Friday, May 10, 2024

a very easy way to prove Stormy Daniels lied or told the truth about the shape and size mushroom: put Donald Trump’s pecker into evidence :-)


    After I published yesterday’s God’s expert witness and spiritual healer: Stormy Daniels post, something so drop dead obvious occurred to me that I wondered why it took me so long to see it? I published it at my Facebook and emailed it to some people I know:

    There is a very easy way for Trump’s lawyers to prove Stormy Daniels made it all up about being in a Lake Tahoe hotel room with Trump. 

    They can put Trump on the witness stand and have him unzip his pants and show the jury his man part is much more impressive than the small fake mushroom Stormy picked from what Jimmy Kimmel offered her on his show.

    Or, Trump’s lawyers can get the trial judge’s permission to have a pathologist take a photo of Trump’s man part, and they put the pathologist on the witness stand, and they use him, or her, to introduce the photo of Trump’s man part into evidence.

If Trump had asked this old lawyer to represent him, I would have insisted on seeing his man part personally before I agreed to represent him, because I would want to know who was telling the truth, Trump, or Stormy Daniels.

    After reading that, my Birmingham, Alabama amiga Morticia texted her sentiments, and I replied, and she replied, and 

I loved this article this am.  
I have always wanted the judge to hit the desk with a gravel and tell him to drop ‘em. I’d pay to see that. But he’s complaining about courtroom freezing and the jury would have said Stormy lied to Jimmy, she picked the wrong one, she should have picked the baby one. Shrinkage due to cold.
I bet he’s about to bust a carotid artery he can’t pitch fits any more. 
I will say I despise him, but the judge should gag all involved. If someone was talking about me, I’d fire back.
I saw something on Facebook, “If 45 is allowed to b e 47 we never sill see 48.”
Hew Haw, the jury has to want to see Trump’s pecker. Hell’s in session, the Devil’s laughing his ass off. Trump’s lawyers opened Pandora’s Box, nothing the judge could do about that :-).
If I were the prosecutor, I lay low until closing argument and ask the jury why Trump’s lawyers didn’t show them a photo of Trump's man part, to prove Stormy lied to Kimmel, thus she must have lied about the rest of the Lake Tahoe hotel room events?😎
Stephanie who was Melania’s assistant said only someone that was with him knew what was in his travel bag. Gold clippers Pert shampoo and Old Spice. So she had to be really in the room. I want so see it on TV and I am not even on the jury. Then we will know if von shitzenpants really wears diapers!!!  
I can imagine every juror, especially the women, share your curiosity😎. I also can imagine the women jurors have plenty of memories of being groped, and put down, not believed, made fun of, if they told it.
Maybe Trump's carotid is so worn out with his tantrums that it decides to put itself out of its own misery. Then, the rich white spoiled brat, sans his lawyers he didn’t pay, can rant and rave elsewhere, even until hell freezes over.
When I posted what I sent you this morning at Reddit’s r/law forum, the moderator took it down, inappropriate. My Alabama Law School Professors, R.I.P., would ream me out for being so slow getting down to the meat of it 😎

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