Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hey Sharia law MAGAs who say stone LBGTQs, let any among you without sin cast the first stone


Sharia is a body of religious law that forms a part of the Islamic tradition based on scriptures of Islam, particularly the Quran and hadith. In Arabic, the. term sharīʿah refers to God's immutable divine law and this is contrasted with fiqh, which refers to its interpretations by Islamic scholars.

    Something showed up in my Apple newsfeed from LGBTQ Nation yesterday, which reminded me of women being stoned for adultery.

Donald Trump shares stage with rightwing activist who’s discussing stoning gay people to death
Trump has repeatedly attended and spoken at Charlie Kirk's rallies despite his extreme anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A rightwing activist whose rally Donald Trump spoke at last week in Arizona is now telling his podcast audience that the Bible calls on Christians to stone gay people to death and saying that being gay is “an error” and compared homosexuality to drug addiction and alcoholism.

Turning Point USA founder and executive director Charlie Kirk was discussing children’s YouTuber Ms. Rachel, who was targeted by rightwingers earlier this month because she acknowledged that June is Pride Month on social media.

Charlie Kirk claims China will invade Taiwan because an American high school hosted a drag show

The far-right “youth” leader is one of Trump’s biggest cheerleaders.

“I’m so glad you’re here, I’m so glad you’re who you are,” she said in the fairly anodyne message.

She later posted a video responding to the rightwing backlash – many on the right, including Chaya Raichik of Libs of TikTok and “Christian fascist” Matt Walsh, accused her of supporting “child mutilation” and “gender ideology” – where she pointed out that she is Christian and her Christianity inspires her to want to help build an accepting world for everyone.

“In Matthew 22, a religious teacher asks Jesus, ‘What’s the most important commandment?'” Ms. Rachel says in the video. “And Jesus says to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself.”

“There’s no greater commandments than these, I believe it’s mentioned eight times, love your neighbor.”

That made Kirk mad.

“I mean, Satan has quoted scripture plenty,” Kirk retorted. “You love somebody by telling the truth, not by confirming or affirming their sin.”

“And it says, by the way Ms. Rachel, you might wanna crack open that Bible of yours, in a lesser referenced part of the same part of scripture is in Leviticus 18 is that thou shall… Lay with another man and be stoned to death,” Kirk continued.

“Just sayin’,” he said, smiling as his co-hosts laughed. “So, Ms. Rachel, you quote Leviticus 19, love your neighbor as yourself, the chapter before affirms God’s perfect law when it comes to sexual matters.”

He was referring to Leviticus 18:22, which says, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination,” and Leviticus 20:13, which says, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

Trump attended the Turning Point USA rally in Dream City Church in Phoenix last Thursday, where both Trump and Kirk spread the message that they were going to make the 2024 election “too big to rig,” a reference to the conservative lie that there was massive, widespread voter fraud in 2020.

“We are going to make November too big to rig and we are going to overwhelm the ballot boxes,” Kirk said at the event. “There is no path to the White House without Arizona.”

President Joe Biden won Arizona in 2020. Trump is an unindicted coconspirator in Arizona’s case against false electors who allegedly tried to circumvent the electoral process in an effort to install Trump as president for a second term.

In that same podcast episode, Kirk said that being gay is an “error” and compared homosexuality to alcoholism and drug addiction.

“It’s very simple,” Kirk said. “So how do you love somebody? You love them so much to correct their error. So let’s just take the Pride conversation out because people think it’s an identification… It’s not, it’s sexual behavior.”

“But if you meet an alcoholic or you meet a drug addict, do you affirm their struggle?” he continued. “No! You say, you’re better than this, let’s get you free from that, let’s get you free from that activity.”

    I wondered why I had not read in the news that Donald Trump reamed out self-proclaimed St. Charlie Kirk for saying LBGTQs should be stoned?

    Here’s what Kirk’s alleged savior Jesus had to say in the Gospels about women being stoned for adultery.

John 8
New International Version
But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.

At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

“No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

    Here’s what Jesus said in the Gospels about homosexuality:

zero, nada, zilch

    Here’s what I heard many Christians say:

God is perfect

God makes no mistakes

    I have known many queer people. Everyone of them felt they were born queer. There was nothing they could do about it. So either God screwed up, or God made them queer. 

