Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Rave Republican endorsement for my first act as president - release the ET files, which might cause Atlas to do more than shrug, and more piggish down to Earth shit shows

    Email this morning from a US Army Special Forces combat veteran amigo, who voted twice for Donald Trump and told me after the January 6, 2020 assault on the U.S. Capitol that all of the rioters should have been shot dead, and I could quote him.

Morning Mr. President,

I am 100% in support of your first act as Commander in Chief to be full release of the Government files on all things extraterrestrial, multidimensional or even ultra-terrestrial.  

That should cause a big enough firestorm to allow you to get to all the other stuff that needs to be done while everyone’s heads are spinning.

    I replied:

The conniving angels taught me to go for the most vulnerable obvious strike point, and releasing the ET files has to be it. I wonder how the ETs feel about that? Are they in agreement? Disagreement? Would they allow it? Would they beam me up and over to a penal colony on one of Jupiter's moons? 

In a dream the other night, a German shepherd was all over me smiing, wagging its tail, rubbing up against me. I figured that had to have something to do with you and the campaign. (My friend's last name is German.) 
No doubt total coincidence, this happened on Facebook shortly before I announced my first act as president.

When I was a teen, I read everything I could get my hands on by Robert Heinlein, like many of us of a certain age. In Stranger in a Strange Land, he made the point that 99% of humor is rooted in pain, specifically, the pain of others. As someone opined, “tragedy is when I get a hangnail; comedy is when you fall down a manhole and die.” Lately, I’ve been cogitating about the influence of alienation, another state most of us would consider negative, but is critically necessary to the creative arts. What would most literature be if the main character didn’t feel set apart/different? Song lyrics? Even the visual arts? They’d be boring, is what. Alienation is so much a part of the human condition that I’d say that coming to terms with it, either by fighting it or making one’s peace with it, is central to our development of self.

Sloan Bashinsky
Nicely said. I think every American high school student should be required to read Stranger in a Strange Land in order to graduate. A human Martian colonist sent back to Earth and a very advanced Martian species’ perspectives would jam every molecule of the highschoolers’ religious, cultural and political brainwashing.

Funnily enough, the other seminal book I read several times in my teens was Atlas Shrugged. Nobody’s perfect!

Sloan Bashinsky
Dagny Taggart hurt my feelings when she dumped Reardon for Gault.
I kinda liked Francisco. 

Sloan Bashinsky
I really liked Atlas Shrugged. I was put onto it by a law school buddy, who was in the US Marine reserve and was called up out of law school and sent to Vietnam, where he suffered a serious leg wound and was in that way saved and sent back to America and came back to law school with a limp. I bet Ayn Rand had some choice words for the Vietnam war, or at least some choice thoughts. I didn't read her other books. I read plenty of criticism of her thinking, but Atlas Shrugged was, in my opinion, a very nice parody. Today, America is so far deep down in the shitter that I doubt 1,000 John Gaults could help it. Nor could Jesus in the Gospels, if he were back. Probably, Christians would kill him.

Sloan - I was deeply into her for a time and read most of her stuff, as well as an autobiography of her young lover, on whom Gault was supposedly based. I found Gault the character to be tedious. And the more I read about her, the more I found her to be a narcissistic hypocrite. Yuk

Sloan Bashinsky 
I thought Gault perhaps represented the Jesus Rand had rejected in her youth. I know nothing of her personal life, but I think Atlas Shrugged was a bit too on target for the conventional wisdom (brainwashed) folks. 

    Perhaps closer to Earth, this was posted on Facebook yesterday by south Alabama bayou country belle Elizabeth, aka Empress of Fantasia, aka Eliza. 
Why do so many Christians follow the most un-christlike person on the planet? Explain it like I'm two years old.  
fox disinformation corp 
Because Christianity is just idolatry, and its followers are always looking to someone else for guidance as long as it's someone who they feel the rest of the crowd is turning to.

Cause de ain't real Christians ? They would not want to try Buddha's's a 24 hour have to strive every moment of the day...and the reward ? A peaceful life.. 

