Monday, September 11, 2023

America At War, Inc.

Exodus Chapter 20

You shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them. For I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those that hate me, and showing mercy to thousands of those that love Me and keep My commandments.

    This below was in my email account when I woke up this morning and took the bait:

Poetic Outlaws

Hunter S. Thompson's Prophetic 9/11 Essay Still Haunts Us

"The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for Peace in Our Time."

As the disintegrated twin towers were still smoldering in New York, the great Hunter S. Thompson penned a prophetic essay from his “fortified compound” in Woody Creek, Colorado. The famed gonzo journalist knew what was in store for the United States. And the world. 

Below is the essay that the great American writer published at ESPN just a few days after the dreadful 9/11 attacks. 

It was just after dawn in Woody Creek, Colo., when the first plane hit the World Trade Center in New York City on Tuesday morning, and as usual I was writing about sports. But not for long. Football suddenly seemed irrelevant, compared to the scenes of destruction and utter devastation coming out of New York on TV.

Even ESPN was broadcasting war news. It was the worst disaster in the history of the United States, including Pearl Harbor, the San Francisco earthquake and probably the Battle of Antietam in 1862, when 23,000 were slaughtered in one day.

The Battle of the World Trade Center lasted about 99 minutes and cost 20,000 lives in two hours (according to unofficial estimates as of midnight Tuesday). The final numbers, including those from the supposedly impregnable Pentagon, across the Potomac River from Washington, likely will be higher. Anything that kills 300 trained firefighters in two hours is a world-class disaster.

And it was not even Bombs that caused this massive damage. No nuclear missiles were launched from any foreign soil, no enemy bombers flew over New York and Washington to rain death on innocent Americans. No. It was four commercial jetliners.

They were the first flights of the day from American and United Airlines, piloted by skilled and loyal U.S. citizens, and there was nothing suspicious about them when they took off from Newark, N.J., and Dulles in D.C. and Logan in Boston on routine cross-country flights to the West Coast with fully-loaded fuel tanks -- which would soon explode on impact and utterly destroy the world-famous Twin Towers of downtown Manhattan's World Trade Center. Boom! Boom! Just like that.

The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for Peace in Our Time, in the United States or any other country. Make no mistake about it: We are At War now -- with somebody -- and we will stay At War with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives.

It will be a Religious War, a sort of Christian Jihad, fueled by religious hatred and led by merciless fanatics on both sides. It will be guerilla warfare on a global scale, with no front lines and no identifiable enemy. Osama bin Laden may be a primitive "figurehead" -- or even dead, for all we know -- but whoever put those All-American jet planes loaded with All-American fuel into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon did it with chilling precision and accuracy. The second one was a dead-on bullseye. Straight into the middle of the skyscraper.

Nothing -- even George Bush's $350 billion "Star Wars" missile defense system -- could have prevented Tuesday's attack, and it cost next to nothing to pull off. Fewer than 20 unarmed Suicide soldiers from some apparently primitive country somewhere on the other side of the world took out the World Trade Center and half the Pentagon with three quick and costless strikes on one day. The efficiency of it was terrifying.

We are going to punish somebody for this attack, but just who or what will be blown to smithereens for it is hard to say. Maybe Afghanistan, maybe Pakistan or Iraq, or possibly all three at once. Who knows? Not even the Generals in what remains of the Pentagon or the New York papers calling for WAR seem to know who did it or where to look for them.

This is going to be a very expensive war, and Victory is not guaranteed -- for anyone, and certainly not for anyone as baffled as George W. Bush. All he knows is that his father started the war a long time ago, and that he, the goofy child-President, has been chosen by Fate and the global Oil industry to finish it Now. He will declare a National Security Emergency and clamp down Hard on Everybody, no matter where they live or why. If the guilty won't hold up their hands and confess, he and the Generals will ferret them out by force.

Good luck. He is in for a profoundly difficult job -- armed as he is with no credible Military Intelligence, no witnesses and only the ghost of Bin Laden to blame for the tragedy.

OK. It is 24 hours later now, and we are not getting much information about the Five Ws of this thing.

The numbers out of the Pentagon are baffling, as if Military Censorship has already been imposed on the media. It is ominous. The only news on TV comes from weeping victims and ignorant speculators.

The lid is on. Loose Lips Sink Ships. Don't say anything that might give aid to The Enemy. 


Sloan Bashinsky

On Larry King Live, I watched George Perot do his best to talk President Daddy Bush out of saving Kuwait from Saddam Hussein's army, because it didn't matter who ruled Kuwait, its oil would be sold to America, and Kuwait was not worth one American military casualty. it later came out that Saddam had polled the American ambassador regarding America's position on Iraq taking part of Kuwait, and the ambassador said America had no position on that. Taking that as a green light, Saddam sent his army into Kuwait. 

