Yesterday, a three-judge U.S. District Court of Appeals panel in Washington D.C. unanimously ruled that Donald Trump does not have total immunity for criminal acts he might have committed while he was president. Trump’s lawyers filed an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, which, I can imagine, even with six conservative justices, three appointed by Trump, will not rule an American president can, say, kill his wife, because she is is divorcing him and that is a political embarrassment to him, which interferes with his presidential duties, and he can get away with it.
That the total immunity argument even was made in a court of law causes this former United States District Judge law clerk, who then practiced law and tried cases in the state and federal courts of Birmingham, Alabama, to wonder if Donald Trump and his lawyers are (a) legally insane, (b) criminally insane, (c) demonically possessed, (d) from the planet Klingon, or (e) mutants? Since I don’t think the courts have ruled calling someone a mutant is defamation, I will pick (e), because I don’t want to piss off the Klingons, who seem far more sane and pleasant than Donald Trump and his lawyers.
Yeah, I can hear it coming: "What about the dirty commie Joe Biden?!?!”
Well, Joe's a mutant, but he ain’t no commie, which any MAGA would figure out pretty damn quick if he/she lived in Russia and criticized Vladimir Putin on Facebook. I read online today that Putin hopes Trump is elected in 2024, because that will be much better for Russia than Joe Biden remaining in the White House.
Joe Biden is guilty of helping Israel murder over 30,000 unarmed people in Gaza, which I doubt will play well at the Pearly Gates when he leaves this life. I regret voting for Biden in 2020, because he had not received the endorsements of the KKK and Vladimir Putin, and he had not kept and studied a book of Adolph Hitler’s speeches. I now wish I had voted instead for the Road Runner, who seems to have far more sense and decency than Joe Biden or Donald Trump, and the people who advise them, and their lawyers, all of whom remind me of the terminally stupid Wile E. Coyote, when they don’t remind me of zombies of the apocalypse.
Trump and Biden are mutants with legions of admirers, which makes their admirers?
What’s the cure?
Consider a curious discussion I had with a man after he commented under the For the old old who are tired of living and the young who want to die... post, which I figure would not interest Joe Biden and Donald Trump and their mutant legions at all.
No Cause for Merriment
well, that seems less egregious than how billy (vaccine) gates suggests going about trimming world population by 70% . . . his victims aren’t necessarily willing.
Sloan Bashinsky
Gates really proposed that? If so, he volunteered himself to be at the front of the trimming line? :-)
In March 2005, a familiar voice asked me in my sleep, “What do you think of the species?” I woke up, said that I wished I had not been asked that question, but since I had been asked it, although some people are evolving, in the main, the species has lost its creativity and is spiritually cloning itself and devolving, and if what was done to me to turn me around was done to the species, perhaps 50, 000 people would survive it, so perhaps it would be kinder to remove the species form this planet and put it somewhere it has a better chance of moving forward. As more time passed, I reduced 50,000 to 5,000, and as more time passed, I reduced 5,000 to 500.
As for vaccinations, because of my age, 81, and I had prostate cancer, I was in the first batch of people to receive the Pfizer covid vaccine at the University of Alabama School of Medicine in 2,000. Later that year, Alabama hospitals were turning away people with serious medical emergencies because the hospitals were full of unvaccinated covid patients, fighting for their lives and dying. President Donand Trump came to Cullman, Alabama, about 50 miles north of Birmingham, and held a MAGA rally, and was booed for asking the audience to get vaccinated. Alabama Governor Kay Ivey, a Tump disciple, said people who are not vaccinated need to be vaccinated. I said, unvaccinated people who caught covid should not be allowed into Alabama hospitals. I got booed for saying that.
The tragedy was Trump had a cheap, fast, effective early-stage infection cure in his hands, provided by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, and the FDA gave it emergency approval, until Joe Biden, the Democrats, CDC, Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH, WHO, Lancet and the medical-industrial complex went haywire and the FDA director rescinded the emergency approval. Instead of firing and replacing his FDA director, Trump caved to the political pressure and launched Operation Warp Speed, He could have kept America open, and the entire world would have followed suit. There would have been no need for a covid vaccination against Red China’s bioweapon, which got loose before China had developed a vaccine, and having both the bioweapon and the vaccine, China could have held the rest of the world hostage, until Dr. Zelenko developed the cure and Trump didn’t have the balls to make it freely available all over America.

