meant less Jews living in America, because they had a place they could go to. Out of sight out of mind.

Sloan Bashinsky
Indeed, out of sight out of mind :-)
Imagine no Israel in Palestine. Imagine the hand-wringing and gut-wrenching in the America religious right over Islam controlling where their Jewish savior was born, roamed, and killed at the behest of Jewish leaders of that time. 
That’s what the Crusades were about- Islam controlled that place. That, and a lot of Christian men were not happy where they were and took a vacation hoping to get laid, feel important, get rich, famous, or whatever.
As long as Israel exists, that place will be what the Old Testament foretold, and maybe that’s where Armageddon will start? If Israel feels sufficiently threatened, it will detonate its nuclear arsenal wherever it feels will do it the most good and wreak the most havoc.
The America religious right hope Israel will kill every Muslim in the Middle East.
When Donald Trump announced he was Israel's best friend, he hoped that would get him every Jewish vote in America.
When Trump started praising the Bible, he hoped it would get him every conservative Christian vote in America. 
The two Bush presidents got America into a war with Islam, and President Biden and the Democrats view Israel as America’s only ally in the Middle East.
In Genesis, God told Abraham that Isaac’s seed would become a great nation, and that Ishmael’s seed also would become a great nation and would cause Isaac’s seed trouble. Judaism and Christendom view Isaac as the child God promised Abraham, but Islam views Ishmael as that promised child, and therein lies the still very much alive root of what is going on in that region.

Ol’ Flawriduh Cracker
Clearly a core issue in the “legitimacy” issues of Israel and Palestine is directly tied to “The Bible.” Because this proponents will tell you is the accurate, and undeniable truth, straight from God to those he inspired. So, depending on the current “expert” of the moment, currently claiming to have a direct connection with God as a divine interpreter, then there is no higher voice of truth or authority. This methodology worked well for early Puritans, who decided to make America the “New Jerusalem” The authority of a perceived God who sanctions a belief is clearly powerful stuff. It’s what makes suicide bombers and martyrs as well.

Sloan Bashinsky
You summed it up nicely, even though puking might be the candid response :-). Religious fanatics are certain God is on their side, they are the chosen people, and that’s been proven over and over again in Judaism, Christendom and Islam. If I were America’s president, I would detach America from the Middle East altogether, and let whatever happens there, happen, while I attempt do deal with what is going on in inside of America, which is so much less convenient and fun, but it is what the Jew Jesus recommended- beam in one’s own eye, the true jihad. :-)  Any nation that claims to be under God and puts in God we trust on its money, invites God to say, “Oh, really?”:-)

    After I published the above at my Substack newsletter, a classmate at Crestline Heights Elementary School in Mountian Brook, Alabama, commented:

Peter Rodes Robinson
Utopian Solutions 
Very readable and interesting. I recommend putting colons after headlines that indicate who is speaking. I didn't immediately get the alternative speaker structure of your essay.
A relevant fact. Some Arabs in the Middle East protected Jews during Holocaust.