Iraq was an American ally against Iran. Saddam and Daddy Bush were buddies dating back to when Daddy Bush was Director of the CIA. I watched President Daddy Bush say on national television that he could not allow the American way of life to be threatened. It was Kuwait's oil he could not allow to be threatened. So, he formed the Coalition that Saudi Arabia allowed to stage within its borders to take Kuwait away from Saddam. 

It infuriated the Saudi Prince Osama bin Laden, who had been an American ally fighting the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, that his country had allowed infidel troops to operate out of Islam's most holy land. After 911, I read an open letter online from Osama to Americans, in which he explained what caused him to orchestrate 9/11, and he told Americans that President Baby Bush was easy to bait and they needed to replace him. 

Easy to bait. No shit. For what Osama hoped for more than anything was President Baby Bush would go to war in Afghanistan, which had been a graveyard for the Soviet Union and for England. 

Three nights before 9/11, I was asked by a familiar voice in my sleep, "Will you make a prayer for a Divne Intervention for all of Humanity?" I woke up, wondered what that was about, made the prayer, and went back to sleep. 

On 9/11, I hoped President Baby Bush would not start another Vietnam-like war in a distant land, which would be a terrible trap and would last a long time. It did not occur to me that President Baby Bush would start two such wars.

After American invaded Afghanistan, I got involved in a Christian Science Monitor discussion group about whether America should also invade Iraq, which, for all I saw, had nothing to do with 9/11. I was astounded over how many people in that discussion were rabid for America to also invade Iraq. I said it was a trap. It was not worth one American soldier casualty. I laid Jesus on them, who had said in the Gospels to resist not one who does evil, and to turn the other cheek and to pray for a do good to one's enemies. That set them ablaze. 

As time passed, it became crystal clear to me that the Iraq war, like the Vietnam, war, was an invented rich white men's war for corporate profit, in which black American troops in Iraq were picking those rich white men's cotton. I felt the same about the war in Afghanistan, which had immense natural mineral deposits and through which there long had been a dream of running a natural gas pipeline from the east into the Persian Gulf. Vice-President Cheney had been the CEO of Halliburton Industries, the likely candidate to build that pipeline. 

Clearly, President Baby Bush had turned the American military over to Cheney. Perhaps President Bush remembered that President John F. Kennedy had opposed a war in Vietnam and had been shot and killed. Then, his brother Bobby, when he was running for president, had opposed war in Vietnam and he was shot and killed. Then, Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcom X had opposed war in Vietnam and they were shot and killed. Perhaps Cheney had privately reminded Baby Bush of that? 

I was told in my sleep before Barack Obama received the Democratic Party nomination in 2016, that he had the potential to be the Anti-Christ. He proved it after he was elected and he accepted the Nobel Prize for Peace knowing he would continue the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

After Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, he said that Afghanistan's and Iraq's natural resources should be monetized to repay America for its costs in those wars. 

By the time Joe Biden got elected president, America mostly was out of Iraq. Biden caught bloody political hell for pulling American troops out of Afghanistan. Now, he seems to be inching America into fighting Russia in Ukraine, where nuclear reactors are surrounded by exploding bombs and rockets.

So what was the Divine Intervention for which I was asked to pray? I don't have a clue, but the voice that has been with me since early 1987 put me up to run a spoof culture-jamming campaign for president, which was announced in two episodes of The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast and at The Redneck Mystic Lawyer for President on the Unicorn ticket blog.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Imagine a U.S. president steered and corrected by angels known in the Bible, imagine God grabbing Joe Biden and Donald Trump and putting them through the 12 Steps

    The previous post at this blog included my discussion with someone who had posted the meme below at the World Union of Deists Facebook group. 

    This post features discussion with someone else who joined that discussion.

Sloan BashinskyTop contributor
I am not a church person, and I’ve seen a whole lot of my prayers answered, sometimes very quickly, sometimes very dramatically.

Michael White 
Sloan Bashinsky Yes. All my prayers have been answered over my 57+ years but some of them took a darn long time to be answered, and often they were in forms that I could never have imagined in a gazillion years. The churches are just buildings and infrastructures that have to be funded by money. Good honest people who are sincere about their prayers are answered. Prayer is desire. It has to be heartfelt. Unfortunately I was born to a mother without one. Peace

Sloan BashinskyTop contributor
Michael White the angels taught me to pray for God’s will to be done in whatever situation I prayed for.

Michael White 
I pray the same...since 1989 when I put away childish things and became a man. 
I just peeked at your profile, and I lived in Atlanta for quite a few years and my kids went to school there after we returned from living in Germany. You have my vote.😃 
I am consciousness and memory. Only fear can prevent a human from realizing it. I walked thru my deepest carnal fear to reach enlightenment. It was a 56-year-long process of excruciating pain but equal and opposite beauty. Unconditional love. Cheers, and peace to you Randy. Thanks for sharing the post. Now back to work. I love every minute of this existence no matter what comes.

