Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Rave Republican endorsement for my first act as president - release the ET files, which might cause Atlas to do more than shrug, and more piggish down to Earth shit shows

    Email this morning from a US Army Special Forces combat veteran amigo, who voted twice for Donald Trump and told me after the January 6, 2020 assault on the U.S. Capitol that all of the rioters should have been shot dead, and I could quote him.

Morning Mr. President,

I am 100% in support of your first act as Commander in Chief to be full release of the Government files on all things extraterrestrial, multidimensional or even ultra-terrestrial.  

That should cause a big enough firestorm to allow you to get to all the other stuff that needs to be done while everyone’s heads are spinning.

    I replied:

The conniving angels taught me to go for the most vulnerable obvious strike point, and releasing the ET files has to be it. I wonder how the ETs feel about that? Are they in agreement? Disagreement? Would they allow it? Would they beam me up and over to a penal colony on one of Jupiter's moons? 

In a dream the other night, a German shepherd was all over me smiing, wagging its tail, rubbing up against me. I figured that had to have something to do with you and the campaign. (My friend's last name is German.) 
No doubt total coincidence, this happened on Facebook shortly before I announced my first act as president.

When I was a teen, I read everything I could get my hands on by Robert Heinlein, like many of us of a certain age. In Stranger in a Strange Land, he made the point that 99% of humor is rooted in pain, specifically, the pain of others. As someone opined, “tragedy is when I get a hangnail; comedy is when you fall down a manhole and die.” Lately, I’ve been cogitating about the influence of alienation, another state most of us would consider negative, but is critically necessary to the creative arts. What would most literature be if the main character didn’t feel set apart/different? Song lyrics? Even the visual arts? They’d be boring, is what. Alienation is so much a part of the human condition that I’d say that coming to terms with it, either by fighting it or making one’s peace with it, is central to our development of self.

Sloan Bashinsky
Nicely said. I think every American high school student should be required to read Stranger in a Strange Land in order to graduate. A human Martian colonist sent back to Earth and a very advanced Martian species’ perspectives would jam every molecule of the highschoolers’ religious, cultural and political brainwashing.

Funnily enough, the other seminal book I read several times in my teens was Atlas Shrugged. Nobody’s perfect!

Sloan Bashinsky
Dagny Taggart hurt my feelings when she dumped Reardon for Gault.
I kinda liked Francisco. 

Sloan Bashinsky
I really liked Atlas Shrugged. I was put onto it by a law school buddy, who was in the US Marine reserve and was called up out of law school and sent to Vietnam, where he suffered a serious leg wound and was in that way saved and sent back to America and came back to law school with a limp. I bet Ayn Rand had some choice words for the Vietnam war, or at least some choice thoughts. I didn't read her other books. I read plenty of criticism of her thinking, but Atlas Shrugged was, in my opinion, a very nice parody. Today, America is so far deep down in the shitter that I doubt 1,000 John Gaults could help it. Nor could Jesus in the Gospels, if he were back. Probably, Christians would kill him.

Sloan - I was deeply into her for a time and read most of her stuff, as well as an autobiography of her young lover, on whom Gault was supposedly based. I found Gault the character to be tedious. And the more I read about her, the more I found her to be a narcissistic hypocrite. Yuk

Sloan Bashinsky 
I thought Gault perhaps represented the Jesus Rand had rejected in her youth. I know nothing of her personal life, but I think Atlas Shrugged was a bit too on target for the conventional wisdom (brainwashed) folks. 

    Perhaps closer to Earth, this was posted on Facebook yesterday by south Alabama bayou country belle Elizabeth, aka Empress of Fantasia, aka Eliza. 
Why do so many Christians follow the most un-christlike person on the planet? Explain it like I'm two years old.  
fox disinformation corp 
Because Christianity is just idolatry, and its followers are always looking to someone else for guidance as long as it's someone who they feel the rest of the crowd is turning to.

Cause de ain't real Christians ? They would not want to try Buddha's's a 24 hour have to strive every moment of the day...and the reward ? A peaceful life.. 

Summer I'm totally zenning!
Elizabeth try some Zen and lose your mind... 
Summer I don't claim anything, honest.
Sloan Bashinsky
I wonder if they will be asked that very question when their roll is called up yonder, and they holler, "Well, he wasn't as bad as his good friend Jerry Epstein, or his buddy Vladimir Putin, or his buddy Rocket Man in Korea, or the Saudi sheik he bowed to, who had a journalist sawed up in little pieces because of what he wrote about the Saudi sheik!"