Sloan Bashinsky
Thanks, Peter.
It was OL’ FLAWRIDUH CRACKER’s My Two Sense’s Substack post, so I didn’t occur to me to use colons, which I used to do when reporting dialogue with other people, and maybe I should return to that style.
Once upon a time, I read in the Koran that Mohammed advised treating surrendered enemies kindly. From what I read of the history of the Middle East, Asia Minor, Turkey, etc. after Islam took it over, people of all faiths were welcome, as long as they didn’t cause trouble. 
The Christian Crusades seriously damaged that balance and created deep hard feelings in Islam toward Christendom. 
I’ve had several discussions with OL’ FLAWRIDUH CRACKER since stumbling across his Substack. He does not belong to any herd, sect, cult, from all I can tell. He puts a great deal of thought into what he publishes. He does not seem inclined to think, or believe, or perhaps he’s simply agnostic, that what you and I were raised in Crestline to call God exists. So, he doesn’t seem particularly inclined to give the three Abrahamic religions/their scriptures credit for the dynamics in Palestine and the Middle East. 
The Christians and Jews I discuss Palestine with tend to side the chosen people view and that’s why America must help Israel. Their Bible says, so that’s what is, as far as they are concerned. 
I wonder how they would deal with what Archangel Michael told me as I walked out of the U.S. Post Office in Key West a few days after 9/11? “America should get out of the Middle East altogether and let Islam and Israel fight it out, or work it out, and in that way learn, which, if either, are God’s chosen people?” 
Three nights before 9/11, Michael had asked me in my sleep, “Will you make a prayer for a Divine Intervention for all of humanity?” I woke up, made the prayer and went back to sleep. On 9/11, my concern was President Bush would get America into another Vietnam-like war it could not win. It did not occur to me that he would get America into two such wars.
Whenever I told American Christians or Jews what Michael told me, they shrugged it off, or looked at me like I was daff, or nuts.
I remember a Methodist Sunday school teacher telling his class in 2004, “I wish God would kill all Muslims!” I said softly, “What about turn the other cheek, pray for and do good to your enemies?” He said it again. I tried again. He said it again. I switched gears and said loudly, “What’s wrong with Christians? Don’t they read their own Bible?! In Genesis, God told Abraham that Ishmael’s seed would become a great nation and cause Isaac’s seed trouble, so if God said it, what’s the big deal?” It was as if all the oxygen was taken out of that Sunday school classroom. They couldn’t speak. 
I spent some time in churches back in those days, even though in the Gospels Jesus himself never built one church of wood, stone and mortar.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

President Biden should have pardoned Donald Trump?

    In my Apple newsfeed today, my interjected thoughts in bold.

The Guardian 

Biden should have pardoned Trump on federal charges, Mitt Romney says

Republican senator tells MSNBC that ‘frankly, the country doesn’t want to have to go through prosecuting a former president’
Martin Pengelly in Washington
Wed 15 May 2024 16.56 EDT

Joe Biden should have pardoned Donald Trump on all federal criminal charges the moment they were announced, the Utah senator and former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said.

“Had I been President Biden,” Romney said, “when the justice department brought out indictments, I would have immediately pardoned him. I’d have pardoned President Trump.”

“Why? Well, because it makes me, President Biden, the big guy and the person I pardoned the little guy. And, number two, it’s not going to get resolved before the election. It’s not going to have an impact before the election. And, frankly, the country doesn’t want to have to go through prosecuting a former president.”

Romney is a Mormon, and since that religion calls itself “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”, I wonder if Romney drew from Jesus saying in the Gospels, to resist not one who does evil, and to pray for and do good to your enemies? I wonder if Romney considers that in the Big Scheme, we all are on trial in God’s Courtroom, and in that sense, the federal and state prosecutions of Trump put every American on trial in God’s Courtroom, regarding how they viewed and responded to those prosecutions? 

I wonder if Romney remembers that once Mormon men took multiple wives, like Old Testament men did,  and if the Mormon religion of old had prevailed in America, Romney, Joe Biden and Donald Trump would have several wives, and prostitutes, porn stars and Playboy bunnies might not be so much in demand. 

I wonder if Romney knows that when people vote for a candidate, they vouch to God for the candidate, and they become joined at the hip with the candidate in the karma realm, and if the candidate is elected, they remain joined at the hip, unless they repent and renounce their allegiance, and how that goes for them in God’s Courtroom is out of their control and knowing.

That aside, I say as a former practicing attorney, who clerked for a United States District Judge who presided over every federal criminal prosecution in north Alabama while I clerked for him, that if President Biden had pardoned Trump on the federal charges, that would have sealed Trump was guilty of the crimes charged against him in federal court and in God’s Courtrom, unless Trump had declined the pardon and claimed he had not committed the crimes for which he was pardoned :-). Whether or not Trump accepted or declined the pardon, he would be on trial in God’s Courtroom, along with everyone who voted for him, who had not repented and renounced him.

Romney was speaking to MSNBC, in an interview to be broadcast on The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle on Wednesday night.

