Monday, May 20, 2024

It is time to blow Taps for America?

    While right wing Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito assures he had nothing to do with an upside down American flag, which came to represent “Stop The Steal”, being displayed at his home after  the January 6, 2020 peace demonstration, I’m wondering if maybe the reality is I’ve shot my off my mouth enough at this mock campaign blog, and it’s time for me to shoot off my mouth somewhere else, or go out to pasture, or be recalled by the Mother Ship?

    I am satisfied from going at national politics at my blogs, on Facebook and in online forums since 2016, that nothing I say or write has any effect on the American right or the American left. Both sides appear to be so sure they hear from God’s mouth to their ears, literally or metaphorically, that they, on the right, remind me of Adolph Hitler’s goose-stepping hordes, and they, on the left, remind me of the mythical Fukawi tribe, which was forever getting lost and gathering in a circle and sitting down and holding hands and chanting, “Where in the fuck are we? Where in the fuck are we?”

    Recently, I stumbled across another old fossil on Substack, who seems pretty darn fed up with how it’s going in America, and he shoots off his mouth about it. I don’t agree with everything he writes, but he seems able to poke the left and the right. You met him in yesterday’s Hey gun nuts, where is the Amendment II enabling well regulated militia? post at this blog, and today you can get to know him better by opening the link below and reading what he wrote today. It’s l-o-n-g.

The Shade Tree

Allow Me to Retort

The empty suit known as Joe Biden needs to be retired from office permanently.

MAY 20, 2024

    Here is my reply to what The Fossil wrote today:


Actually, it appears Donald Trump did shit his pants from time to time :-).


During the covid shut down, I had radiation therapy for prostate cancer, which really sapped my energy, but it seems so far to have killed the cancer, although the radiation caused scar tissue in my pee machine and I think it damaged my colon worse than IBS had damaged it. I only had Medicare, and if I had not had it, I could not have afforded the radiation treatment. Medicare knocked the radiation treatment cost way down, as it knocks way down all of my doctor and hospital bills. I’m sorry you have cancer, and I wonder what variety inflicted you?  

I’m curious. Did you vote for Trump or HIllary in 2016? Did you vote for Trump or Biden in 2020? Do you say the 2020 election was stolen from Trump? Will you vote for Trump this year, 2024? I think you owe that information to whomever receives The Shade Tree. 

Considering Biden, Trump and RFK, Jr., I think America is FUBAR regardless of who is in the White House. If I weren’t 81, I might already have moved to another country. But Biden doesn’t remind me of Adolph HItler and the Democrats don’t remind me of Hitler’s goostepping military and civilian hordes. Even so, I won’t vote for Biden in 2024. I very reluctantly voted for him in 2020, the first and only time I voted for a major party candidate for president. I now wish I had written in Mickey Mouse for president in 2020. 

This morning on CNN, the ICC (World Court) is seeking to get arrest warrants for Hamas and Israel leaders. Why in the FUBAR isn’t the ICC also seeking to get arrest warrants for President Biden, who gave Israel the money and weapons it needed to obliterate Gaza? Donald Trump told Israel he is their best friend. If he were president now, his religious right base would be shrieking for him to give Israel whatever it asks to obliterate Gaza.  

I was influenced by the Ukraine War story you promote in your post today, until I watched the YouTube Tucker Carlson interview of Vladiimir Putin, in which Putan flat said Ukraine courting NATO was not why he invaded Ukraine. He invaded because Ukraine historically was part of Russia, and it still is. Even so, there is no way Hunter Biden got rich in Ukraine without his daddy’s influence, and I’m all for that sewer being opened up and drained in a United States District Court criminal prosecution, alongside Trump being prosecuted for lying in bed with his good KGB buddy Putin who didn’t want Hillary Clinton elected, either :-), because he knew she was not Russia’s bosom buddy. 

Among other meds, President Trump was given Remedisvir when he had Covid-19. Trump had in his paws Dr. Zelenko’s cheap, fast, early infection stage cure, zinc, hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin, which would have saved your brother the Remedisvir misery he endured and would have allowed America to stay open. 

Hydroxychloriquine transported zinc into body cells, where Covid-19 took up residence, and zinc inhibited Covid-19 replication. Azithromycin fought any secondary infection. The Zelenko cocktail only worked if it was given when Covid-19 symptoms first appeared. Waiting for positive tests, before giving the cocktail, gave Covid 19 too much head start and Covid-19 infecteds went the way of your brother. 