Sloan I despise whataboutism. 
Sloan Bashinsky
You mean like what happened in your church in the bayou country after a bunch holy roller MAGAs and their holy roller preacher got in bed with real estate developers - ya think they might be asked about that when their rolls are called up yonder? You won't be asked why you didn't raise bloody hell about them doing that, because you raised bloody hell about it, and they told you to go to hell, either directly or by pretending you didn't exist. Maybe they were zenning, but thought they were Jesus-ing? 
Sloan may God's Grace cover them.   
Sloan Bashinsky
Yeah, and God's switches and ashes, too, to help round them out, else they come back in their next life and do it, or worse, all over again.
I hope I'm getting better at this.

Sloan Bashinsky
At what part? Posting on FB that shreds their facades, or pouring God's grace on them? Hell, Empress, you wuz who wrote "Pigs In Mud". Where do you suppose it came from? Can it be pinned to people it fits?

“Pigs in mud”
All want the security of the well fed pig.
Horror at the baseness unrecognized.
A lifetime spent in shirt stuffing.
And pen comparison.
Is truth more palatable when honeyed?
Is a stark soulscape less so with the eyes of Monet?
May my affectations always be understood. 
I was just trying to deter my piggly ways.

Sloan Bashinsky
To quote Sleepy Joe, Eliza, here's the deal. Jesus in the Gospels said not to hide your lamp under a bushel. 
A guy named Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP, in which he spoke a great deal about "cheap grace". He has been quoted as saying, "Silence in the face of Evil itself is Evil, GOD will not hold us guiltless." He was part of a plot to kill Adolph Hitler, and he got caught and executed. In some Christian theology circles today, he is considered a giant among midgets.
When I ran all those many times for mayor of Key West and county commissioner for the Florida Keys, and once for school board, I never expected to come close to winning. I was the candidate who always said what needed to be said during candidate forums, media interviews, etc. I wasn't counting votes when I spoke. I was trying to keep God happy with me, since I thought it was God who had put me up to running for those offices. I was told a number of times that I might have gotten elected, if I had not said God told me to run. You probably remember all of that from reading, which has been dormant a couple of years. 
And, I suppose you might recall my talking in blog posts about The Resistance, which was citizens saying and writing what needed to be said and wrote, even if it didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of making one iota of difference. Jesus in the Gospels got himself nailed to a cross for what he said and did. 
The MAGAs in that church you left after they took it over probably would freak out if that same Jesus showed up in their midst and said and did what he did in the Gospels. They just might make a noose and hang him from a live oak tree right there in your south Alabama bayou. They might care less that Ivana Trump revealed that hubby Donald kept a book of Hitler's speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed and sometimes he pulled it out at night and read it. Here's that book.







My republican in-laws named 2 different Dobermans after Nazis. I found this out some years after meeting them and by that time wasn't surprised. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Here's the Charlottesville demonstration that, from his response, laid Donald Trump bare as any Nazi got laid bare. 


Most societal systems are functioning inverted.
To the two year old: "they oppositted things and stupid people didn't question it."

Good old-fashioned American-style hoodwinking; his timing was just right, as enough white Americans had become unglued over a man of color being president, and he tapped that. The mystery is why they were such easy marks that they never caught on that he was a crook and a fool after he spent so much time proving it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Sloan Bashinsky
John They knew what Trump was, it was in plain view. So, what does that say about them making him their Jesus? They understood, when Trump kept saying the 2020 presidential election was stolen, that he meant it was stolen by Blacks. I didn't vote for Obama, nor for any major party candidate before him. I voted for Biden very reluctantly, because I knew Trump was fond of Adolph Hitler, and he courted the white supremacists in America. Trump has eclipsed and displaced the Republican Party and its debates and FOX News. The Party of Lincoln is no more. It knows, if it doesn't accept Trump as its candidate, the Democrats will win the White House in 2024, and perhaps both sides of Congress. And God only knows what Republicans the US Department of Justice would go after then?

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

stranger than fiction Covid-19 and other realm developments, including a hidden in plain view solution to the Mexico invasion

    A drop-dead beautiful lady lawyer, whom I once told I could not date because she was a Trumper and she was married, replied to the Shiva for president? Social media censorship. My first act as president, I release all government ET files post at this campaign blog:

Why is this potentially your last post? 

    I replied:

I'm writing about that in the next blog post, which started hatching in earnest, surely an accident, nothing to do with God, after I received your inquiry😇.