Summer I'm totally zenning!
Elizabeth try some Zen and lose your mind... 
Summer I don't claim anything, honest.
Sloan Bashinsky
I wonder if they will be asked that very question when their roll is called up yonder, and they holler, "Well, he wasn't as bad as his good friend Jerry Epstein, or his buddy Vladimir Putin, or his buddy Rocket Man in Korea, or the Saudi sheik he bowed to, who had a journalist sawed up in little pieces because of what he wrote about the Saudi sheik!"



Sloan I despise whataboutism. 
Sloan Bashinsky
You mean like what happened in your church in the bayou country after a bunch holy roller MAGAs and their holy roller preacher got in bed with real estate developers - ya think they might be asked about that when their rolls are called up yonder? You won't be asked why you didn't raise bloody hell about them doing that, because you raised bloody hell about it, and they told you to go to hell, either directly or by pretending you didn't exist. Maybe they were zenning, but thought they were Jesus-ing? 
Sloan may God's Grace cover them.   
Sloan Bashinsky
Yeah, and God's switches and ashes, too, to help round them out, else they come back in their next life and do it, or worse, all over again.
I hope I'm getting better at this.

Sloan Bashinsky
At what part? Posting on FB that shreds their facades, or pouring God's grace on them? Hell, Empress, you wuz who wrote "Pigs In Mud". Where do you suppose it came from? Can it be pinned to people it fits?

“Pigs in mud”
All want the security of the well fed pig.
Horror at the baseness unrecognized.
A lifetime spent in shirt stuffing.
And pen comparison.
Is truth more palatable when honeyed?
Is a stark soulscape less so with the eyes of Monet?
May my affectations always be understood. 
I was just trying to deter my piggly ways.

Sloan Bashinsky
To quote Sleepy Joe, Eliza, here's the deal. Jesus in the Gospels said not to hide your lamp under a bushel. 
A guy named Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP, in which he spoke a great deal about "cheap grace". He has been quoted as saying, "Silence in the face of Evil itself is Evil, GOD will not hold us guiltless." He was part of a plot to kill Adolph Hitler, and he got caught and executed. In some Christian theology circles today, he is considered a giant among midgets.
When I ran all those many times for mayor of Key West and county commissioner for the Florida Keys, and once for school board, I never expected to come close to winning. I was the candidate who always said what needed to be said during candidate forums, media interviews, etc. I wasn't counting votes when I spoke. I was trying to keep God happy with me, since I thought it was God who had put me up to running for those offices. I was told a number of times that I might have gotten elected, if I had not said God told me to run. You probably remember all of that from reading, which has been dormant a couple of years. 
And, I suppose you might recall my talking in blog posts about The Resistance, which was citizens saying and writing what needed to be said and wrote, even if it didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of making one iota of difference. Jesus in the Gospels got himself nailed to a cross for what he said and did. 
The MAGAs in that church you left after they took it over probably would freak out if that same Jesus showed up in their midst and said and did what he did in the Gospels. They just might make a noose and hang him from a live oak tree right there in your south Alabama bayou. They might care less that Ivana Trump revealed that hubby Donald kept a book of Hitler's speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed and sometimes he pulled it out at night and read it. Here's that book.







My republican in-laws named 2 different Dobermans after Nazis. I found this out some years after meeting them and by that time wasn't surprised. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Here's the Charlottesville demonstration that, from his response, laid Donald Trump bare as any Nazi got laid bare. 


Most societal systems are functioning inverted.
To the two year old: "they oppositted things and stupid people didn't question it."

Good old-fashioned American-style hoodwinking; his timing was just right, as enough white Americans had become unglued over a man of color being president, and he tapped that. The mystery is why they were such easy marks that they never caught on that he was a crook and a fool after he spent so much time proving it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Sloan Bashinsky
John They knew what Trump was, it was in plain view. So, what does that say about them making him their Jesus? They understood, when Trump kept saying the 2020 presidential election was stolen, that he meant it was stolen by Blacks. I didn't vote for Obama, nor for any major party candidate before him. I voted for Biden very reluctantly, because I knew Trump was fond of Adolph Hitler, and he courted the white supremacists in America. Trump has eclipsed and displaced the Republican Party and its debates and FOX News. The Party of Lincoln is no more. It knows, if it doesn't accept Trump as its candidate, the Democrats will win the White House in 2024, and perhaps both sides of Congress. And God only knows what Republicans the US Department of Justice would go after then?

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