No Cause for Merriment
well, they're claiming Gates was taken out of context . . . that might be true . . . some claim the vid was edited . . . that might also be true . . .
i'll see if i can dig up that video for you . . . i watched it once myself and he clearly said that the key to curbing overpopulation was sterilization through vaccines . . . i was taken aback by it . . . let me see if i can find that for you
Sloan Bashinsky
It wouldn’t surprise me if Gates said that. There is no question that humanity has over-produced itself and for what purpose? To destroy the planet on which humanity depends for its very survival?
I recall in 2000, taking a taxi from the Mumbai airport into Mumbai, and the woman I was traveling with, who had more than the 5 senses, said all she could see in the air was serpents, and I said, not like the friendly Saturday morning cartoon serpents, and she said, not those type. Soon, we came upon a large track of bare land, just dirt, on the left side of the roadway, and it was coverer with homeless people, sitting or lying about two feet apart, thousands and thousands of them, doing nothing, and I wondered where they bathed and relieved themselves, and where did they get food and drinking water, and what was the point in them even being alive? Imagined some yogi master would be able to answer that, but to me it simply was horrible.
Humanity really is destroying Earth, and that should be every nation’s #1 priority, but religions and politics and capitalists have other plans for the species and the planet. It’s on each person to be the best he or she can be, instead of just another member of a herd following a leader, who claims to know what’s best for every member of the herd.
No Cause for Merriment
and if he didn't say it, he was likely thinking it . . . i remember looking at a human population timeline and i was surprised to discover that the planet hosted a fairly steady 1-billion until the 1800s when it began to soar . . . i never did any research into the wherefore . . . i thought perhaps advances in medicine, but a dug a little deeper and discovered that western civ wasn't the driver . . . asia was the primary driver, followed by africa . . . i really should study to find out what the driver was . . . i can relate to your observation in India . . . in the animal kingdom the herd gets thinned to maintain a balance but the human herd just keep skyrocketing, which taxes the earth's resources and creates an abundance of people with no meaning to their lives.
Sloan Bashinsky
Humanity has lost its connection to reality. Religions have failed. Politicians have failed. Governments have failed.
I’m an American, who has returned to his home state, Alabama, probably to live out his remaining days. 81, I have been around the world twice. I have spent a lot of time in the Caribbean and Western Europe and Costa Rica. I have been dragged by angels through the hells of fire in myself and in other people and society. I once had a pretty good sense of how other parts of the world viewed America.
My best friend, who does the tech work for my books getting into the free internet library,, and for The Redneck Mystic Lawyer and The Redneck Mystic podcasts (YouTube), or The Redneck Mystic Lawyer podcast (Torrent), might be breathing his last breaths because of a delayed response to bad men trying to kill him, to shut him up, and left him for dead. It won’t surprise me if the same happens to me, to shut me up. He and I feel we were changed so much that it is like being from another planet, visiting Earth, interacting with humans, yet we are humans, stuck here until the mother ship retrieves us, so to speak.
So, should there be a vaccine to cause sterility? I'm sure the planet would vote for that. But how would it be enforced? Could it be enforced? Would it start a world war? Revolutions? Who can say?
Just look at America. Its politics are out of control. its devout Catholic president is aiding and abetting genocide in Gaza, while its southern border is looking like Santa Anna’s revenge, and the American right has been taken over by a reincarnation of Adolph Hitler, and its Christians, in the main, behave as if they never read what Jesus said in the Gospels. How could such a nation be a beacon of light, a reason for hope for the world? It simply cannot.
So, it boils down to how each person lives and copes with what life serves them each day. It's one on one with God by any name called. That’s all that is left for the species gone off the rails and still moving away at warp speed, while the rest of the animals on Earth live as they were designed or evolved. How’s that for positive thinking :=)?
No Cause for Merriment
Sloan, you're old enough to be my older brother and I think we've both observed similar social events and zeitgeist . . . when i was young, i'm sure the globalists and elites were victimizing people left and right but by comparison to today those days seemed tranquil and orderly and made sense . . . also, life was relatively affordable . . . apart from vietnam, the government didn't seem overly abusive but these days "off the rails" is probably the best catch phrase to describe the scene we're living . . . where we're heading is difficult to predict, but i do believe that much of the world is seeking an exit ramp from US hegemony and bullying and will someday be pulling the plug on the US financial system and we'll probably slide into a soviet style default and sink into the multipolar world as just another player . . . i look forward to that actually but i'm also quite certain that the bastids will try to kick the can down the road, monetize the debt, and foist hyper inflation upon we peasants before it all comes crashing down.