Trump is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee despite facing 88 criminal charges. Forty-four are federal: four regarding election subversion and 40 retention of classified information. Neither case has reached trial.

The president could not pardon Trump on his other 44 charges, at the state level. Thirty-four arise from hush-money payments to an adult film star around the 2016 election, an election subversion case now at trial in New York, and 10 concern election subversion in Georgia.

Trump has also been hit with multibillion-dollar fines in civil suits concerning his business practices and a defamation claim arising from a rape allegation a judge called “substantially true”.

When Trump was president, Romney was the only Republican to vote to convict in both Trump’s Senate impeachment trials, for seeking political dirt on opponents in Ukraine and for inciting the deadly January 6 attack on Congress.

Romney told MSNBC: “I think the American people have recognised that President Trump did have an inappropriate affair with someone who was a porn star. I think they realise that.

“I think they realise he took classified documents he shouldn’t have and didn’t handle them properly. I think they understand that as well.

“I think they realise he’s been lying about the election [and supposed voter fraud] in 2020. They know those things. [But] these things are not changing the public attitude.”

More accurate, the federal and state criminal and civil prosecutions of Trump have cemented his original base, and have drawn more people to support him, and it looks to me it might take a miracle for Joe Biden to win a second term. 

Far more pressing, the jury in the New York state court “hush money” criminal prosecution is acutely concerned about what will happen generally, and against them and their families, the prosecutors and their families, the prosecution’s witnesses and their families and the trial judge and his family, if they the jury acquit Trump.  

I think the jurors know, if they convict Trump, it will not change the minds of his loyal supporters, and it may gain him more votes and put him back in the White House. 

I can imagine the jury thinks the lesser of evils is to acquit Trump and hope he loses the election this year. 

Even if I misread the jury, I can imagine there is a Trumper on the jury, who didn’t get sniffed out by the prosecution during juror selection, and the Trumper will not vote for conviction and will hang the jury and Trump will skate, and maybe Trump’s base won’t retaliate against all of the aforementioned?

In America’s pre-Trump past, Romney lost the 2012 election to Barack Obama. In 2016, as Trump stormed to the White House, Romney wrote in the name of his wife, Ann, rather than support Hillary Clinton. Romney then flirted with accepting a post in Trump’s cabinet, as secretary of state, but found humiliation instead.

According to the author Gabriel Debenedetti, Romney urged Biden to run against Trump in 2020. Romney has said he did not vote for Trump that year, reportedly writing in Ann again.

Romney told MSNBC he liked Biden, who he found “capable” despite widespread claims that at 81 Biden is too old for his job, claims less prevalent regarding Trump, who is 77.

But when asked who he would vote for, Romney did not say Biden.

“I’m not announcing that here and now,” he said. “I’m not going to be voting for President Trump. I made that clear. I know, for some people, the character is not the number one issue. It is for me. When someone has been, well, determined by a jury to have committed sexual assault, that’s not someone who I want my kids and grandkids to see as president of the United States.”

Criticising Biden on the economy and border security – though acknowledging Trump’s role in stopping a bipartisan border measure passing Congress – Romney told MSNBC: “I don’t know if that’s [Trump’s] ambition to bring people together. I’m not sure exactly what it is he hopes to do if he gets a second term.”

Asked about continued surprisingly strong Republican primary performances by Nikki Haley, who dropped out more than two months ago, Romney rejected the idea that a moderate wing of his party could yet seek to retake control.

“My wing of the party, it’s like a chicken wing, all right?” the senator said. “It’s a little tiny thing that doesn’t take the bird off the ground.”

 Romney’s candor is refreshing, however I am aware of perhaps only one person being elected president of the United States of America, because he was honest- Abraham Lincoln.

        Here’s the British-based Guardian’s trailer promo: 

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Saturday, May 11, 2024

more Orange Turd and Lady Karma sightings in the Big Apple

Comedian author TV host Jimmy Kimmel, 

of Brooklyn, New York,

asks Stormy Daniels which mushroom

best represents Donald Trump’s pecker

    In 2014, I got involved in a real estate developer and and his lawyer, whom I knew very well, trying to steamroll an old Key West neighborhood, which just naturally brought out the very worst in me, as far as the developer and his lawyer were concerned. One of the homeowners took a shine to what I was writing about that and other stuff at my blog, R.I.P., and she gave me her email address: 

    When I asked her what the letters stood for, she said, "She shoots off her mouth.” 