Sloan BashinskyTop contributor
Michael White heh, I don’t, but I get up each morning and start again.

Michael White 
Sloan Bashinsky Same here, and as a child I quickly learned how to make lemonade out of lemons. Life throws a lot of lemons at me. 

Sloan BashinskyTop contributor

Michael White few lemonades in my line of work, and few lemonades inside of me. It is what it is. The angels told me I would be pushed to my limits.

Michael White
Sloan Bashinsky That is very interesting. I have also had to push beyond all human limits in an incredible challenge to be free. That was one of my beautiful father's and my favorite movies when I was very young. We are the Acadians from Eastern Canada with MicMac in our blood as well. I do drink Country Time lemonade sometimes but I prefer orange the astronauts.  I knew what my name meant (The Holy One) as a child. Is Bashinsky Polish by chance? I'm not offended if you want to keep that private. Cheers. Snowing here right now...but I love the cold.

Sloan BashinskyTop contributor
I did not push beyond human limits, but was pushed there by angels and I hung on, and still am hanging on, for dear life. I can't imagine any person actually understanding that, who has not experienced it. Paul and Peter demonstrate that in Acts, or at least some of what they experienced. My father's grandfather Leopold was a Polish Jew, who came to America in the late 1800s, one of his brothers followed him. The rest of that family eventually were killed by the Nazis. Leopold is the 4th person I memorialized in A FEW REMARKABLE ALABAMA PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN, by a Southern Lawyer Who Became a Mystic. It can be read for free at its own blog and at the free internet library. The free library has a number of books I wrote, non-fiction and 3 novels, which present very different ways of relating to what this world serves up. This forum does not let me post links to the blog and the free library, but the links are in my FB profile. From what you have told me about your life, my path is very different from yours. No two people are alike, and thus no two people have the same path - tell that to religions😎 Tell that to social structures😎 To political parties😎

Michael White 
Sloan Bashinsky Thanks! I will do my best to read about Leopold as soon as I can. My father Joseph's best friend near the end of his days was his older brother Leopold. All good. It's 4 a.m. here in Alaska and time to sleep. I was never able to write until 2 years ago and finally I can write like the wind. I have well over 150K words for my PhD. and D.D.. I never wanted a degree because Christ never needed one, but silly humans won't even listen to a person without one...crazy world.

Sloan BashinskyTop contributor
Michael White I have 2 law degrees and so what? I think until people have their bell seriously rung by God like happened to Peter and Paul, or they are totally desperate and know they need God’s help no matter what it turns out to be, they aren’t ready for real change. When I get to my laptop, I’ll try to find you on Facebook and pm you a link to the book. It’s not a long book. I grew allergic to snow and ice when I lived in Colorado.

Michael White
Sloan Bashinsky Yes, I see the world thru the faith of my human mother which is Catholic, but I rebelled against it for about 25 years, but I always believed in God. As you just said, I will paraphrase it from AA Recovery which is a Lutheran Christian program to help people recover from addictions and find a God of their OWN UNDERSTANDING, which is the only way a person can understand anything anyway, and the bottom line is that no person can truly recovery unless they hit a bottom. I am honored to meet you and enjoy conversing with an adult. I will be glad to read your work. I was born into a den of Wolves...all hurt children. I was also hurt, but no longer. I am responsible. I really need to get some sleep. I might wake up with a foot of snow on the ground and I'm not ready for the long darkness of a remote Alaska winter quite yet, but everything for me is falling into place. I could have used you when I lost every cent I had in a divorce two years ago...haha! All good. I am blessed.

Sloan BashinskyTop contributor
Michael White I don’t think "of my understanding" was in the original twelve steps- it was just God, which is beyond human understanding, by any name called, but not beyond being recognized when something force majeure occurs.

Michael White
Sloan Bashinsky I can't go to meetings at all but living by those principles is the way of Christ. I went far beyond that. Enlightenment is walking thru our most carnal fear. That was a process that took 56 years. It was all perfect timing, and I had a lot of help along the way. My real program would have been Survivors of Incest Anonymous. It is from the Socrates tragedy "Oedipus Rex", with the theme being kill your father, marry your mother. Since God was with me, she killed him indirectly with my flying monkey little brother Marc White. They hide behind the scenes in the government of Canada. That is why I served here in the US, and I why I went as high as an E-5 could go. Trusted all the way to the top. It's all I ever had to be...trustworthy like my beautiful and powerful man of faith father. Now I am quitting to catch a few hours sleep. My criminally insane mother is stuck in emotion at the high-school level of thinking...a very sick woman. Childhood boo-boos rot and fester over a lifetime. It is very sad but there is nothing I can do for her but keep her in my prayers. I tried 57 years to help her but finally quit last year. Nobody can judge me for not being able to heal her. I did my best.

Sloan BashinskyTop contributor
Michael White I pm'd the link to you at your FB.

