Saturday, September 2, 2023

The right rage over President Biden's remarks on Maui and ignore the far greater raging fire in their midst, and how Barack Obama was the Democrats' Anti-Christ

    The political pundit Sancho Panza, who voted twice for Barack Obama and twice for Donald Trump, bashed me over the previous post at this blog, in which I hammered Joe Biden for his idiotic remarks on Maui. 

Vote for No One - Maui wildfire and the burnt kitchen stove strike Sleepy Joe again, and it's all those darned Republicans' fault!

    I took Sancho's bait, and the human and cosmic shit hit the fan😎.

You and Jackie are both raging lunatics! Biden is a scumbag, just like the rest.

August 30, 2025
The Washington Times
Biden again compares devastating Maui blaze to kitchen fire in his home

Speaking at the White House about his administration’s response to the devastating wildfire, Mr. Biden again sought to console Maui residents by talking about his kitchen fire.
The president said he could sympathize with those who’ve lost everything in the wildfire because his kitchen once caught on fire nearly 20 years ago.
“Lighting struck my house. We had to be out of that house for about seven months of repairs because so much damage was done to the house and half the house collapsed. You know, and you wonder what’s going to happen,” Mr. Biden said.
Though saying “half the house collapsed” was a new twist, it was virtually identical to the same story Mr. Biden told last week while in Maui to meet with wildfire victims.
“I don’t want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, of what it was like to lose a home,” Mr. Biden said. “Years ago, now 15 years, I was in Washington doing ‘Meet the Press.’ … Lightning struck at home on a little lake outside the home. Not a lake, a big pond. It hit the wire and came up underneath our home, into the … air condition ducts.”
“To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ‘67 Corvette, and my cat,” he continued.
Critics blasted the president on social media after the remarks, with many calling it tone-deaf to compare the minor home fire to massive wildfires that have killed more than 115 people with 338 more missing.
Some also questioned whether or not the story was true. An Associated Press story in 2004 described the incident as “a small fire … contained to the kitchen” that was “under control in 20 minutes.”
“Joe Biden is lying about his kitchen fire … again,” conservative commentator Steve Guest wrote on X, the social-media site formerly known as Twitter, after Mr. Biden’s remarks Wednesday.
“Joe Biden just compared what people are going through with the hurricane and the Maui wildfires … to the small kitchen fire he had 20 years ago! This time he claims that his house almost collapsed. What the hell is wrong with him?!?,” another Twitter user wrote

Did you see me defend Biden? No, Perhaps you should run for president, and spin and twist. 

You're a pussycat when it comes to Uncle Joe... and a raging Grisly Bear when it comes to Trump! You voted for a skunk and won't admit it! 

Here is the video...

This is what happens when you spend more than half your life lying in public... it becomes second nature, and now he doesn't even remember that he just told that story before! How can people like Obama, Trump and Biden ever become POTUS if it wasn't for ass swipes like you and me? And Jackie! 

I am voting for this guy:Emoji

So, you admit Trump fooled you?

No, because I never liked Trump, he's an asshole and has always been one, I was hoping that he would create chaos in Washington (and he did)... Obama did fool me, I give you that! But I never gave money to any of these assholes, like you did to Obama! 

You should, because I'm the only candidate God is tempting with a carrot and beating with a stick, who isn't allowed to behave like any of the people you voted for in the past, nor the two Hindu candidates you promoted, who would be on their knees begging for God to save them from Kali, if she ever got on their sorry asses. Yeah, voting for me would be throwing away your vote from the small human brain perspective, but it would not cause you to have to come back to this planet maybe ten more times.

I admit Obama swooned me, and I did give him money, and then I was told in my sleep he had the potential to be the Anti-Christ, and I told you and everyone I knew, and I was no longer in his camp, and one of his campaign workers called me wanting another donation, and I told the campaign worker I wanted my money back, and why, and he said I would get it back, and I didn't get it back; and then one of Obama's ardent fans told me to write to Obama and he would reply, as he had replied to her, and I wrote to him, and he did not reply. You have no clue yet that Joe Biden is a small fry piece of shit compared to Donald Trump, who is being run by a demon like the one who ran Adolph Hitler and infected most of Nazi Germany. You have that shit all over you, whether you believe me or not, and every time you crow about Trump doing what you hoped he would do, you mire yourself deeper into that shit. 