The FDA gave emergency approval for hydroxychloroquine, but after Joe Biden, the Democrats, Dr. Fauci, CDC, NIH, WHO, Big Pharma and the liberal media went batshit crazy against Dr. Zelenko’s cocktail, the FDA rescinded the emergency approval, and what did President Trump do? Did he fire his FDA director and get a new director who would reinstate the Zelenko cure? No. Make America Great Trump launched Operation Warp Speed. He could have saved America from shutting down. Instead, he told Americans to be Big Pharma’s guinea pigs. 

I became one of those guinea pigs. I then watched hospitals all over my home state, Alabama, be flooded with unvaccinated Covid-10 patients, which caused those hospitals to turn away people with critical non-Covid-19 troubles. Trump came to Alabama and did a MAGA rally in Culman, and was booed by his adoring MAGAs for asking them to get vaccinated. Trump goosestepper Alabama Governor Kay Ivey urged all Alabamians to get vaccinated, because Alabama’s hospitals were tsunamied by unvaccinated MAGAs, whom I argued online should have been turned away by those hospitals, because they had made their constitutional right to die by their own choice, and they should be allowed to do it, so help their in God they trusted and were dying precious selves :-). 
The Fossil
My cancer is an adenocarcinoma of unspecified origin, they can't tell us what caused it, where it started or what specific mutation it is. My upper and lower GIs are clean, so clean they were surprised by it. I'm unjabbed and have never been a smoker, my wife and I believe it's related to my Army service and career as an industrial electrician. I presented stage four and was told without chemo I'd be dead in months. After a year of it the oncologist said he couldn't do anything else for me and wants me to go to clinical trials. He refuses any other course of action. My tumors have shrunk some but are still present in my neck, chest, stomach and liver. Being a guinea pig isn't on my list so from here out we're going with homeopathic, natural treatment and that's still expensive but it's my life. We're going to make it to our fiftieth anniversary and believe nothing less.
Yes I voted for Trump in 2016 despite years of not liking him. I've been fed up with both parties for a long time and finally here was someone who wasn't a politician and wanted to fix things. Plus the fact that set off his opponents by announcing water is wet was appealing and funny. And though he did some good, he hung gun owners out to dry, didn't even attempt half of what he promised and surrounded himself with swamp creatures like Barr, Haley and Pence to name a few. I don't believe Russia hacked the 2016 election, and when the pussy hat crowd descended on DC they were treated with kid gloves. I would never consider voting for HRC, the woman is a carpet bagger and a criminal. 
Due to Trump's behavior I didn't vote for either him or Biden, ol' Joe is a reprehensible pedophile, straight from his daughter's diary and mouth. Hunter's misdeeds in service of the Biden crime family need their own post, we all know what he's done. Slo and his family have treated the nation and it's people like their personal piggy bank and slaves. Threatening voters on the campaign trail, telling them they aren't black if they don't vote for him, appointments made because they check boxes on DEI scorecard, it's endless. Can you imagine the howling had Trump yelled at the nation from a blood red lit stage with Marines present? 
The fact is it's a uniparty determined to drag us into another war, support Israel no matter what they do, tell illegals to surge the border and do more for them than Americans. And it's not fair to the people who immigrated legally. There's more to this than they're admitting, wait and see. So I'll not vote this year either, or anymore federal elections period since they want to strip us of our first amendment rights to keep Tel Aviv happy. The uniparty wants to strip our rights away and saddle the next 5 generations with debt. I withdraw my consent unless I vote for an Alice Cooper/Vermont Supreme ticket. 

Sloan Bashinsky
My sincere condolences your cancer bummer. My brother’s oldest daughter, whom I viewed as my own daughter, died during the Covid shutdown after two rounds of chemo. I tried tp persuade God to take me instead of her. Broke my heart. 
First I heard of Biden being a child molester. Otherwise, I think you tarred and feathered him pretty good. 
Russia did hack and influence the 2016 election, not just limited to HRC dirt, which needed to come out. In 2016, I kept posting at my blog that Hillary and Donald should be locked up in adjoining cells, and i told many Democrats that they got Trump elected by running Hillary. 
I agree with you re Israel. It was a grave mistake to create Israel. Too bad America didn’t receive the WWII Jewish refugees. 
Trump’s God assignment while he was in the White House was to make Dr. Zelenko’s Covid-19 cure freely available in America, and America could have stayed open. Trump blew that assignment, made Big Pharma happy, and set out to try to become like Vladimir Putin.
Trump could have made Mexico stop the southern invasion by stopping Mexico products and farm produce from coming into America and stopping Americans and their money from going to Mexico, until Mexico stopped the invasion. 
81-year-old me wakes up every morning wishing the Mother Ship had recalled me yesterday, but since it didn’t happen, I figure God, the Force, or Whatever, still wants me to be here, and I get up and start shooting off my mouth again.

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