Nobody can be saved who does not want to be saved. I think 12 step people know about and have to be ever watchful of falling into the rescue syndrome. Once when I was homeless and living in a half-way house program, although I was not an addict, I had to attend 12-step meetings every day, and right away the angels applied the 12 Steps to me and it was no fun and that's how I learned the 12 Steps were a for very real spiritual discipline. I sometimes spoke at meetings of dreams I was having about me, and one day an old timer came up to me after a meeting and introduced himself and said he found what I said interesting, and people in the program a while were going to have a meeting just among themselves and was I interested in coming? I said, sure. He asked me who was my sponsor? I said, God. He gave me the look, said I had learned nothing in those rooms. I said, I had read the Big Book and all the material on the walls, and there was nothing in any of it about having a human sponsor, and the entire program hinges on admitting insanity and that only God can fix it and inviting God to do just that. He turned and walked away. I seem to get into trouble everywhere I end up.  Imagine if God grabbed ahold of Joe Biden and Donald Trump, kinda like what happened with Saul on the road to Damascus, and started applying the 12 Steps to them, thus turning them every which-a-way but loose and upside down and inside out. What a sight that would be😎

Friday, September 8, 2023

What America needs now is a culture-jamming president

    Here is a link to the second redneck mystical lawyer for president on the Unicorn ticket podcast, "What American needs now is a culture-jamming president," followed by a brief description of the content.

In this podcast, Unicorn ticket candidate for president Sloan Bashinsky uses examples from his private citizen and frequent candidate for local public office life, and well known American government and political events, to explain the dire need for a Resistance in America, which uses culture jamming, which Sloan calls hitting strike points, to disturb the status quo with the obvious, which logic cannot refute. Sloan's first act as president is declassify the US Government's ET files. He will pick a woman as his running mate and an all female cabinet, He will not use a press secretary, but will deal directly with the news media without a teleprompter. As Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces, Sloan will ban Americans going with their money to Mexico, until Mexico stops the invasion of America through Mexico. Sloan will push Congress to legalize drugs derived from Nature, such as marijuana, cocaine, peyote, mescaline, ayahuasca, opium, and tax them like the drugs alcohol and tobacco are taxed. He will make American fully aware that herbs made by God were used by women since antiquity, and in early America, to prevent and end pregnancy. Ben Franklin described that in his book, The Instructor. Women were prevented from using God's herbs by religious freaks in state and national governments. And much more, including a 1999 culture-jamming hitching trip from Birmingham, Alabama to Seattle, Washington, during which Sloan researched a book he might write, Diary of a Redneck Mystic. 

    This was in my Facebook yesterday, and I took the bait:

World Union of Deists

Sloan BashinskyTop contributor
I am not a church person, and I’ve seen a whole lot of my prayers answered, sometimes very quickly, sometimes very dramatically.

Randy VanderpoolAuthorTop contributor
Sloan, it's causality aka cause and effect. Things happen because of causality, not wishful thinking.

Sloan BashinskyTop contributor
Randy Vanderpool if you lived in my skin, you would see and think very differently. I’m on my iPhone, when I get to my laptop, I’ll tell you about the answer to the prayer I made in early 1987 that changed me from believing God and angels exist, to knowing they exist. And Evil, too- although that came later. With a relative few exceptions, church people, and non- church people don’t, or can’t, take in what I tell them.

Sloan BashinskyTop contributor
Randy Vanderpool I'm 81 years old. I grew up in Christendom, in Birmingham, Alabama, and by my mid-20s I stopped attending church. I later became interested in the New Age. I was struggling and I moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, to start over. A year later, I realized the move had not worked. My second wife and I had broken up. I was out of bring ideas and felt like I had failed completely. One morning I prayed, "Dear God, I do not want to die like this, failed." I paused, added to the prayer, "I offer my life to human service." Maybe in that way, I might succeed, I hoped. About 10 days passed. Sleeping over with my new girlfriend, who was somewhat of a mystic, I woke up in the wee hours and saw two beings hovering above m in the darkness. They were white with a tinge of blue. They were shaped like shifts. I thought they were angels. I heard plainly, "This will push you to your limits, but you asked for it and we are going to give it to you." I remembered the prayer I had made. I saw a white flash and was physically and psychically jolted by something electrical. My body lurched. That happened two more times, quickly. The beings faded out. I was shaking and sweating. My girlfriend asked me what was going on? I asked her what she had seen and heard? She said she saw my body lurching. I asked her if she saw or heard the angels? She said, no. I told her what had happened. She laughed, said, "Let's go back to sleep you strange man." That's when it began for me. Slowly, at first. I was relocated to Boulder, Colorado. I met a new woman. The changes were in phases. I spent a great deal of time being stood before mirrors looking at myself. I thought the Boulder phase, which lasted 8 years, was the program. I was only the beginning. A lot of rough heaven and earth stuff happened in Boulder, and some of it was marvelous, and some of it was awful. After I returned to Birmingham, the marvelous ended and what I had thought in Boulder was horrible, was rather easy compared to what I then was put through. After that, I was sent back into the world, and there were tests after test after tests, and that's still in play. I am an example of someone who was captured, or conscripted, by angels known in the Bible, who turned me upside down and inside out and every which a way but loose, and changed my perspective of just about everything. I met a few people along the way, who themselves were being changed by angels, but of them, it seemed I was getting roughed up the most. They had not made the pray I made, and probably what's why. I wrote several books about my adventures, non-fiction and three novels, which now are free reads an internet library. Also, The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, which began 2 years ago, audio only on Spotify, then was launched on YouTube, and then was moved into the Torrent system, were there seemed to be much greater receptivity to different perspectives. I think all the podcasts now are accessible through Torrent, which is Greek to me. A tech friend about half my age made all of that happen. He was conscripted a few years ago and was steered to work with me, and he's had quite a ride with angels known in the Bible. He is not a church person. He belongs to no religion. Nor do I. He is being tested. I still am being tested. I am pretty sure that in God's Courtroom we all are being measured, regardless of what we believe or think. It's how we live that matters. Actions speak louder.