Sloan Bashinsky
I majored in economics in another lifetime, practiced law in a later lifetime, then the fun began. All empires crumble. It’s never pretty. America is gonna get a lot more interesting, maybe Stephen King should run for president:-) Rise of the Mutants, America might be known for 2,000 years from now, ass-u-ming the planet hasn’t died or terminated humans in self defense. :-)
Meanwhile, I’m curious why you didn’t respond to what I wrote about Trump and Dr. Zelenko? Shutting down America wreaked economic, emotional and spiritual havoc in the American middle and lower classes, and unleashed improperly-tested vaccines in America. I had the initial Pfizer shot and two boosters, but if Zelenko’s cure was available, I would not have allowed myself to be a medical-indu$trial complex guinea pig, and Alabama’s hospitals would not have been overrun with unvaccinated MAGAs. Dr. Zelenko’s cheap, fast, early-stage infection cure was God’s response to Red China’s bioweapon, and instead Trump gave Americans a 2nd bioweapon, the covid vaccines, the long term mutation consequences of which may never be fully understood.
No Cause for Merriment
well, that reminds me of something else . . . i remember when the banks failed in 2008 . . . Baby Bush bailed them out in the final 3 months of his term and then the Obamarma continued bailing them out . . . opposite sides of the same coin those politicians are . . . same with the injection . . . Trump-a-Dump helped it happen and Brain-Dead-Biden force fed it to the masses with heavy handed coercions . . . i was a refusenik . . . they'd have to straight-jacket my ass to get the billy gates vaccine into me.
Sloan Bashinsky
A nation of mutants mutating :-). It is my heretic opinion that the only way to drain the swamp is to nuke Washington D.C. when all the swamp creatures are there. And if Trump isn’t there, then nuke wherever he is :-). And even then, America still would be the mutant apocalypse.
No Cause for Merriment
trump blew it . . . said he was gonna drain it, instead he surrounded himself with them . . . they prevented him from doing anything except what the cabal wanted done and now they're hounding his ass so he can't run again . . . the dumb bunnie had his chance and blew it.
Sloan Bashinsky
Trump indeed blew it, but he sicked the hounds on his own sorry ass when he incited the January 6, 2020 coup attempt, instead of letting his stacked US Supreme Court decide who won the 2020 election, like had happened in the 2000 presidential election. Yesterday, the D.C. federal court of appeals ruled Trump did did not have absolute immunity, and today his lawyers will try to persuade the Supreme Court that Amendment 14, Section 3 does not apply to the president, but applies to anyone else who swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and then engaged in insurrection against same. Trump sicked all the other hounds on his sorry ass, too. He has nobody to blame but his own sorry ass.
No Cause for Merriment
he told them to protest peacefully
Sloan Bashinsky
Here’s what he told them to do:
"We're going to walk down. Anyone you want, but I think right here, we're going to walk down to the Capitol--And we're going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women and we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them.Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong.We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated. Lawfully slated.
I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today, we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections. But whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country. Our country has been under siege for a long time. Far longer than this four year period.”
Then, he didn’t have the balls to go with them, and when he saw on TV in his secure location what they were doing, he enjoyed it, and despite pleas from people close to him, he waited a long time to tell his mob to stand down. Before that, he had recruited them to come to D.C. to stand strong. And he promised to pardon all of them, if he is elected in 2024.You have convinced me that you are one of his mutants.
No Cause for Merriment
don't confuse me for a maga hat wearer . . . i'm an anarchist, not a lap dog
Sloan Bashinsky
So is Trump an anarchist. You cherry picked what he told his mob, convincing me that you and he are birds of a feather.
No Cause for Merriment
what i see is this . . . many people in DC commit crimes and none are ever prosecuted . . . they made an exception for trump, so they politicized their corrupt system to badger an opponent . . . so it's a double standard . . . and just more evidence of DC corruption, that's my view on this.
Sloan Bashinsky
Trump made an exception for himself, the first American president to stage a coup attempt, and you are one of his tens of millions of mutants who want him to get away with it.
I have a very good friend, who voted twice for Trump. My friend is a US Army Special Forces combat veteran. After January 6, he told me that all of the rioters should have been shot dead. But he did not say Trump should have been shot dead.
Facebook hammered me for posting that at my FB page.
America truly is a nation of mutants.
No Cause for Merriment
well, if you ask me, many heads should roll down there and never do . . . i haven't seen anything which resembles J from the DOJ since Bobby Kennedy was AG
Sloan Bashinsky
of course many heads should roll down there, and if you want to get that started, you should be shrieking for Turmp’s head to roll. I’m signing off.
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