    Some things are so absolutely priceless precious that they make angels sing.

    Several years ago, a childhood friend, who worked for a New York Stock Exchange company since he was in college, started calling Donald Trump the Orange Turd. After reading  yesterday’s a very easy way to prove Stormy Daniels lied or told the truth about the shape and size mushroom: put Donald Trump’s pecker into evidence :-) post, my friend emailed:

And did you see what Stormy said about “real men” after she testified?  

   I replied:

Yep, excerpt from Daily News article about that:

Stormy Daniels blasted Donald Trump on social media Thursday night, just a few hours after she finished testifying against the former president in his Manhattan hush-money trial.

“Real men respond to testimony by being sworn in and taking the stand in court. Oh…wait. Nevermind,” she wrote in a post on X — a taunting reference to Trump not testifying in the case and using his own social media accounts to rail against the proceedings.

The zinger came after Trump’s lawyers unsuccessfully requested a mistrial based on Daniels’ testimony.

If Trump were to testify, he would open himself up to cross-examination by prosecutors.

Stormy is one smart cookie.

If the New York prosecutor comments on Trump not taking the witness stand, the Judge will rule it a mistrial, because the prosecutor violated Trump’s 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination. 

However, the news media have amply reported Trump’s social media boasts that he will testify, and it’s hard to imagine the jurors are not aware of that, and if Trump doesn’t testify, and despite the trial judge instructing them they can make no adverse inference from Trump not testifying, they are human beings, and they will wonder why he didn’t man up and take the witness stand- after all, he’s the self-proclaimed God-sent savior of America, and they just might make adverse inferences, since there is plenty of testimony from Stormy that supports adverse inferences :-).

    Later P.S.

Been thinking more about Stormy’s “tweet”. 

Trump laid a trap for himself by denying he had sex with Stormy. That makes it she said, he said, and if he doesn’t testify, then he puts his lawyers to trying to persuade the jury that Stormy made it all up, which I doubt the jury will buy, because Stormy provided too many details for it to be made up, and great effort was made to buy her silence, and Trump was in the thick of that. 

Another trap Trump laid for himself was boasting in other circumstances about his manhood, his he-manness, his tough guyness, his savior of America greatness. But he don’t have the balls to take the witness stand? 

I think his lawyers are in a double bind. They know if Trump testifies, cross examination will be awful, and given Trump’s personality, there is no telling what might happen when he gets pinned down and is forced to answer simple unpleasant questions, or plead the 5th, and when will he go off the rails and froth at the mouth, or shit in his pants, or have a stroke or a coronary? If only.

Then there's Melania. If Trump doesn’t testify and tell the jury he didn’t have sex with Stormy, they didn’t meet in a Lake Tahoe hotel room, that gives her plenty of ammo to ask him for a heap of money not to file for divorce on ground of adultery, which case will be a replay of this one and the E, Jean Carroll cases, on national TV, social media, etc. So, he pays Melania, like he paid Stormy, but he pays Melania, what, $1 billion, to not file for divorce?

It amuses me that Trump brought this upon himself 100 percent, and he calls it a witch hunt, which it is, since he's a male witch. 

It also amuses me that this is happening, as did the two E. Jean Carrol cases, in Trump’s hometown, where he is very well known. He seems to have managed to wiggle out of final verdicts in the other federal and state prosecutions before the November elections, but his hometown ain’t having none of that ;-). Even if the New York City jury acquits him, his fabricated image is turdified in eternity. Lady karma mischief?

    I stumbled across this online yesterday:

Lawrence O’Donnell Roasts Trump Attorney For Bringing ‘The Orange Turd Into The Courtroom’
“That’s right, that’s how Donald Trump’s day went today,” the MSNBC host said.