After I get that post formatted and published, I will send it to you and the other people I've been serenading about stuff no one who actually hoped to be elected would dare even think, probably😎.

Campaign debate question: 

How would you deal with the invasion of America's southern border?


Well, how about I declare that is a war against America, caused by Mexico, its drug cartels, unrest in Central America, and Colombia drug cartels. So, until Mexico stops the invasion, Americans, and their dollars, cannot go to Mexico, Central America or Colombia for any reason other than to bury a dead relative. American airlines cannot go to Mexico, Central America or Colombia. Cruise ships that go to Mexico, Central America and Colombia cannot come into American ports. American businesses in Mexico have 3 years to relocate to America, failing which, they forfeit to the US Treasury their Mexico profits. 

In the slight chance you already didn't totally ruin your reputation, share my campaign blog posts with all your friends and enemies😎.

    Retired tech scientist Sancho Panza, turned internet guru on many subjects, replied to the Shiva for president? Social media censorship. My first act as president, I release all government ET files post at this campaign blog:

Hi, Sloan, I forgot to mention that the medicine you took, Plaxlovid, seems to cause a rebound effect(you get sick again) within a week or two... you remember, it happened to Biden, so watch out for that! Hope that that has nothing to do with why you are quitting your blog! 


Perhaps you have explained the relapse, I just love side effects. My doctor's nurse told me after I read your cheery email, that Paxlovid contains Covid-19 antibodies, and I will test positive for a couple of weeks. Or a couple of months?, I asked. She said probably not that long. She agreed, my using the  $20 a pop BinaxNOW Covid-19 test kit yesterday, was a waste of time. She also agreed, since I took Paxlovid, there is no telling when I might know for sure I no longer have Covid-19. 

Feel free to share that scandalous news with anyone who still puts up with you, and those who don't.

Other than it gave me something to write about, crucifying Trump again, and resurrecting Dr. Zelenko again Emoji, Covid-19 has nothing to do with the campaign blog, which right now has 74 views and zero comments. I suppose over half of the views were me working in the blog. 

The blog was supposed to be linked to a campaign podcast episode by same name: "The Redneck Mystic Lawyer for President, on the Unicorn ticket". Alas, in my wonderful 81st year and tendency to wander and ramble sometimes, like Sleepy Joe and Donald the Great, I forgot to mention in the first campaign podcast that there was a sister blog and that I was running on the Unicorn ticket. That was corrected in a 2nd podcast, which included new if I were president edicts, in one of which edicts, it turned out, I had an important fact wrong, and that podcast was not sent up on YouTube to create a link I could share with other people. 

A good while ago, my tech buddy Bob in the podcasts and I stopped using YouTube to publicly broadcast The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, because analytics showed very few people who went to a YouTube episode watched much it. Bob cultivated a number of Torrent platforms, which agreed to carry The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast. The Torrent-published episodes got 50,000 to 140,000 complete watches by Torrent subscribers. Recently Torrent agreeed to accept The Redneck Mystic Lawyer For President episodes - as a spoof.

The free internet library,, which has a number of my metaphysical books, agreed to carry the first presidential campaign podcast, as a spoof.

As I prepared to redo the 2nd presidential campaign episode, Bob learned that Google had culled from its platform all YouTube podcasts by marginal presidential candidates, of which I was probably the least significant. So, only Torrent subscribers could watch the first presidential campaign episode. I'm not smart enough to figure out how to subscribe to Torrent, whose creators and their subscribers are a lot more interested in different stuff, than are people who watch YouTube, or use Twitter, or Rumble, which is extreme right wing.

Yesterday, Bob was informed by Torrent and the library that, because of something I wrote in one chapter of Tiny Kingdom Black Sheep about taking a prescription drug (Memantine HCL) and dried jelly fish brains (Prevagen) to retard onset of dementia associated with old age, that I am an elder at risk and Bob no longer can represent me with them. I'm grateful they have so many of my musings, and I wish them well.

While I personally might get some measure of comic relief and express some frustration by publishing presidential campaign podcasts at Rumble, I don't imagine Rumble would accept the podcasts, even if I paid them or let them put advertising into the podcasts, which Bob and I did not do  with YouTube, which kept pressing us to upgrade, get more viewers for us, if we let them put ads in our podcasts.