Monday, September 4, 2023

a bit about what it's like being 81 and always being on trial in God's Courtroom and being a unicorn watching America gone mad and playing chess

   President Joe Biden, 80, Catholic, keeps reminding the people on Maui that he had a kitchen fire in his home, and he keeps saying he has full confidence in his son, Hunter. Republican Speaker of the U.S. Senate Mitch McConnell, 80, Southern Baptist, twice recently froze up speaking on camera. Ex-President Donald Trump, 77, Heathen, keeps saying he had nothing to do with the January 6, 2021 insurrection to overthrow the presidential election and make him the U.S. President again.

   I claim angels captured former Episcopalian me in early 1987 and slowly and often painfully altered my view of just about everything, and eventually the angels got me involved in politics, which I despised, and still despise. While I can't prove angels exist, much less have anything to do with me, every practicing Christian, Jew and Muslim I have know believed angels, God and Evil exist. Reading my reams of writings available online and/or watching The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast episodes proves my views are different. As does what I post at my Facebook page.

    I mostly lived in Key West and on Little Torch Keys from 2000-2018, where I spoke hundreds of times during citizen comments at city and county commission, school board and other public meetings. Starting 2003 and spanning into 2017, angels put me up to run six times for mayor of Key West, three times for county commission, and one time for school board. As an Independent. I did not seek or accept campaign contributions. I paid my candidate filing fees. I did not pollute roads and neighborhoods with "Vote for Sloan" signs. I wrote reams about what all I was up to on's hugely popular Coconut Telegraph public forum, and at my own blogs, which the owner of built for me. I participated in candidate forums and media interviews. I never expected to win and would have been shocked if I did win. I was the out of the box candidate. My perspective on every issue was different from the other candidates and the audiences' perspective. I was a... unicorn.  

    As for my personal life, I have lots of friends I visit face to face, talk with on the phone, text and chat with online. I grocery shop, go to the pharmacy, visit the Apple Store. I eat in restaurants, take walks and chat with people and pet their dogs on the street. I hang out in a coffee shop, I hang out in a public park and have a vegetable plot in a community garden. Several doctors look after me at their offices. Their specialities are: internist, gastroenterologist, urologist, neurologist, dermatologist, ENT, general dentistry. I see a physical therapist every week. I had successful, so far, prostate cancer radiation  therapy during the covid shut down. I had four Pfizer shots and caught Red China's gift over three weeks ago and still have a lingering cough and feel like I took a hit. I live with irritable bowel  syndrome, which suddenly onset in 1969 and never responded to medical treatment.

  At night, I'm home alone, preparing meals, playing chess  online, and watching movies on Netflix and Prime. On weekends, I watch professional golf tournaments and fall football games on TV. Sometimes I watch TV news, which along with all the commercials, convinces me America is in serious deep doo doo, and if I were a woman, I doubt I would want to bering a baby into this world. Two or three times a month, I take a neighbor lady friend out to dinner. Otherwise, I'm a monk.

    write good bit on my and other people's Facebook and blogs, drawing upon what the angels taught me and my experience as a Birmingham, Alabama practicing attorney who clerked for a United States District Judge who used to drink moonshine, cussed and did not attend church, but darn well feared God. Judge Clarence W. Allgood presided over every federal criminal prosecution in north Alabama. 

    The most godly man I ever knew, Judge Allgood is the first person memorialized in A FEW REMARKABLE PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN- Then come five more exceptional Alabama people, who deeply influenced me in my youth, including my mother's Episcopal minister, who told his Vestrymen, if they did not allow blacks to worship in the church he had built from scratch, he would close the church.