Hey, Sloan, you are the one who claims to be a puppet of demons or angels... don't try to rub that shit on me... people are responsible for their actions, I am responsible for all my stupid mistakes... don't try to excuse Trump for HIS actions or inaction, the only demon behind him is his own egomania... same thing for yourself... it's not like you are a child that needs to be corrected by Angels in your dreams (after the fact). After so many "corrections" you should have learned your lesson already! Emoji 

It's OK, Sloan, it doesn't really matter who we vote for or even what we think or say... so just keep on doing what you do best, writing and raising hell!  Salud  Emoji

I never claimed to be a puppet of demons, but I did say I have had to deal with them, and it's really tricky terrain, and they are much smarter than me and all other humans, and I rely on angels to  help me navigate that terrain. A demon is deeply entrenched in the Democrat universe, and the same or another demon is deeply entrenched in the Trumplican universe. Same happened in Nazi Germany, where much of an entire national population became possessed. Demonic energy is contagious, like Covid-19. You have a very high IQ and come across as thinking are smarter than anyone around you. But you aren't nearly as smart as you think you are, and what you might view as a game or sport, is far more than that, and at some point in time, if not in his life, then afterward, you will see that. 

When Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Prize for Peace while waging the Bush-Cheney wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and you and his other supporters did not loudly call him out on it, that proved he had the potential to be the Anti-Christ.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Vote for No One - Maui wildfire and the burnt kitchen stove strike Sleepy Joe again, and it's all those darned Republicans' fault!

    The previous post at this blog reported my discussion on Facebook with a man I figured was a Republican after I had posted:

Sloan Bashinsky
Beyond bizarre, President Biden.
A Republican friend told me about this last night.
Business Insider
August 22, 2023
When President Joe Biden met with survivors of the Maui wildfires on Monday, he told them that he could relate to them because he and First Lady Jill Biden knew what it was like to lose a home to a fire.
But the fire in question was described by the Associated Press at the time as "a small fire that was contained to the kitchen," with the Delaware fire chief indicating that it was under control in 20 minutes.
During Biden's visit to Maui, where the devastating wildfires have killed at least 114 people, he made a 13-minute speech to a group of survivors in Lahaina —the city destroyed by flames, with nearly every building to ash and rubble.
"I don't want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, what it's like to lose a home," he said, according to remarks published by The White House.

    An entirely different discussion was initiated by a northern Democrat gal I had met at the fabulous Harpoon Harry's Diner in Key West, in perhaps 2015.

At least the guy has compassion. He tried his best to relate in the moment. Failed? Your own opinion. Better integrity then the X President, twice impeached, four time indicted, ninety one charged , Mara Lardo, spoon fed preppy,going to jail…..first time President in history. Stand Back and Stand By.

Sloan Bashinsky
Jacqueline you know I think Trump is awful. How do you think the voters on Maui now feel about Biden?

I blame that on the Republicans currently in office that refuse to allow President Biden to increase the budget for natural disasters. Looks like there will be many more in our future. Biden works desperately to have professional relationships, however the other side seems to constantly go against anything he tries to put into place. I hope the residents of Maui can understand that.

Sloan Bashinsky
The Republicans caused Biden to compare his kitchen stove fire to the Maui fire?

Sloan Bashinsky The Republicans cause so many conflicts that it confuses Biden.😂 So yes, I blame Trump and his puppets for Biden making such a pathetic analogy.😂 

Sloan Bashinsky
Jackie, that makes no sense to me.

