Saturday, May 11, 2024

more Orange Turd and Lady Karma sightings in the Big Apple

Comedian author TV host Jimmy Kimmel, 

of Brooklyn, New York,

asks Stormy Daniels which mushroom

best represents Donald Trump’s pecker

    In 2014, I got involved in a real estate developer and and his lawyer, whom I knew very well, trying to steamroll an old Key West neighborhood, which just naturally brought out the very worst in me, as far as the developer and his lawyer were concerned. One of the homeowners took a shine to what I was writing about that and other stuff at my blog, R.I.P., and she gave me her email address: 

    When I asked her what the letters stood for, she said, "She shoots off her mouth.” 

    Some things are so absolutely priceless precious that they make angels sing.

    Several years ago, a childhood friend, who worked for a New York Stock Exchange company since he was in college, started calling Donald Trump the Orange Turd. After reading  yesterday’s a very easy way to prove Stormy Daniels lied or told the truth about the shape and size mushroom: put Donald Trump’s pecker into evidence :-) post, my friend emailed:

And did you see what Stormy said about “real men” after she testified?  

   I replied:

Yep, excerpt from Daily News article about that:

Stormy Daniels blasted Donald Trump on social media Thursday night, just a few hours after she finished testifying against the former president in his Manhattan hush-money trial.

“Real men respond to testimony by being sworn in and taking the stand in court. Oh…wait. Nevermind,” she wrote in a post on X — a taunting reference to Trump not testifying in the case and using his own social media accounts to rail against the proceedings.

The zinger came after Trump’s lawyers unsuccessfully requested a mistrial based on Daniels’ testimony.

If Trump were to testify, he would open himself up to cross-examination by prosecutors.

Stormy is one smart cookie.

If the New York prosecutor comments on Trump not taking the witness stand, the Judge will rule it a mistrial, because the prosecutor violated Trump’s 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination. 

However, the news media have amply reported Trump’s social media boasts that he will testify, and it’s hard to imagine the jurors are not aware of that, and if Trump doesn’t testify, and despite the trial judge instructing them they can make no adverse inference from Trump not testifying, they are human beings, and they will wonder why he didn’t man up and take the witness stand- after all, he’s the self-proclaimed God-sent savior of America, and they just might make adverse inferences, since there is plenty of testimony from Stormy that supports adverse inferences :-).

    Later P.S.

Been thinking more about Stormy’s “tweet”. 

Trump laid a trap for himself by denying he had sex with Stormy. That makes it she said, he said, and if he doesn’t testify, then he puts his lawyers to trying to persuade the jury that Stormy made it all up, which I doubt the jury will buy, because Stormy provided too many details for it to be made up, and great effort was made to buy her silence, and Trump was in the thick of that. 

Another trap Trump laid for himself was boasting in other circumstances about his manhood, his he-manness, his tough guyness, his savior of America greatness. But he don’t have the balls to take the witness stand? 

I think his lawyers are in a double bind. They know if Trump testifies, cross examination will be awful, and given Trump’s personality, there is no telling what might happen when he gets pinned down and is forced to answer simple unpleasant questions, or plead the 5th, and when will he go off the rails and froth at the mouth, or shit in his pants, or have a stroke or a coronary? If only.

Then there's Melania. If Trump doesn’t testify and tell the jury he didn’t have sex with Stormy, they didn’t meet in a Lake Tahoe hotel room, that gives her plenty of ammo to ask him for a heap of money not to file for divorce on ground of adultery, which case will be a replay of this one and the E, Jean Carroll cases, on national TV, social media, etc. So, he pays Melania, like he paid Stormy, but he pays Melania, what, $1 billion, to not file for divorce?

It amuses me that Trump brought this upon himself 100 percent, and he calls it a witch hunt, which it is, since he's a male witch. 

It also amuses me that this is happening, as did the two E. Jean Carrol cases, in Trump’s hometown, where he is very well known. He seems to have managed to wiggle out of final verdicts in the other federal and state prosecutions before the November elections, but his hometown ain’t having none of that ;-). Even if the New York City jury acquits him, his fabricated image is turdified in eternity. Lady karma mischief?

    I stumbled across this online yesterday:

Lawrence O’Donnell Roasts Trump Attorney For Bringing ‘The Orange Turd Into The Courtroom’
“That’s right, that’s how Donald Trump’s day went today,” the MSNBC host said.

