Friday, February 9, 2024

Macabre America

    After publishing yesterday’s Mutant Apocalypse: America
  post, I wondered if I had gone over the top?

    This morning, I wonder if I have only just begun?

    CNN last night and this morning reported Special Counsel Robert Hur said in his written report that he decided not to prosecute President Biden for willfully retaining classified documents, because President Biden could not remember anywhere close to the years he was vice-president and the year his son Beau died, and a jury would not likely convict a pleasant old man with faulty memory. 

    I found online just now that after battling brain cancer former Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden died on May 30, 2015.

    And I found this news report: 

Biden said the [Special Counsel] report's descriptions of his memory and his son's death were “extraneous commentary” that “had no place in this report.” About his son's death, Biden said, “How in the hell dare he raise that?”

“Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself, it wasn’t any of their damn business,” he said. “Every Memorial Day we hold a service remembering him, attended by friends and family and the people who loved him. I don’t need anyone, I don’t need anyone to remind me when he passed away.”

    And I found this at NBC News:

Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-NY, is calling on Attorney General Merrick Garland to invoke the 25th Amendment in an effort to remove President Joe Biden from office after special counsel Robert Hur’s report said the president should not be prosecuted for mishandling classified documents.

Tenney compared Hur's decision in his investigation of Biden to special counsel Jack Smith's bringing charges against former President Donald Trump for his handling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. The Department of Justice “cannot ethically bring charges” against Trump “because he has mental acuity and a forceful personality” while declining to bring charges against Biden because of his “cognitive decline,” Tenney argued. 

“President Biden needs to be charged, or he needs to be removed. There is no middle ground,” Tenney wrote. She added that it was “incumbent” upon Garland to begin proceedings to remove the Biden using the 25th Amendment.

The amendment, ratified after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, provides the procedure for replacing the president in the event of death, removal, resignation or incapacitation. One of its sections provides the vice president and majority of either the Cabinet “or such other body as Congress may by law provide” with a mechanism to transfer power from the president.  

    On CNN last night and this morning, President Biden went on and on about Hur, but never did he say the date Beau died or the dates he was Barack Obama’s vice-president, and I wondered if President Biden lost his marbles, or if his advisers lost theirs, because that was when President Biden really did need to tell the American public when he was Barack Obama’s vice president and when Beau died.

    I don’t remember the day in July 1967 when my son was born, but I remember very well that he died of sudden infant death syndrome on September 10, 1967, and his remains were buried at Elmwood Cemetery in Birmingham, Alabama on September 12, 1967. A long stem yellow rose on his simple oak coffin.

     I remember very well walking with his mother from the open grave back to our car.

    I had not yet wept, and the black woman, who lived in my parents’ home and had raised me as her own child, walked over to our car and leaned in through the driver’s side window and hugged me, and I burst into tears and could not stop crying and heaving. 

    That night, my father’s brother Leo called and gave me hell about crying at my son’s funeral, and I wondered what was wrong with Leo?

    I cried off and on for months. 

    Maybe I didn’t cry enough. 

     In 1988, I went back to my son's unmarked grave for the first time, carrying a yellow peace rose off a rose bush I once had planted, and collapsed to my knees, bawling my eyes and heart out. 

    I kept returning to his unmarked grave with a yellow peace rose until no more tears came.

    I ordered a marker for his grave, on which was engraved, “Infant Son: He opened our hearts and set us on our journey.

    I can imagine my son had something to do with a poem that leaped out of me in 1991:

Living Poets 
Dead poets are poets who never write
Who obey shoulds and oughts
Who live to please others
Who value money over God
Who die without ever having lived
Death is their mark 
Dead poets are remembered by the living
Living poets are remembered by time
Dead poets never sing their song
Living poets never stop singing it 
The difference between the two is this:
One worships fear, the other life 
To be a dead poet is hard
It requires being someone else
To be a living poet is easy
It only means being myself  
One choice is hell, the other heaven
That is what is meant by free will 

    And with a poem that leaped out of me in 1992.

The Mockingbird 
I happened upon a mockingbird
singing its fool head off –
I asked it how and why it sang?
But all it did was look ahead,
all it did was sing.
It never turned to see if I was watching,
or listened for money jingling in my pockets,
or asked if I liked its music,
or expected a recording contract –
It was too busy singing
to pay any attention to me.
Thus did I learn
the greatest sin of all
is to kill a mockingbird. 

    And with a poem that leaped our of me in 1983:

Who invented the rule that poetry must rhyme, have pentameter, be cast into verse? Tell me, yes, please tell me, who, just who, invented that really silly rule? Surely it wasn’t the maker of the first stone- otherwise, there’d be no stones to break all those slaving rules! 

   Many years later, I realized my son’s death destroyed any chance I would fit into the plans my father and his father and my mother had for me, and any plans I had for me. He set me free to be who I really am- instead of becoming a mutant, I only just now see.
    So, on CNN this morning, President Biden says Israel has gone over the top in Gaza. 

    President Biden just now thinks that? For real?

    Where has he been since the October 7, 2023 Hamas raid in Israel? My birthday.

    Thinking about Beau?

    If President Biden was thinking about Beau, why didn’t that cause him to recoil in horror over Israel killing thousands of children in Gaza?

    If President Biden was thinking about Beau, why didn’t he stop giving Israel money and weapons and munitions?

    If President Biden is the devout Catholic he claims to be, how did he FORGET

Matthew 19:14
“Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'

    How did he keep giving Israel money, weapons and munitions to kill children?

    Maybe a Special Counsel should investigate that.

    Maybe a Special Counsel would report President Biden isn’t any different from the MAGA Christians who want Israel to defend “the holy land” from Islam until hell freezes over, because “the holy land” is where Jesus was born to Jews and where he was crucified at the behest of Jews.

    Maybe a Special Counsel would report Donald Trump told Israel he is their best friend, hoping to get the vote of every Jew and conservative Christian in America, and therefore President Biden viewed abandoning Israel as political suicide for himself and the return of a crazed maniac, Donald Trump, to the White House.

    Maybe a Special Counsel would report Republican and Democrat Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court, who said yesterday that allowing U.S. Constitution Amendment 14, Section 3 to keep Trump off the Colorado ballot will destroy democracy and disenfranchise voters in America, is ludicrous, because Trump tried to end democracy and disenfranchise voters in America on January 6, 2020.

    Maybe a Special Counsel would say the U.S. Supreme Court should read 14/3 and apply it, and leave their politics and their very real fears of being assassinated by MAGAs out of their decision.

U.S. Constitution Amendment 14, Section 3
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

    Maybe a Special Counsel would recommend Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and the US Supreme Court Justices be locked up in adjoining cells, next to Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson.

    Maybe the Special Counsel would declare America is not and never was "one nation, under God", and the proof of that is "under God" was not in the original Pledge of Allegiance, but was added to the Pledge when I was a boy, to paint America godly and communism ungodly. 

    Maybe the Special Counsel would declare America’s African slaving origins and genocide against the real Americans and swiping Spain’s part of America has come home to roost in Joe Biden and Donald Trump being the “best” the Democrats and the Republicans have to offer.


Definitions from Oxford Languages
so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous.

    Or, maybe I should name this post: Macabre America.

Definitions from Oxford Languages
disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury.
"a macabre series of murders"

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