Josephine Harvey
May 10, 2024, 08:03 AM EDT

Lawrence O’Donnell was shocked that Donald Trump’s attorney voluntarily entered “orange turd” into the court record on Thursday. 
“That’s right. That’s how Donald Trump’s day went today,” the MSNBC host, who has apparently been getting on Trump’s nerves during the trial, said Thursday night.
One of Trump’s defense attorneys in the hush money trial, Susan Necheles, was questioning porn star Stormy Daniels, a key witness, when she pulled up a tweet where Daniels once called Trump an “orange turd.”
“Susan Necheles brought the orange turd into the courtroom and kept it there. The questioning about the orange turd went on and on,” O’Donnell told viewers before reading from the court transcript.
In the tweet in question, Daniels was responding to a post that read, “Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels aka THE HUMAN TOILET are their star witnesses.”
Daniels replied: “Exactly! Making me the best person to flush the orange turd down.”
Daniels and Necheles sparred over what Daniels meant by that, repeatedly using the term. Necheles argued that Daniels was saying she would be “instrumental” in putting Trump in jail. Daniels suggested she was simply responding in kind to online abuse.
“I’m pretty sure this is hyperbole. If somebody calls me a toilet, I can say flush somebody. See how that works?” Daniels told Necheles.
O’Donnell painted a picture for viewers. 
Necheles “repeatedly called her client, Donald Trump, the orange turd, on what she thought was an effective cross-examination of Stormy Daniels,” he said.
“Imagine Donald Trump, sitting in that courtroom today ... being forced to listen, with eyes closed or eyes open, to one of his criminal defense lawyers, on whom he has lavished money — money provided by his political contributors — listen to her repeatedly call him, ‘the orange turd,’” he continued.
He added that the “orange turd landed an hour into a belabored cross-examination” by Necheles that was “repetitive, tedious, and almost entirely irrelevant.”
O’Donnell’s segment might be poking the bear. He reportedly caught a pointed glare from Trump in the courtroom last week and received a Truth Social blast on Tuesday night.
Trump wrote, “He looks like shit, a real loser!”

    Thinking  Trump had described his own self to a T, I texted my ever interesting Birmingham, Alabama amiga, Morticia, featured in yesterday’s a very easy way to prove Stormy Daniels lied or told the truth about the shape and size mushroom: put Donald Trump’s pecker into evidence :-) post.

After all that has come out about the Orange Turd's loyalty to his wife, how do the good Christians who support him still think they are saved by Jesus? How do they still think they are the choicest of the choicest of the chosen, when Jesus himself said in the Gospels that many are called but few are chosen? 

I’ve wondered that myself. It seems they are willing to overlook everything to have him in office. No one that says he did much for our country can say one thing he did. I write down what candidates say in debates. He did nothing he said he would do. IF he goes back in, he will destroy our country. I wonder what they will say, his MAGGOTS. I am not a Biden fan either, but I don’t know what will happen to us if Trump’s in office. His followers scare me. Republicans in office that support him only do it because they do not want to get voted out. 
Remember when Jan 6 happened and they blamed him for the mess. Now they are kissing ass because they want to stay in office. He WILL pardon the thugs that’s in prison and wipe all charges away from himself. He’s like the Mafia dons with his threats on bloodbath. Ole Teflon Don. It worries me that there’s nothing we can do. You can’t convince his followers. They would sell their soul to the Devil to have him back in office. I guess we will just have “to lay there pray to die”.

From Ms. God’s mouth to your ears :-)

That’s funny you said Ms. God. I question everything, long thoughts about everything. When my husband was about near death, I asked him to let me know about Heaven. Sloan, everytime I dreamed about him, he’s left me for a woman. I said, well, I always thought God might be a woman and he left me for a woman. Never anything different. Now I said, “Ok, you can quit telling me.” The dreams stopped.

Her Haw.
Might be hugely great karma for Trump to come back next time as a woman in, say, Afghanistan?

