Sunday, February 11, 2024

the internet, cults, revolutions and The Deep State

    The internet allows people to engage the world in ways never dreamed before the internet. In some ways, the internet has replaced religions. In some ways, the intenet has replaced God by whatever name called. In many ways, the internet has made it much easier for people to join herds they otherwise would not know exist. 

    I wrote to someone in Australia this morning, who approached me a few weeks ago after reading something I had posted in an online forum about the Melchizedek training. She  began to have experiences that suggested she might enter the Melchizedek training, which in my experience, and in the experience of a few other people I have known, is unimaginably difficult. It can be likened to what Jesus in the Gospels experienced, and to what his disciples experienced after he left them. 

    After she sent me this morning an Alex Jones video announcing Tucker Carlson had interviewed Vladimir Putin, and to be on the lookout for that video, which is about avoiding World War III, I wrote to her:

Alex Jones is seriously deranged.

I agree, the Carlson interview of Putin is really important, and perhaps it will be released in full, instead of Tucker only releases what he wants the public to see.

From news reports I’ve read online about the interview, Putin told Tucker than he invaded Ukraine because he views parts of Ukraine as Russia. That flies squarely against the widely head notion that Putin invaded Ukriane because it wanted to get into NATO. Of course, if Ukraine was in NATO, do you think Putin would have invaded Ukraine? 

You have a woman in Sydney named Caitlin Johnstone, who keeps giving Russia a free pass on the Ukraine invasion, and keeps blaming the Ukraine president and Joe Biden for not making peace with Putin. She has a very large following on Substack. She cherrypicks what she wants to sell to her readers, and ignores or insults what she doesn’t want her readers to be swayed by. I might do yet another post about her today. And Chris Hedges, who also has a very large Substack readership, and also cherrypicks. Mainly, they are raising hell about Israel and giving Hamas a free pass, when they should be raising hell about both. 

If you get caught up a herd like that, or in Trump’s herd, or in Biden’s herd, or in any herd, you are in a cult, and you are fucked, spiritually, until you leave the herd and see it for what it actually is.

    Here is the lead with a link for the Caitlin Johnstone piece yesterday, into which I plunged.

Pushing Gazans Into Rafah And Then Attacking…
Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): Israel is reportedly preparing to launch a ground assault on Rafah, the southernmost part of the Gaza Strip where Gazans have been pushed to flee to. Israel has instructed the 1.4 million refugees sheltering there to evacuate, along with the hundreds of thousands of people who were already living there before, but there doesn’t seem to be anywhere for them to go. This could wind up being

Read →

Just a moment of praise for this writer. Does anyone write like Johnstone? Anyone at all? I've been reading subversive literature for over 55 years and her voice is as powerful and moving as any. So necessary in this time. It feels like a voice straight out of the darkness, a klaxon call waking us from the narcotic sleep of sociopathic empire. And the tenacity! tapping into some well of prodigious energy and creativity. Month after month immersing herself in the atrocities and brutal savagery of the merciless, destructive juggernaut that is Western imperialism. But what an opportunity. When in history has it been on such incredibly vivid display? You and Tim are holding valuable space for a lot of us out here Caitlin. Grateful, deeply grateful.

Caitlin Johnstone

Thank you so much for your kind words. That means a lot to us.

ChazLB’s Newsletter
All we can hope is that our megar comments can inspire each other to do better think better and be better are a life raft in this insanity.

Agree, Chaz. The world has gone batshit crazy and it’s a relief to hear a few voices of reason and empathy.
I feel so goddamned helpless though…

"All we can hope is that our megar comments can inspire each other to do better think better and be better are a life raft in this insanity."
How about a solution instead of restating the problem over and over?

Sloan Bashinsky

Hi, Realist -
I agree with you that a lot of pissing and moaning online doesn’t change anything going on in Gaza, but I imagine Hamas likes all the pissing is on Israel.

I’ve read most of the comments you invoked here, and I have read both Caitlin and Chris Hedges for a good while, and I simply do not see a solution that anyone can enforce, force or make happen, because I don’t see anyone who can make Israel and Hamas behave differently.  

President Biden could cut Israel loose, but Israel would still have access to a huge stockpile of U.S. munitions stored in Israel for the U.S. military’s use in the Middle East. And, Israel has plenty of nuclear bombs. 

What I suppose will happen sooner or later is Hamas and Israel grow tired of being harassed by the people of Gaza and the people of Israel, respectively, and that leads to some sort of truce or armistice, for a while.  

Or, Israel sim[ly bombs the rest of Gaza to rubble and it becomes a wasteland where people live in tents or bombed-out buildings or makeshift shelters- if they don’t starve to death or a plague sets in and kills them. 