Meanwhile, my dreams indicate I'm to keep posting at the campaign blog. Like I have lots of other things to do instead of what I've been doing online since you and I met in an online political forum in 2002, as I recall, and you started calling me Don Quixote.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Shiva for president? Social media censorship. My first act as president, I release all government ET files

    In 2002, I met a man in an online political forum and we started exchanging emails. He started calling me Don Quixote, and I started calling him Sancho Panza. He is a retired tech scientist, speaks several languages fluently, including Latin. He once told me my IQ must be near his, 160, and I said subtract 100. He voted twice for Barack Obama, became disillusioned and voterd twice for Donald Trump. I voted for neither.

    I Included Sancho for years in email blasts I send out. He replied to the blast containing the 

Egged on by Sleepy Joe and the Democrats, Donald the Great threw away a cheap cure that could have kept America open and gotten him reelected instead of indicted 4 times

 post at this blog, and one of our typical discussions ensued.

Sorry to hear about your being sick with Covid... the new strains are very mild so you should be OK with lots of rest... as I told you before, your immune system is super strained from all those jabs, so you need to be super careful about stressful situations, etc. 

Watch this and relax:


I gobbled lots of quercetin, C, zinc and Plaxlovid, and  feeling ok for me and played chess with a friend today. First day out.  Was really tired for several days.  I never felt anything from the vaccinations, but sore arms. I was hoping they would finish me off. Now I’ll have to find another exit strategy. 


May the FORCE be with you! 

My daughter(the one that got jabbed) is sick at home right now, with a 101 F fever and lots of joint pain, coughing, etc.,, she just came back from a short vacation to Tanlun, Mexico to see some ruins... anyway, yeah, a lot of people sick like that around here! Thank you Bill Gates and Big PHARMA! 

Did you watch the video? What do you think of Shiva? I might vote for him... or write in your name! Emoji


About 3/4 thru Shiva, I started dozing off. He needs Kali on stage with him. Besides keelhauling Musk,  Zuckerberg and Google, for severely limiting his air time on their platforms, what’s he gonna do as president? Tell him to have Independent me on his show with him. 😎. Er, You-Tube, instead of Google.


You were right the first time, Google owns YouTube! They are all part of the Swarm... Shiva says that he would use the presidency as a bully pulpit to tell all and support populist bottoms up movements like in the early 1900s... that he would use execute orders to break up the swarm's power control mechanism via the Media and special interest lobbying!  Of course, he forgets to mention that he would be assassinated way before that ever happens!  Emoji

He would give prime time short lectures like this one to inform the people about what is really happening... what do you think? 


Yeah, I remembered later that Google is YouTube. 

I have had similar censorship with Facebook and YouTube. I set up a Twitter account, but never used it. Rumble would not put up with me, and the MAGA loonies there would go after every dead pet I ever owned. 

I don't think executive orders will affect who Google, Twitter, Facebook, Rumble, etc. give air time for their pet projects. 

If Shiva were to get into a presidential debate and start dropping the F word every few words out of his mouth, as he does in the first video you sent me, his mic would be shut off and he would be ushered off the premises. Given how often he dropped the F word in that video, he would not in a zillion years be invited to a presidential debate. Nor would I, who sometimes use the F word in podcasts, but for a few dozen other reasons, also. 

Shiva needs to give some examples of what else he would attempt if he were president. He could take some cues from people around him, or even from you, or even me, if he doesn't think he already knows everything. 

I was interviewed and slammed on Facebook Messenger the other day by a Birmingham, Alabama MAGA who had sent me a friend request and then maybe she wished she didn't. I made it into a post at the redneck mystic for president blog.

First thing I would do after being sworn in is release everything on ETs the government has, which I can get my hands on, and give everyone something new to fret about😎. Imagine the religions dealing with ETs. And everyone else. 


Are YOU the true Lord SHIVA? The Destroyer of Worlds?


Here is Shiva under Kali's feet.

I figure all the severed men's heads means she doesn't care for how men think. Emoji

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Donald Trump made a miracle by cloning half of America as himself

    The day before yesterday, I learned that YouTube had killed the campaign kick-off podcast at The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, because the candidate wasn't important enough to have a YouTube presidential campaign channel. I felt relieved, because no YouTube customers watched much of that podcast, whereas around 55,000 Torrent customers watched all of it as of a couple of days ago. 

    Yesterday, a liberal friend posted on his Facebook timeline: 

Wondering what the hell that the trumpists actually believe.

I posted this reply:

I just had an interesting private messenger discussion with a Trumper, which I might make into a blog post tomorrow and serenade you with it. 
I told a friend who had sent me an article about Kevin McCarthy saying all the indictments are witch hunts, that Trump has performed a miracle by cloning half of America as himself.