Josephine Harvey
May 10, 2024, 08:03 AM EDT

Lawrence O’Donnell was shocked that Donald Trump’s attorney voluntarily entered “orange turd” into the court record on Thursday. 
“That’s right. That’s how Donald Trump’s day went today,” the MSNBC host, who has apparently been getting on Trump’s nerves during the trial, said Thursday night.
One of Trump’s defense attorneys in the hush money trial, Susan Necheles, was questioning porn star Stormy Daniels, a key witness, when she pulled up a tweet where Daniels once called Trump an “orange turd.”
“Susan Necheles brought the orange turd into the courtroom and kept it there. The questioning about the orange turd went on and on,” O’Donnell told viewers before reading from the court transcript.
In the tweet in question, Daniels was responding to a post that read, “Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels aka THE HUMAN TOILET are their star witnesses.”
Daniels replied: “Exactly! Making me the best person to flush the orange turd down.”
Daniels and Necheles sparred over what Daniels meant by that, repeatedly using the term. Necheles argued that Daniels was saying she would be “instrumental” in putting Trump in jail. Daniels suggested she was simply responding in kind to online abuse.
“I’m pretty sure this is hyperbole. If somebody calls me a toilet, I can say flush somebody. See how that works?” Daniels told Necheles.
O’Donnell painted a picture for viewers. 
Necheles “repeatedly called her client, Donald Trump, the orange turd, on what she thought was an effective cross-examination of Stormy Daniels,” he said.
“Imagine Donald Trump, sitting in that courtroom today ... being forced to listen, with eyes closed or eyes open, to one of his criminal defense lawyers, on whom he has lavished money — money provided by his political contributors — listen to her repeatedly call him, ‘the orange turd,’” he continued.
He added that the “orange turd landed an hour into a belabored cross-examination” by Necheles that was “repetitive, tedious, and almost entirely irrelevant.”
O’Donnell’s segment might be poking the bear. He reportedly caught a pointed glare from Trump in the courtroom last week and received a Truth Social blast on Tuesday night.
Trump wrote, “He looks like shit, a real loser!”

    Thinking  Trump had described his own self to a T, I texted my ever interesting Birmingham, Alabama amiga, Morticia, featured in yesterday’s a very easy way to prove Stormy Daniels lied or told the truth about the shape and size mushroom: put Donald Trump’s pecker into evidence :-) post.

After all that has come out about the Orange Turd's loyalty to his wife, how do the good Christians who support him still think they are saved by Jesus? How do they still think they are the choicest of the choicest of the chosen, when Jesus himself said in the Gospels that many are called but few are chosen? 

I’ve wondered that myself. It seems they are willing to overlook everything to have him in office. No one that says he did much for our country can say one thing he did. I write down what candidates say in debates. He did nothing he said he would do. IF he goes back in, he will destroy our country. I wonder what they will say, his MAGGOTS. I am not a Biden fan either, but I don’t know what will happen to us if Trump’s in office. His followers scare me. Republicans in office that support him only do it because they do not want to get voted out. 
Remember when Jan 6 happened and they blamed him for the mess. Now they are kissing ass because they want to stay in office. He WILL pardon the thugs that’s in prison and wipe all charges away from himself. He’s like the Mafia dons with his threats on bloodbath. Ole Teflon Don. It worries me that there’s nothing we can do. You can’t convince his followers. They would sell their soul to the Devil to have him back in office. I guess we will just have “to lay there pray to die”.

From Ms. God’s mouth to your ears :-)

That’s funny you said Ms. God. I question everything, long thoughts about everything. When my husband was about near death, I asked him to let me know about Heaven. Sloan, everytime I dreamed about him, he’s left me for a woman. I said, well, I always thought God might be a woman and he left me for a woman. Never anything different. Now I said, “Ok, you can quit telling me.” The dreams stopped.

Her Haw.
Might be hugely great karma for Trump to come back next time as a woman in, say, Afghanistan?

I can think of worse things for him to come back. I truly believe karma will get him. Melania made a comment she knew who and what she was marrying. And I know why $$$$. A shame she’s a good mother, I’ll give her that. She truly loves Barron, Teflon only loves himself. 

Worse than being a woman in Afghanistan? 
Well, yeah, a member of a lovely Saudi Sheik’s harem? A heroin addict owned by a pimp? A sex slave in Serbia? A teen whose daddy has regular sex with her? A Russian porn starlet$?
If I were Teflon’s kid, I might change my name and move somewhere unknown.

I concur

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