Hamas and the man leading Israel and his inner circle are religious fanatics. They are convinced God is on their side. They don’t care what Caitlin and Hedges or you and I think about them. 

I’m 81 and live in Alabama, USA. I have lots of aches and pains, so even if I had a passport, which I don’t. I can’t go to Gaza or Israel and make noise in the streets and paint very real bullseyes all over me, which I have done in America. 

However, if I lived in Gaza and was still beathing, I’d be really pissed at Hamas and I would be letting Hamas know that, and I would be all over social media about it until Hamas killed me or made a deal with Israel to end the war.
If I lived in Israel, would do the same thing.

But I don’t live in either place, and neither does Catiin, who lives in way down under (Australia), and Chris Hedges, who lives in America- both, like you and me, safe from the bombs, rockets, grenades and bullets flying in Gaza. 

I think Hedges should get out of his comfy office and go to the Gaza frontlines and interview people in Gaza and learn and report how they feel about Hamas. Then, Hedges should walk over into Israel and do the same there. Perhaps Caitlin can fly from Australia to do the same.  

As is, they report is second hand from what other people are reporting. Or third hand. Or fourth hand.

I think this is a reasonable suggestion. Caitlin and Hedges have large paid subscription numbers. I do not pay Caitlin, but I do pay Hedges, because he does not allow free reads. 
Maybe just armchair video gamers like you and me.

“Maybe just another armchair video gamers like you and me."
Where did you get the idea that I am a video gamer? I am not.
The solution to the Deep State problem is to destroy the Deep State.

Sloan Bashinsky
As for destroying The Deep State, I’m all ears how you say that can be done, but first I suppose I need to see your definition of The Deep State, because I have heard different versions of what it is, and I am pretty sure what most people’s view of it are of what it is manipulating unseen, glad that so many people think they actually know what The Deep State actually is.

"As for destroying The Deep State, I’m all ears how you say that can be done, but first I suppose I need to see your definition of The Deep State..."
The Deep State is also all ears, therefore I will not describe the tactics to someone I do not know. There are a number of ways that can be done. The Deep State is the unelected entity that controls this country.
If you can not understand the concept, you will be of no use.

Sloan Bashinsky
I understand the concept in ways most people who talk about The Deep State cannot begin to imagine. You said somewhere above that revolution is how to defeat The Deep State. You told me The Deep State controls “this country”. I’m an American, so I will proceed as if you mean America, where Donald Trump is proposing a revolution if he wins or loses in 2024. 
You spoke somewhere above of armchair cowards at their keyboards, yet you used a fake name, as do many people here use fake names.  Sometimes using a fake name is necessary to remain alive. Sometimes remaining alive is secondary to taking a stand that requires being in plain view to do what needs to be done. 

So, I give you the benefit of the doubt, even though I do not use a fake name and I go about pissing off a lot of people at Caitlin’s and Chris Hedges’s places, and many other places, using my real name, stating where I live. I’m in plain view on Facebook, Substack, the free internet library,, and various google blogspots, and non-monetized, ad free The Redneck Mystic Lawyer and The Redneck Mystic YouTube podcasts, also watchable by Torrent clients, who are far more open to something different than are YouTube, Rumble, Spotify, Facebook. X, etc. and Substack users.

To bring off a revolution, you personally have to put yourself at risk. If you do not do that, then you are pretending to be a revolutionist. A German theologian named Dietrich Bonhoeffer is attributed to having said, “Silence in the face of Evil is itself Evil, God will not hold us harmless.” He wrote a very serious book, THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP, in which he compared “cheap grace” to the real thing. He and other men tried to kill Adolph Hitler and they were caught and executed.

Hitler was backed by The Deep State, in two ways. The first way can be somewhat understood by reading World Without Cancer, about the Rothschilds and I.G. Farbin. The other way can be somewhat understood by reading THE SPEAR OF DESTINY, by Trevor Ravenscroft. 

There is the behind the scenes cabal, some call it the Illuminati, of which the first U.S. President Bush was a member. They pull many levers people like Joe Biden and Donald Trump cannot begin to imagine. They pull Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s levers without them knowing it. They profit regardless of who is in the White House, regardless of who is in Congress, regardless of who is on the Supreme Court. They profit from the war in Gaza. They love the war in Gaza. They view Caitlin and Chriss Hedges as pawns, stooges.

Good luck beating them, but sometimes there are ways to disturb their peace, if you are willing to take personal risks.

There is a much deeper state, which is not of this world and that is what Ravenscroft’s book is about. That deep state pulls the levers of the human deep state cabal, and the levers of Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and the levers of just about everyone actually.

