Thursday, August 17, 2023

Donald Trump made a miracle by cloning half of America as himself

    The day before yesterday, I learned that YouTube had killed the campaign kick-off podcast at The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, because the candidate wasn't important enough to have a YouTube presidential campaign channel. I felt relieved, because no YouTube customers watched much of that podcast, whereas around 55,000 Torrent customers watched all of it as of a couple of days ago. 

    Yesterday, a liberal friend posted on his Facebook timeline: 

Wondering what the hell that the trumpists actually believe.

I posted this reply:

I just had an interesting private messenger discussion with a Trumper, which I might make into a blog post tomorrow and serenade you with it. 
I told a friend who had sent me an article about Kevin McCarthy saying all the indictments are witch hunts, that Trump has performed a miracle by cloning half of America as himself.

    This private messenger discussion with the Trumper occurred  right after I published a link at Facebook to yesterday's post at this blog: 

Lives in Birmingham, Alabama

I’m blown away by your ignorance. Did you ever watch the live footage of the election, when windows were being cardboarded so that no one could see what was going on? The ladies in Atlanta that were running the same ballots through the machine after the ballot checkers had left for the day? Also claiming a flood, which caused them to shut down? It was a minor toilet leak! Or the live footage of January 6? I did! I’m sure that you wouldn’t be open to seeing what really happened. But if you could just have an open mind and look at the truth? You seem so clueless and simply have an agenda which is always negative. Whether it be politics or your brother. It’s sad that you can’t write ANYTHING that is good.

Send me your evidence

Unfortunately all of the evidence was deleted by the left wing owners of twitter at the time. I watched it all in real time!
I saw the Antifa group in front of the capitol change into Trump supporter clothes. I saw the Capital Police usher people in to the Capital. I was someone inside the Capital slots Ashley, but it looked to be a civilian. I saw the Antifi group being ushered throughout the Capital by the police officers. There was definitely something fishy going on!

I’m into facts, evidence, as was the Birmingham Police Department, the Jefferson County Medical Examiner and the FBI in my brother’s suicide made to look like murder case. I saw the white supremacy riot on Jan 6 and I saw Trump invite it. I never used Twitter. Trump maybe hung himself on Twitter? Am pretty sure erased can be recovered by professionals.
Can't imagine why you sent me a friend request. I seem to rile up Democrats, too

There is no white supremacy group, if so show me

Look at the seas of white people in the Jan 6 film and photos- a picture is worth a thousand words.

To me, it seems the left are just VICTIMS! Maybe daddy didn’t leave them enough money?
What? Being white is now a crime?..
Ok, I can’t. I thought you could help me make sense of this ignorance. Good night

The film and the photos plainly show the race of the rioters and their leader. That's never going to change.
Here's one photo of a white Trump rally.

That’s ignorant there were no rioters. George sores planted antifi to make it look that way, and you bought into it!

I'm a white guy, I'm not a liberal or a Democrat, so you can't use your prejudice against them with me.
Doesn’t mean you aren’t mislead

Look in the mirror, at misled.

I mean, I’m not going to change your mind, nor are you going to change mine. I just don’t get the hate towards a man that did so much for our country?

The man had a real cure for covid in his paws and he didn't have the spine to make it freely available, It would have kept America open. Fuck him.

COVID!??? That’s your beef? You are nuts
You are nuts!
Good night.
The left are trying to destroy humanity.

You said he did so much for America, so I told you when he threw you and all Americans under the bus. He makes that cure available, he gets reelected. Biden would not be president. Trump got Biden elected over how he handled the pandemic, after lying to the American people that there wasn't anything to Covid-19.

BIDEN WAS NOT ELECTED. NO ONE VOTED FOR BIDEN EXCEPT FOR YOU and maybe a few of your liberal friends.

I think you might have a few loose marbles, and you should go roll them elsewhere.

No one voted for BIDEN!!! If YOU DID, SHAME ON YOU!!!

You sent
If no one voted for Biden, you would not exist, by same logic.

He has run this country into the ground!!!
You cannot be helped goodnight
Sometimes I just get into conversation to try and understand libtards. But I will never. Goodbye

The country was fucked a long time, it just kept getting more fucked, because both parties are fucking idiots and they put idiots in the White House and Congress. You need a brain transplant, if you think I'm a liberal. I did vote, very reluctantly, for Biden - I'd never in my life voted for a major party candidate- because I knew Trump deeply admired Adolph Hitler.

    She disappeared. I tried to open her Facebook page and could not. Now I can't send her this.

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