I’m sorry Sloan. Of course I make no sense. Feel like we are living in the twilight zone. We truly have become a political mess. I jokingly blame Trump and his pathetic party for everything, but in the truest reality our entire political system has gone in the complete wrong direction. Sometimes my humor is hard to understand. I was born in Hawaii. Navy brat. I hope every resident understands that Biden made a horrible analogy and sadly can’t take that moment back. I know he was trying his best to comfort and sympathize with all of them.
Sloan Bashinsky
You're dead on about the political mess gone in the wrong direction, way past SNAFU into FUBAR.
The first night I lived on the street, slept on the ground, was in Lahaina, Maui, in 2000. And the 2nd night. And the 3d night, and quite a few nights, before I tried other places on that side of the island and over on the dry side.
An amiga in north Georgia told me today, that when Biden got there and was being driven from the Lahaina airport, I guess, people lined the streets, shooting him a bird, for not doing more for that devastated community. She said she remembered back when I ran the first time for county commission in the Florida Keys, 2006, that I passed out REELECT NO ONE decals to put on cars and trucks, which an amigo in Georgia had made up years before and gave to me. My amiga said she would change it to VOTE FOR NO ONE.
I don't know who advises Biden, but it it had been me, I would have told him to tell the people in Lahaina that he feels horrible for them, he can never come close to imagining their trauma, and he is doing all he can to help them, but he isn't getting much cooperation from the Republicans and the MAGAs in Congress.
Lahaina's on the wet side of Maui (gets a lot more rain than the other side), and when I saw news film footage of Lahaina streets I remembered walking down, I was blown away. It will be a very long time before Lahaina crawls out of that. Kinda reminds me of photos I saw of Dresden after the firebombing. About, I imagine, a lot of Oahu might have looked like if the Japanese had followed through and bombed all the fuel storage tanks after the attack on the American Navy's ships.
About like what Key West might look like, except not from fire, if it was T-boned by a Cat 5 hurricane. Except people in Key West and the Florida Keys assume that risk by living there. Nobody ever imagined what happened in Lahaina could happen. I wonder what happened to the homeless people living there? I can imagine they fled into the ocean.

   Jackie came to Key West as part of a larger effort with other people to persuade a homeless man she had met previously in Key West to return home, where he would have a reunion with his childhood friends, who would provide him a place to live and get him a job that would support him. I told them that I knew the man well and, while I admired their effort, they perhaps should be prepared for him to turn them down. He did go home and had a wonderful reunion, from all I heard, and they made their offer and he turned them down and returned to Key West.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Crooked Nilly Willy stuck in mania American politicians facing the rise of The Fourth Reich need Kali's help?

    I posted this below on Facebook and got a nibble.

Sloan Bashinsky
Beyond bizarre, President Biden.
A Republican friend told me about this last night.
Business Insider
August 22, 2023
When President Joe Biden met with survivors of the Maui wildfires on Monday, he told them that he could relate to them because he and First Lady Jill Biden knew what it was like to lose a home to a fire.
But the fire in question was described by the Associated Press at the time as "a small fire that was contained to the kitchen," with the Delaware fire chief indicating that it was under control in 20 minutes.
During Biden's visit to Maui, where the devastating wildfires have killed at least 114 people, he made a 13-minute speech to a group of survivors in Lahaina —the city destroyed by flames, with nearly every building to ash and rubble.
"I don't want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, what it's like to lose a home," he said, according to remarks published by The White House.

His Pants are always on FIRE! Liar Liar!

Sloan Bashinsky
This incident is about Biden being an idiot in that moment. Sometimes he lies, or spins, but it looks to me Trump lies and spins most of the time.

They are ALL crooked Sloan! It is all about the Greed! Very Very Sad! Not sure that anything matters but the $$ in Their pockets.

Sloan Bashinsky 
Yes, they’re all crooked. It may be in politicians’ genes? I wondered that when I ran as an independent 10 times for local office in the Florida Keys, during which time I closely watch national politics and concluded political parties are cults and should be outlawed. That said, Donald Trump and his legions, and the RINOs who stand by him, including his RINO presidential opponents, remind me a lot of Nazi Germany in late1930s, which Joe Biden and the Dems do not. 
I knew that Trump was shady from things He had done in his past but when He went up against the Professionals in DC, we see what happened. Agreed that we need to clean house and start over, However I do not believe that there are any honest politicians these days.
Sloan Bashinsky
It's not in their genes. Trump came along to show them that, by being a bigger liar than any of them. 

