Monday, June 17, 2024

If the American right insists on strict construction of American and Jesus history...

    A while back I met a fellow on Substack, who is in his fifties and late stage cancer his doctors can’t fix. He said he voted for Donald Trump in 2016, but didn’t like how it went later. He seems kinda like me in some ways, poking just about everything, but he still looks to me that he’s basically a MAGA, and while I wish he wasn’t having such a hard go at his young age, he keeps coming around.

    Here is his reaction to the mifepristone is Nature and Nature’s God’s back up plan, right Justice Ginsberg? post, and where it went from there.

The Fossil/The ShadeTree
You often say when making a counter argument that you assail both sides of the great American shit show known as politics, but it doesn't read that way. You attach labels to Alito such as right wing, nationalist and Christian, which to me are preferable to their 180 degree opposite. You include Fox News, the alleged mouthpiece of the right, yet there's never any similar appellations for Ginsburg, MSDNC, or NPR. At one point NPR attempted to maintain neutrality, sadly they abandoned that path some time ago. 
And while we're tallking labels let's drop the euphemism abortion and call it what it is: infanticide. Murder. While I concede it may be an option in some extreme instances that's not what has the armpit hair of the blue haired lunatics and their enablers in a lather. Partial birth or even crushing the skull of the infant at birth is what these demons demand. When you can see fingers, a face, detect a heartbeat, you're dealing with a human life, not a clump of cells as Ginsburg once put it. One of the greatest advancements in a return to the American way was the day she ceased to draw breath and began her journey to worm food and a return to a clump of cells. 
Franklin came from a time when people were expected to take responsibility for themselves and even though he provided this knowledge it's ludicrous to think he would have advocated for the barbarism of the people who practice infanticide today. The people who can't define what a woman is probably aren't the last word in reproductive health.
And why is it solely the decision of the woman? When a man is rightfully required to take care of his offspring he's told repeatedly how responsible he is, yet the female can end that life regardless of his objections. 
As someone who has had more medical decisions to make at my age than I would have thought possible it's both nauseating and infuriating that my hands are tied, my options limited, and obstacles put in the my path regarding life saving medical care, but a woman can end a life at her sole discretion, as many times as she wants, and the legislative, medical, media and the professionally aggrieved will defend her decision rabidly.
As a lawyer I have a question for you? How is it when a pregnant woman is killed the killer is charged with taking two lives, not just one?

Sloan Bashinsky
Your argument is with God, not me. 

The Fossil
The ShadeTree

You didn't just quote God and the rebuttal addresses more than just the issue of infanticide through the use of herbs. Sounds like typical DNC double standard to me, just as when I brought the Almighty into the 2A issue and pointed out the amendment doesn't grant the right but restrains government from infringing upon it, your rebuttal was God didn't write the 2A. There's no right to infanticide codified in the constitution either.

Sloan Bashinsky
God created the herbs knowing how women would use them, your argument is with God. Maybe if you’d had a living infant son die of crib death, today called sudden infant death syndrome, and if your wife had two miscarriages before that, you would have a much different view of what is a child and what is not a child. 
I have long been convinced that pro-lifers see their own child-abused murdered young selves in aborted fetuses, and that’s why they emotionally react so strongly against abortion; and I have long been convinced that pro-choicers were so dominated by their parents when they were young that they have violent emotional reactions to anything that denies free choice. But then, that happened to the pro-lifers, too. Flip sides of the same awful horribly child-abused coin. 
Maybe therein lies the root of your cancer? 

God had zero to do with Amendment 2. How many weapons did Jesus carry, besides his words?

The Fossil
Luke 22:36 at the Last Supper Jesus instructed the disciples Let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one. Doesn't say check with the government to make sure they approve of it either. I have no argument with God, my point being that the left wants to have it both ways. Only women have the right to have an opinion on infanticide but they can't define what a woman is. The government can restrict your right to own weapons when it clearly says no such thing, otherwise it would have been included. I've given you the definition of well regulated, if you choose not to believe it to support a partisan position that's on you. It doesn't make sense that they would have intended government oversight and not provided for it. Yet the right to infanticide is added in at a later time and we're all just supposed to accept it, and accept it as absolute. Alito allegedly lets his bias get in the way because of his personal views but Ginsburg, Sotomayor and Kagan side with the left consistently and are supposed to be the paragons of jurisprudence. The list is endless. 
You know nothing about what my wife and I have been through, whether we've ever experienced a miscarriage or anything like that, and not sure how going through that awful experience would sway a person to decide that a woman has the right to infanticide whenever she chooses. You never even attempted to address the other issues regarding this, so I guess you're conceding those points. Also, you have made several references to the source of my cancer that sounds like you're saying it's the result of my political beliefs, that maybe God has decided to smite me with it because I'm a reprehensible person, that He is teaching me a lesson through this? I'm not really sure what you're saying but would like you to clarify that for me. Help me understand what you're saying, because it's unclear. Either here or privately, I've nothing to hide. Hope you are having a good day down there in Alabama and mean that sincerely. Going back and forth with you means that my mind will be the last thing to quit 😆

Sloan Bashinsky
I keep asking you where is the well regulated militia upon which Amendment 2 depends? 
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed 
Ginsberg really screwed up by not arguing herbal abortion was part of Colonial America and Ben Franklin advised women how to go about it. 
You forgot what happened after the Lord's Supper?
Matthew 26:47–56
47 While he was still speaking, Judas came, one of the twelve, and with him a great crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the elders of the people. 48 Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “The one I will kiss is the man; seize him.” 49 And he came up to Jesus at once and said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” And he kissed him. 50 Jesus said to him, “Friend, do what you came to do.” Then they came up and laid hands on Jesus and seized him. 51 And behold, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear. 52 Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword. 53 Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? 54 But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?” 55 At that hour Jesus said to the crowds, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? Day after day I sat in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me. 56 But all this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples left him and fled.

Where after that in the New Testament does any disciple, apostle or follower of Jesus take up a sword or any weapon to defend self?

Judas asked the only disciple Jesus trusted to do the betrayal, which they both knew was a skit, and Christendom has yet to figure that out, even though it is in plain view. Judas was so distraught afterwards that he killed himself. Had he not done that, God would have used Judas mightily, and we might never have heard of Paul, whom, in my experience, Christians quote far more than they quote Jesus, whose baptism had nothing to do with water, but was in fire and in spirit, according to the Gospels.

It is possible that your political and religious sentiments are at the root of your cancer, or the cancer could be rooted in childhood trauma, physical, emotional, or both. Or, it could be rooted in something else. I figured my prostate cancer was rooted in something horrible in my distant past, which seriously injured me spiritually, whether someone else did it, or I did it. Modern medicine does not accept that view. 

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