I can think of worse things for him to come back. I truly believe karma will get him. Melania made a comment she knew who and what she was marrying. And I know why $$$$. A shame she’s a good mother, I’ll give her that. She truly loves Barron, Teflon only loves himself. 

Worse than being a woman in Afghanistan? 
Well, yeah, a member of a lovely Saudi Sheik’s harem? A heroin addict owned by a pimp? A sex slave in Serbia? A teen whose daddy has regular sex with her? A Russian porn starlet$?
If I were Teflon’s kid, I might change my name and move somewhere unknown.

I concur

Friday, May 10, 2024

a very easy way to prove Stormy Daniels lied or told the truth about the shape and size mushroom: put Donald Trump’s pecker into evidence :-)


    After I published yesterday’s God’s expert witness and spiritual healer: Stormy Daniels post, something so drop dead obvious occurred to me that I wondered why it took me so long to see it? I published it at my Facebook and emailed it to some people I know:

    There is a very easy way for Trump’s lawyers to prove Stormy Daniels made it all up about being in a Lake Tahoe hotel room with Trump. 

    They can put Trump on the witness stand and have him unzip his pants and show the jury his man part is much more impressive than the small fake mushroom Stormy picked from what Jimmy Kimmel offered her on his show.

    Or, Trump’s lawyers can get the trial judge’s permission to have a pathologist take a photo of Trump’s man part, and they put the pathologist on the witness stand, and they use him, or her, to introduce the photo of Trump’s man part into evidence.

If Trump had asked this old lawyer to represent him, I would have insisted on seeing his man part personally before I agreed to represent him, because I would want to know who was telling the truth, Trump, or Stormy Daniels.

    After reading that, my Birmingham, Alabama amiga Morticia texted her sentiments, and I replied, and she replied, and 

I loved this article this am.  
I have always wanted the judge to hit the desk with a gravel and tell him to drop ‘em. I’d pay to see that. But he’s complaining about courtroom freezing and the jury would have said Stormy lied to Jimmy, she picked the wrong one, she should have picked the baby one. Shrinkage due to cold.
I bet he’s about to bust a carotid artery he can’t pitch fits any more. 
I will say I despise him, but the judge should gag all involved. If someone was talking about me, I’d fire back.
I saw something on Facebook, “If 45 is allowed to b e 47 we never sill see 48.”
Hew Haw, the jury has to want to see Trump’s pecker. Hell’s in session, the Devil’s laughing his ass off. Trump’s lawyers opened Pandora’s Box, nothing the judge could do about that :-).
If I were the prosecutor, I lay low until closing argument and ask the jury why Trump’s lawyers didn’t show them a photo of Trump's man part, to prove Stormy lied to Kimmel, thus she must have lied about the rest of the Lake Tahoe hotel room events?😎
Stephanie who was Melania’s assistant said only someone that was with him knew what was in his travel bag. Gold clippers Pert shampoo and Old Spice. So she had to be really in the room. I want so see it on TV and I am not even on the jury. Then we will know if von shitzenpants really wears diapers!!!  
I can imagine every juror, especially the women, share your curiosity😎. I also can imagine the women jurors have plenty of memories of being groped, and put down, not believed, made fun of, if they told it.
Maybe Trump's carotid is so worn out with his tantrums that it decides to put itself out of its own misery. Then, the rich white spoiled brat, sans his lawyers he didn’t pay, can rant and rave elsewhere, even until hell freezes over.
When I posted what I sent you this morning at Reddit’s r/law forum, the moderator took it down, inappropriate. My Alabama Law School Professors, R.I.P., would ream me out for being so slow getting down to the meat of it 😎

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

God’s expert witness and spiritual healer: Stormy Daniels


    I think it was in 2014 that I met a retired psychiatrist in Key West, who told me about a neighbor who was encroaching on his home’s canal dock and it so troubled him that he had to take anti-depressants. I told him which county commissioner to go see and explain his problem and deal with it in that way instead. 

