Friday, August 18, 2023

Shiva for president? Social media censorship. My first act as president, I release all government ET files

    In 2002, I met a man in an online political forum and we started exchanging emails. He started calling me Don Quixote, and I started calling him Sancho Panza. He is a retired tech scientist, speaks several languages fluently, including Latin. He once told me my IQ must be near his, 160, and I said subtract 100. He voted twice for Barack Obama, became disillusioned and voterd twice for Donald Trump. I voted for neither.

    I Included Sancho for years in email blasts I send out. He replied to the blast containing the 

Egged on by Sleepy Joe and the Democrats, Donald the Great threw away a cheap cure that could have kept America open and gotten him reelected instead of indicted 4 times

 post at this blog, and one of our typical discussions ensued.

Sorry to hear about your being sick with Covid... the new strains are very mild so you should be OK with lots of rest... as I told you before, your immune system is super strained from all those jabs, so you need to be super careful about stressful situations, etc. 

Watch this and relax:


I gobbled lots of quercetin, C, zinc and Plaxlovid, and  feeling ok for me and played chess with a friend today. First day out.  Was really tired for several days.  I never felt anything from the vaccinations, but sore arms. I was hoping they would finish me off. Now I’ll have to find another exit strategy. 


May the FORCE be with you! 

My daughter(the one that got jabbed) is sick at home right now, with a 101 F fever and lots of joint pain, coughing, etc.,, she just came back from a short vacation to Tanlun, Mexico to see some ruins... anyway, yeah, a lot of people sick like that around here! Thank you Bill Gates and Big PHARMA! 

Did you watch the video? What do you think of Shiva? I might vote for him... or write in your name! Emoji


About 3/4 thru Shiva, I started dozing off. He needs Kali on stage with him. Besides keelhauling Musk,  Zuckerberg and Google, for severely limiting his air time on their platforms, what’s he gonna do as president? Tell him to have Independent me on his show with him. 😎. Er, You-Tube, instead of Google.


You were right the first time, Google owns YouTube! They are all part of the Swarm... Shiva says that he would use the presidency as a bully pulpit to tell all and support populist bottoms up movements like in the early 1900s... that he would use execute orders to break up the swarm's power control mechanism via the Media and special interest lobbying!  Of course, he forgets to mention that he would be assassinated way before that ever happens!  Emoji

He would give prime time short lectures like this one to inform the people about what is really happening... what do you think? 


Yeah, I remembered later that Google is YouTube. 

I have had similar censorship with Facebook and YouTube. I set up a Twitter account, but never used it. Rumble would not put up with me, and the MAGA loonies there would go after every dead pet I ever owned. 

I don't think executive orders will affect who Google, Twitter, Facebook, Rumble, etc. give air time for their pet projects. 

If Shiva were to get into a presidential debate and start dropping the F word every few words out of his mouth, as he does in the first video you sent me, his mic would be shut off and he would be ushered off the premises. Given how often he dropped the F word in that video, he would not in a zillion years be invited to a presidential debate. Nor would I, who sometimes use the F word in podcasts, but for a few dozen other reasons, also. 

Shiva needs to give some examples of what else he would attempt if he were president. He could take some cues from people around him, or even from you, or even me, if he doesn't think he already knows everything. 

I was interviewed and slammed on Facebook Messenger the other day by a Birmingham, Alabama MAGA who had sent me a friend request and then maybe she wished she didn't. I made it into a post at the redneck mystic for president blog.

First thing I would do after being sworn in is release everything on ETs the government has, which I can get my hands on, and give everyone something new to fret about😎. Imagine the religions dealing with ETs. And everyone else. 


Are YOU the true Lord SHIVA? The Destroyer of Worlds?


Here is Shiva under Kali's feet.

I figure all the severed men's heads means she doesn't care for how men think. Emoji

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