    My younger brother was bisexual in the closet. Someone  threatened to out him and there was nothing he could do about it and he killed himself and tried to make it look like murder.

    I lived many years in Key West, where maybe 25 percent of the people living there belong to the LBGQT side of God’s creation.

    Because of that, the Key West City Commission passed a resolution that adopted “We are all members of One Human Family” as the city's official philosophy.

    For years, members of Key West's LBGQT and straight communities joined in a parade on Duval Street that stretched the rainbow flag across the island.

    Fantasy Fest, held on Duval Street in late October, Key West’s biggest money maker, was started by the LBGTQ community.

    Key West’s lesbian mayor Teri Johnston was a city commissioner for two 4-year terms, when she took a break because, I felt, she was disgusted with how the commission was running the city government. Every time Teri ran for commission, she won overwhelmingly. Later, she ran for mayor and was elected twice, overwhelmingly. I think she is the best elected official Key West ever had. Now in her second term, Teri has announced she will not run for reelection,

    I think the 2nd best Key West elected official is my straight Jewish lawyer and friend Sam Kaufman, who has served two  terms as a city commissioner. Sam told me in his law office that it did not bother him that I talked about my dreams, because Jewish people think dreams come from God.

    When I was homeless in 2016 and 2017, I slept nights on a metal bench in the front lobby of the Key West police station, because the city’s homeless shelter banned me for life over what I wrote about the shelter, its employees and homeless people at my blog,, which died and went to heaven, and its successor,, which sometimes still is alive and kicking,

    A gay man in Key West, who was a political activist and well liked and respected, allowed me to leave my backpack and dirty clothes laundry bag on his front porch, so I didn’t have to carry them everywhere I went. He bought me a sleeping bag, so I would not be cold during winter nights. He bought me a hammock and an annual pass to Fort Zachary Taylor State Park, so I could hang out there during the daytime and nap in the hammock and not be harassed by Key West City police, who did not allow homeless people so sit on towels or blankets on the ground, or lie down on the ground, because that violated the city’s no camping ordinance, which was never enforced against anyone but homeless people.

    In 2018, I made my 6th run for mayor and Teri Johnston was elected but was not yet in office. A big anti-LBGQT hoopla was started by local right wing Christians. My final public act before I moved back to Alabama late that year was to attend a Key West City Commission meeting, which I had done maybe 300 times and had spoken for the allowed 3 minutes maybe 1,000 times about items on the city commission’s printed agenda.

    There was nothing on the city commission printed agenda about the anti-LBGQT hoopla, but at the end of a city commission meeting citizens were allowed to speak 3 minutes on any topic they wished. I got out out of my chair and walked to the citizen speaker podium and told the outgoing mayor and the 6 city commissioners, including Sam Kaufman, something like this:

I heard many Christians quote St. Paul far more than they quoted Jesus. In one of his letters, Paul said he had a thorn in the flesh, which he had asked God to remove, and God had told him the thorn would not be removed because it would help him grow. In one of his letters, Paul condemned homosexuality as an abomination. In his letters, Paul spoke poorly of women. He said only through her husband can a woman know Christ. He said sex caused trouble and he wished all of his followers were like him, celibate. 

As described in Acts of the Apostles, before he was Paul, Paul was a Jewish Pharisee named Saul of Taurus, who made it his life work to find Christians and turn them in to the Roman government, which was crucifying Christians that did not renounce Jesus. Saul stopped doing that after he was confronted by Jesus in vision on the Road to Damascus, and Jesus asked him, “Why do you persecute me, Saul?” Whereupon, Saul was struck by lightning and blinded and knocked off his horse. After a dark night of the soul, Saul emerged as the Christian Paul, who became an apostle, who never met Jesus in the flesh. 

All Jewish men, and especially Pharisees, had a solemn duty to marry and propagate God’s chosen people. There is nothing in Paul’s letters that he married or sired children. Every woman around Paul knew his thorn in the flesh was that he was gay. As for Jesus, if Mary Magdalene publicly washed the homeless man Jesus's feet with water and her own hair and tears and anointed his feet with sacred ointment she scarce could afford, what did she wash and anoint him with when they were in private?

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