   The psychiatrist told me about one of his patients, who had panic attacks every time he drove his car and approached a bridge on US 1 near Key West, and that he had cured the patient by prescribing Xanax for the patient to take before driving his car. If his patient had come to me, I would get in his car, and as he nears a bridge and the panic begins, I ask him to pull the his car over onto the road shoulder and turn off the engine and close his eyes, and we talk and he invites what his panic attacks are really about to show itself to him, and he has a really intense emotional realization and healing, if he is up to that. If not, he can keep taking Xanax.

    I tried several times to get the psychiatrist, who was 100-percent true blue Democrat, to email me his candid professional impression of Donald Trump, and when the psychiatrist finally did put something in writing, it was so limp that I wanted to pray for his soul.

    Joe Biden would be so lucky as to have a God-sent psychoanalyst like Stormy Daniels hang him out to dry in plain view, to help him cross the panic attack bridge and see just how truly corrupt his son Hunter is, and just how truly corrupt he is for giving Israel the money, weapons and munitions it needed to commit genocide in Gaza. Last night, CNN reported Gaza has more juvenile amputees than any place in history.

    Based on what I saw on TV and read online, Stormy Daniels is God’s Mary Magdalene telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help her God, about herself and Donald Trump, which I doubt Trump did even once in his entire life. 

    Stormy testified that, yes, she hates Trump, and she he wants to see him convicted. Stormy is proof that members of the oldest profession are the most honest people in the whole wide world.

    When I learned Stormy testified that Trump told her that he and his wife Melania did not sleep in the same bedroom, I imagined Melania was thrilled with being provided a heap of ammo to persuade hubby to give her a whole heap of money not to divorce him for adultery after she birthed their son Barron, which the red, white and blue Bible hubby hawks for his own personal profit says he shalt not do.

    If I were the New York prosecutor, I would hand Stormy one of hubby's red, white and blue Bibles opened to its Ten Commandments page, and I would ask Stormy to read the 7th Commandment to hubby and the jury.  

    Something else that amuses this old lawyer is Trump’s lawyers whined that Stormy said things that the judge had said she should not say, without considering Stormy simply followed Trump’s lead of ignoring the Judge’s repeated gag orders.

    Equally amusing, Trump denied having sex with Stormy, while his lawyers tried to make Stormy out to be a welcher by taking Trump’s money to be quiet about having sex with him, then she squealed on him. But hey, didn’t Trump set the tone by welching his own debts?

     Also amusing, Trump’s lawyers fenced with Stormy, having no clue what would come out of her mouth, which is a big No No in trial lawyer circles, as is Trump’s lawyers didn’t object to much of what Stormy said, which they did not want her to say. That caused me to wonder if Trump’s lawyers secretly want Trump to be convicted? Maybe he hasn’t paid them? Maybe they just really don’t like him?

    Yesterday morning, I texted a Birmingham amiga, who goes by the nickname “Morticia”, that I am in love with Stormy Daniels. Morticia texted back a link to Jimmy Kimmel’s hilarious interview of Stormy talking about her time with Trump in a Lake Tahoe hotel room, where he told her that she reminded him of his daughter Ivanka. The interview ends with Kimmel offering Stormy a selection of fake mushrooms for her to pick the fake mushroom that most resembles the head of Trump’s pecker, and Stormy picks out the second smallest mushroom.

    I think the jury in the New York City courtroom, and every American, should be required to watch the Kimmel interview.

   And, I think the jury and every American should see this photo of 15-year-old Ivanka and her daddy.

    I can’t imagine any American woman wanting to have anything to do with Donald Trump, unless she secretly wants to have sex with him. 
    Or, she was sexually abused by her father and dodges that panic bridge by backing Trump, instead of telling Trump to take a hike and initiate her own healing.
    Anyone who reads my novel Heavy Wait: A Strange Tale and its sequel, Return of the Strange, free reads at the internet library,, might come away thinking I know a bit about psychiatry, human psychology and soul wounding, and how panic bridges can be crossed and healing initiated by anyone who is up for it.

       I can imagine American men who back Trump wish they could get as much pussy as Trump used to get. Here’s the red, white and blue Bible salesman with his sex trafficker buddy Jeffrey Epstein.