    Along not all that similar lines, Dominican Republic native Sancho Panza, who voted twice for Barack Obama and twice for Donald Trump, had at me over the While almost nobody was talking about Amendment 14, Secton 3, Donald the Thug, Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen and St. Peter had themselves some serious yucks  post at this blog, and I took the bait😎.

Still obsessed with that Trump whale, ah, Abe?

I can’t turn on tv or internet withoutTrump hogging the airways, and since I’m running against him, maybe he is who you who voted twice for him should poke?😎

If people like you, in The MSM and Social Media, would simply stop talking about Trump, perhaps he would just fade away into obsolescence! As I see it, all these indictments and media attention are aimed at making sure that he is the Republican Nominee for 2024... so the choice, once again, would be between the same two preselected Flimflam Men... I will vote for Trump, again, for kicks! Biden's is now just a rotting corpse... is that why you like him? I bet you kind of feel sorry for him... and for your self? Maybe he will pick you as his VP, oh, but wait, you're the wrong color and not gay... sorry old buddy! Emoji

If you read my missives, you know I don’t like Biden. Nothing will shut up Trump but prison, or he has a coronary and dies or a stroke and can’t move or talk, or someone with the means takes him out. You think this is but a game for you, and you do not understand the stakes, but at some point in time and space, you will. 

I know you say that you don't like uncle Joe, but you always give him a pass on all the things that he (or whoever is pulling his strings) has screwed up, like our Rampant Inflation and his "Enlightened" Despotism in the name of the common good(lockdowns, mandated experimental shots, children genital mutilation, etc.)... but, especially in his Neocon-Stacked Administration being responsible for creating the ripe conditions for a nuclear war with Russia and China, a civilization ending holocaust in the name of defending a corrupt country's borders, while opening up our own borders to a passive invasion of Third World refuges and the concomitant Drug Cartel's trafficking that will only exacerbate the suffering in many of our major cities which are already littered with homeless people and riddled with addiction, moral decay, crime, gang violence, etc. 

So, yeah, I don't know the stakes, like you did when you closed your eyes and pulled the lever for uncle Joe KKK Biden....  EmojiEmojiEmojiEmoji

But there is hope for the future, lol, the guy below is such a Politically Eloquent BS Artist that I don't know anybody that can hold a candle to him; Obama and Trump are like talking baboons next to him. Enjoy, he might be your POTUS one day! Emoji 

Joe Biden is a racists carpet bagger videos

So, you won’t vote for The Fourth Reich candidate the third time after all?  

I voted for Biden because I knew Trump was fond of Adolph Hitler and Vladimir Putin. I knew he was the white supremacists’ dream come true. Photos of seas of white faces at Trump rallies, Charlottesville and Jan 6 speak for themselves. If you think the Hindu Trump clone is better than Barack Obama, for whom you voted twice, you need a brain transplant😎. I doubt many Aryans will vote for the Hindu😎.

And you need to double your Prevagen doses... I said, I was considering a Hindu alright, but not Ramasuammy, who is just a Super Smart Obama-like BS artist... you know very well who I am talking about, I sent you many videos about him! 

My pick will never become POTUS, so the choice is going to come down to a repeat and we will both do what we did before! If Shiva is in the ballot, I will vote for him, if not, I will vote for Trump... in the primary I will vote for Vivek! 

You seemed to be promoting another Hindu candidate, and perhaps I should have asked you if you were suffering from split personality, or remorse? It doesn't' matter, if they ever met Kali face to face, they would start behaving in ways that would cause you to wonder if they need Ghostbusters' help. I'm writing my name on the ballot this year, which I did a few tiimes in the Florida Keys. Then, the only karma I have to deal with is mine😎.

You call this promoting?

"But there is hope for the future, lol, the guy below is such a Politically Eloquent BS Artist that I don't know anybody that can hold a candle to him; Obama and Trump are like talking baboons next to him. Enjoy, he might be your POTUS one day! Emoji "

Yep. Nilly Willy stuck in mania.

    This Hindu artist's version of Hindu Goddess Kali standing on Shiva shrieks Kali and her half-naked angry female entourage do not care one iota for how men think.