The way Caitllin and Chriss Hedges can disturb both deep states’ peace and agendas is they get out of their safe armchairs, where the are making a good living without much, if any, personal risk, and they go to Gaza and talk with a lot of people in Gaza about their view of Hamas and Israel, and they publish their findings at their Substacks. Then, they go to Israel and they try to get the Israeli government to show them their evidence about the October 7 attack and about Hamas’s infrastructure in Gaza, under hospitals, under the UN relief headquarters, and so forth, and Caitlin and Hedges report that at their Substacks. 

Right now, Caitlin and Hedges are reporting and commenting what other people are reporting and commenting. It’s 2nd hand, or 3rd hand, or 4th hand. And, Caitlin and Hedges are cherrypicking what they wish to report, and they cast as Zionist or American propaganda anything that disagrees with them Certainly, there is propaganda, and Caitlin and Hedges make it, as well, to support their positions. 

If I were president, I would declassify all U.S . Government UFO files which would fuck up just about everything. I would cut Israel loose. I would bring my soldiers home to peacefully as possible defend the invasion from Mexico and to protect public schools from NRA and U.S. Supreme Court-enabled domestic terrorists. I would ban Americans from going to Mexico. I would ban people in America from sending money to people in Mexico. Until Mexico stops the invasion. I would make Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s cheap, fast, early stage covid cure freely available. I would allow the American auto industry to use the road-tested hydrogen from water fuel technology patents in the U.S. Patent Office, to make America totally independent of oil within its own borders and the Middl East.
Every day, I would speak for half hour, live TV, to the American public, alternating between the different networks. Or, I would livestream a podcast every day, if the networks didn’t cooperate. I would not use a teleprompter. I would not use a speech writer. I would not use a press secretary. 

I would expect to be killed.

I have given you my perspective, and I would like to hear your strategy for disturbing The Deep State’s peace in Palestine and in America.
"I understand the concept in ways most people who talk about The Deep State cannot begin to imagine. You said somewhere above that revolution is how to defeat The Deep State. You told me The Deep State controls “this country”. I’m an American, so I will proceed as if you mean America, where Donald Trump is proposing a revolution if he wins or loses in 2024."
Yes, I am an American. The 'revolution' Trump is proposing is not the type of revolution I mean. He is proposing to work within the system as President. This will never work; there is no system as most Americans think of it. He supposedly tried that the first time. My take on Trump is he is rather naive (being generous) or controlled opposition. He chose his administration from the ranks of Deep State minions. He acted as an operative of the Deep State. If he believed in the United States, he would have pardoned Assange and Snowden.
"There is the behind the scenes cabal, some call it the Illuminati, of which the first U.S. President Bush was a member. They pull many levers people like Joe Biden and Donald Trump cannot begin to imagine. They pull Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s levers, without them knowing it. They profit regardless of who is in the White House, regardless of who is in Congress, regardless of who is on the Supreme Court."
Yes, that is my position, except both Biden and Trump understand the situation.
At the end of WWII, the United States was the consummate winner...nobody laid a glove on us. The two great oceans were a significant factor. The CIA was born in 1947 from the remnants of the OSS. Over the ensuing sixteen years, it became the muscle behind those of the rapacious, megalomaniac persuasion (Deep State). On a beautiful fall day in 1963, when a CIA bullet entered the front of JFK's head and spewed his brain onto the trunk of the Presidential limo, the governmental system of the US was changed forever. All US Presidents after that were titular. Read 'The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War' by Stephen Kinzer
I use a pseudonym, not to 'hide' from the powers that be but to avoid the riff-raff from emailing me and visiting my abode with ill intent. Those in control can find my identity in seconds.

Sloan Bashinsky
Well said, thank you. 
President Kennedy, his brother Bobby, Martin Luther King and Malcom X all opposed America at war in Vietnam and they all were shot and killed. 

I don’t see any chance of a revolution that will fix America. But I can imagine a Civil War if Trump loses in 2024. 

"President Kennedy, his brother Bobby, Martin Luther King and Malcom X all opposed America at war in Vietnam and they all were shot and killed."
That is true, but in JFK's case, I believe his assassination was at the behest of Allen Dulles, mainly in retaliation for his firing by Kennedy one year earlier.

Sloan Bashinsky

in 2005, I met a man who said he worked for the CIA in Vietnam when France was trying to retake Vietnam, and although outwardly America was supporting France, his units mission was to help Ho Chi Minh beat France, because America wanted Vietnam’s rubber trees and other natural resources for itself. He said Ho wanted to do business, but America asked too much and, not caring for China, Ho sought the Soviet Union’s help. Kennedy didn’t want America to be at war in Nam. War is very big business. President Eisenhower warned Americans about the military industrial complex. I watched President Johnson promise on national TV that he would not send American boys to die in a war in Asia. Then, he did just that. What changed his mind? He wanted to keep breathing? His family was threatened? His hound dog was threatened? :-)

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