Friday, June 28, 2024

presidential debate post mortem from God’s Courtroom

   I’ve been seeing news reports of Trump saying he loves the Ten Commandment being in Louisiana schools. 

    Heh, The Liar in Chief had violated all Ten Commandments, including thou shall not kill many times as Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces.

    An old lawyer friend emailed me yesterday, “Your abstention is a vote for Trump."

    I thought that since I live in Alabama, whose electoral votes Trump easily will get, my vote is irrelevant. But what I wrote back to my close lawyer friend was, "I can vote for a mass killer or a Nazi insurrectionist, or vote for someone else, or not vote, is how I see it.” 

    I watched the presidential debate on CNN last night. Anyone who didn’t watch it will have to take the word of people who watched it, which will be about the same as the Tower of Babel.

    Here's my take.

     Any notion that the debate was rigged in favor of Joe Biden was dashed to smithereens.

    CNN’s moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash did a good job of not making the debate about themselves. 

    They didnt fact check.

    They let President Biden off the Gaza war crimes hook.

    They let former President Trump dodge questions.   

    Any notion that the debate was rigged in favor of Biden was dashed to smithereens.

   Trump cannot  be trusted to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about anything.

    Perhaps it was my old ears, but I was able to hear what Trump said much better than I was able to hear what Biden said. Biden's voice was low, hoarse. He sounded and looked like he needed oxygen. At one point, he forgot what he wanted to say and that went on for about 20 seconds and he ran out of time.

    Trump did not act out like the raging asshole he was in the first 2020 debate against Biden.   

    Biden said Trump is a convicted felon. Trump said Hunter’s son is a convicted felon. Biden did not say Hunter is not running for president. 

    Trump said Biden is a criminal and he should be prosecuted. Trump dodged a question about him seeking retribution if he is elected, by saying his being elected will be retribution.

    Trump hammered Biden for opening America’s borders to immigrants. Of all the things Biden did inside America as president, that was the absolute dumbest. Everything else Trump said about immigrants from south of the border was lies.

    Both candidates defended Israel’s obliteration of Gaza.

    Trump said, if he was president, Hamas would not have launched the October 7, 2023 raid, and Russia would not have invaded Ukraine, because he would not have pulled American troops out of Afghanistan in the disgraceful way Biden did it, which convinced Vladimir Putin that America had gone soft. The truth is, there was no way for America to get out of President draft dodger George Bush’s war in Afghanistan cleanly, and that’s why President draft dodger Trump didn’t pull America out of Afghanistan when he was president. I give Biden credit for doing what draft dodger Trump, Barack Obama and draft dodger  George Bush wouldn’t do- get American troops out of Afghanistan.

    President draft dodger Trump said he was responsible for NATO countries in Europe paying their fair share of NATO’s cost, but everything Trump said about Russia’s war in Ukraine was bull shit, and draft dodger Trump denied he said American soldiers killed in France during World War II were suckers and losers.

    President insurrectionist Trump said Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi had stepped up and taken the blame for the January 6, 2021 peace demonstration getting out of hand in the national Capitol, because she turned down his offer to have 10,000 National Guardsmen at the Capitol. But President insurrectionist Trump dodged explaining why he waited so long to tell the insurrectionists to stand down and go home, and he denied he incited them to use violence. He said they were patriots and should not have been prosecuted. [A post-debate fact check said Trump asked for 10,000 National Guardsmen to protect him and his mob.]

    A close friend, who voted for Trump in 2016 and is a US Army Special Forces combat veteran, told me after the January 6, 2021 riot in the Capitol, that the rioters all should have been shot dead, and I could quote him. He did not say the rioters' leader should have been shot dead. 

    Trump continued his rich white spoiled brat crybaby whine that the 2020 election was stolen, and he dodged saying he will abide by the results of the 2014 election, if he loses.

    Neither candidate said anything during the debate that I felt would help America internally and overseas.

    After the debate, CNN reported Democrats saying it was not good for Biden and the Democrats need to come up with a new  strategy.

    I say Biden has no business being in the White House for 4 more years.

    I say Biden and Trump both should be in prison. Or hanged. 

    I say, if the Democrats are smart, they will go into their prayer closet and come out with Michelle Obama as their presidential nominee this year, which will shake up everything.

    Halfway into the debate, I told God I'd had enough politics to last me for the rest of forever. Angels trained me to do other things, and it always felt to me like putting me into politics, which I detested, was a default program. 

    Anyone interested in the main program, which perhaps can be described as what goes on in God’s Courtroom, can read my books at the free internet library:, which is run by American colleges. The free library specializes in out of print books and books donated by authors not seeking payment. Thanks to modern technology, the free library’s digitized books can be read in English and about 35 other languages. A similar library operated by Cambridge University in England can be used by people in Great Britain and Europe: also is a place to read about what goes on in God’s Courtroom.

    The other day, I told a woman friend, who keeps trying to figure me out and put labels on me and pick me apart, that no label fits me. The women I loved and lived with knew me, and another way to get to know me is read my books, but that’s not my job.

    She and I agreed, regardless of what Julian Assange is, he did humanity a favor by releasing the dirt he had on America, and President Obama should have hired Edward Snowden to advise him in exchange for a pardon.

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