    This private messenger discussion with the Trumper occurred  right after I published a link at Facebook to yesterday's post at this blog: 

Lives in Birmingham, Alabama

I’m blown away by your ignorance. Did you ever watch the live footage of the election, when windows were being cardboarded so that no one could see what was going on? The ladies in Atlanta that were running the same ballots through the machine after the ballot checkers had left for the day? Also claiming a flood, which caused them to shut down? It was a minor toilet leak! Or the live footage of January 6? I did! I’m sure that you wouldn’t be open to seeing what really happened. But if you could just have an open mind and look at the truth? You seem so clueless and simply have an agenda which is always negative. Whether it be politics or your brother. It’s sad that you can’t write ANYTHING that is good.

Send me your evidence

Unfortunately all of the evidence was deleted by the left wing owners of twitter at the time. I watched it all in real time!
I saw the Antifa group in front of the capitol change into Trump supporter clothes. I saw the Capital Police usher people in to the Capital. I was someone inside the Capital slots Ashley, but it looked to be a civilian. I saw the Antifi group being ushered throughout the Capital by the police officers. There was definitely something fishy going on!

I’m into facts, evidence, as was the Birmingham Police Department, the Jefferson County Medical Examiner and the FBI in my brother’s suicide made to look like murder case. I saw the white supremacy riot on Jan 6 and I saw Trump invite it. I never used Twitter. Trump maybe hung himself on Twitter? Am pretty sure erased can be recovered by professionals.
Can't imagine why you sent me a friend request. I seem to rile up Democrats, too

There is no white supremacy group, if so show me

Look at the seas of white people in the Jan 6 film and photos- a picture is worth a thousand words.

To me, it seems the left are just VICTIMS! Maybe daddy didn’t leave them enough money?
What? Being white is now a crime?..
Ok, I can’t. I thought you could help me make sense of this ignorance. Good night

The film and the photos plainly show the race of the rioters and their leader. That's never going to change.
Here's one photo of a white Trump rally.

That’s ignorant there were no rioters. George sores planted antifi to make it look that way, and you bought into it!

I'm a white guy, I'm not a liberal or a Democrat, so you can't use your prejudice against them with me.
Doesn’t mean you aren’t mislead

Look in the mirror, at misled.

I mean, I’m not going to change your mind, nor are you going to change mine. I just don’t get the hate towards a man that did so much for our country?

The man had a real cure for covid in his paws and he didn't have the spine to make it freely available, It would have kept America open. Fuck him.

COVID!??? That’s your beef? You are nuts
You are nuts!
Good night.
The left are trying to destroy humanity.

You said he did so much for America, so I told you when he threw you and all Americans under the bus. He makes that cure available, he gets reelected. Biden would not be president. Trump got Biden elected over how he handled the pandemic, after lying to the American people that there wasn't anything to Covid-19.

BIDEN WAS NOT ELECTED. NO ONE VOTED FOR BIDEN EXCEPT FOR YOU and maybe a few of your liberal friends.

I think you might have a few loose marbles, and you should go roll them elsewhere.

No one voted for BIDEN!!! If YOU DID, SHAME ON YOU!!!

You sent
If no one voted for Biden, you would not exist, by same logic.

He has run this country into the ground!!!
You cannot be helped goodnight
Sometimes I just get into conversation to try and understand libtards. But I will never. Goodbye

The country was fucked a long time, it just kept getting more fucked, because both parties are fucking idiots and they put idiots in the White House and Congress. You need a brain transplant, if you think I'm a liberal. I did vote, very reluctantly, for Biden - I'd never in my life voted for a major party candidate- because I knew Trump deeply admired Adolph Hitler.

    She disappeared. I tried to open her Facebook page and could not. Now I can't send her this.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Egged on by Sleepy Joe and the Democrats, Donald the Great threw away a cheap cure that could have kept America open and gotten him reelected instead of indicted 4 times

Dear President Biden and former President Trump:

