Friday, May 31, 2024

the great pussy grabber’s pecker was convicted by an extraordinarily brave jury of his peers in his hometown of tampering the 2016 presidential election


    After graduating from the University of Alabama School of Law in 1968, I clerked for a United States District Judge in Birmingham, Alabama, who presided over every federal criminal prosecution in north Alabama. For a year and a half, I watched many federal prosecutions in his courtroom. I watched very good federal prosecutors and defense lawyers do their thing, I sat in my judge's chambers with him and federal prosecutors and criminal defense lawyers, as they discussed cases before him. It was like getting a 2nd law school education.

    Yesterday, an extraordinarily brave jury of Donald Trump's peers knowingly risked their and their families’ lives in Trump's hometown and convicted him on all 34 counts of tampering the 2016 presidential election. Each member of the New York state court jury then was polled by the trial judge and affirmed his/her vote to convict. I think the definition of patriot needs to be reexamined by every American, for those 12 jurors set the gold standard. 

    In my sprit code, 3 is the number for the Holy Spirit, and 4 is the number for politics, and 7 is the number for God on an event or person.

    Now the New York state court trial judge will determine the sentence. If I were the trial judge, who knows his and his family's lives are at grave risk, I would consider the jury convicted Trump of tampering the 2016 election. I would consider Trump got himself 4 years in the White House. The maximum sentence I can impose is 4 years. I would think poetic justice requires sentencing Trump to 4 years in a New York state maximum security prison. I would not stay incarceration, but would leave it up to New York state appellate court judges, who know their and their families lives are at risk, to decide whether or not the homeboy remains in prison during the appeal process.

    On appeal, the finder of fact, the jury, is not challenged by an appellate court, unless there simply were no facts that would support a conviction, which is so rare that I never heard of a jury finding of fact in a criminal prosecution being overturned on appeal.

    On appeal, the New York appellate courts will determine whether the trial judge handled the case properly, interpreted the law correctly, admitted evidence correctly, instructed the jury on the law correctly, and whether the trial judge imposed a sentence allowed by New York state law.

    If the New York appellate courts affirms the conviction, Trump can ask the  United States Supreme Court to review and overturn his conviction and sentence. For the Supreme Court to side with Trump, it will have to find the New York state court criminal prosecution violated Trump’s rights provided by Acts of Congress and/or the United States Constitution and Amendments thereto.

    Of course, there is always the possibility that the Supreme Court Justices, who know their and their families' lives are at grave risk, will invent whatever they want to invent to let Trump prevail. 

    If Trump loses his appeals and is incarcerated, he can be on the presidential ballot, and if he is elected, he can serve as president from prison.

    Why the Founding Fathers did not put into the United States Constitution that a convicted felon cannot be president of the United States causes me to wonder if the Founding Fathers themselves were felons who were not caught and convicted.

    Not in my wildest dreams could I imagine such a bizarre spectacle in an American courtroom. If asked to sum it up in a nutshell, I’d say what I told a friend over dinner last night. She grew up on Long Island and worked in New York City and is very familiar with Donald Trump. I told her that Trump’s pecker did him in, and he has nobody to blame for that but his pecker. Perhaps Wille Nelson and Johnny Cash somehow can team up and write a song about that.

    She texted me las night, and …

We are still all fk’ed!!! Not negating credit to the jury or judge at tis point, It is all a slap on the wrist. Just s small progress report.

The sentence will define the degree of the penalty, but there is no erasing 12 men and women convicted him,

??? No erasing?

They branded him.

Yes, but the greater whitewashed still believe. It is their religious connection.that is a larger subject on the uneducated and entertained with little self esteem. That is a larger subject on the uneducated and entertained while little self esteem that depend on a character to complete their self. In any case I believe the government is rotten from its roots just hiding behind the word ‘democracy".
After all, someone in mail for for selling weed can’t run for president.
Simplistic speaking.

Agree re democracy noise and your priceless psychoanalysis.
Someone in jail for selling weed can run for president, and if elected, can serve from behind bars.
As for the religious right who see only what they want to see, the religious left is no different. They see only what they want to see.
Something precious and priceless happened yesterday. 12 men and women risked their and their families’ lives and convicted Donald Tump in his hometown of criminally tampering the presidential election. He got 4 years in the White House. If I were the tiral judge, I’d give him 4 years in a New York maximum security prison.

    For those who prefer mainstream reporting:

May 30, 2024 9:44 PM UTC
Jury finds Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts at hush money trial
Donald Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime on Thursday when a New York jury found him guilty of falsifying documents to cover up a payment to silence a porn star ahead of the 2016 election.
After deliberations over two days, the 12-member jury announced it had found Trump guilty on all 34 counts he faced. Unanimity was required for any verdict.
Trump watched the jurors dispassionately as they were polled to confirm the guilty verdict.
Justice Juan Merchan set sentencing for July 11, days before the July 15 start of the Republican National Convention expected to formally nominate Trump for president.
Merchan thanked the jurors for their service. “Nobody can make you do anything you don’t want to do. The choice is yours,” Merchan said.
The verdict plunges the United States into unexplored territory ahead of the Nov. 5 presidential election, when Trump, the Republican candidate, will try to win the White House back from Democratic President Joe Biden. 
1440 Daily Digest
May 31, 2024
Trump Criminal Conviction
A New York jury yesterday found former President Donald Trump guilty of all 34 counts related to falsifying business records in the hush-money trial against him. The news makes him the first former US president convicted of a crime.
The case against Trump related to payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels in the lead-up to the 2016 election. The crux of the case rested on whether Trump altered records of $130K in hush money payments to make them appear legitimate and help his chances in the election. (See the full list of counts here.) Trump has repeatedly dismissed the trial as politically motivated and is expected to appeal. 
The conviction does not preclude Trump from running for office. Sentencing is scheduled for July 11, four days before the Republican National Committee is set to formally nominate Trump for president. While Trump faces fines and a maximum sentence of up to four years in prison, an estimated one in 10 people convicted of similar charges is imprisoned.
Today from, formerly The Birmingham News
The Alabama reaction
Donald Trump's conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up his personal dalliances with a pornography actress drew outrage and claims of a fix from many Republicans, including some of Alabama's top elected officials.
A popular talking-point in the reactions was to compare the U.S. to nations that might be under the thumbs of tyrants. U.S. Sen. Katie Britt used the phrase "banana republic," which was a popular one with Trump supporters. Our other senator, Tommy Tuberville, compared us to Venezuela and China.
Obviously, one thing we do have in this country is an appellate court system. Republicans in Alabama also expressed a confidence that he will beat this in court.
Said Gov. Kay Ivey: "Despite this New York jury, as President Trump said, the real verdict will be by the people on Election Day November 5.”

I replied:
This old lawyer, who clerked for a United States District Court Judge in Birmingham, who presided over every federal criminal prosecution in north Alabama, and used to drink moonshine, cussed and did not attend church, and was the most Godly man I ever knew, sez the real verdict was in God’s Courtroom yesterday, The star witnesses were porn star Stormy Daniels, former editor of the National Enquirer David Pecker, the defendant’s own lawyer, and the defendant's pecker, who said he would take the stand, but weenied out, which was not lost on the jury of his peers in his hometown, and fearing for their and their families lives, they convicted his pecker. Why any Christian, why any woman, why any parent would want to have anything to do with Donald Trump, I cannot for the life of me imagine, unless, if they are men, they envy him, or if they are women, they secretly wish he would grab their pussy. 

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