Saturday, August 5, 2023

Some Donald Trump and Republican Party astrology (karma) charts

     I read in my Apple News feed this morning that Donald Trump's lawyers argue that Trump's speech leading up to the January 6, 2020 assault on the national Capitol was protected under Amendment 1; and Trump actually believed the election was stolen, and thus he spoke in good faith and not with illegal intent thus he did nothing illegal; and the trial should be postponed until after the 2024 presidential election, because a trial during the campaign season will interfere with Trump's ability to campaign and will contaminate the 2024 election.

    This former Alabama practicing attorney, who clerked for a United States District Judge that presided over ever criminal prosecution in north Alabama, laughs over the cause of the January 6 coup arguing he is innocent because he believed the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Even as I cringe, wondering how a Trump-packed U.S Supreme Court will rule on those arguments, and pondering the odds of the January 6 Prosecutor, and Prosectors in other Federal and State prosecutions against Trump) striking a jury that doesn't have a Trump sleeper agent on it. 

    Last night, I "accidentally" stumbled across this blast from the past, which I had posted at

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Trump & Republican astrology charts

    This below from the February 3 The Party of Lincoln became the Cop Killer Party post generated some Facebook discussion, pro and con:

Sloan Bashinsky
Throughout yesterday evening, I watched TV clips of the memorial service for Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who was murdered in the January 6 Capitol riot. It was heart wrenching, a long precession of police officers saluting Brian Sicknick. President Biden and his wife paid their respects. I did not see Donald Trump and his wife.
I also watched many TV clips yesterday evening of Donald 
Trump inciting his white mob on January 6, and what they then did. Mass insanity, demonic possession. Many police officers at risk, trying to stop the frenzied mob. Trying, but not succeeding.
I wondered how "law and order, protect the Constitution" Republicans, generally, and in Congress, would have responded if the insurgents were black, instead of white?
I wondered why Republicans, generally, and in Congress, are not every last one of them publicly denouncing Donald Trump and his mob for killing Police Officer Brian Sicknick? I thought the Republican Party had become the Cop Killer Party. Without remorse.
I wondered if the Senate's now Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell, after saying, “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people," will vote to convict Trump for inciting insurrection? Or, will McConnell weasel? Because, he's a weasel. Because, he's incapable of putting America ahead of his political party? Because, he's afraid Trump will kill him politically? Because, he's afraid Trump loonies will kill him, knowing that's what Trump wants them to do?
I wondered how many Republicans, generally, and in Congress, are in Mitch McConnell's predicament?
I wondered how many Republicans, generally, and in Congress, love what Trump and his white insurgents did on January 6?
I thought all of them will hear about all of that when their roll is called up yonder.

Excellent. I wonder?

Sloan Bashinsky
I think all Republicans should wonder how God views their response to January 6.
I can imagine Republicans who might read the above thinking, or blasting me, for being a commie Demorat Instead of just sitting with what actually happened, provoked by their president. That I'm not a Democrat, and never was one, nor a Republican. Won't matter to them. If I wrote something like that, I have to be a commie Demorat. They are unable to spell RepubliKlan.
I wrote this to a Republican yesterday, who keeps sending me red propaganda.
"When the Democrats are in control, I beat up on them, when the Republicans are in control, I beat up on them, going back quite a few years; what I never see is the Democrats trying to get their own house in order, nor the Republicans trying to get their own house in order. And when in transition, I give both sides attention."
When Barack Obama was president, I wrote a lot about him, and very little about Republicans.

Mark Ebenhoch
Trump never even uttered the death. Even while sitting at the oval office. He's a POS human scumbag

Sloan Bashinsky

I find ironic that all the Police murdered and injured by BLM and Antifa none were lionized like this officer. I guess it makes a difference who is accused of the crime.

Sloan Bashinsky
Your president ordered the taking of the Capitol, and that made a bit of a difference.

First, he was everyone's President. He never ordered anything. He told the crowd to make there voices heard by their elected representatives. He told them to be peaceful. The incursion in the Capitol started before he finished speaking. I have never liked Trump, but I do not like injustice. This is a travesty

Sloan Bashinsky
You must not watch TV.

Sloan Bashinsky, I always tune you in. Leaves little time for TV.

Sloan Bashinsky
TV News is where I watched videos of Trump himself ordering the mob to stop the steal and take back their country, and he was going with them, but he didn't go with them, it turned out.

Lee Ann
He definitely incited that fiasco. He is also responsible for the murders of the people that died. He needs to be held accountable. I looked, once again at his astrology, and it shows a soul propped up by privilege, and truly as his chart shows, born under some mighty lucky stars. His stars meet their waterloo in a demise that is rapid and dramatic, as exhibited now. Trump, as was Napoleon and Hitler, were potentially bright lights. Let me remind you, the brighter the light the deeper the shadow.

Sloan Bashinsky
My goodness, Lee Ann, you should start a weekly astrology TV report; didn't you, as a psychic counselor, once have your own TV talk show? You could get yourself, hmmm, burned at the stake?

Lee Ann
Yes, I was in three different shows but had one of my own.

Sloan Bashinsky
Are you able to do an astrology chart on the Republican Party? Or, is its astrology crystal clear. Its sun rose and set on Donald Trump. Its moon is Marjorie Taylor Green. Its rising sign is this photo:


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