    I stopped attending church decades ago, because church wasn't working for me. Years later, angels showed me that I'm always in church. What human church did Jesus in the Gospels build? He didn't build one. He was in church wherever he was. He said his church was not of this world. He said to be in but not of this world. For a very long time, I have felt like I'm in God's Courtroom, where everyone, including me, is on trial.

  When I'm not shooting off my mouth online, I play chess several days a week with a black pastor, who serves several rural churches south of Birmingham. He, several other old farts and I play chess one day a week at a senior citizen center. I play a lot of chess online, Chess seriously challenges my mind, wits and ego.

    For most of my life, chess terrified me, because I was so bad at it. In early 2005, in Key West, a familiar voice told me in my sleep, "Sloan, you need to learn how to play chess." I woke up, terrified. Since I was a boy, I knew how the pieces moved, but I had no clue beyond that. I didn't recall ever winning a game of chess. I once had a girlfriend, who was very good at chess, and she beat me so badly that I felt like a fucking idiot. For several years, I had been hanging out in two places in Key West where a lot of chess was played, so I went there to do the dream's bidding. I got mangled and my feelings got hurt and my ego got shredded, but I was not about to tuck and run after having that dream.

    In August 2005, my father died and I was in Birmingham for about 6 months. There was a soul food restaurant I liked in downtown Birmingham, run by a black fellow, who was Muslim. The restaurant was across the street from the 16th Street Baptist Church, which Atlanta Klansmen had bombed in the 1960s, I think, killing quite a few black adults and children worshipping God. A couple of storefronts down from the restaurant, I saw on the glass window, Birmingham Chess Club. Inside, I saw an old black man, and I went in and talked with him. He said they played after work every week day, and I was welcome to join them. I was there at 5 that afternoon. White me and about 20 black men. They made me play touch rules, which was terrifying. Up to then, I was picking up a chess piece and moving it, and if I didn't like what I saw, I put it back and picked up another piece and moved it, and maybe I did that again. They broke me of that. Even if I barely touched a piece, they said I had to move it. The white guys in Key West had never made me play real chess. I played touch rules after that. When I moved from Key West back to Alabama and played chess and someone played the way I used to play, I said, I play touch rules. That didn't go over well sometimes, but I stuck with it and they came around. In life, I do something badly, I get a mulligan?

    My tech friend Bob and I did the redneck mystic lawyer podcasts at night on Zoom from our homes in different states. You heard Bob. You saw and heard me. I used no scripts. I went into a podcast with two or three ideas for topics, and it went from there. When I went to candidate forums in Key West and the Florida Keys, what I would say to the audience in my opening statement allowed to all candidates came to me as I was en route to the forum.

    But for Bob, there never would have been a redneck mystic lawyer podcast, because I am a tech idiot and there is no cure for it. Thanks to Bob, YouTube and Torrent, people all over the world can amuse or abuse themselves watching the add-free podcasts for free. Thanks to Bob, Torrent and, people all over the world can read many of my books for free. The books reflect the thinking of someone who was captured by angels known in the Bible and then was turned upside down and inside out and every which-a-way but loose, and stood before endless mirrors, for a long time, to the point that he lives in ongoing fear of crossing God and/or screwing up something he is given to do.

    I don't think my pastor chess friend has reached that stage, but he seems to have loosened up a bit about my cussing when I fuck up a chess game, because sometimes he cusses when he fucks up a chess game, but he never says fuck, so he's still got a ways to go.

   Tonight, Bob and I plan to do a second campaign podcast, during which I will mention a few other things I would do as president, the first of which is declassify and make available to the public all US Government files on ETs, which star wars outburst would turn every religion and political party upside down and inside out. I also want to mention that I'm running on the Unicorn ticket, and there is a campaign blog, which I started after the first campaign podcast.

    Some of is kinda funny, some of it is kinda not funny. It can be read anonymously by anyone. It is not recommended for young children. Redneck men and women cuss, however, I'm no more a redneck than are Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump. The podcast's title is a spoof, but it got lots of laughs and attaboys from people I knew before and after it was launched. In hindsight, perhaps that title wasn't a good idea, but the angels on my case have seemed okay with it.

    Here are different links to the first redneck mystic lawyer for president campaign podcast. 

    Stay tuned.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

The right rage over President Biden's remarks on Maui and ignore the far greater raging fire in their midst, and how Barack Obama was the Democrats' Anti-Christ

    The political pundit Sancho Panza, who voted twice for Barack Obama and twice for Donald Trump, bashed me over the previous post at this blog, in which I hammered Joe Biden for his idiotic remarks on Maui. 

Vote for No One - Maui wildfire and the burnt kitchen stove strike Sleepy Joe again, and it's all those darned Republicans' fault!

    I took Sancho's bait, and the human and cosmic shit hit the fan😎.

