Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Egged on by Sleepy Joe and the Democrats, Donald the Great threw away a cheap cure that could have kept America open and gotten him reelected instead of indicted 4 times

Dear President Biden and former President Trump:

    I've been dealing lately with personal stuff, and looking in the mirror a bit, and I tested Covid-19 positive last Friday. My doctor was out of town, and he and his nurse got me another doctor, who prescribed the anti-viral drug Paxlovid, which is used in mild and moderate Covid-19 cases.
    Friday was a rough day in my nasal tract, lungs and muscles, and there was some very wild vertigo. Saturday was easier and I had no fever. I have had no fever since then. I did not lose sense of taste or smell. Today, Tuesday, I am having some vertigo and medium coughing, and still no fever.
    I had the original Pfizer vaccination in January 2020 at UAB Medicine in Birmingham, Alabama, after their computer sent me a questionnaire and I filled it out and emailed it back and 5 minutes later I received an email telling me when and where to be for the shot. My older daughter had tried for a week to get UAB Medicine to schedule dinosaur me for the shot. God must have heard her frustration.
    I then had three annual Pfizer vaccinations.
    Please let me start over.
    When Covid-19 reached American in early 2000, President Trump told Americans on television that it there wasn't much to it. Then, people started getting sick and going to hospitals and being put on ventilators and dying.
    In March of 2020, a family practice physician in upstate New York announced he had developed and clinically tested and proven in his own patients a cheap, effective, 5-day treatment protocol that cured people in the early Covid-19 infection stage.
    Here's the doctor's March 23, 2020 letter to President Trump, and Chief-of-Staff Mark Meadows, which explains his cheap, fast cure for early stage Covid-19 infection and how he arrived at developing and proving the cure works.
    Hydroxychloroquine is derived from quinine, which is derived from a tree.
    Sean Hannity had Dr. Zelenko on his FOX show.
    President Trump said on television that the doctor's formula might might be a miracle. 
    Hydroxychloroquine received provisional FDA approval for treating Covid-19.
    The American medical industrial complex went haywire. 
    Hydroxychloroquine was slammed for killing people, even though doctors had prescribed it for decades to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. 
    Dr. Zelenko was called a quack, his medical practice and life, as he had known it, were destroyed. 
    Joe Biden and the Democrats joined that Inquisition, led by Dr.Fauci, CDC, NIH, WHO and Lancet. 
    The FDA director appointed by President Trump took hydroxychloroquine off the approved Covid-19 treatment list, and President Trump went along with it.
    Doctors who supported President Trump politically demonstrated in front of the White House, saying hydroxychloroquine, zinc and Azithromycin was effective treating their patients in the early Covid-19 infection stage. A YouTube video of that demonstration went viral.
    The doctors were hounded and ridiculed, and President Trump did not come to their defense. YouTube took down the video of the doctors in front of the White House.
    Social media banned any mention of Dr. Zelenko and his formula. I got suspended from Facebook for publishing the formula.
    Big Pharma was very pleased.
    Angels told me that Covid-19 was a bioweapon Red China was developing along with a vaccine to hold the rest of the world hostage. To level the playing field, an angel caused the weapon to be released before the vaccine was developed.
    The very last thing Joe Biden and the Democrats wanted was for President Trump to provide Americans with a cheap, fast, early stage Covid-19 infection cure that would allow America to stay open during the pandemic and guarantee President Trump a second term in the White House.
    The last thing the medical-industrial complex wanted was a cheap, 5-day early stage infection cure- no profits to be made in that.
    President Trump launched Operation Warp Speed to develop vaccines, which made President Trump and his cronies a lot of money, if they invested in certain pharmaceutical company common stocks.
    I later watched President Trump say on national television that he knew from the very beginning that Covid-19 would be very bad, but he didn't tell the American people, because he didn't want to scare them. If he lied to the American people about something that important, what else did he lie to them about?
    Please understand former President Trump, that an angel inspired Dr. Zelenko to come up with his cheap, 5-day early stage Covid-19 infection cure and past along to you, and If you had made the cure freely available in America, the country could have stayed open during the Covid-19 pandemic, and you would have been reelected in 2020. 
    Instead, you are a criminal defendant in three federal prosecutions and in a state RICO prosecution with 18 of your stolen-election cronies. 
    All because you didn't use Dr. Zelenko's cure to save America. 
    You whine daily about your own creation, as you keep switching lawyers.
    Your religious right herds all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court know all about pissing off God- except when they do it.
    Here's something you can give to your co-defendants and defense lawyers, who don't get paid.

    Sincerely yours,

    Sloan Bashinsky
Unicorn Party candidate for President of an America

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