Friday, August 4, 2023

The first campaign podcast, and a run-in with a Joe Biden basher


    The other day, a tech buddy and I recorded the first campaign podcast, which can be watched by clicking on this link:

    Topics covered: American public school children should be protected from mass shooters by the American military and National Guards and members of The National Rifle Association; Women have a God-given unalienable right to use Mother Nature's Herbs to prevent and end pregnancy, which was common practice in Colonial America and Benjamin Franklin wrote a book about it; Suffering Elder Americans should have the same right as their beloved pets to be put down; The Resistance is as crucial in America today as it was in World War  II Europe, to disturb the the Left and the Right; and to people who like what I say, please spread the word on other internet platforms and with news media.

    Yesterday's launch post at this culture-jamming rag attracted a Joe Biden basher, and some discussion ensued, which I don't suppose the basher bargained for?

Sloan how do you like your democrat president?

Sloan Bashinsky
Joe Biden is your president, too. If he’s the best the Dems have to offer, that’s tragic. On the other side is the American version of the Third Reich. I just a bit ago told a friend who voted twice for Obama, then twice for Trump, that the only way to drain the Swamp is nuke it. 

I’m not claiming him. 
He is dishonest to the core and hates America. With all of Trumps baggage you can’t say  he doesn’t love this country.
You can say that about biden because it is the truth.

I have a very good friend in his 50s, who is a U.S. Army Special Forces combat veteran. A Republican, who voted twice for Donald Trump. After the Jan 6 coup attempt, my friend told me, and I could quote him, that the people who assaulted the US Capitol on Jan 6 all should have been shot dead. But he did not say Donald Trump should have been shot dead.

Joe Biden thinks he loves America as much as Donald Turmp thinks he loves America. It looks to me that Donald Trump loves himself above all else, and since I was raised like Trump was raised, I recognize a sorry ass rich white spoiled country club brat when I see one.

In the law is the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur - the thing speaks for itself. The photos of Trump rallies and the Jan 6, 2021 coup attempt, and the Charlottesville Confederate monument removal protest showed oceans of white faces.

Born and raised in Birmingham, and having been a white supremacist myself at one time, I figure anyone with walking around sense knew when Trump kept saying the 2020 election was stolen, he meant, stolen by blacks

I beat Joe Biden up at a Democrat forum today, over Hunter. I could have beaten Joe up over lots more. 

I posted that beating in a new blog I started just this morning, The Redneck Mystic Lawyer for President, on the Unicorn Ticket. Here's a link to that post. 

    Whether or not this new blog is a spoof, or for real, I leave for the beholder to decide.

    Meanwhile, more Leftist propaganda😎-

The Hill

Republican Group Demands 'Consequences' For Trump In Scathing Fox News Ad 

Ed Mazza

A Republican group opposed to Donald Trump is launching a new ad campaign on Fox News that’s a lot different from the right-wing network’s programming right now.

While many of the network’s hosts defend Trump amid the federal indictment accusing him of trying to reverse his 2020 election defeat, the spot from the Republican Accountability Project urges “consequences” for the former president.

“Trump told them to fight,” the on-screen text states as clips of Trump urging his supporters to “fight like hell” on Jan. 6 is spliced with footage of the mob doing exactly that at the Capitol.

“Trump did this. He’ll do it again,” the text states. “Unless he faces consequences.” 

The organization said the video is part of a six-figure ad campaign to run on Fox News nationally, as well as in the swing states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin over the next week, including on “Hannity” and “Fox & Friends.”

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