    I've been dealing lately with personal stuff, and looking in the mirror a bit, and I tested Covid-19 positive last Friday. My doctor was out of town, and he and his nurse got me another doctor, who prescribed the anti-viral drug Paxlovid, which is used in mild and moderate Covid-19 cases.
    Friday was a rough day in my nasal tract, lungs and muscles, and there was some very wild vertigo. Saturday was easier and I had no fever. I have had no fever since then. I did not lose sense of taste or smell. Today, Tuesday, I am having some vertigo and medium coughing, and still no fever.
    I had the original Pfizer vaccination in January 2020 at UAB Medicine in Birmingham, Alabama, after their computer sent me a questionnaire and I filled it out and emailed it back and 5 minutes later I received an email telling me when and where to be for the shot. My older daughter had tried for a week to get UAB Medicine to schedule dinosaur me for the shot. God must have heard her frustration.
    I then had three annual Pfizer vaccinations.
    Please let me start over.
    When Covid-19 reached American in early 2000, President Trump told Americans on television that it there wasn't much to it. Then, people started getting sick and going to hospitals and being put on ventilators and dying.
    In March of 2020, a family practice physician in upstate New York announced he had developed and clinically tested and proven in his own patients a cheap, effective, 5-day treatment protocol that cured people in the early Covid-19 infection stage.
    Here's the doctor's March 23, 2020 letter to President Trump, and Chief-of-Staff Mark Meadows, which explains his cheap, fast cure for early stage Covid-19 infection and how he arrived at developing and proving the cure works.
    Hydroxychloroquine is derived from quinine, which is derived from a tree.
    Sean Hannity had Dr. Zelenko on his FOX show.
    President Trump said on television that the doctor's formula might might be a miracle. 
    Hydroxychloroquine received provisional FDA approval for treating Covid-19.
    The American medical industrial complex went haywire. 
    Hydroxychloroquine was slammed for killing people, even though doctors had prescribed it for decades to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. 
    Dr. Zelenko was called a quack, his medical practice and life, as he had known it, were destroyed. 
    Joe Biden and the Democrats joined that Inquisition, led by Dr.Fauci, CDC, NIH, WHO and Lancet. 
    The FDA director appointed by President Trump took hydroxychloroquine off the approved Covid-19 treatment list, and President Trump went along with it.
    Doctors who supported President Trump politically demonstrated in front of the White House, saying hydroxychloroquine, zinc and Azithromycin was effective treating their patients in the early Covid-19 infection stage. A YouTube video of that demonstration went viral.
    The doctors were hounded and ridiculed, and President Trump did not come to their defense. YouTube took down the video of the doctors in front of the White House.
    Social media banned any mention of Dr. Zelenko and his formula. I got suspended from Facebook for publishing the formula.
    Big Pharma was very pleased.
    Angels told me that Covid-19 was a bioweapon Red China was developing along with a vaccine to hold the rest of the world hostage. To level the playing field, an angel caused the weapon to be released before the vaccine was developed.
    The very last thing Joe Biden and the Democrats wanted was for President Trump to provide Americans with a cheap, fast, early stage Covid-19 infection cure that would allow America to stay open during the pandemic and guarantee President Trump a second term in the White House.
    The last thing the medical-industrial complex wanted was a cheap, 5-day early stage infection cure- no profits to be made in that.
    President Trump launched Operation Warp Speed to develop vaccines, which made President Trump and his cronies a lot of money, if they invested in certain pharmaceutical company common stocks.
    I later watched President Trump say on national television that he knew from the very beginning that Covid-19 would be very bad, but he didn't tell the American people, because he didn't want to scare them. If he lied to the American people about something that important, what else did he lie to them about?
    Please understand former President Trump, that an angel inspired Dr. Zelenko to come up with his cheap, 5-day early stage Covid-19 infection cure and past along to you, and If you had made the cure freely available in America, the country could have stayed open during the Covid-19 pandemic, and you would have been reelected in 2020. 
    Instead, you are a criminal defendant in three federal prosecutions and in a state RICO prosecution with 18 of your stolen-election cronies. 
    All because you didn't use Dr. Zelenko's cure to save America. 
    You whine daily about your own creation, as you keep switching lawyers.
    Your religious right herds all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court know all about pissing off God- except when they do it.
    Here's something you can give to your co-defendants and defense lawyers, who don't get paid.

    Sincerely yours,

    Sloan Bashinsky
Unicorn Party candidate for President of an America

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

In a parallel universe, American politics are very different

    I clerked for a Federal Judge who presided over every Federal prosecution In North Alabama. Feds alerted the Federal Judge assigned to Trump's January 6, 2020 case, to Trump’s tweet, ‘If you go after me, I’m coming after you!’ That Federal Judge had warned Trump about his big mouth, and could hold him in contempt, revoke his bail, and keep him in jail through his trial.

    In the Democrat universe, the Fukawi tribe, which ran Hillary in 2016 and got Trump elected, continues to get lost and gather in a circle and sit down and hold hands and close their eyes and chant, "Where the fuck are we? Where the fuck are we?"

    In a parallel universe, American politics are very different ��