Sunday, February 25, 2024

Once upon some times, the redneck mystic lawyer wrote three culture busting love stories pretending to be novels now free reads at the internet library,

    Yesterday, a woman I nick-named “Man Killer”, because of all the boys' hearts she must have broken when she was young, was toting a novel by a famous American writer. I said  she might want to read my novels, which are a bit more exciting. 

    “You write novels?”


    She asked how she could find them?

    I said I would email her links for the novels at the free internet library, and that an elderly woman I knew in Key West once told me that she could not put the 2nd novel down and she read it straight through in one night.

    “Man Killer” asked if I had copies she could hold in her hands and read?


    She said she liked to hold books when she read them.

    I said, sorry, she could hold her smart phone, tablet, laptop and read the novels.

    I emailed her:

Subject: links to 3 novels, parental guidance advised :-) 
Free reads, no ads, no solicitation 
Kundalina, Alabama 

Heavy Wait: A Strange Tale

Return of the Strange (sequel to Heavy Wait)

     I went to and pulled up the descriptions of the three novels.

Kundalina, Alabama
Kundalina. It rhymes with Carolina. It is a strange tale involving mystics, space aliens(Pleiadians if you must know), and all manner of critters and wildlife. Churches, pastors, preachers, sinners, saints- of all shapes, sizes, means and manners. It even involves a particularly resilient strain of carp. Kundalina is NOT nonfiction but it strains the definition of fiction to that of a tightly pulled hair follicle from which an 800lb gorilla is hanging onto for dear life. Another way to say it is this:. Kundalina is a rollicking tale of the state of Alabama MAYBE NOT AS IT WAS but instead as ALABAMA SHOULD HAVE BEEN and MAY YET BE if Alabama were to be so lucky.
This is Sloan Bashinsky's first published novel. 
Heavy Wait: A Strange Tale
This free book starts with an earthly and metaphysical romp about how the novel came to be written, what it was like for Sloan while he wrote it, and his irreverent philosophy of writing, poetry and living - preferring to be a frog instead of a prince.
The novel is based on a storyline given to Sloan by street performer Birdie McLaine, whom Sloan met in Key West, 2001. Sloan told Birdie he had pretty much lived about half of the storyline the year before.
A non-stop romp. A cornicopia of love, loss, lottery winnings, psychiatry, fishing, law, kidnapping, paradise mating, incest healing, human greed, criminal prosecution, karma, incarceration and spirit set in Birmingham, Alabama, Port St. Joe and Apalachicola, Florida, and the Caribbean garden island, Dominica.
The main characters, Mary Lou Snow, Riley Strange and Willa Sue Jenkins are a the gods must be crazy menage de trois only a mystic, or a street performer, could dream up. The supporting actors are loveable, detestable, unforgettable. 
There really is no way to describe Heavy Wait in writing, or verbally, and do it justice.
It is not for the faint of heart, prudes, people who hate lawyers, lawyers who think they are hot stuff, people who think Jesus loves them no matter what they do. It is not for anyone, who doesn’t have a helluva sense of humor and a fertile imagination.
Sloan wrote the story stone cold sober without any chemical assistance, There was a good bit of other world assistance.
Sloan still believes God wrote the story, and he was just along for the ride, trying to keep up with the many unexpected twists and turns, which perhaps a novelist like Tom Robbins, who wrote Just Another Roadside Attraction, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues and Jitterbug Perfume might appreciate. 
Sloan doubts a novelist like John Grisham would like Heavy Wait. 
Perhaps minor actor Stephen King would like it. Perhaps not. 
Same for Oprah, the principal supporting actress. 
Return of the Strange (sequel to Heavy Wait)
The long awaited sequel to Heavy Wait. This book had a gestational cycle of years and it is a rip roaring romp through America and both the kindness and also the dark heart of the American experience. Equally moving, sometimes you will laugh, sometimes you will cry, sometimes you will not know whether to continue, and sometimes you won't be able to tear yourself away from this STRANGE tale of Riley and his paradise mated wyrd love, Willa Sue.
    Around dawn today, I had a dream about a woman quarterback trying to score a touchdown against my team on which I was a defensive back. She tried an end run, and at the very last moment, she stopped running and lobbed a short pass to a woman in the end zone for a touchdown. I woke up, scratching my head.

    I crawled out of bed, fixed breakfast: dried blueberries and cherries and walnuts and GMO free yogurt, which I eat every morning. 

    I have read that berries are antioxidants and blueberries and walnuts are brain food. 

    I take a dried jellyfish brain supplement (Prevagen), which a bridge amiga told me helped her memory, 

    I take Memantine, prescribed by my neurologist, to stave off dementia. 

    I play a lot of bridge and chess, which exercise my brain, and I do a lot of writing, which exercises my brain. 

    So far, I am not able to find a doctor who will do a brain transplant, nor am I able to find a willing donor.

   After breakfast, I went online and found a private message from a woman who had sent me a Facebook friend request on January 18, 2024, which I accepted, and she private messaged me:

Thank you for being my friend, how are you?

run ragged by angels, and old, and tired, but still kicking, although not as much as when I was younger 
    From her this morning:

Good morning Bash, how are you doing? Sorry it had been so long but I just moved back to Bham also and am trying to see everyone and kids. Glad to call you my friend. Where did you move back from and why, as they ask me. Talk later. 
    I looked at Karen's Facebook page and found the lob pass:

    I private messaged her:

2018, from Key West, where I had hung out most of the time since 2001. My older daughter put “He’s old but he’s ornery” on my FB for my last birthday, 81. I looked at your FB and saw your chubby woman with anger issues post and provided links to my last 2 novels, free reads, about a chubby woman with anger issues and her knight in tarnished armor.  
    Bottom line, I think at this point in time and space, the literary gods and goddesses favor Heavy Wait and Return of the Strange. Certainly, they are more relevant in American politics and religion today, and in soul healing, but Kundalina may be more cosmic, and its Mary Lou Snow is to die for.

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