A drop-dead beautiful lady lawyer, whom I once told I could not date because she was a Trumper and she was married, replied to the Shiva for president? Social media censorship. My first act as president, I release all government ET files post at this campaign blog:
Why is this potentially your last post?
I replied:
I'm writing about that in the next blog post, which started hatching in earnest, surely an accident, nothing to do with God, after I received your inquiry😇.After I get that post formatted and published, I will send it to you and the other people I've been serenading about stuff no one who actually hoped to be elected would dare even think, probably😎.Campaign debate question:How would you deal with the invasion of America's southern border?Me:Well, how about I declare that is a war against America, caused by Mexico, its drug cartels, unrest in Central America, and Colombia drug cartels. So, until Mexico stops the invasion, Americans, and their dollars, cannot go to Mexico, Central America or Colombia for any reason other than to bury a dead relative. American airlines cannot go to Mexico, Central America or Colombia. Cruise ships that go to Mexico, Central America and Colombia cannot come into American ports. American businesses in Mexico have 3 years to relocate to America, failing which, they forfeit to the US Treasury their Mexico profits.In the slight chance you already didn't totally ruin your reputation, share my campaign blog posts with all your friends and enemies😎.
Retired tech scientist Sancho Panza, turned internet guru on many subjects, replied to the Shiva for president? Social media censorship. My first act as president, I release all government ET files post at this campaign blog:
Hi, Sloan, I forgot to mention that the medicine you took, Plaxlovid, seems to cause a rebound effect(you get sick again) within a week or two... you remember, it happened to Biden, so watch out for that! Hope that that has nothing to do with why you are quitting your blog!Me:Perhaps you have explained the relapse, I just love side effects. My doctor's nurse told me after I read your cheery email, that Paxlovid contains Covid-19 antibodies, and I will test positive for a couple of weeks. Or a couple of months?, I asked. She said probably not that long. She agreed, my using the $20 a pop BinaxNOW Covid-19 test kit yesterday, was a waste of time. She also agreed, since I took Paxlovid, there is no telling when I might know for sure I no longer have Covid-19.Feel free to share that scandalous news with anyone who still puts up with you, and those who don't.Other than it gave me something to write about, crucifying Trump again, and resurrecting Dr. Zelenko again, Covid-19 has nothing to do with the campaign blog, which right now has 74 views and zero comments. I suppose over half of the views were me working in the blog.
The blog was supposed to be linked to a campaign podcast episode by same name: "The Redneck Mystic Lawyer for President, on the Unicorn ticket". Alas, in my wonderful 81st year and tendency to wander and ramble sometimes, like Sleepy Joe and Donald the Great, I forgot to mention in the first campaign podcast that there was a sister blog and that I was running on the Unicorn ticket. That was corrected in a 2nd podcast, which included new if I were president edicts, in one of which edicts, it turned out, I had an important fact wrong, and that podcast was not sent up on YouTube to create a link I could share with other people.A good while ago, my tech buddy Bob in the podcasts and I stopped using YouTube to publicly broadcast The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, because analytics showed very few people who went to a YouTube episode watched much it. Bob cultivated a number of Torrent platforms, which agreed to carry The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast. The Torrent-published episodes got 50,000 to 140,000 complete watches by Torrent subscribers. Recently Torrent agreeed to accept The Redneck Mystic Lawyer For President episodes - as a spoof.The free internet library, archive.com, which has a number of my metaphysical books, agreed to carry the first presidential campaign podcast, as a spoof.As I prepared to redo the 2nd presidential campaign episode, Bob learned that Google had culled from its platform all YouTube podcasts by marginal presidential candidates, of which I was probably the least significant. So, only Torrent subscribers could watch the first presidential campaign episode. I'm not smart enough to figure out how to subscribe to Torrent, whose creators and their subscribers are a lot more interested in different stuff, than are people who watch YouTube, or use Twitter, or Rumble, which is extreme right wing.Yesterday, Bob was informed by Torrent and the library that, because of something I wrote in one chapter of Tiny Kingdom Black Sheep about taking a prescription drug (Memantine HCL) and dried jelly fish brains (Prevagen) to retard onset of dementia associated with old age, that I am an elder at risk and Bob no longer can represent me with them. I'm grateful they have so many of my musings, and I wish them well.While I personally might get some measure of comic relief and express some frustration by publishing presidential campaign podcasts at Rumble, I don't imagine Rumble would accept the podcasts, even if I paid them or let them put advertising into the podcasts, which Bob and I did not do with YouTube, which kept pressing us to upgrade, get more viewers for us, if we let them put ads in our podcasts.
Meanwhile, my dreams indicate I'm to keep posting at the campaign blog. Like I have lots of other things to do instead of what I've been doing online since you and I met in an online political forum in 2002, as I recall, and you started calling me Don Quixote.
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