You and Jackie are both raging lunatics! Biden is a scumbag, just like the rest.

August 30, 2025
The Washington Times
Biden again compares devastating Maui blaze to kitchen fire in his home

Speaking at the White House about his administration’s response to the devastating wildfire, Mr. Biden again sought to console Maui residents by talking about his kitchen fire.
The president said he could sympathize with those who’ve lost everything in the wildfire because his kitchen once caught on fire nearly 20 years ago.
“Lighting struck my house. We had to be out of that house for about seven months of repairs because so much damage was done to the house and half the house collapsed. You know, and you wonder what’s going to happen,” Mr. Biden said.
Though saying “half the house collapsed” was a new twist, it was virtually identical to the same story Mr. Biden told last week while in Maui to meet with wildfire victims.
“I don’t want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, of what it was like to lose a home,” Mr. Biden said. “Years ago, now 15 years, I was in Washington doing ‘Meet the Press.’ … Lightning struck at home on a little lake outside the home. Not a lake, a big pond. It hit the wire and came up underneath our home, into the … air condition ducts.”
“To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ‘67 Corvette, and my cat,” he continued.
Critics blasted the president on social media after the remarks, with many calling it tone-deaf to compare the minor home fire to massive wildfires that have killed more than 115 people with 338 more missing.
Some also questioned whether or not the story was true. An Associated Press story in 2004 described the incident as “a small fire … contained to the kitchen” that was “under control in 20 minutes.”
“Joe Biden is lying about his kitchen fire … again,” conservative commentator Steve Guest wrote on X, the social-media site formerly known as Twitter, after Mr. Biden’s remarks Wednesday.
“Joe Biden just compared what people are going through with the hurricane and the Maui wildfires … to the small kitchen fire he had 20 years ago! This time he claims that his house almost collapsed. What the hell is wrong with him?!?,” another Twitter user wrote

Did you see me defend Biden? No, Perhaps you should run for president, and spin and twist. 

You're a pussycat when it comes to Uncle Joe... and a raging Grisly Bear when it comes to Trump! You voted for a skunk and won't admit it! 

Here is the video...

This is what happens when you spend more than half your life lying in public... it becomes second nature, and now he doesn't even remember that he just told that story before! How can people like Obama, Trump and Biden ever become POTUS if it wasn't for ass swipes like you and me? And Jackie! 

I am voting for this guy:Emoji

So, you admit Trump fooled you?

No, because I never liked Trump, he's an asshole and has always been one, I was hoping that he would create chaos in Washington (and he did)... Obama did fool me, I give you that! But I never gave money to any of these assholes, like you did to Obama! 

You should, because I'm the only candidate God is tempting with a carrot and beating with a stick, who isn't allowed to behave like any of the people you voted for in the past, nor the two Hindu candidates you promoted, who would be on their knees begging for God to save them from Kali, if she ever got on their sorry asses. Yeah, voting for me would be throwing away your vote from the small human brain perspective, but it would not cause you to have to come back to this planet maybe ten more times.

I admit Obama swooned me, and I did give him money, and then I was told in my sleep he had the potential to be the Anti-Christ, and I told you and everyone I knew, and I was no longer in his camp, and one of his campaign workers called me wanting another donation, and I told the campaign worker I wanted my money back, and why, and he said I would get it back, and I didn't get it back; and then one of Obama's ardent fans told me to write to Obama and he would reply, as he had replied to her, and I wrote to him, and he did not reply. You have no clue yet that Joe Biden is a small fry piece of shit compared to Donald Trump, who is being run by a demon like the one who ran Adolph Hitler and infected most of Nazi Germany. You have that shit all over you, whether you believe me or not, and every time you crow about Trump doing what you hoped he would do, you mire yourself deeper into that shit. 

Hey, Sloan, you are the one who claims to be a puppet of demons or angels... don't try to rub that shit on me... people are responsible for their actions, I am responsible for all my stupid mistakes... don't try to excuse Trump for HIS actions or inaction, the only demon behind him is his own egomania... same thing for yourself... it's not like you are a child that needs to be corrected by Angels in your dreams (after the fact). After so many "corrections" you should have learned your lesson already! Emoji 

It's OK, Sloan, it doesn't really matter who we vote for or even what we think or say... so just keep on doing what you do best, writing and raising hell!  Salud  Emoji

I never claimed to be a puppet of demons, but I did say I have had to deal with them, and it's really tricky terrain, and they are much smarter than me and all other humans, and I rely on angels to  help me navigate that terrain. A demon is deeply entrenched in the Democrat universe, and the same or another demon is deeply entrenched in the Trumplican universe. Same happened in Nazi Germany, where much of an entire national population became possessed. Demonic energy is contagious, like Covid-19. You have a very high IQ and come across as thinking are smarter than anyone around you. But you aren't nearly as smart as you think you are, and what you might view as a game or sport, is far more than that, and at some point in time, if not in his life, then afterward, you will see that. 

When Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Prize for Peace while waging the Bush-Cheney wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and you and his other supporters did not loudly call him out on it, that proved he had the potential to be the Anti-Christ.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Vote for No One - Maui wildfire and the burnt kitchen stove strike Sleepy Joe again, and it's all those darned Republicans' fault!

    The previous post at this blog reported my discussion on Facebook with a man I figured was a Republican after I had posted:

Sloan Bashinsky
Beyond bizarre, President Biden.
A Republican friend told me about this last night.
Business Insider
August 22, 2023
When President Joe Biden met with survivors of the Maui wildfires on Monday, he told them that he could relate to them because he and First Lady Jill Biden knew what it was like to lose a home to a fire.
But the fire in question was described by the Associated Press at the time as "a small fire that was contained to the kitchen," with the Delaware fire chief indicating that it was under control in 20 minutes.
During Biden's visit to Maui, where the devastating wildfires have killed at least 114 people, he made a 13-minute speech to a group of survivors in Lahaina —the city destroyed by flames, with nearly every building to ash and rubble.
"I don't want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, what it's like to lose a home," he said, according to remarks published by The White House.

    An entirely different discussion was initiated by a northern Democrat gal I had met at the fabulous Harpoon Harry's Diner in Key West, in perhaps 2015.

At least the guy has compassion. He tried his best to relate in the moment. Failed? Your own opinion. Better integrity then the X President, twice impeached, four time indicted, ninety one charged , Mara Lardo, spoon fed preppy,going to jail…..first time President in history. Stand Back and Stand By.

Sloan Bashinsky
Jacqueline you know I think Trump is awful. How do you think the voters on Maui now feel about Biden?

I blame that on the Republicans currently in office that refuse to allow President Biden to increase the budget for natural disasters. Looks like there will be many more in our future. Biden works desperately to have professional relationships, however the other side seems to constantly go against anything he tries to put into place. I hope the residents of Maui can understand that.

Sloan Bashinsky
The Republicans caused Biden to compare his kitchen stove fire to the Maui fire?

Sloan Bashinsky The Republicans cause so many conflicts that it confuses Biden.😂 So yes, I blame Trump and his puppets for Biden making such a pathetic analogy.😂 

Sloan Bashinsky
Jackie, that makes no sense to me.

I’m sorry Sloan. Of course I make no sense. Feel like we are living in the twilight zone. We truly have become a political mess. I jokingly blame Trump and his pathetic party for everything, but in the truest reality our entire political system has gone in the complete wrong direction. Sometimes my humor is hard to understand. I was born in Hawaii. Navy brat. I hope every resident understands that Biden made a horrible analogy and sadly can’t take that moment back. I know he was trying his best to comfort and sympathize with all of them.
Sloan Bashinsky
You're dead on about the political mess gone in the wrong direction, way past SNAFU into FUBAR.
The first night I lived on the street, slept on the ground, was in Lahaina, Maui, in 2000. And the 2nd night. And the 3d night, and quite a few nights, before I tried other places on that side of the island and over on the dry side.
An amiga in north Georgia told me today, that when Biden got there and was being driven from the Lahaina airport, I guess, people lined the streets, shooting him a bird, for not doing more for that devastated community. She said she remembered back when I ran the first time for county commission in the Florida Keys, 2006, that I passed out REELECT NO ONE decals to put on cars and trucks, which an amigo in Georgia had made up years before and gave to me. My amiga said she would change it to VOTE FOR NO ONE.
I don't know who advises Biden, but it it had been me, I would have told him to tell the people in Lahaina that he feels horrible for them, he can never come close to imagining their trauma, and he is doing all he can to help them, but he isn't getting much cooperation from the Republicans and the MAGAs in Congress.
Lahaina's on the wet side of Maui (gets a lot more rain than the other side), and when I saw news film footage of Lahaina streets I remembered walking down, I was blown away. It will be a very long time before Lahaina crawls out of that. Kinda reminds me of photos I saw of Dresden after the firebombing. About, I imagine, a lot of Oahu might have looked like if the Japanese had followed through and bombed all the fuel storage tanks after the attack on the American Navy's ships.
About like what Key West might look like, except not from fire, if it was T-boned by a Cat 5 hurricane. Except people in Key West and the Florida Keys assume that risk by living there. Nobody ever imagined what happened in Lahaina could happen. I wonder what happened to the homeless people living there? I can imagine they fled into the ocean.

   Jackie came to Key West as part of a larger effort with other people to persuade a homeless man she had met previously in Key West to return home, where he would have a reunion with his childhood friends, who would provide him a place to live and get him a job that would support him. I told them that I knew the man well and, while I admired their effort, they perhaps should be prepared for him to turn them down. He did go home and had a wonderful reunion, from all I heard, and they made their offer and he turned them down and returned to Key West.